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The greatest battle

The greatest battle

AMI Belgium_Pastor PerezAMI Belgium_Pastor Perez



The Greatest Battle Mark 8:34-38, Luke 22:42-44, Acts 1:6-8.

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As a Christian, your life is a life of battles. Accepting Jesus doesn't mean a smooth life. We are here to change the system of this world and impose God's will. We must be vigilant because the enemy seeks to devour us. The greatest battle is not in the Middle East or between nations, but it's a personal battle. To be a disciple of Christ, we must deny ourselves, pick up our cross, and follow Him. We must be committed and dedicated to God's assignment for our lives. We should not be distracted by worldly possessions or selfish desires. We are at war, and we must prioritize our spiritual growth and fulfilling God's purpose for us. We fight battles every day. As a Christian, your life is a life of battles. I want to repeat this again before you say Amen. As a Christian, your life is a life of battles. Battles may not scare you. Battles should not make you afraid. Battles should not be stranger to you because your life is a life of battles. Are you with me? The moment you say yes to the call of God and you say, I'm giving my life to the Lord Jesus, God come and live in me, you declare war against the enemy. It is a lack of knowledge believing that you are a Christian and your life will be smooth. That your life will not, you will not face battle. Everything will be good. Jesus died on the cross that everything is fine. No, no, no, no. Look at your neighbor and say no. No. Say no. No. Your life is a life of battle. We live in the world, but we are not from this world. The system of this world is not the system of heaven. That is why you and I, we are here. Why are we here? Is to conquer this world. Is to change the system of this world and to impose the will of God on earth. But we do not do it with joy. We do not do it just because we wake up in the morning and we impose the will of God. No, we do it in battles. Are you with me? We do it in battles. A Christian will believe that I have accepted Jesus Christ since 2019. I'm all well. I know God. I know his things and it's all okay. But the enemy will be deceived. The Bible says be vigilant. Be vigilant and be sober. Are you with me? Be sober. Because the enemy goes around those who, those who believe in God and seeking who to devour. Is there going around you seeking whom to devour? So you have to be vigilant. You have to be vigilant. Now there are wars and wars. Wars and wars. Today I want to speak to you quickly about one of the greatest battles of our time. One of the greatest battles of our times. One of the greatest battles is not the battle in the Middle East. No. It is not even the battle in the Congo. No. One of the greatest battles of our time is not even the battle between China or the US or Israel and Palestine. No. There is a battle that is greater than that. And today I want to speak to you about that battle. And I want to speak to you your role in that battle. I want you to leave this place with you knowing where you stand and what you are called to do, where you are. We are here for a mission. We are here on an assignment. And unless you fulfill the assignment that the Lord has given you, let me tell you, you are not winning. Your winning will be determined by the quality of results that you will give out of your assignment. Amen. I want to repeat this again. Your winning will be determined out of the quality of the result that you will give. From the quality of the result you will give out of your assignment. There is an assignment for you. Lift up your right hand and say, Lord, help me to fulfill my assignment in the name of Jesus. There is an assignment. An assignment for you. An assignment for you and I. And this is the assignment that I want you to understand because we are at war. We are at war. We are at war. It is good for you to have that beautiful house and sleep in it. It is good for you to have that beautiful car and drive into it. It is good, but let me tell you, whatsoever you have are tools for you to fight the battle. Amen. Are you with me? Amen. Let's go quickly. Mark eight. The book of Mark. Eight. Verse. Right from verse thirty-four. Mark eight. We'll read from verse thirty-four. To be on the screen, I count off three. Three, two, one, let's go. Then he called the crown to him along with the disciples and said, whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Continue. