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The Genesis of Help Ministry

The Genesis of Help Ministry

Adeniyi Tosin OwolabiAdeniyi Tosin Owolabi



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The speaker emphasizes that the Gospel is a simple message of just believing in God. They discuss the Ministry of Health and its origins in the Garden of Eden. They explain that God created the earth and then created man to take care of it. They highlight the importance of man's role in tending to God's creation. The speaker also mentions the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden. They stress the responsibility of man to walk and keep the garden. God is good, all the time God is good. Hello listeners, it is my pleasure this morning to bring you the Word of God in its simplicity. Like I've always said that the Gospel is such a simple message that people, men, tend to overcomplicate. I'm happy this morning to let you know that the Gospel is simple. Like I usually say, just believe, just believe, just believe. And I'm trusting God this morning to ask us to study the Word of God together. The Spirit of God will expose the mind of God to us. And then we understand better what it is that God expects from us. So as we listen, I want you to listen well and listen good. And the Good Lord will bless you. I'd like to inform you that in our series we're going to be looking at the Ministry of Health. Over the coming days, coming months, it's going to be a long teaching. But we're trusting God to help us and give us the capacity to follow through. Because there's so much misconception in the body of Christ that we're trying to correct. And I believe that as we listen to this podcast, the Good Lord will Himself speak to you. And by Spirit, explain and expose these things more to you. In the name of Jesus. So I'd like to congratulate you if you're listening to this for the first time. And I want to quickly introduce myself. My name is Adiniu Olavi. So over the years, the Lord has been teaching me and taking me on the street of understanding what the Ministry of Health is all about. For me, the journey started some 10 years ago. And I have never regretted it since then. So ladies and gentlemen, I want you to sit back and expect great insight from the Living God. So what we are going to be looking at in this particular podcast has to do with the Ministry of Health as it is seen in the book of Genesis. As a way of introduction, I'd like you to understand that the Ministry of Health is not just a ministry that started in the New Testament. I believe the Ministry of Health started right there at the creation and most especially in the Garden of Eden. We are going to be studying the scriptures together and we are going to be seeing the Ministry of Health in the scriptures, especially in the first book of the Bible which is Genesis. We are going to see how God silently and systematically established the Ministry of Health in the Garden of Eden. It did not stop there but it continues to the time of our Lord Jesus Christ. It did not start with the apostles like so many people we may come to understand. And it didn't end with the apostles. The Ministry of Health has come to stay. The Ministry of Health has its source and its root right there in the book of Genesis through the scriptures. So we see, we are going to be looking at some of these things together as the Lord grant us insight, revelation and knowledge in the name of Jesus. So can we just quickly say a word of prayer. Father I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to bring this message and teaching to your people. Over the years you have been dealing with me on the subject of Ministry of Health. And I have taken it upon myself to teach the Church of God what it is all about. Father I pray that you grant me insight and revelation in the name of Jesus. And I pray let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight in the name of the Lord Jesus. I pray this morning that you open our hearts and our hearts even to receive that which you have in store for us. Thank you Jesus. In Jesus mighty name we pray. Shall we quickly turn our Bibles to the book of Genesis chapter 2. That is where we are going to be starting from. Don't forget in chapter 1 we saw the creation, how God created the heaven and the earth. Now the earth was without form. Let me quickly say something here. That God did not create the earth void and formless. It became void, it became formless. Whatever God made was perfect. But at a point in time it became void, it became formless. And the Bible says that the Spirit of God was hovering upon the waters. And the Lord made a pronouncement, let there be light and there was light. And at the instance of light everything begins to take shape. So I am trusting God that we have deep understanding of some of those things. So Genesis chapter 1 actually explains and gives us an insight into the creation. When I talk about the creation here, I am talking about God's creation. God's creation. God made the heavens and the earth right there in the beginning. And the Bible says in Genesis chapter 2 verse 1, The Lord rested on the seventh day. After He has all there is to make, He rested on the seventh day. He rested on the seventh day. Then in chapter 2 we see how God made man and then gave man the authority to dominate whatever it is to dominate. Thank you Father. So as we continue shall we, just quickly start from the book of Genesis. I am going to start reading from verse number 5. The Bible says, When no bush of the field was yet in the land, and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the land. Let me quickly give you a simple insight into what happens here. God has not made rain to wet the soil, to wet the ground. Because at the instance of rain, grasses are expected to spring up. We have a formality of what actually happened when God made heavens and the earth, and the earth became void and formless. Now, God, being a God of others, felt it is not right for grasses, the trees, the bushes, to spring up, to start growing up without nobody to tend to those things. So God held with that. It is in the Lord's mind that those things are coming to life. But they can't come to life unless there is a man to tend or to look after all those things. Do not forget that heaven is the abode of God, but the earth is given to the Son of Man according to the scriptures. So God is