Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The podcast explores the story of the industrial revolution in 1863, focusing on the experiences of mill workers. The mills in Massachusetts employed young women, who faced long hours, low wages, and unhealthy conditions. The workers protested against wage cuts and unfair treatment, leading to strikes. The narrator shares a personal account of participating in a strike, highlighting the importance of solidarity and collective action. The purpose of the narrative is to inform the public, provide historical insights, inspire labor activists, and advocate for labor reform. The narrator aims to preserve the history and empower women. The account sheds light on the struggles and resilience of factory workers during the Industrial Revolution, emphasizing the need for fair treatment and better working conditions. Welcome to Happy History, the podcast where we explore historical events through primary sources. I'm your host, Erika Gombodoros, and today we will explore the story of a significant industrial revolution in 1863 described by Harriet H. Robinson, who was a former mill worker. Her narrative provides a look into the lives of factory workers during the American Industrial Revolution, highlighting their struggles and their resilience. Let's start with some background. In the early to mid-19th century, America was undergoing the Industrial Revolution. This period saw rapid growth in factories, especially in the textile industry. One of the most notable examples of this industrial boom was the rural mills in Massachusetts. These mills employed many young women, often referred to as mill girls, who were recruited from rural areas with promises of steady wages and a degree of independence. However, the reality of the mill worker was far from ideal. Workers were schooling hours typically 12 to 14 hours a day, along with low wages and unhealthy working conditions. Economic downturns and competitive pressures frequently led mill owners to cut wages and increase workloads, sparking widespread discontent and protests among the workers. Now we have a special guest coming on to give us our primary source. The social upheavals of the market revolution created new tensions between rich and poor, particularly between the new class of workers and the new class of managers. Lowell, Massachusetts was the location of the first American factory. In this document, a woman reminisces about a strike that she participated in at a Lowell textile mill. One of the first strikes of cotton factory operatives that ever took place in this country was at Lowell in October 1836, when it was announced that the wages were to be cut down, great indignation was felt, and it was decided to strike, en masse. This was done. The mills were shut down, and the girls went in procession from their several corporations to the grove on Chapel Hill and listened to incendiary speeches from early labor reformers. One of the girls stood on a pump and gave vent to the feelings of her companions in a neat speech, declaring that it was their duty to resist all attempts at cutting down the wages. This was the first time a woman had spoken in public in Lowell, and the event caused surprise and consternation among her audience. Cutting down the wages was not their only grievance, they were the only cause of this strike. Each of the corporations had paid 25 cents a week towards the bill of each operative, and now it was their purpose to have the girls pay the sum in this, in addition to the cut in the wages, would make a difference of at least one dollar a week. It was estimated that as many as twelve or fifteen hundred girls turned out, and walked in procession through the streets. They had neither flags nor music, but sang songs, a favorite but rather inappropriate one being a parody on I Won't Be a Nun. Oh, isn't it a pity such a pretty girl as I should be sent to the factory to pine away and die. Oh! I cannot be a slave, I will not be a slave, for I am so fond of liberty that I cannot be a slave. My own recollection of this first strike would turn out, as it was called, as very vivid. I worked in a burial room, where I had heard the proposed strike fully, if not vehemently, discussed I had been an ardent listener to what was said against this attempted oppression. On the part of the corporation, and naturally I took sides with the strikers. When the day came in which the girls were to turn out, those in the upper rooms started first, and so many of them left that our murals at once shut down. Then, when the girls in my room stood irresolute, uncertain what to do, asking each other, would you, or shall we turn out? And not one of them having the courage to lead off, I who began to think they would not go out, after all their talk, became impatient, and started on ahead, saying, with childish bravado, I don't care what you do, I am going to turn out, whether anyone else does or not, and I marched out, and was followed by the others. As I looked back at the long line that followed me, I was more proud than I have ever been since at any success I may have achieved, and more proud than I shall ever be again, until my own beloved state gives to its women citizens the right of suffrage. The agent of the corporation, where I then worked, took some small revenges on the supposed ringleaders on the principle of sending the weaker to the rule. My mother was turned away from her boarding house. That function is saying misses. Hansen, you cannot prevent the older girls from turning up, but your daughter is a child, and her you could control. It is hardly necessary to say that so far as results were concerned this strike did no good. The dissatisfaction of the operatives subsided, it burned itself out, and though the authorities did not accede to their demands, the majority returned to their work, and the corporation went on cutting down the wages. And after a time, as the wages became more and more reduced, the best portion of the girls left and went to their homes, or to the other employments that were fast opening to women, until there were very few of the old guard left. Robinson's role was intended for multiple audiences. Firstly, it aims to inform the general public about the conditions and struggles of male workers. It also helps historians and scholars benefit from her detailed first-hand perspective, which provides valuable information and a source for material studying the labor movement and industrialization. Additionally, her narrative serves as inspiration for labor activists, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and collective action. Future generations and policy makers are also key audiences, as Robinson seeks to preserve the history and advocate for ongoing labor reform. Robinson writes from the perspective of a former male worker who experienced these conditions firsthand. Her empathy and solidarity with her fellow workers are clear throughout her writing. She advocates strongly for workers' rights, emphasizing the importance of collective action and labor reform. She is aiming to preserve the memory of these events and their significance in labor history. Why did Robinson choose to write this account? She had many different motivations. As someone who lived through the experiences she described, she felt a personal connection and responsibility to document these events accurately. She wanted to advocate for labor rights and inspire others by showing the power of solidarity and collective action. Robinson also wanted to empower women and preserve the history of the labor movement for future generations. Additionally, her account serves an educational purpose, aiming to foster a greater understanding and empathy for the workers and to advocate for more serious social and economic reforms. Taylor H. Robinson's narrative of the male worker strike in 1863 is a powerful testament to the struggles and resilience of factory workers during the Industrial Revolution. Her first-hand account provides invaluable insights into the harsh realities of industrial labor, the emergence of the labor movement, and the critical role women played in this struggle. By sharing her history, Robinson not only preserves the importance of history, but also inspires ongoing efforts to fight for fairer treatment and better working conditions for all workers. Thank you for joining us on Happy History. We hope you found this exploration of Taylor H. Robinson's account enlightening and inspiring. Stay tuned for more episodes where we continue to uncover the sources and stories that have shaped our world. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review if you enjoyed today's episode. Until next time, I'm Erica Gamba-George reminding you to keep listening to Happy History.