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it. But whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. Continue. What good is it for someone to give the whole world yet of their soul? Continue. Or what can anyone give in exchange of their soul? Continue. If anyone is ashamed of me and my role in this adulterous and sinful generation, the son of man will be ashamed of them when he comes to his father's glory with the holy angel. The word of God. Amen. Then he called the crown to him along with his disciples and said, whoever wants to be my disciple, whoever wants to follow me, whoever wants to take and do what I have done, whoever wants to operate in miracles and wonders, whoever wants to operate in signs and prophecies, whoever wants to operate in vision and healing, whoever wants to be my disciple, whoever wants to multiply bread, whoever wants to cast out demons, whoever wants to stand in authority against principalities, he said, whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves. You can never be a disciple of God if you do not deny yourself. There is a process of self-denial that needs to happen. You need to forget about yourself. You need to put yourself away for God to be in. You cannot show God while you are still fully in control of yourself. You cannot fully function in God when you are fully aware of yourself. Are you hearing me? Amen. Well, if there is a sister or a brother that is sitting next to you, you know what to do. You wet them. But with a blessing, you bless them. You have my permission to do so. And Jesus says, whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. First, you have to deny yourself. Second, you have to pick up your cross. Third, you have to follow Christ. There is no following Christ without the cross. There is not being a disciple of Christ without denying yourself. You cannot say, I am a disciple of Christ, when everything in you says that Jesus can't tell you. Are you with me? Amen. You can never say that I am a disciple of Christ, that I want to function in power, I want to have what Pastor Afro has, I want to operate like him. When they look at you, your life says that Jesus has the hundredth position. Coming to church, people need to force you to do so. Your answer leader needs to call you 50 times to just take your yes to be on Sunday at church. Already in your house, there is no way an answer can be there. Your life is a life of no power, no prayer. But you want to operate in the prophetic. You are a crook. You are a spiritual thief. You cannot operate like my father when picking up your cross is a problem. Do you know what he paid? Do you know the price that this man paid? Oh it is good to see the old glamour. Today standing before 10,000 people, million of people around the world, 6 million are following us. So 6 million around the world knows more than them, knows Pastor Afro. Then you look at him and say, oh wow, I want to be like him. Amen. Amen. Amen. Children of God. Do you know the price? Do you know the price? Do you know the price of leaving your family for a year and not seeing them? Not because you do not want to see them, but because your life is all given to God. Do you know the price of being married and leaving your wife and not being with her, enjoying honeymoon and enjoying baby baby and sweetie pie? Do you know the price? There is a price to pay. There is a cross that you need to pick up to follow Christ. What is the cross that you are picking up? What is the cross? What is the cross that even in the church of God, when you come, you come because you are wearing a good suit. You put it together on Sunday, you iron it properly, you say, oh I'm going to church. You have not done a work. You have not conquered a soul. You have not won one person, but you want to come in a celebration service. What are you celebrating? What are you celebrating? Let me tell you, it is good for you to celebrate that a house that you were dreaming about to load has opened that house for you and you've gained it and you celebrate God. God, thank you for the house. Thank you for my marriage. Thank you for this. But let me tell you, it does not move God. It does not move God. Oh, you are spending more time crying and murmuring about you not getting that dress because you saw it on your neighbor. You saw it on your sister. Oh, I want the same. I want the same. I want to get it. And you make the entire day a problem because you never had a dress. Spending time on things that are futility, things that are vanity, and not giving your time to the Lord. How many of us make plans on the weekend, your weekend is fully booked. They ask you, how is your agenda? I'm fully booked. Fully booked with what? Fully booked with nonsense. You are fully booked with nonsense. Things that does not add any day on your life. Things that will not heal you. Some of us, they are fully booked with sin. You are fully booked because you want to go into that bar and that nightclub. That's what you are fully booked with. Family, let me tell you, there come a time where you need to say enough is enough. There come a time where you need to say, hey, I'm still alive. God is still keeping me. Let me change. You have to make a decision to look on the other side. Are you with me? If you still want to see my way, not God's way, my way, not God's way, let me tell you, you have not yet gotten there. There