so principled that if God wants to do anything here on earth, He needs a man to do that. And do not forget our Lord Jesus Christ came in form of a man. Well, in theology, that phenomenon is called hypostatic union. Talking about the nature of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is 100% God and 100% Man. That means 100% humanity infused into 100% divinity. We need to have this basic understanding of what we are trying to establish here. So, there was no plant, bushes were not coming up. And God had not caused it to rain on the land. And there was no man to walk the ground. You get that? No man to walk the ground. And a mist was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground. Then the Lord God... Then the Lord God without the hindrance of the mist coming up to wet the ground. Then the Lord God formed the man of that dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Do you get that? Do you get that? If I was a mist, it started coming up. So, as a matter of fact, when mist started coming up to wet the ground, bushes, trees would begin to spring up. At that instant God felt there is somebody to take care of these things. Somebody has got to take responsibility of taking care of this my creation. I don't want to have a replay of formlessness. I don't want to have a replay of voidness. I want somebody, we need somebody to take care of this. I can do that. The angels can do that. I made this for the purpose of man. I made this for man. So man should be in charge. God did not make man, listen to this, until everything that makes man, man has been created. Praise the Lord. Man is not just talking about the self. He is talking about the capacity and the ability that God has bestowed on such a man to dominate, to be fruitful, to rule over everything that God has made. Please let us have this better understanding. The Lord will help us, in the name of Jesus. Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And the man became a living creature. And the Lord God planted a garden. The Lord God planted a garden after man was formed. The garden did not come before man. But the garden was already in the mind of God. But the moment God made man, the garden came to be. And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the East. And there He put the man whom He had formed. And out of the ground, the Lord God made to spring up everything that is pleasant. Everything that is pleasant. When man was made, they began to exasperate. Praise the Lord. They began to spring up after the man was formed, after the man was created. They began to spring up, telling us that the earth was ready to be colonized by man. There was no tree, there was no grass, there were no bushes. There were no bushes before man came. But when man came, those things began to come up. They began to come up. They began to come up. They were in the mind of God. But God, being the God of others, understands, knows full well that one has to come before the other. One has to come before the other. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Amen. God made to spring up everything that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. Please, pleasant to the sight and good for food. God, being God knew, man must heed. Man must have something doing. Man must have something to heed. Praise the Lord. And then the Bible says, the tree of life was in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and of evil. Now, I am jumping to verse number 15. The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to walk it and keep it. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Do we understand? God took the man into the garden. Behold the garden. This is the garden. Look after it. Tend it. Keep it clean. Keep it neat. I have given you everything you need to make this garden look its best. I couldn't have done it myself because I don't have a lega standing here. I have given you this. I created all this for you. But me, being God, I am expected up there and not down here. That is why I meet down here for you to look after down here. I couldn't have been able to be tending after the trees of the field, the bushes, the grass, the grass, the food and every other thing because I meet them. I did not meet them for me. I meet them for you. So, therefore, you got to take good care of all these things. God literally handed over the garden of Eden to man to tend it, to take care of it. So, man stepping in as a form of help in actualizing the purpose of God for man and for the garden. And do not forget that God put him there and everything he needs to do well, everything he needs to succeed and everything he needs to do a very good job was there. Food was there. So, man has no reason to be hungry. So far, you stay where God puts you to stay. So far, you are doing what God expects of you to do. So, you got no reason. You have no reason to be hungry, to be poor. As long as you stay in the purpose of God, things are going to fall in line. So, we have the fruit. We have the tree that produces the food. We have every other thing that will make Adam comfortable in that garden. God will make everything. So, as long as it takes care of the garden, the Lord God has made available the necessary provisions for him in order for him to sustain him. Glory to God! I believe somebody is getting this message. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Now, here is the point I am trying to make brothers and sisters and my dear listeners. God couldn't have been the one tending after the garden. So, God needs man to tend after the garden. God wouldn't have been the one to take care of the trees, to make sure they produce more fruit or more fruits. God needed a man to do that. Man was not made for the garden. The garden was made for man. The garden was not made for angels. The garden was not made for heavenly beasts. The garden was not made for divine creatures. The garden was made for man. And if the garden was made for man, God has to take a back seat and allow man to tend after the garden. Can we see the role of Adam? Can we see the role Adam is playing here? Alright, stepping into a God-ordained role in tending after the garden as a form of help. We are still going to look into how God brought all the animals to him for them to tend them. We are still coming to that. But for now, let's dwell. Let's ponder on what I have just said. God is a God of principle. God is a God of order. Whatever