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cover of FXM - Life Architects podcast -  Raining - No Training !! Time to reset
FXM - Life Architects podcast -  Raining - No Training !! Time to reset

FXM - Life Architects podcast - Raining - No Training !! Time to reset


When the Weather gets cold in Melbourne, Its time to dig deep and stick to your own Personal Promises . There's no time like the present to build the Mindset and habits and rituals to keep you on track ! Join us on the FXM Podcast for Tips and tricks for how to build Elite Standards to create


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The podcast discusses the importance of consistency in training. It emphasizes the need to set up schedules, habits, and rituals to ensure that one does not have to rely on willpower to decide whether or not to train. Planning and committing to non-negotiables are key. The podcast also mentions the Transform and Win Challenge and encourages listeners to reflect on their initial motivation and progress. It acknowledges that motivation can wane but stresses the importance of staying on track and seeking support from the community. The podcast concludes by urging listeners to reach out for help to get back on track and achieve their goals. Hello, and welcome to the FXM podcast. Tonight we're going to talk about one of the things that is so important in your training, and that is the topic of consistency. When do they turn up with a process of saying, it's raining, no training? When did that happen? One of the most important things is really setting up your schedules, making sure that your habits and rituals are all in place to ensure that whenever you've got to go into that willpower battery, that there's actually a real sense of not having to wear down that energy, not having to go into the willpower battery to decide, am I going to do this? It's really cold. Maybe I won't go and train, because as Bedros Koulian says, if you're coming to training in the evening, then the chances are you probably should have trained in the morning too. How do you set up to make sure that you're really and truly consistent? Nothing beats planning. We talk about this in the Life Architect program, around creating your habits and rituals to really make sure that certain things in your day, in your week, in your month, in your year are just non-negotiable. Now, what those are, whether you decide that training for you is every morning, whether training is every evening, whether training is some mornings, some evenings, the most important thing is that you actually lock that in. We here at SXM use our calendars. We commit to things on a Monday morning at 8.15. We look at our calendars for the week, and we work out exactly what we're doing. Friday, we do our draft plan, and then we work out exactly what it is that we have to achieve to really not just win the day, but win the week. There's so many things that can become distractions. There are so many reasons not to do what you know is actually really important. How do you go about that? What are the habits and rituals that are most important to you? We all lack motivation at times, and that's just human. That's reasonable, but what isn't reasonable is missing one day, missing the next day. Whether it's training, whether it's nutrition, whatever it is in life, whether it's meeting that deadline, whether it's calling your mom, whatever the things are in life that you've committed to, how do you show up? How do you actually make sure that the things that you've agreed to, the things that you've committed to, you actually do? Now, some people are really amazing at this. Other people take a little bit more inspiring or motivating to actually make sure that they're really doing the right thing. Now, those of you that came into FXM through the Transform and Win Challenge, one of the things that you would have been given there was your FXM journal. Now, it's in the e-journal, but it's really helpful to actually maybe go back to that, go back to the Facebook group, go and have a look at the kickoff, go and have a look at the midway check-in, and go and have a look at the end. What were the team talking about at the kickoff when you were so motivated about wanting to hit your goals, wanting to lose weight or gain that muscle, or whatever it was that you put down at that point? Can you remember back to how you felt at the end of the challenge or even at the midway check-in when you realized that actually your genes are fitting a lot better, you're feeling stronger? What are the other things that really came to mind at that point where you were really feeling strong, feeling motivated, feeling really positive about your personal journey at that point? How did you feel at the final marker when the prizes were handed out, whether you were a winner like Harry or Vesna, or whether you came a close second? All of those things. How did you feel? How proud did you feel about what it was that you'd achieved over those six weeks? If you remember back to the team talking at that point, to Melvin, to Jordan, to myself, to Zach, to Stefan, everyone talking about the six weeks being the kickstart, that it wasn't the be-all and end-all. Most people have said that during that six weeks period of time, you learn an awful lot, that you become confident in the gym, and that you really enjoy being part of this wonderful community that we have here at FXM. One of the things that we really said to look out for was that motivation and that lack of motivation. When you get to the reasons why not to train, tonight's pouring with rain, it's absolutely disgusting out there. But you know, and I know, that when you actually get here and you go through the training, what's it tonight? We've got a HIIT class tonight. An amazing way of warming up. We've got bone broth behind the counter. There's ways of making sure that you're sticking to your schedule, to the personal promises that you've made yourself. The thing is here, we are a really supportive community. So if you're in a situation where you're finding that you're needing a little bit of inspiration, you're needing a bit of support, you're needing that bit of motivation, because you know, it is hard. And you're training at the end of the day, or you're training at the beginning of the day. It's much better to sit in your nice, warm bed, to lie in your warm bed, and to just to lie in your warm bed and stay in front of the fire, rather than it is to come out and train. So I guess the question I ask you at this point is, if that's the case, how are you going to achieve those goals? How are you actually going to make sure that the winter is really used to build that summer body? You spent that six weeks working really hard, working on your nutrition, making sure that you stuck to the plan. And now you're dropping off. You're finding it's not so easy to get here. Well, that's why we're a supportive community. So talk to us. Come and have a chat. Come and find me. Come and find Melvin. Come and find Zach. And come and talk to Geordie, whoever it is that you want to have a chat with, that you need to pick you up and really help to get you back on track. And that's what we're here for. We're here to help you. We can't train for you, but we can turn on the sauna. We can come and help you when you're down here doing a HIIT class or first thing in the morning, last thing at night. We can be here to help you to create, to make your protein shakes, or just to have a chat with you about your goals and what it is that you want to achieve over the next six to 12 weeks. And we're here for you. You can reach out to us through zip leads, through the apps. You can email us so many different ways. You can drop us a DM on Instagram and just say, help. I'm not training as I should be. I've got no motivation. I don't like coming out in the cold. And let's help you to get back on track. So looking forward to seeing you all in the morning. Looking forward to seeing you in the evening. Let's do this. Let's get back in and get our goals set in stone. Let's set our non-negotiables. Let's put our habits and rituals back in place. And can't wait to see you all here. So from me and the team here at FXM, this is me signing off from my first podcast. And look forward to seeing you all very, very soon back here or expecting a call.

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