is still a far way to go. Are you coming to church? You say, maybe, maybe. Hey, coming to church, I do not have maybes to come to church. I, your pastor, I can tell you this. Me not being at church one day, even when I'm at the main church in the house of my father, sitting there and receiving, like, not being on one day out of the church, it is like, oh, it's a big issue for me. You are comfortable. You are okay. You are, you, you, you, you feel okay. You, your life is good. Oh, I will go next Sunday. You say, hey, pastor said, oh, pastor will understand. If God can understand, pastor can understand. Family, life is not a joke. Being here is not a joke. Life is not a joke. We are at war. Serious war. And many of us are spending time in destruction. Destruction. Things that the enemy has put before you as things that you, you, you are called to enjoy. You are enjoying them for a moment. They are destruction. Things that will not build you up. You see, my, my, my business mentor was talking with him one day and we were discussing business and he says to me, you know, if something will not matter in five years, don't pay attention to it. He said, oh, how? He said, if it's not going to matter in five years, don't pay attention to it now. But many of us pay attention to things that will not matter even the next hour. It will not matter the next hour. You pay your full attention to it. The devil is after you. The devil is a liar. Lift up your right hand and say, Lord, help me. Say, Lord, help me to remain connected, not distracted, in Jesus' name. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ. In the book, if you, quickly, if you go in the book of Luke 22. 22. Luke 22. 42. We read verse 42 and 43. I'm just making a bridge. If it is on the screen, we're ready in the count of 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me. It is not my will, but yours, be done. Continue. An angel from heaven appeared to him and presented him. Continue. And being anxious, he prayed more earnestly, and sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. He prayed. Amen. He prayed. He prayed. And the Bible says that he prayed to the level his sweat became blood. Which type of prayer is that? Which level of prayer is that? That you are praying your sweat become blood. But you see, actually, it's proven. I did a bit of research. Is it possible in the natural realm? It is possible. It is possible in the natural realm that your sweat, blood can come out of your sweat. It is possible. But it only happens when you are anguished. You are distressed. You are in a higher level of worries. I remember back in the days. I was serving God when I was not a pastor, I was not a minister. I was just a born again who believed that by serving God, everything will be fine. That if I accept Jesus today, I need to have gold. If I serve God, I accept Jesus, well, I need to be driving the best car. Why not? My father has it all. God will never trust you unless he tells you. Amen. You don't trust what you never tested. Amen. He is trusting you with his resources. He has to make sure that the resources are in good hands. Are you with me? Amen. Not only for his good, but also for your good. Because there are people, you will know their true character when they have it. Yes. I'm telling you, they are sitting with you, they are all gentle. I never saw a gentle person like this. Wow. This person is so humble. You see, my father said, Afuka said, Having all, or having good things is not the sign of arrogance. And also he said, not having is not the sign of being humble. Are you with me? Amen. If there are people giving to them, then you will see them. Let them just get it. They will walk like they need space. Like they are not big enough for the space that is there. They will walk like you are giving them even 1.5 meters distance. They feel like this is not enough. You must see them like they are walking. But with that they will be muscled. Muscle will come even when you don't see it. It is like somebody going to the gym one day, and pulling it, having one peg, and pulling it and go to the mirror, and seeing six pegs. Give it to them, you will see their arrogance. You will see the true color of the person. It is said, a true woman, a true wife, is tested when the husband does not have anything. And a true man is tested when he has it all. There are people true color will happen when they have it. They forget that when you didn't have it, you were the one who was going and making porridge out of rice for them. You did porridge, rice porridge, because the only thing that you had in your house was rice. You eat it as a porridge in the morning, you put a bit of peanut butter in it. It is very good. I tried it. I've been there, I know. I'm telling you out of experience. I'm telling you out of experience. And you cannot eat at twelve, no. One is too early. You wait at least seven. So you eat porridge in the morning, you wait seven. At least you know when you