Your sin robe you from what belong to you in the Lord Christ Jesus.
Your sin robe you from what belong to you in the Lord Christ Jesus.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah Oh, oh, oh, nowhere else makes sense These are not enticing words, oh, lover of my soul Search my heart and hear the deep pandings Oh, oh, oh, they are more than the scale of my body Pay attention to the sound Sive la moria castro ball The words of my mouth may not make sense But I know that you know me Oh, oh, oh, they are more than the scale of my body Pay attention to the sound Sive la moria castro ball The words of my mouth may not make sense But I know that you know me Oh, oh, oh, they are more than the scale of my body Pay attention to the sound Sive la moria castro ball The words of my mouth may not make sense But I know that you know me Oh, oh, oh, they are more than the scale of my body Pay attention to the sound Sive la moria castro ball The words of my mouth may not make sense Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Recruits and arimatas Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Come reveal Your wonders Open my eyes Open my eyes Open my eyes Open my eyes Open my eyes Open my eyes Open my eyes Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over Lay it over A very innocent Christian Growing up and understanding the things of the Holy Spirit I thought God was the one following me And up to a certain measure The love of God is demonstrated through that application We can clearly see the love of God He is after mine But when you grow, when the Holy Spirit pulls you in When you come closer You will find out that a time will come When you will not only take advantage of the pulling of God Because God, He will always draw you where He is But you will find yourself now Going after Him Because when He pulls you enough That you will be able to see the things that belongs to you And many of the things of God As the children of God, we are meant to wield them And these are depths, these are powers Beyond the reach of men And when we are talking about God Every time I always like to pause and tell us that We are not talking about the earth alone We are not talking about our natural environment Many people, we only see God in our problems We only see God in the limitation of the earth Which I think it is not that bad But you must go out of the earth Because when we are talking about wielding the powers of God We are talking about dealing with intergalactic life Intergalactic creatures Things that are beyond the reach of the mind of men And that is why when God pulls you He draws you, He draws you At a certain moment, you will find now That the drawing now, you have reversed Now it is you drawing, coming closer to that ancient spirit Because when you see, like now I see what I am in Christ I see what I am in the Lord Jesus Christ I see the things that are for me in Him So, I came to realize that holiness It is not even an instruction It is a way of life And it takes holiness for you to wield certain power in Him That one now, you put down all the religious activities You know, even the Christian stuff Now, you go after that spirit And at that moment, you are searching for something That is not in the environment of men Many times, even when you are reading the Bible You find out that God, the Lamb, the Living One You must come here That is why when John was writing They told him, the servant said You must come here, it is not in the Bible There is a place where you pull You find yourself saying Father, Father, Father Abba, Father, Abba, Father I know this type of language They are not common They are not in our environment Many pastors does not understand it Black pastors, especially here in America And this one, I found out here, unfortunately But I know it is not the only condition in America It is the church in general 95% are thieves Pastors, preachers, they are thieves So, they don't know this one They don't know how to teach Christians To understand that When God pours His love Shower you with all His fatherhood And shower you with everything that He is At a certain moment, you must not understand that It is your turn now To now start wielding the thing that is in Him In order to dominate your share Because the earth is falling Men are wicked in this particular environment where we are And it will not take you being a child To go on all the time for your problem to be resolved Because being a child, you know We all, we see our children We, for most of us that are parents You see how your children behave Sometimes you get angry But you have no choice but to take care of your child But the problem is that Your child will keep suffering many times When he goes through difficulties That is that It will not change the fact that you are a father It will not change the fact that you are a mother But because your child has not yet reached maturity You will be forced to do your best To keep him or her safe Meanwhile, the idea of God Is that after six months You know Experiencing His love Experiencing His grace Because six months It is enough for you to know what God has for you To see your end in God Because there is a you, a glorious you And that you, God was the one painting He said you were fearful and wonderful to me So when you see that you You will now understand that Because you know Sin is not an advice Sin is actually a disadvantage It is something that robs you from your true nature I recently when I was you know Playing around with the Holy Spirit And I was looking at the subject of sin And the Holy Spirit clearly told me When it comes to God Especially when our Lord Jesus Christ died and rose Sin is no more a factor It means when you sin You can still come before God That is why Lucifer in the story of Job Was among the sons of God You can be a crazy sinner And you will come before Now at that moment God does not have any problem Remember in the Old Testament God had a lot of problems with sin That is why the fathers there All that died in faith That was buried The Bible says that they died in the bosom of Abraham So God You know Had to go through protocol to deal with sin But when Jesus died When the Lord Jesus Christ died And rose from the dead What happened was that God said Sin does not have any problem where I am Because everything that is sin Appears in the tomb room What happened is that The substitution of the blood Takes the place of the sin That is what the Holy Spirit was enjoying with me Showing me that That is why you see Many corrupt pastors Abaham the Pope You know in the past Those things were not possible When you read the Bible You will find out that Every time when the priest Was about to enter the Holy of Holies They would have a rope tied on him That one day it was not about The people that were judging him God himself would judge him You know in the past God would judge priests He would judge pastors If you go stand on that Pope's And you