He says to one, He says to all. It does not just speak. It speaks and it goes into action. So, I'd like you to begin to imagine how far back the ministry of help has gone. It is not just something that Christ has established for the entire church. It has always been there. As it is in the beginning, it is now and it's going to be forever. And I believe the ministry of help comes to an end when Jesus comes back. What a noble ministry. What a noble ministry. Man stepping into a help role. Man helping. Can you put it this way? Humanity helping divinity to actualize the plan of the divinity to humanity. The Lord will help us in the name of Jesus. Can you just take some time to ponder what I have said so far? Think about it. Think about it. What is the spirit of God telling you? What is the spirit of God dropping in your heart as I am speaking? For adventure, you feel that what you are doing in your local church is just for the fun of it. Whatever service you render to God in God's house, it's back to God. You are only following the footsteps of our Father. There are a lot of examples and instances in the Old Testament that we are going to be looking at in the coming weeks. In the coming weeks. In the coming weeks. Please, as we trust God to give us supernatural insight and understanding into what I am teaching now, I like us to understand that we are going to give account. Adam did. Adam gave account. From the moment he had the fruit of knowledge, he gave account. Just like many of us, we give account and we use our giftings and God-given gifts to either promote or demote the Kingdom of God. The gifts and the callings of God are made for the profiting of the Body of Christ. I like you for now, just picture the Body of Christ as that garden. And you as an individual, you are the header. God planted His Church and He brought you in. God planted that ministry that you are in and He brought you in. To partner with Him. Divinity partnering with humanity to actualize the plan of the Divinity for the humanity. You are partnering with God. You are partnering with God and you've got to see it so. At the right time, you are going to give account. What are you doing in your local church? You don't have to be seen. You don't have to be running the task at the church for people to know you are doing the right thing. You may be playing a very silent and underground role and God sees you. You are in that sanctuary keeping unit. You come to church every Saturday. Nobody even knows you. Nobody sees you. You come to church every Saturday to take care of the church. You sweep the floor. You mop the tiles. You clean the chairs. And you go back to your house that Saturday morning. Nobody knows who you are. But God sees you. You are that Adam that God has planted in that garden, in that church, in that ministry. To tend the garden. To look after all there is to look after. And God who sits in secret is going to reward you in the open. What are you doing in God's house today that seems insignificant? That seems too insignificant and you feel okay. Nobody appreciates me. Nobody sees me. Your reward is not in the hand of any man. Your reward is in the hand of God. Remember God rewarded a dance industry. God rewards a dance industry with food. Every good thing of life were in that garden. As long as he tends the garden, he was never going to have issues with what to wear or what to eat. He would never have issues with taking good care of himself. As long as he continues. Listen. As long as he continues to tend that garden, everything that God has made for his profit in both spiritual and physical were in that garden. All he has to do is to take care of the garden. As long as the garden is being looked after, as long as the garden is being attended to, he has no issues getting rewarded immediately with the good things that God has hidden in the garden. And I believe the more he tends the garden, the more he discovers so many things that God may not even have shown. I'd like you to think of your local church as your garden of hidden. And see yourself as he had. The Lord will reward you when it is time. Do not give up. Keep at it. Keep walking. Until you are fully committed and showed out. Until you see what God is seeing in that ministry and he puts you there. You may not profit from it. You need to see. You need to stay. You need to walk. You need to serve. And you need to start discovering the purpose of God for your life. Why God put you in the garden. Adam's purpose in the garden was to look after the garden. And as long as he was looking after the garden, it was from one level of glory to another. Now imagine I feel, I feel that God gave him the honor of naming all the animals because he was pending the first assignment that he was given, he did well. So if we are able to take care of bushes and the trees and the fruits and the trees that are in the garden and you are doing a very good job at that, I think I have to give you a more honorable assignment. Name all these animals. God will not commit anything in your hands unless you have been able to excel in what he has committed in your hands. Don't forget the Bible of the talents. So I'd like to bring this to a close. I'd like you to go back to Genesis chapter 2, starting from verse 5 and begin to understand what I am trying to teach here. In the next podcast, we are going to go further. Continue from that Genesis chapter 2. We are going to continue from verse 16. We are going to go deeper and deeper. Then from there we move to Exodus and some other examples in the Old Testament. So ministry of herbs is always, always, or should I say has always been there. And I am going to be bringing these insights to you per time. Thank you very much for listening. I am bringing this podcast to a close and I am trusting God that at a point in time of God in your life, you will not disappoint Him in the name of Jesus. Keep sharing. Keep trusting God. And I want to assure you that the purpose of God for your life will surely come to pass. Don't listen alone. Give to your pastor. Give to your church members. Give to your bishop to listen to. And if you feel that you want me to talk more, you want to have a deeper understanding of this, why not reach out to me. Then we will talk better. And now we can put together a training for your local church. Thank you for listening. God bless you. Amen.

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