eat seven, you can sleep at nine, and the day is gone. The devil is a liar. Love God. Serve God. Believe in God. In my life, I preach, I always take my own example, because I'm a testimony. My father said the best sermon that we can preach is your own life. God makes you go through those tests, and situations, so that tomorrow, when you stand before somebody else, and you share your testimony, there will be a before and an after. There must be a before and an after. Amen. Are you with me? Amen. Jesus is speaking. He's speaking. He's praying in the garden. Sweat comes blood. How come? How? And Jesus said, he says this, if it is your will, if it's not, he says, father, can you not remove this cup away from me? This is Jesus, praying for something that he knows that he came for. But he's asking, can you remove this cup away from me? But he didn't stop there. And he said, not my will, but your will. Amen. Repeat that. Amen. If it was not only for Jesus, we say bye bye to the cross. Yes. Say oh, then you'll not catch it. But Jesus went to the cross because of the will of God. Amen. He was submissive to the will of God. Amen. He was submissive to the will of God. Amen. And he went to the cross. But you see, Jesus didn't only go to the cross because God asked him to go to the cross, but because he loved you and I. Amen. Thank you Jesus. Amen. You see, I came to discover this. Christ was not crying in the garden of the Mount Olive of Gethsemane just because he was afraid. No, he was not afraid. He was not afraid of death. Christ was not afraid of death. The Bible tells us about how the disciple died. Some of them, Stephen was stoned. And as he's stoned, he's in joy. He's happy. He's dying happy. Meaning, those who were with Christ, death didn't mean anything to them. Are you with me? Amen. Follow me. Follow me because you need this. Amen. Christ didn't die because he was scared. But Christ died for one reason. Christ, sorry, was not crying or was not afraid because he was scared. No, it is because one thing. He understood that on the cross, him who was every day with God, from the beginning of time until today, will be separated. He will not be in the presence of God. What made Christ die, cry in the garden was because he was seeing that I'm going to the cross, but not only I'm going so that I can pay the sin, I can pay the sin of these people, but I will be separated from God. He couldn't pay it. Because all he knew was the presence of God. All he knew was the presence of God. You see, your soul has a price. Amen. Your soul has a price. Your soul has a price. The price that your soul has, nothing in this world can give it to you. Amen. Nothing that you are fighting now, nothing that you are worried about now, can pay for your soul. Amen. Are you with me? Amen. Your soul is priceless. Your soul is so important that the battle of these days, the battle that we are fighting today is a battle of souls. The battle, the greatest battle we have today is the battle of souls. It's the battle before evil and good. It is the battle between God and the devil. But what is the devil fighting? He's fighting for soul. He wants to gain your soul. He wants to take your soul. He doesn't want to go down inside. He's fighting for your soul. But you see, God is so faithful and he's so just that Christ came to die for our soul. Amen. Christ paid the price for your soul. That's what the Bible says, that what will it gain? Amen. What will it profit you to gain the whole world and lose your soul? Because your soul does not have a price. You see, what makes you sometimes take care of yourself and be, and I'm not talking to you who are here, I'm talking to those who follow this message. Those who are out there. Are you with me? What makes one not to take care of his life and put himself in the presence of God and pray and seek the presence of God is because one, you do not know the price of your soul. You see, if you know the price of your soul, you will understand the price of the cross. Yeah. Amen. Amen. If you know the price of your soul, you will understand the price of the cross. Hallelujah. Glory to Jesus. Amen. Amen. Because on the cross, there was a battle that was won because of your soul. Amen. There is a man who knew no sin, who became a sin on the cross so you can become righteous. Today when God, you see, on the cross, Jesus was there and on the cross, looking at his right and his left, there were two sinners. Saying to him, if you are a son of God, free yourself from here. Why are you here? He was not able to do anything because right there, he gave himself to become a sacrifice for you and I. Amen. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. On the cross, he refused even to do a miracle. Not because he couldn't do a miracle, but because he was willing to give his life for you to be saved. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. He was willing to say, let me go through this. Let me accept the wrath of God. The wrath of God. Do you understand that the whole wrath of God, the whole judgment that was reserved for you and I was poured on Christ. Amen. The whole judgment was poured on him. Your sins of today, of yesterday, of tomorrow, everything together was begged and poured on Christ. Thank you, Jesus. He paid the price for your soul. Amen. He paid the price so that you may live, so that you may enjoy life, but life in abundance. And what do you do with that life that somebody paid with his blood? You drink your life out. You smoke your life out. You are in things that destroy your soul. You are in things that keep you bonded and in prison, not because God wanted, but because of your own choices. Forgetting the price that was paid. You see, let me tell you this. If I have a beautiful call today, I have a beautiful call, and I choose one of you here and I say, Oh wow, I have a call. And if you are reckless, you do not know how much I pay for the price. You do not know how much a Bentley costs, for example, or a roast roll costs. You don't know. Let's just take that. You do not know how much it costs. I give you a Bentley to drive. I tell you, you will end up putting wood in the boot. I guarantee you. You will go buy wood in the shop and say, No, put it in the boot. You put wood there. Why? Because you do not know the price, the value of the call. Are you with me? And many of us, because we do not know the value of our soul, will live anyhow. You have value for God. God died for you. God paid the price for you. His own blood was shed for you. Him who did not know any sin, imagine a person who lived all his life in a king palace, is a prince, lived in the palace of a king, do not know anger, do not know what bad things happen, everything is provided. And one morning, accepted to go and live in the waste, of the waste, of the waste house. I believe, if you and I, were given that choice, say, fire on to that, that is not my portion. I must leave my big head, my big bed here, and go sleep in a major, with cows, no, not my portion. He will refuse. But he accepted. He paid the price, for your soul. Because your soul means a lot to him. It is so painful to see people, that will say, I will sell my soul for money. This world does not make anything, it is not working, your God does not work, your God does not speak, fire on you. Because God does not speak, my God speaks, my God is alive, my God is living. Do you see, what God said, I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Listen to me, did he say, I was the God, I am the God of Abraham. Are you with me? Are you with me? Amen. Because, in God, Abraham is still alive. In God, Jacob is still alive. Though they passed on, long ago, they are still alive. That is why the word says, if you keep your life, you will lose it. But if you lose it from me, you will gain it. If you lose your life, for Christ, you will live. Even when you are not longer in your body, you will still live. Because your soul, your spirit does not die. Your body will return, to the earth. But the essence of you will not die. Are you with me? Amen. That is why it was joy for the Apostle, Apostle Paul says, it is good for me, to depart from this body and be with the Lord. He couldn't wait for it. Family, you need to understand, that your soul, has a price. Amen. The price of your soul, is so valuable, that the son of God, left the throne of God, came on earth, died to give his life, for you and I. Amen. Now, the last part, of my message, is this. Why did Jesus die? He died on the cross, so that our sin will be forgiven. So that we will be reconciled to the Father. Are you with me? Amen. Our sin will be forgiven. We will be reconciled to the Father. Yes. Then, after that, what? What? Why? Why? Let's go back to the same Mark 8. Mark 8. I want you to read it with me, and you will understand. Let's go back to the first verse that I gave. Then, read it with me. And follow me. For whoever, wants to save their life, will lose it. But whoever, loses their life for me, and for the gospel, you lose your life for God, and the gospel. How do you lose your life for the gospel? No one can lose his life for the gospel. How do you lose your life for the gospel? By going out there, preaching the gospel. To everyone. Amen. Making souls. That's how you lose your life for the gospel. You want to win your life? You want to keep your life? Lose your life for Christ, and lose your life for the gospel. Amen. This is the first statement of Jesus. But hear this. He continues by saying this. What good is for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Meaning, lose their soul. Or, what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? Nothing. Because Christ will not come and die for the second time. He died once. And that's it. Are you with me? Amen. If anyone is ashamed, of me, and my words, if anyone is ashamed, of me, and my words, in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them, when He comes in His Father's