The transcription is about two friends, Ryan and Chris, who have started a podcast called Undercover Nerds. They discuss their nerdy interests and their goal to bring on guests who are passionate about various topics. They also talk about their plans to attend conventions and meet celebrities. They hope to eventually open a comic book store and make the podcast a success. They end the episode by teasing a story about meeting the voice actor of Courage the Cowardly Dog. They sign off by encouraging listeners to stay weird and nerdy. Alright guys, welcome welcome welcome to our first ever transmission to undercover nerds. My name is Ryan Barrientos and I'm here with my wonderful buddy Chris Gomez. We're going to be your hosts today and hopefully for the rest of forever as we basically get into our new podcast. So we welcome you. Chris, go ahead and tell people who you are. Hello everybody. My name is Christopher Gomez. So we are the one and only undercover nerds. So first off, I am a little jittery. I am a little nervous. This is our very first ever session in our living room. So this is where we kind of want to bring people from all over. Oh, I forgot we're recording here. I want to bring people from all over, whether they're famous, whether they're artists, whether they're undercover nerds, whether they're passionate about something. Whether it's anime, Star Wars, music, video games, this is where we would like to have everybody on our sessions. So yeah, my name is Christopher Gomez. What I do for a living is I am a safety consultant. I do go around implementing safety for companies. Right now I am working, but I can't disclose where I'm working because I do sign documents. But you know, pretty much what this is all about is you'll see me out there in the field and you'll never ever for a second guess that I was a nerd about something. I'm a real diehard Star Wars fan. I love Attack on Titan. I'm currently, well I am going to get the tattoo artist's Ryan. I want to do my whole arm in Attack on Titan, that is something I'm really looking forward to. I do want to add some Star Wars tattoos to my legs. There's just a bunch to go on about, but yeah, I am a safety consultant and pretty much the show is purely about us. Yeah, and I think that's where we can kick off and introduce everybody. The reason we came up with this concept is because me and Chris, we've been friends for a good amount of time and we've done every shenanigan you can think of, every foolishness we can think of, from stuff that costs nothing and stuff that we spend way too much money on. And the entire time doing it, we just started realizing that we have interests that we're just nerdy. And you know, sometimes guys may be machismo or be an alpha, we really don't just break that in for conversations or anything like that. And we all, again, Chris is in safety, we're a very, very big company, I've been in the military for a long amount of years, I'm an educator as well, and we're all even very respectable, high earning income jobs, and the entire time I'm just like, I'm a giant nerd. Getting into every aspect, if you don't see this wall, we're just single men that just have a lot of our own stuff that we enjoy and we wanted to put it on display. And if you look at this wall, if there's anything that catches your eye, I want to tell you first here at Undercover Nerds, everything on this wall is always for sale for the right price. Right? We're going to go and branch out into merchandise and whatnot, into our own, hopefully Funko Pops and get into all this aspect, but we really wanted just to get into the idea of why we're doing this podcast. And for my personal reason, it's mainly just for the word nerd itself. I think growing up, man, that was, I mean, it's a derogatory word, right? It's a nerd to be bullied about, but man, I remember, man, since second grade, right? Second grade elementary school at Graysmere Elementary here in San Antonio, and you get out like at 3.30 and I would run, run home to catch Dragon Ball Z. I would run home because we didn't have no DVR. We didn't have no pause, no recording. It was my grandma on this old, big old 42 inch that was probably 42 inches wide by 42 inches long. A big old box. I know what I'm talking about. And it came in all blurry and everything like that. But if you missed any seconds of Dragon Ball Z, you were going to catch it until the next episode. So that's where like it starts the obsession. I get into being into Star Wars and Darth Maul is really what brings me into it. I started asking more and more people, I started asking more people that just started realizing, nah, you know what? The term nerd isn't really just like what we associate it with. I used to be a nerd, and then we get bullied in those concepts, it's just like weird stuff. It's really about what people are passionate about. And when you say the word passion, passion can lead to everything. I mean, I've got people that like the same stuff as I do, we go to the gym and they do, or we go to the gym and they're passionate about the body, they're passionate about nutrition. The guy that did my tattoo or anime, he tattoos way other stuff, but he loves anime, and that's how we make the connection. And then I just ask the question, why? And I think that's what I want this podcast to be. I want this to just be a human experience with me and you, we share a common interest with everyone that's willing to, whether they like it or love it, as well as to bring people and just ask the question, why? Why are you into this? What makes this fun for you? What makes this passion