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This is a Master Class that aims to show how thought form becomes physical form. The class is for anyone aged 6 to 106 and aims to address issues like inflammation, limping, surgeries, and prescription drugs. The instructors claim that 99% of surgeries and health conditions can be prevented by taking back one's power and using their techniques. They emphasize the power of the mind and how beliefs and thoughts shape one's reality and health. They also mention the importance of men learning to protect their families and the increasing prevalence of autoimmune disorders and cancer. The class focuses on the idea that thoughts and beliefs create programs that determine one's health or illness. They stress the importance of feeding positive beliefs to create good health. Good day, everybody, and welcome to the International Training Institute of Health Master Class. Okay, this is the first Master Class that we've ever done where we're going to show you that thought form becomes physical form. This Master Class is for who? It's for anybody six years old to 106, and I'll tell you why. Because how would you like to not walk around inflamed? How would you like to not walk around limping or have to know that you're part of the majority where you're going to go have to get surgery at some point, which you don't? And how would you like to not be like most of the majority and be on prescription drugs where they have to numb you down and dumb you down? Understand something. I want you to watch this show and to challenge us and to see how we are going to be bringing to you a new paradigm shift about the physical body and how 99 out of 100 of all surgeries that happen do not have to happen. They're preventable, except that what's happened is the system has become a machine. The system does not have a beating heart. It does not have feelings. It has a bottom line, and we're going to show you how you can take your power back, okay, and how you can become the light for your family. We're going to show you how the medical system would treat something, and then we're going to show you how we would treat you and how we will give you a guarantee that if you ever come for treatment to us, that the first time we do any of our body work, whether it's wolf-deep tissue or whether it's wolf non-surgical or whether it's wolf facial sculpturing, that in the first treatment, we will do more for you than all other treatments, or we'll offer you a money-back guarantee. Now you're going, well, why would they offer some money-back guarantee? Because when you introduce something that's never been introduced before and people do not understand the power or the validity of it, we need to put ourselves on the line so that we can deliver to you something that's going to take you out of the dark ages of what we would call a physical body in pain and suffering and disease, and we're going to show you how we're going to reverse that today, aren't we, Abby? Yes, very excited to share everything with you guys. It's groundbreaking, the therapy we do, so should we get to it? Yeah, and just understand something, Sage and Abby, okay, they are master trainers, and I just want to set the stage properly, okay? They go all over the world. They go to people's homes, they go to people's clinics, they certify practitioners, okay? You know what? I know what you're thinking, wow, they look young, and I will tell you something, okay? There's a genius in a baby. There's a genius in all of us, and we want to hand that over to you, and we're going to show you that, okay? Abby and Sage travel all over the world, and they'll go into people's homes for five to ten days, or they'll go into clinics and certify practitioners that have been practitioners for 30 and 40 years. Yeah, you hear what I'm saying. So understand something, it's all about the power of the technique and the power of the mind and what you do with that technique, and that's what we're going to show you today. The first thing we're going to be doing, though, is we're going to be talking about how thought form creates physical form. This show, okay, is going to be where we're showing you how to work on the whole body, right Sage? Totally. But everything starts as an emotion, so we want to go into the invisible before we actually work on the physical. That's right, and we're going to show you from the tip of your nose down to your toes, we're going to go through every major joint, every major condition that you end up having to take drugs for or have surgery, and show you that 99% of those can be prevented when you decide to take back your power, and the power would be the mind, because where the mind goes, the body follows, and you better get this, because your personality has created your reality on whether or not you've had heart disease, whether or not that you've had a tumor right now, whether or not you've got arthritis in your hands, migraine headache, TMJ problem, a hearing problem, eyesight, or diarrhea or constipation, these have all got to do with your personality, and your personality is based on your beliefs, and those beliefs, you can believe it or not believe it, but you can do your own research, but the beliefs that the majority of the population has, and I do mean majority, like 9,999 people out of 10,000, their beliefs, the negative beliefs are 70-90% of them, and your subconscious mind rules you. Your subconscious mind is 90% of your brain. Now understand something, the only time that you've ever become the master at anything, whether it's good or bad, is when you've repeated it 10,000 times, because until you repeat it 10,000 times, it doesn't become a prominent thought. So that is where you need to