glory, with the Holy Angel. Family, what will make you miss meeting God, is your disobedience of winning souls. Cheers. I read this. I stood in this world. I was shocked. I was shocked. Not winning soul, will forfeit you, to meet the Son of Man, when He comes in His glory, with His angels. I say God forbid. I say God forbid. I was praying on my knees. I stood to this. I say God, I don't know, I need to say this. I need to say this. Because if you gave it to me to say it, I have to say it. Because you will ask me, account of this. You may think yourself that, oh no, I will meet God, I will be with God in glory, because I'm doing this, I'm doing that, I'm doing this, I'm giving to church. It is good to give to church. It is good to keep yourself holy. It is good for you to do this. Let me tell you, keeping yourself holy, it is good for God. It is good for God to see you. But let me tell you, it does not move God, as much as winning a soul. Amen. Amen. Amen. Jesus came for whom? For souls. You see, when you want to be, and have the better part of somebody, you do what they love. Amen. You do what is closer to their heart. A child who understands his parent, and is always next to the mother, when the mother is in the kitchen, give me salt. He runs and gives salt. Give me this. He runs. Let me tell you, that son will eat the food before everyone else. I guarantee. He will eat the food before everyone else in the house. Because when it comes to the time of testing, if the salt is okay in the food, the mother will call, come, come, come, give me your hand. Taste this. Is the salt okay? The son will taste it, or the child will taste it, and will taste the food before you. Everyone in the house. Are you with me? Amen. Why? Because the son or the child has understood, that I must do what is closer to the heart of my mother, and I will have the best part. You want the best part of God? Do what is best to him. Do what is precious to him. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. We follow Christ by doing what he has done. Amen. If today your father was a builder, and you grow up to become a builder, and if your father left, or passed away, people will look at you and say, hey, he's following his father. Yes. Why would they say that? Because you are doing what your father was doing. Amen. How do you follow Christ? By doing what Christ did. Christ was all for souls. Amen. His entire ministry was so that the soul may be whole. Please stand where you are. Amen. The entire ministry of Christ was for souls. Listen, soul winning is not a maybe for us. Soul winning is our assignment in Christ. Amen. You cannot say that I'm following Jesus, if you do not win souls. There is no way for you to say I'm following Jesus, and you go out there, you have a big banner, a big t-shirt, I'm a disciple of Christ. And I ask you, how many disciples do you have? I'm working on it. You're working on it? No, I'm working on it. It's coming. Pastor, how many disciples do you have in your home? Pastor, no, no, no, it's coming. It's tough. It's tough. Making disciples is very tough. Yes, it's very tough making disciples because it's war. It is war against the enemy. It is not easy. Yes. But you see, God never, never puts you in a situation you cannot afford. Amen. He will never. With the test, He will give you an exit door. With the difficulties, He will give you the tools. With the problem, He will give you the solution. Amen. Thank you. And all He wants you to do is to apply it. Are you with me? Amen. There is nothing that God didn't give us. He gave it all. He gave it. He gave us everything. He gave us everything. The book of Acts. My son, put it up. I'll read it. Acts, chapter 1. Acts, chapter 1. Let's read from verse 3. Let's read from 6th verse here. Read it in the count of 3, 2, 1. Let's read. Continue. Continue. Don't go. Wait. Don't go. Wait. Don't send yourself. Wait. Don't push yourself out. Wait. But what are you waiting for? He says you will wait for the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Holy Spirit will come to you. Amen. And what will the Holy Spirit do? The Holy Spirit will bring you power. Power. Power. Amen. The Holy Spirit will bring you power. Then when you receive the power, you will be my witnesses. You will be my witnesses. Where? In Jerusalem. Then after Jerusalem. In Judea. Then Samaria and the rest of the world. Are you with me? Amen. You will receive power. You will receive power. Lift up your right hand and say Lord. Lord. I need power. Lord. I need power. Lord. I need power. Give me power. God will give you power. I receive it. God will give you power. I receive it. God will give you power. I receive it. You see. You need power. Power is giving for a mission. If you need prophecy, you want to operate in the prophetic. You need to understand that you will not operate in the prophetic because you want it. The prophetic will be activated in you because you understand. It's for you to be a witness of