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The Light

The Light

Eva La'Dell TVEva La'Dell TV



If you're looking to tap into something greater and evolve as an individual. Consider this your how to guide and motivation to do so. Great for entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs and those looking for self-mastery and self development.

Podcastmotivationmotivationaltalentself masteryself discoveryentrepreneurskillspodcastbusinessself development

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The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and self-mastery in realizing one's talents and gifts. They suggest getting to know oneself by spending more time alone and learning one's likes, dislikes, and preferences. Self-mastery involves developing and honing skills, as well as learning new ones. Communication skills, such as broadcasting, can also contribute to self-mastery. The ultimate goal is to become a better version of oneself. The speaker hints at a future part two where they will delve deeper into the topic. Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you. Okay? Everyone was born with a gift or a talent. Okay? Therefore, some of us may take longer than others to discover them or to realize that we're actually good at it or that we even have those gifts or talents or to even realize that it's even a talent or a gift. Okay? So, listen. Number one, the first thing you want to do is get to know who you are as an individual. Okay? This requires spending a little bit more time to yourself. Okay? Spend a little bit more time with yourself than you spend with others. Okay? When I say with others, I mean other people outside of your household. Okay? So, that's the first thing you want to do. Get to know who you are. Learn your likes, your dislikes. Okay? Learn what gets you going and what brings you down. Okay? Learn your tastes. You know, the things that you find tasteful and the things that you find distasteful. Okay? The things that you enjoy doing. The things that you don't enjoy doing. Okay? Get to know who you are. Okay? Because once you know who you are as an individual and discover your talents and your gifts, with that alone, okay, you've pretty much mastered yourself. Okay? This is self-mastery. Okay? There's some steps and a lot of processes that go into self-mastery. Okay? Some of the steps include developing your skills, self-development. Okay? Honing your skills. Okay? Building on the skills that you already possess and also gaining and learning new skills, new talents, new discoveries. Okay? This is all part of self-discovery, which also contributes to self-mastery. Okay? There's other processes that go into it. I'm going to break that down for you. When it comes to self-mastery, okay, learning who you are and building on your talents, building on your abilities, adding to those abilities, strengthening those abilities, sharpening those skills and talents and abilities, communication. If you enjoy communicating or creating podcasts or content creation and stuff like that where you're actually using your voice, okay, then you might want to work on some communication skills when it comes to broadcasting, for example. Okay? So all of that contributes to self-mastery, okay, which leads to becoming a better you. Okay? I'm going to do a part two to this where I actually go more in depth. Okay? So be on the lookout for that.

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