take a deep breath with us, get into your lion heart breathing, take 6 seconds in and 7 seconds out, maybe even hold it for one or two seconds, because that's called zero point, the present moment, and you need to calm down, and you need to say, I'm going to take the time to watch this whole series. I'm going to take the time to watch every show, because especially you men out there, you don't even know what your position is, because you don't have to go out and kill any animals to bring food home, do you? You don't have to protect the home against anything. Yes, you do. You've lost your place. You should be protecting your family. You should be learning how to do this deep tissue technique, and you should be learning on what makes a healthy family an unhealthy family. That is the job of a male, and males are lost today. So wives, I know you're going to try to sit these guys down, and they're not going to want to learn this, because they believe that you're the caregivers, but they're the protectors, and unless you have somebody in the home that's going to hold the loving line and learn this, then nobody's going to be safe. Nobody's going to be safe from what's out there and what's coming for us. So, what do you think, Abby? I think you're 100% right. This world is getting crazier and crazier. Things are getting more intense. Everybody's going to extremes. What is it? One in every third person is struggling with an autoimmune disorder now, and it's all reversible. It's all healable, and you are the healer. Yeah, so we got one out of every three women get cancer. One out of every two men will be getting cancer, and it's actually 85% of the population has autoimmune disease now. One third left actually five years ago. So, you can see we've hit the tipping point right now, and understand something. If you don't want to become a statistic, then you better learn and do what everybody else is not doing, okay? There is no more time to follow the herd, okay? So, let's begin with this, okay? So, what I said was, as I said, that thought form creates physical form. So, that means that your thoughts matter. So, understand something. The image that you hold for yourself, your family, for the world, for your life, is what you're going to create. Whether you want to believe this or not, okay, you're not even 1% physical. The main part of you is energy, and that's scientifically proven. If you go into our other videos, we're not going to go into that really deep today, because trust me, make sure that you go and watch, okay, the four steps to the perfect day, okay? And go watch that, and then you're going to understand what I'm talking about. But today, what we're going to talk about is this, is that every thought that you have, every prominent thought that you have, becomes a belief. Yes. Every belief becomes a program. So, it starts off like this. You want to go down to the beach, you got to make a trail through the bush, you got to work hard, right? But then what happens, you keep walking it and walking it, it becomes a path. And then more people take it, or you keep taking it, it becomes a road. Then it becomes a highway, then it becomes a freeway. So, understand something, your prominent beliefs want to be fed. 100%. And they run you. And your programs create your health or your illness. So, what programs do you really want to run? Yeah. So, you're going to love this one, guys. So, your prominent beliefs need to be fed. And you're going, what do you mean they need to be fed? Well, guess what? You spend, okay, you spend at the most 5% of your day in the present moment, the other 95% is being programmed, okay? At least I'm being programmed, I program myself to be in the present moment, okay? My thoughts are mine, nobody rules me, nobody schools me, okay? So, what I'm trying to say is this, you take a look with anybody that has a disease, did you get that? Anybody that has a shoulder problem, an elbow problem, a hip problem, a fibroid in their pelvis, calcium deposits in their breast, a lung problem, a sinus problem, losing your hair, all of this started off as a thought first that went to an emotion that you repeated enough that went to a belief that became a belief system. So, now guess what? If you had the belief that you totally loved yourself, you'd have total health. Okay, this morning I talked to a gentleman and he runs one of the biggest clinics, natural health clinics in North America. And he's been going through my information and he said, you know what? I have never heard of anything like this in my life. And just even thinking of totally loving myself is a selfish act. And I said, wow, how old are you? And he told me and he was just over 50 years old and I go, well, it's time to change, isn't it? Would you like your children, would you like your children, okay, to love themselves 10%, 20% or 100%? Well, of course, 100%. Then what's wrong with you? We won't go into that today. So, now these beliefs, your prominent beliefs, if they're positive, they're creating a foundation for you from the minute you wake up until you go to bed. It's called pleasure. It's called joy. It's called happiness. It's called when things go wrong, they don't go wrong. It's a part of the adventure. But if you've got beliefs that are dysfunctional and based in negative, when things go wrong, you break down. But here's the deal. What did I tell you? I said, your prominent beliefs need to be fed. Now, what if those prominent beliefs were negative? They would need to be fed, how often? All the time. And what do beliefs become? They create a problem of dis-ease, not at ease with self. So, understand this. Here we go. And I'm going to say it quickly and efficiently, but I told you, go watch the four steps to