God. Amen. The prophetic or the power of God can only be activated in you when you know that I need this to be a witness. Amen. Because Jesus said wait until you receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will bring you power. Then when you receive power, you will be my witness. In Jerusalem. Are you with me? Amen. You have to win your house. In Jesus name. When you receive the Holy Spirit, the first place for you to be a witness of Jesus is making disciples out of your house. Amen. Jerusalem is where you are. Jerusalem is your place where you are. Your family. Your children. The Bible says me and my house will serve the Lord. Amen. You cannot be a mother who is praying, who has the Holy Spirit, and your children, you allow them to be out. No. We live in Belgium. They are lost. They are adults. The devil is a liar. We are in this world. We are not from this world. Amen. So what happened in my house is not what the world says. Amen. What happened in my house is what the kingdom says. In Jesus name. Amen. Do not be conformed to the actual world. The Bible says be renewed in everything. Renew your mind. Amen. Don't be conformed to this world. No. They are adults. They are 18. They can choose for themselves. The devil is a liar. A mother goes on her knees. A mother prays. A mother speaks. A mother rebukes. A mother disciplines. Amen. You cannot be a father who prays and your wife does not come with you to church. The devil is a liar. A big liar. I am a leader in my house. I show the way. If I am praying, you pray with me. Either you are with me or you are not with me. And if you are with me, we go together. Amen. Amen. Oh no. Today we are so conformed to the actual world. No, I don't want problems in my family. And you use the best English that you have. You say it with elegance. Elegance of nonsense. You are destroying your family. Destroying your family. Leaving your family in the hands of the enemy. Amen. Search God. Win souls. Amen. Win souls. You want to move the heart of God? Win souls. Question is, how many souls have you won? Let's just take a simple example. This week, I'm not going to point you. I'm not going to ask you to lift up your hand. It is okay. That is a discussion that will help with your heart. How many people have you won this week? This week that just passed? How many? If I check, because I know, I see. I can tell you. Some of you spend at least three days on TV. Watching Next Pitch. Because that series, you cannot let it go. You watch one episode and say, hey, the second one is coming. You watch the second one. Hey, no, the third one. You watch the third one. At the end, your time has been lost. Because the person you are watching on TV, that actor, does not know you. They don't know your name. You yourself, there are people that are champions of wrong decisions. They are champions of nothing. You know the name and the story and the life of that actor. Follow the life like they were your siblings. No, no, he was married in 2010. No, no, no, no, no, no. He's no longer with the former boyfriend. They are people who know the life of actors, singers. But they do not know the name of the Omse leader. I'm telling you. The name of the Omse leader or the name of the disciple in the Omse, they don't know. But ask them about the singer. They say, oh, no, no, no, no, no. He was first with this man. Then they divorced in 2010. In 2010, you were already dead. You know it all. You are so shocked in things that don't bring you anything. When you know that, what does it bring you? What does it change in your life? Nothing. Wrong decision. You are the good God of people's life. If they want to know the story, they ask you. They just say everything that comes out. You know it all. Now, ask a person. How many verses do you know? John 10.10. God have mercy. God have mercy on us. God have mercy on us. Amen. Lord have mercy. Lift up your right hand. Say, God. Have mercy. Give me the strength. Say, give me the strength. To follow your way. Say, Lord. From today. I make a vow. Like Anna make a vow. I will follow you. I will win souls. From today. After this meeting. I'm going out. To win souls. I will win souls. It will be my priority. Help me. Give me power. Not to show off. But to win souls. Give me prophetic. Say, give me the prophetic. To win souls. Give me vision. To win souls. Give me the ability of faith. To win souls. Help me heal the sick. To win souls. God activate something in me. To win souls. Give me the tools I need. To win souls. Say, Lord. I am available. Say, Lord. I am available. Use me. Use me. Use my time. Use my body. Use my soul. Use my money. Use my house. Use my family. Use everything I have. Use my skills. To win souls. Help me, Lord. To win souls. Now, start praying now. Pray. Pray that God may help you. To win souls. Pray. Pray, Holy Spirit, empower me. I need your touch to win souls. Pray, Holy Spirit. I need your touch to win souls.

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