start saying Oh it is my Bible God would judge you there That was how it was happening In the Old Testament Now in this church era In this church era It is possible for a pastor To be sleeping with the congregation You know Roping the women And corrupting the church And still stand there Because that corrupt preacher When you are standing there God is not seeing that corruption He is seeing the blood of the son And for that reason You can manage Because even in the mouth Of a corrupt person You can still preach And someone will give his life That is how powerful That mystery is And that one Don't try to understand it Because if you try to understand it If you don't accept If the Holy Spirit is not there To guide you You will run out You will run out So the Holy Spirit was You know Playing around with me And suddenly The Holy Spirit revealed Something to me about sin That hit my heart And from there on I knew That Man You have to stay away from sin Now this one It was a free advice When that thing dropped on my head I realized that We don't seem to hurt God We seem to actually love ourselves Because the Holy Spirit told me That sin Is a stumbling block Before every man that committed When you are listening to Circular music Now Jesus had no problem With circular music By the way Most of these circular people What they are doing They are actually singing From the realm of their soul So they are trying to Comfort themselves To a certain measure Which is a man's spirit So that one God has no problem with it But the problem is that you That have called the Lord Jesus Christ King You that Is searching The righteous way That is searching to walk the way Where things were made originally Because man is fallen And every man that is operating In the realm of his soul Is operating in a fallen environment So you that is calling Jesus Christ Lord You are checking out of that system So every time when you bend down And listen to that circular music What you are actually doing The true statement you are saying You are saying Jesus wait Let me check And Jesus wait Because you have a will Now You don't need to say it You don't need to That acting When you decide to put that Circular music in your ear Automatically in the spirit That is a statement Now Most of these secular artists They don't know That music was originally Pipe and tablet in the heart of Lucifer So If you are singing And you don't intentionally Involve the Holy Spirit in your music Automatically Lucifer is taking glory These are technologies in the spirit That recently when I was having this phone With the Holy Ghost I found out That sin Does not help God And God will not even Have a problem with you This thing was deep When I was here I was like And The Holy Spirit again Was emphasizing He was telling me You can be made for greatness It means you By the way I have already discovered to all that All of Christians All of human beings When God was forming you In the studio of eternity The statement was that You were here fully That means You are a dominion from birth As if And I even used another analogy You know science has discovered That when a man releases Into the uterus of a woman We have over 3 million sperm That do the trip To the Ex You are the one that makes it in here That makes you a winner That you come on the earth winning You come on the way an overcomer So You make it here And you appear on the scene Now Because You don't know the things That are in your advantage You start appreciating that girl And all you want Is to take down her pants And to Carry activities Look Sex was something that God created And God made it for a specific purpose That means No matter how you think it At the end Sex is good But the problem is that What you are doing You are robbing yourself Because The set up And the environment You find yourself Carrying that activity It is not in the process And in the plan of God And at the end You are Robbing yourself Lucifer is actually Setting you up And when he is done Lucifer He Only told us That among the creator of God He was the He was dear He was closer to God That means he is wise There are ancient knowledge In Lucifer He knows things So When you are Operating on earth As a man And for most of us That had the privilege To call the local You must work The perspective You must Be very Careful About the life That Tabernacle Will do Because that life Is a mystery Again Especially us That have called the local A lot Because you have Actually double life You have your life As a man Because that one You can exercise it Anytime And you now have The life Of the Lord Jesus Christ Put upon it So if you Maximize The life of Jesus Christ Upon your soul You will find out That you will be A dominion Because at that moment You are now Submitting your human life To the life of Jesus Christ And because the Lord Of Jesus Christ Need you the man Because Christ He is the spirit in you And You know These things They are so They are so Intermingled With us In such a way That when you are Thinking about You cannot see it Like that You cannot understand That sin Is actually Stopping you From touching Someone And healing them Is actually Stopping you From entering An environment And your present Alone Will cause demon To flee Because sin Prevents you From entering Because those powers They are available In you Now One of the most Terrible things That sin does Sin Now Helped the devil Because this is actually Where God Had to send Jesus Christ To help us Because sin Was helping the devil Destroy the wonderful Plan of God In your life That is what Sin does And Jesus Christ Came to say No satan You will not keep On threatening My life You will not You will not keep On threatening What God is doing In the life of his people You will not do that And the Lord Jesus Christ Died When he died Now Now it is difficult For Lucifer now To willingly Oppress you Or torment you Or set you up Now You Have to Give him That right Before When you Study the Old testament You find out Dear that Lucifer Was free To do what That is why The Egyptian When the Israelites When they Went into Egypt The bible Says that Pharaoh Sent over Them Dark masters Now You know Normally As a normal Human being You cannot Do that To another Human being That was not Moral That was not Something Reasonable To do But With the Death And the Resurrection Of the Lord Jesus Christ You are The one That accept To be the Slave of Satan And you Are also The one That accept To be the Slave of Jesus Because This one It is Nothing For you Anyone That says You Are The One That Accept To be The Slave of Satan And you Are The One That Accept To be The Slave of Satan And you Are The One That Accept To be The Slave of Satan And you Are The One That Accept To be The Slave of Satan And you Are The One That Accept To be The Slave of Satan And you Are The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That Accept To be The One That 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