the perfect day if you really want to get a handle on this. So, here it is. You have an image. The image becomes a thought. The thought becomes an emotion. The emotion then is a frequency. The frequency triggers the chemist, which is the brain, that releases the hormones and the chemicals. You have chemicals and hormones that spell H-A-C, because you're always trying to hack it up, get that hairball out, okay? And that would be histamine, adrenaline, and cortisol. That's hacking. You're always trying to spew something out, some orifice, because you're always in pain. Or, if you had a loving, unconditional thought for yourself, unconditional love for yourself, then what you're going to be is you're going to be triggering what? A daily dose. Daily dose, D is what? Dopamine, O, oxytocin, F, serotonin, E, endorphins. And that's how this game is played. And if you did that, you wouldn't have any pain in the human body. And if you did, you would understand that pain is a friend. Pain is a GPS. But no, you got taught to attack pain, which means you're attacking your body. And that's why 85% of the population has autoimmune disease, because autoimmune disease means attacking oneself. You are not crippled. You are not dumb. And you're not stupid. And you're not cursed. And you're not a sinner. So get over it. And start really embracing what you are. You're a light energy being. So now these negative beliefs are going to need to be fed. So guess what? What do you think is the most prominent part of you? The disease that you have. And the disease that you have is now eating you. So the belief that you used to feed is now feeding off of you. And welcome to pain and suffering till the end. And there is not a pharmaceutical company that doesn't love you right now. They all love you, because you are running negative emotional beliefs, because thought form becomes physical form. And when you hate yourself, oh, I don't hate myself. Well, you're only running love or you're running hate. So if you're running a hate program, then you're going to be sold off by this pound. Oh, yeah, I got to go for surgery. I'll lose a piece of this and a piece of that. My father had 13 operations. He had three heart operations. My grandmother used to show me and pull up her dress even and show me all her scars. My family believed that if you got a piece cut out of you every three years or every couple of years that you'd live forever. And that piece that they were trying to cut out of them was the rot that was in their mind. Because, listen, you've got a landmine. You're not the master of your mind. I absolutely believe nothing that I hear out there. I absolutely believe nothing from anybody, unless it's based on total, unconditional love for oneself and this planet. And it's based on getting back to nature because everything has spirit. And until you find your spirit, then you're going to be in pain and suffering. What do you guys think? And that's the thing in our day and age. It's just people are constantly looking externally to find themselves, to fill themselves up with other people's emotions, crappy food. And the answer is actually just stop, take a step back, get into your breath and start looking inside. What do you truly need? What do you know that is actually going to benefit you? What do you know that is actually going to help you? Know that like is actually going to benefit your body. Stop going with the herd and with everybody else because you're getting programmed because that's what is out there. It's all about almost imprintation of just everybody doing the same thing. Stop being like your average show. Why not be your unique gen and just do your own thing? Start eating correctly. Start living life the way you deserve. And that's starting with self-love. Yeah. Yeah. So it really comes down to this. Whose program are you really running? Yeah. That's the deal. Because it's not yours. Yeah. If it was your program, you know what? You would be living a life of joy. And if it was your program, you would be allowing people when it's their time to leave the planet, like the indigenous people. When somebody was leaving the planet, they would have a celebration. It's a celebration of life. You're letting your spirit go. Our biggest words are disease, death, dying, divorce, hate, you know, but they're all those D's. And you know what? They've been implanted into you. So it really comes down to program. Totally. And every program is a living thing. That's how you have to look at it. Everything in this world is living. So if you have these negative programs that you're running, you're needing to feed all of this negative energy into it. Ask any alcoholic. Yeah. Ask any smoker. Ask any vapor. Ask any heroin addicts. People with addiction. They need their fix. Yeah. And if you said to them, listen, don't you know you're killing yourself? And what would they say? Yeah. But you know what? My reality is, is my personality isn't good enough for mommy and daddy and everyone else. So I'm trying to become someone else. And because I know I'm not worth loving, I'm actually killing myself to show everybody I understand I'm unworthy. And the bigger the thing is, the more it eats. So just think about how big some people's programs get. Yeah. So is your is your negative belief the size of a dinosaur? Okay. All right. So you'll know and you'll start knowing because you're moving so slow because the more negative beliefs you run, the less energy you have and understand something. The more energy you have, the faster you heal. The more energy you have, the more you can love. And we can't live without love. It's like oxygen. Totally. And one other thing, too, with with programs and with them creating all these physical