about you? I'm sorry to cut you off, but that's my fault. Yeah, you know, the way I want to take this whole entire show is I want to do more of the going to these times, meeting people, asking people what brought them there, why are they in there, why are they into this certain thing that they're into. And then at the same time, for us to go and we want to meet these celebrities, these voice actors, and we really want to get their opinion on things, we'll ask them questions. We would like to get to know them a little bit more, you know what I mean, get them on a more personal level, and then hopefully one day, you know, bring them here. And that's an ultimate goal of ours or mine. Yeah. You know, just also to have this whole entire wall filled with Funko signatures, because every signature on this wall that y'all see off this camera right now, we've met every single one of these characters. And that's what makes it so unique, because there's a story behind every single Funko signature, and I think that means something. Because you can go to a store, and you can just go buy a signature, because that's someone you love, and we get that, that's so cool. But we personally like to go on these little adventures, we like to adventure out, and meet these guys. Even though we wait in line sometimes for two hours, like I waited in line for Chris Savage, because I wanted to get Ryan De Niro's signature, and then I wanted to get Alex Armstrong's signature, and I wanted to put the little hearts and say, don't be shy, you can touch them. That's not going to be one of the coolest quotes ever, but you know, we are going to be going to a con in September, I think it's the 1st or the 3rd in Austin, so we will be meeting these guys, and hopefully we'll get a little bit of air time out there. We're going to bring our stuff as well. But I think we'll go to the cons, we'll see all that. And our guest list, I think, man, Chris, there's a lot of people I've networked with, and they have whole hearts. And in my life, man, it's never mattered if you hold a degree, it doesn't matter if you got your LLC, your CDL, you got felonies. I got friends that are CFOs of companies, I got friends that are educators like myself, lawyers like myself, and hire things. I got friends that are still trying to collect all 151 Pokemon. I still got friends that are in and out of the streets, just doing, honestly, they're doing stuff that we grew up that, you know, maybe not leading them anywhere, but man, as long as they're happy, I tell them, be passionate, be a hustler in this concept. If I fought to do, I fought to do. I love people like that, and my network is that big. And man, I've seen your network, I see who you are. I've very met few people that can be as social as I can, so I knew this was just going to be a hit from the get-go. So I'm excited to bring other people, other people that, there's a reason we call it undercover nerds. Because we're going to bring people on here that are going to be like, man, how is this state senator this cool? How is this lawyer that we see on every billboard and the concept to come on in, and he seems like a real hard-ass, and he's just a fun-loving guy that just likes to nerd out. Again, to me, nerds just mean they're passionate about something, and I'm here to find everyone's passion and just dissect it, ask why, and just have a human outspoken. And I can't wait for that. Another thing, what my goal is with this whole entire podcast as well is, I'm hoping that one day we can reach out to so many people, and so many people will tune in on our shows and would like to be present. Sometimes we'll do that. But more than likely, I would like to open up a comic store, either here in San Antonio, Texas, that's where we are, or we could go to Austin, Texas, where we'll be mostly doing our work at. So, I mean, I would like to own as many comic book stores as I can, but I would like for this to be my Kickstarter, or our Kickstarter, and for us to own something. You know what I mean? I would love comic. I'm passionate about comics. I'm passionate about Funko Pops. I'm passionate about vintage collections, you know, stuff like that. That's what gets me going, you know? That's my all-time thing. Look at this wall, you know what I mean? For instance, we have everything, whether it's autographed, whether it's vintage, whether it's new collection, you know, that's what I really want to hopefully one day be able to achieve together. I think we're in the same, we're definitely in the same boat there, in this concept. But, man, honestly, man, to say I have goals and what this is going to be now, I'm very free-flowing with this. Just starting it is knocking down the major goal for me. Now, getting the video, putting stuff on the wall, doing that, that's a major goal for me, because to me, I want this to be whatever it is. I'm happy every single day we wake up, every single day I get to do this and make passive income for doing something I love. So I'm here for the hardships, I'm here for the good times, I'm here for the days that we're stressed out, I'm here for the days that we're just laughing nonstop, because I know there's going to be a lot more of those days than anything else, just on our normal friendship. And now people just get a nice peek into it, and we get our own netball friends in here and our own netball friends that come on here. Everyone in the group believes they can be on a sitcom or believe they can be on a reality TV show. I know for a fact we can make a reality TV show just with our six group of friends. As far as those expectations, I think