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From the Porch to the Trail: Uplift- Reclaiming Nature

From the Porch to the Trail: Uplift- Reclaiming Nature


We are created to love and care for nature.


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Theodore Roosevelt's love for nature led him to establish over 230 million acres of public lands as the conservation president. The Bible teaches us to manage and care for the world with love and for its sake, rather than to subdue it. We should utilize and protect the gifts of nature and pass on the values of honoring creation. Enjoy the beauty of the world and share the blessings as you journey through life. Welcome to From the Porch to the Trail. Today is Wednesday and we are looking at our Wednesday uplift. The title of today is Reclaim the Love of Creation. He grew up with love for nature. In childhood he spent his time outdoors collecting tadpoles and observing wildlife from insects to game animals. Taking notes on all that he saw, he became an avid hunter, growing greatly in the skills of tracking and marksmanship. One of his greatest joys was sharing with the world his experiences. These experiences led him to travel the world over to hunt and explore some of the most exotic places. This love for nature caused Theodore Roosevelt to become the conservation president. In his presidency, he established more than 230 million acres of public lands. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. These lands were for forest preserves, animal conservation, hunting, fishing and park services. It all grew out of his love for nature and the hope to bring that love to everyone. In the Bible we are told that the Creator created us to love and care for the world. Genesis 1.26 says of humanity, Let them rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. Many over the years have misinterpreted the word rule to mean subdue. In the name of subduing the earth, they have destroyed many of the natural wonders. They even try to play it off as their God-given right based upon this verse. However, the real meaning of the word is far more than to subdue. In Hebrew, the transliterated word used here is actually radah. Radah means more than subdue. It carries the connotation of managing the rest of creation with love and for its sake. Rather than our own purposes, convenience, or pleasure. This definition seems to grasp better the whole point of what the scripture is saying. Since at the beginning of the verse it says, let us create humanity in our likeness. God's likeness and intellect is to create, provide, and protect what has been created. Therefore, it should also be the heart of every created intellectual being, which we are to be. Our love for nature should make us not only utilize the gifts of bounty, but the desire to preserve and protect our world and the resources within. May you always find time to enjoy the created world around you. May you enjoy the bountiful harvest provided. May your love help you always protect and pass on the values of honoring creation, given to us as a gift and to be respected and loved. Blessings on your journey this week, and may you share those blessings as you travel along this world we're in.

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