blocks in our body, right? She's got tissues. Everything starts from that energy. Everything starts from that. It triggers that emotion and that emotion triggers all these physical blocks. So you're actually when feeding these negative beliefs and negative programs, those physical blocks that are attached to those are growing bigger and bigger, leading to things like fibroids, scar tissue, knots, tumors. And understand something, you know, like we said already, you have to have an emotional block before you have a physical block. That emotional block is you blocking off of loving yourself, you judging yourself. The biggest thing you can mistake you'll ever make is judging yourself and others. Observe and learn or judge and burn. And you're burning up your body. Every time you do that, you're dumping the the acidity right into your system. And then you've got to pull on the calcium. Then the fibrin has to be made for the scar tissue to wall it off and the crystallization and then your energy comes down. So like Abby was saying, you're creating everything physical from a pimple to a tumor and understand something. The one thing is some people think a fibroid is a tumor, but it's not. A fibroid is a massive scar tissue where a tumor, what does it need? It needs to be fed. It steals your nutrition and it blocks nutrition from the rest of your body. And we're going to teach you in this course that it doesn't matter whether it's arthritis in the joint, OK, or whether it's adhesions in the abdomen, whether it's a tumor on the fibroid. Yeah. Or it's a tumor on the TMJ. Sage is working with a patient right now. And or whether it's fibroid in the breast. They're all scar tissue, even a tumor is mainly scar tissue and you're taught not to touch it. We want to lovingly take it apart and lovingly ask it to leave the body. Right. And that's the thing, everything with love, everything with love and everything with self-love, unconditional love. And you know what? I want you to think about what I said earlier. Don't think that you're ever going to totally heal unless you totally love yourself, unless you let yourself off the hook. So understand something. This is where you're owned. OK, and you're going to give yourself away with this one. And you've got to create your own game, right? How many blockages like do you have, though, in your body? Like people don't even realize what's going on and and really how warm are you and warm by like, do you have circulation? If you don't have circulation, if you're constantly cold, then that's just a wake up call right there immediately. Cold hands, cold feet. Yeah, you're so right. And understand something. And what we do is we teach you how to bring up your circulation, OK, and bring up your temperature, because that's what we need to do is we need to melt everything down. Yeah. There's an ice block in you on an emotional and physical level. And on the emotional level, it's dysfunctional beliefs. On the physical level, it's scar tissue, crystallization and calcification all come together to create these blocks. And like you just said, Sage, a cancer patient doesn't have one block called a tumor. OK, they have 30, 15 to 20 at least. Yeah. Well, the average person that has arthritis has 10 blocks and we find them go throughout the body. And remember, they have blocks here. That means they got in their forearm. They got in their elbow. Everything starts to slow down. If you got one big blockade, the dams just start creating along the road. That's right. And if there was beaver dams all along the river that slows down the water, that's down, slows down the flow, which slows down the oxygen and nutrition from getting into your shell. And remember your blood cells. Well, guess what they are? They're ferry boats of light. And if you don't get the light into the mitochondria and into the DNA, because your DNA give off light 24 seven, your mitochondria feed on light, which makes the ATP, which creates the energy. So do you see what we got going down here? So for every block you have, you're slowing down the flow. And when you do that, OK, you are also slowing down the most important part. So what we need to understand is and I know that there's a lot of people out there going to have a little bit of trouble with this, OK, because they're going to say it's hormonal or they're going to say that it's this and that. And what I just want to tell you something, most of what you know about your health is incorrect, because if it was correct. You wouldn't be suffering right now or in pain or, you know, you wouldn't have all those drugs in your in your cabinet in the bathroom and you wouldn't be thinking about the next appointment, the next treatment that you need. So let's make something really clear here from a pimple to a tumor. And every issue in your tissue from your nose to your toes is you not being able to process some type of emotion, OK, or understand something because you what happened was is you. OK, so you have to cut this part in order to start right here. So what happens was you were actually giving a platform that doesn't work, OK, and that platform meaning that you can't process your emotions properly. What happens is when you can't process an emotion properly and let it go or or make peace with it. Until you're ready to deal with it, it gets stored in the human body, the human body. It actually is the storyteller of your life. OK. All right. And you can go back and you can rewrite your story by changing your personality, by changing your most prominent beliefs. You're going to change your personality. You're going to change your reality. You're going to take and change thought form. You're going to change physical form. So understand something. Unprocessed