everything we set out to do, me and you, are hard workers. And there's hard workers and there's people that work hard. And I think we're in that other category. We're hard workers, but we're people that work hard. And what I mean by that is there's people that show up to the job, they're 9 to 5, and they understand from clocking in, I'm here to give them my effort every single day. And that is a hard worker. That's a great thing. That's a great thing to be. But I think what separates us is that we work hard. It doesn't matter if we're out there cutting grass. It doesn't matter if we're doing this podcast. It doesn't matter if we're at work. It doesn't matter if we're out there helping our friends. Everything we do, we go 100%. Everything. We talked about this. We set up this podcast. And I told you, I'm not putting out horrible product. I'm not going to be on an AirPod, headphone, and talking to my phone, and we can be vocal. No, we're going to put up a wall. We're going to get quality stuff. We're going to put it up from day one, because we're going to be putting out a quality product. Speaking of everything that we have in the books ready to go, we do have a website, getting ready to build, with a Z. with a Z. You can reach us through email at undercovernerds with a Z1 at Gmail. We're going to get our own QR codes, and I promise you, if you see us out and about alone or together, we're the most friendly people. There's no where we can't just go jump around. I think even today, we bump into some of my old students that I've taught at different schools in Wisconsin, to gas stations. We just go everywhere, man. We just make friends everywhere we go. And it's just about time we find a place where these people can just tune in. And honestly, I think we talk real. Everyone tunes in, and they're getting scripted stuff on TikTok. They're getting scripted stuff on Twitter. They're getting stuff that's being fed to them. And I just want this to be uncut. I just want this in different platforms, from different videos, different angles. I want to be live and uncut. But again, this is all learning. We're all testing this out. So what else do we got to add? Do you want to knock out a story? Let's just knock out one topic. One topic? Knock out one topic. Oh, man. I kind of want to save the spicy stuff for another day. You know what I mean? I feel like we can't get to the people too much. I can see that. But you got to give them a taste, my guy. You got to give them a taste. Oh, you want to give them a taste? You got to give them a taste. OK. So first off, you want to go off on one of these stories? You want me to start it? Oh, man. You already did. And you just can't do the first one. You know what I mean? I know it's when you want to go. Oh, yeah. You know it's when it's easy. He knows it's when it's easy. All right. All right. Let's hold off on topics. I just want you to know, episode one, if within the first five episodes, if we can make contact with the voice actor of Curse the Cowardly Dog. We want to apologize. Don't apologize. I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry. I'll let you know right here. I'm not sorry. I have you on Instagram. Not once in those contacts. But if we can make contact with the man and maybe have him on the show, get him on the audio. There's definitely a talk that needs to be happening. Because I'm definitely getting a tattoo of Curse the Cowardly Dog all beaten up. You know what I'm talking about, all purple. Yeah. Purple eyes. Yeah. Purple eyes. We're definitely getting that tattooed. And I promise you, within that, once we get in contact, maybe episode one through five, we will talk about the Curse the Cowardly Dog story. Because Chris said, I mean, I'm not going to lie. I did do the Curse the Cowardly Dog. You know, this guy, Ryan, man. I met Curse. I'm not going to give you too much detail. I'm just going to say I met Curse. Well, I met Curse. And he asked me what I was with. And Ryan was there. My buddy Ryan beat up the voice actor of Curse the Cowardly Dog. We're not going to get too into that story. That will be for another day. But just know, he beat up an idol. He beat up an American treasure. So that's why Ryan was there. In all honesty, the more you think about it, that's just how every episode goes. I mean, yeah. It's just the reality. But there is a great, great story there. And I promise you, if you tune in, we'll have a few more transmissions. And we'll start knocking down one or two topics. So please tune in to us. We're going to sign off today. Because we've got a big day. We've got a big barbecue. We've got that barbacoa. Can't miss it. Can't miss it. Can't miss it. I'm always going to have stuff. If you didn't know, we're Texas boys. We drink Big Red. We drink CP. We have Cowboy Tex. Cowboy Sports. Everything could be, guys. We're here. I know this is kind of choppy. I know it's kind of rough editing in those concerts. But we're real. We're original. We're going to give you the best quality that we can produce. And if you fucks with it, we love you for it. And if you fucks with it, we love you for it. Even if you don't, and you might know someone that does, man. Give them a tune. Again, brother. Either they're going to like it or they're going to love it. You know what I mean? But again, my name is Ryan Barrientos. This is my best friend, Christopher Gomez. We're the Undercover Nerds. We'll see y'all next time. Remember, guys. Remember, guys. Stay weird. Stay nerdy. Transmission out. Transmission in. Transmission out. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in. Transmission in.