emotions need some place to be stored right from a pimple to a tumor. And guess what? That if a tumor is getting larger or the arthritis is getting worse or the colitis is getting worse or the migraines are getting worse. And you've tried all these supplements and all these treatments. Understand something. It's a scar tissue issue. And it's also an emotional issue of you putting yourself on the rack and torturing yourself and believing that you're unworthy to be healed. I need you to understand that if you have a disease for more than a few months on a subconscious, unconscious level, that is now your best friend. And if I said that to you, you'd say that's not true. And I will tell you that any belief that you've had for a few months and what do you talk about the most? Okay, what do depressed people talk about depressing things? And what do they take? They take things for depression, drugs. Now, what do people talk about the most that have inflammation in their body, the inflammation and the pain in their body? What do people talk about the most when things aren't going their way? They're always talking about how things aren't going their way because you are the creator of everything and you need to mind your own business. And your own business is minding your thoughts and understanding something. Whatever you have grown in your body, if you don't want it, if you change your frequency, your vibration, it has to leave. That's universal law. And I'm going to tell you right now, forget man's laws. I don't want anything to do with man's rules, whether it's health, whether it's government, whether it's anything outside there. Okay. I don't need any of man's rules because when you unconditionally totally love yourself, you are going to do things not to harm yourself or others or anything else that has spirit, which is everything on this planet. That's literally it, though, like clock it, like your prominent beliefs, the things that you do, your pain in your body, clock it, see when it's occurring calendar and see what's happening in that moment to actually activate that emotion or that feeling or that pain and see how often that happens and what is reoccurring for that to happen. And you'll be surprised. It's probably going to be the exact same thing over and over. And tracking yourself is the best way to change your life when you can track what you're doing, whether it's your thoughts, your food you're eating, the pain you're experiencing, you're allowing that stuff to surface. So it's visible to you and you're like, you're now aware of it and you're like, hey, hey, maybe that thought triggered me to eat that food. And hey, look, I had really bad inflammation the next day. But here's the problem. When this happens, you're in your subconscious and you're not even aware of it unless you're going to buy into the Braveheart 12 loving steps and buy into Lionheart breathing and the perfect day and live in zero point, which is the present moment most of the day. And for most people, they'd have to set a little bell on their phone to go off every five minutes to start reprogramming you. It's never going to happen. And if you want the gold, then you would come and take our whole life coach certification, even if you're never wanting to open up a practice or if you're running a practice and it doesn't seem to be going the way you want, because we guarantee that we're going to show you this. It's taking your power back. Take your power back. Yep. And I will tell you right now that even the largest percent of the natural health practitioners out there aren't practicing this. When you go to see a practitioner and when you go to see someone, do you ask yourself, are they vibrating high? Where is their frequency? Do they honor, respect and love themselves? Because you can't give what you're not. So what we're trying to teach you is if you honor the biggest part of you, which is the invisible part, you'll never have to worry about the physical part. But even if you decide to change your mind, change your diet, change the way you live, understand something. The issues in your tissues are beef jerky. They've come over time. So we will lovingly show you how to do this for yourself and your family. So the biggest thing is, is we don't understand that we've become beef jerky. You know how grandpa is walking and he's stiff as a board and you go, Grandpa, are you in pain? I don't feel a thing. Well, that's just what between the drugs, between the scar tissue, between the displaced calcium and the crystallization, it is totally cemented all his nervous system because he could no longer stay in pain because as long as we're having pain, the energy is leaving our body and the longer and the more deeper the pain, the bigger the disease. Welcome to cancer. Welcome to autoimmune disease. Welcome to heart attack. Welcome to stroke. Welcome to Parkinson's. Welcome to MS. Welcome to all of these things. All right. So understand when you start to get a stiff joint, okay, when anywhere in the human body or you become twisted because of scoliosis or you get torticollis, which is wry neck, okay, or you continually have a sore throat, all of this is inflammation creating scar tissue and eventually your body is going to create enough scar tissue. You will not have any pain in that part of your body, but guess what? It's in big trouble because now the vibration is really low and these are the areas we see tumors growing. We see boils. We see cysts. We see fatty tumors. Hey, how am I doing here? Okay. So understand something. I will have people come to me and they'll go, I have been eating well for 10 years. Everything is organic. And I'll go, yeah. And have you done the mind work? Some have, some haven't. Okay. But then I'll go, and have you ever had deep tissue? Oh yeah, I've had deep tissue. No, you haven't. Okay. And I'll go, let us do a treatment on you. And I promise you that, that knee, that wrist, that shoulder, that toe. Okay. That's fine. In the first treatment, I guarantee you that we'll give you 60 to 80% minimum relief. One treatment where we're going to go in and you have to understand what happens here. Okay. First of all, let's say this is your muscle tissue. So all your muscle fibers have blood and lymph and they have invisible energy flowing. Well, that invisible energy would be you. Okay. Now what happens is continually living in fight, flight and fright causes us to freeze. And when we freeze up, we contract. And when we over contract, okay, those fibers come tight together. Then eventually, because they're coming tight together, the light, the blood and the lymph cannot get around these fibers, cannot get the blood cells in to drop off the light, the nutrition, the oxygen and get the toxins out. They stick together. They start sticking together. And then guess what? Dehydration comes in. Oh, because everybody thinks they drink water. They don't drink structured water. That's for sure most people. And, you know, we won't get into that issue right now. But the reality is the drier that this gets and the less light that comes in here, this starts to shrink and comes up and it comes up into a ball. I've got a knot in my neck. I got a fibroid in my in my breast. I got a fibroid down in my groin. I can't move my joints. My fingers are now starting to close down because everything is shrinking. So even like an inch, if it was an inch thick of muscle, that would come down to maybe a quarter inch or less because it becomes dehydrated. All we're doing, people go, well, where's all the crystallization going to go? Where's all the all the scar tissue going to go after you've worked on me? What if I what if I have a heart attack or a stroke because of it? No. When we let the light in, which is in the blood, and we allow the nutrition to come in and the energy to flow because even the invisible energy gets stopped by a block instantaneously, that beef jerky goes back to new healthy, vibrant, young tissue just like that. And you tell me that we don't heal at the speed of light and I'll tell you, you don't know what you're talking about. And here's one thing I do want to talk about. And this is really important. You take this home. The whole notion of healing is that the whole medical system says they do not believe in the energy body. Okay. Who are they kidding? All of their equipment that tests you to see if you have cancer, to see the bone density that you have, to test your blood is all testing your energy, your spirit. That's right. Your vibratory level. So they don't believe in energy medicine. They don't believe in the energy body, but all of their equipment tests the energy body to find out what physically is going on with you. Let me tell you something. Go check out the Hippocratic Oath where they say they will do no harm. It's not in there anymore. And the other thing is I want to say something. The only thing left of that is the hypocrite. Don't you dare tell me that you don't believe in the energy body and then tell me that you're going to use equipment that tests the energy body to find out what's body. What do you think? I was born yesterday. Okay. And the reality is, is this, if they ever did admit to it, well, that would be the end of pharmaceuticals and that'd be end of about 99% of all surgeries. And this is where we're standing. And this is why we're making this video today. This is why we're coming out to tell everyone that this needs to stop because the implants of a new hip, a new knee. Okay. And the screws and the plates, unless it's totally needed, cannot be done because it's a foreign object. And it will continually create poisoning and inflammation, scar tissue formation, crystallization and mutation in your body. But understand something. If you totally unconditionally loved yourself, you wouldn't be going to surgery. You wouldn't be taking the drugs and you're going to go, he doesn't know what he's talking about. Well, guess what? I think you forgot who created you. And you've been disconnected to that for a long time. Even if you tell me that you have faith in some religion, I'll tell you that you've lost your connection to the spirit because the spirit knows all the spirit heals all. And that's the bottom line. And I'm sticking to it. Yeah. And the biggest thing too, is as those amazing, you covered a lot of things in that, little spiel there, but I wanted to just touch on the inflammation and the pain and everybody's GPS system and how they're just completely ignoring it. They don't even pay attention to their warning signs of the pain and the inflammation. And then it's leading to all this scar tissue formation, this crystallization and this dysplasia. But they're not ignoring the pain. You're wrong. Well, they're shutting it down with drugs. Nope. There it is. So they're not ignoring it. So guess what? Pain is your friend, but for you, it's your frenemy, right? And the reality is if you attack the pain, you're attacking the human body, which means you're running a hate program and you bought into a hate program. You don't even know it. And guess what? Pain is the greatest teacher and your GPS on a physical level. And on a emotional level, it's your imagination. Your imagination is the greatest thing that you could have. But guess what? When I was in school, I got a good slap side to head. Darryl, stop daydreaming. Well, guess what? I'm never going to stop daydreaming. It's my dream. It's my game. And I'll dream whatever I want. And I'll dream so big. And that's why we're here today. If I didn't dream this big. All right. And if I didn't know who I was, I'd be scared to talk about this or I'd be scared about thinking what you're thinking about. A lot of you watching this right now, you're going, he doesn't know what he's talking about or, but I won't take it personal. I won't take it personal that you don't understand your body. I won't take it personal that you don't love yourself. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. And if you ever want to buy into this, okay, drink the Kool-Aid of unconditional love, right. And really learning how to look after this physical body. This is why we're putting this series together, right? Exactly. Yeah. It's honestly, it's going to be life-changing if everybody can really honor themselves, love themselves, and really just own it and take, take their life back because that's what it's all about. You need to stop listening to outside sources. Like they just saying, not looking externally for this love, for that self-love and look within and really do the things that are going to help to heal your body. And, and what what's going on in the world today isn't working. Just know your personal worth. Like you can go to the hospital and buy a prescription drug to buffer down some pain you're feeling in your body, or you can actually dig into that pain and figure out what caused it, what emotions attached to it. Everybody, right. Cause a lot of people don't know what we can do and what, what we can offer them. They think that maybe that is their only choice, right? So this series is just going to be so amazing to just open that door for everybody to understand that they do have other options that aren't going to harm their bodies. And understand something, anything that you push away, pushes back. Don't try to push away pain. Okay. Just connect to your breath and breathe, and then close your eyes and then picture light all around you and in you. Just give that a shot and see what happens. And then take massive personal action at how to master the mind, because where the mind goes, the body follows. Yeah. You have to rewrite your story. That's what it comes down to. You can rewrite your past. You can write your present and your future and create the perfect day. That's right. And guess what? And you're going to go back and you're going to write the story the way you wanted it. If you were physically abused by someone, sexually abused, if you were neglected, okay. If you feel that you weren't loved, use your imagination and go back to the first time that you felt that arrow go through your heart, because you don't understand this, but from zero to seven, that is when 70 to 90% of all the dysfunction in your life took place that you're running with today. Even when you're in mommy's womb, okay. Because for most children, because parents don't realize that pain and suffering is not a part of life. The womb is called the womb of doom for most children. Parents don't realize that we pick up those vibrations and- You're connected to your mother. You are connected to your mother. And we'll prove that when we show you everything. You pick up every frequency, every emotion. It's really exciting about the personalized treatment and training, but it's the perfect pain-free pregnancy that we do. And honestly, this is so foundational and so important for every single couple who's wanting to start a family, because we actually will come in and train you on how to have the right emotions going through your body, flowing through you and going into your baby. We're going to train you on the right nutrition, the deep tissue to prepare your body to have a pain-free- The non-surgical. Yes, the non-surgical. And we're going to train the husband on how to work on the mother and throughout her entire pregnancy. It's absolutely amazing. Getting through the pregnancy and not allowing trauma and drama to create an adrenaline rush that exhausts you. And then you end up saying something that you don't want to say or do. Think about you as a man. You're not the one with the child, but you have now a big part to play because you've learned how to do the Wolf non-surgical. And you can actually go in and open up her low back, her spine, her pelvis, and you can get rid of any pain she has, any muscle, any joint in the body. And you can give her a pain-free pregnancy instead of just sitting on the side going, football starts at eight. Okay. So understand we need to take massive action because to be able to bring a child into this world, we should be so humbled and so honored. And when they get here, understand something. They are your teachers. You are not their teachers. Anyways, we're going to come back to it, but understand something. Everything starts off as a thought. So thought form becomes physical form. And we are an inflammation nation. And the media, the government, the pharmaceutical companies run both of them. And they know that the more stress they bring into your home through the TV, through any type of news, okay, that that's going to cause you to do the things that feed, okay, their belief system, which is so hungry, it'll eat up your whole family before you even wink an eye. So when you bring love home and you bring health home, and you make your home into a true castle, and you empower your family, that's what this series is all about. And we're going to show you that, aren't we? Yes, very excited. Thanks for joining us, everyone, for part one of the International Training Institute of Health Masterclass. We'll see you in part two, and make sure that you have your pens and papers in hand because the training has just begun.

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