Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is discussing revelations from the book of Revelations, specifically focusing on the assembly in Laodicea. He emphasizes the importance of being either hot or cold in one's faith, rather than being lukewarm. He warns against being caught up in religious arguments and focuses on the need to be true bond servants of Yeshua. The speaker also mentions the current state of the world, highlighting the chaos and the control of the ruling elite. Hello, New Zealand and the world. Welcome to the program, Let Us Reason Together, a weekly radio broadcast to prepare us for the coming of the King and the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Our host today, Boaz Newon. So, this morning we are coming to the end of the teaching to the seven key lot. And this is a very important message and I hope that Yahweh gives me the grace to bring it to you as He intends. I want to read to you from Revelations chapter 3, from verse 14. And to the messenger of the assembly in Laodicea write, The Amen, the trustworthy and the true witness, the beginning of the creation of Elohim says this, I know your works that you are neither cold nor hot. I would that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth. Because you say rich I am and I am rich and need none at all and do not know that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and naked. I advise you to buy from me gold refined in the fire so that you become rich and white garments so that you become dressed. So that the shame of your nakedness might not be shown and anoint your eyes with ointment so that you can see. As many as I love I prove and discipline so be ardent and repent. See I am standing at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I shall come in to him and dine with him and he with me. To him who overcomes I shall give to sit with me on my throne as I also overcame and sat down with my father on his throne. He who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the assemblies. So this morning we want to sum this up because the next verse says and after this I looked and saw a door opened in the heavens. After what? After all that we have discussed, after all these things that happened in these assemblies, after all that from Adam to the end of the seventh day I saw this door opening in the heavens. But that's for another day. For today we have the assembly in Laodicea. And the one who is talking there, there is absolutely no mistake as there never was to any other of the assemblies that the Amen, the beginning or it will be true or it is true, the trustworthy one, the only true witness, the beginning and the end or the Aleph Tav and then everybody says, I say see he is created by Elohim, no, no, no, no, no, he is not created by Elohim, he is Elohim because in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with Elohim and the Word was with Elohim and the Word of Elohim pre-existed, which most people are denying today, with the Father from the very beginning and to him there is actually no beginning and no end. And I emphasize this because not only in the Messianic circles but in Christian circles this is being denied today. And particularly at this time, those who deny the Son, he will deny to the Father. And as he will be the savior of Ami, of his people, he will be the judge of the low Ami of not his people. And if he was just a mere prophet, you know, who was a nice fellow and had your interest at heart, right, he would not have been able to die for your sin because no man can pay recompense for another, says Psalm 49. So this morning we want to sum this up and I want to welcome by mentioning also the people in Australia and Canada, the United States, South Africa and Norway, the Netherlands and Germany, most of these people have been emailing me over the last few months, also the ladies in Vishoek in South Africa, in Cape Town, Yahweh may he be all gracious to you and give you what you are looking for and searching for and keep true to him and he will come to you. But he says here in his word that he does not want anybody to be either lukewarm, he requires people to be either hot or cold and I want to remind you that this revelation is only for his bond servants. What are we? We are the bond servants of Messiah Yeshua, if anybody says where do you belong, you say I belong to Yeshua and I am his bond servant because you see all of religion, may it be Messianic or Christian or what have you, has all been infiltrated by those who are leading the flock or trying to lead the flock astray, I think it was you Graham who sent me this wonderful clip about how the Muslims and the Jews and the Christians are in Scotland all meeting together now you see, on Friday we go nicely to the Muslims, to the Mosque and then on Saturday we go to the synagogue all together you see and on Sunday we all go to the church you see because we want to respect each other, you see it is all about us now, it is not about him, it is about us, as long as we feel good and respect each other everything is fine and we leave Yahweh and Yeshua out of it, right? Well the time has come here for all of us to make decisions and decision time is now that you have to decide are you going to be a true bond servant of Yeshua or are you going to stay in religion because the ones who will not be able to hear the message are those who are in religion, they are too busy about unity amongst themselves, a friend of mine went to one of the big Messianic meetings in Texas and you know the guy was saying there Christians are bricks but we Messianics with all our different views doesn't matter if you keep Passover on the 13th of Aviv and you do, we are all rocks but with different edges, right? It is all about trying to unify everything at the cost of the truth, so the time of arguing about religions and theological points is over because the time is now to either rank ourselves by the five wise or by the five foolish virgins and if you want to argue about religion you better go to the city and go and get your oil over there because I am preparing for the master to come and the time is very short, we are going to our part of the issues in Laodicea, you are neither cold nor hot and he is standing at the door and will be knocking, Laodicea is just above Colossus and the Apostle Paul in his letters to the Colossians mentions the Laodicea congregation, here is some of the old, some of the new of Laodicea as you see they all have these Roman theatres where they did their thing and the issues we are going to deal with this morning and as I said from the beginning you can spend months and years on all these issues in this key lot but we can only pick out a number and deal with those, I would let you, I would that you were cold or hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth, rich I am and I am made rich, you see this is Ephraim talking, Ephraim is rich, he did this also if you read Hosea 12 verse 8 he is talking about how rich he was whilst he was sitting in the wilderness but Yahweh says you are as dead as a door nail man and he says this to the same Laodicean congregation, you think you are so rich but in fact you are poor, pitiful and absolutely on your knees, so the perception that people have today that they are on top of things is not necessarily that the deception, not necessarily what Yahweh thinks of us, we might be thinking that we are very religious and doing everything according to his will whilst the only thing we are really doing is arguing over issues that should have been long forgotten and the only thing we are really interesting in is our earthly well being and all this religious thinking has to be done away with because he is going to stand at your door and he is going to knock and the question is going to be are you going to open unto him and if you open unto him what will he see? Because that is very important, is he going to see somebody who is very pedantic about all the candles and how they need to be arranged and how many knots we have to tie in our tzitzit and all these type of things, in other words a very religious person who has otherwise no time to worship Yahweh in spirit and in truth. Are you going to be hot or are you going to be cold? Because this is vital at the point in time that we are in now. What we need to determine is where we are at and where we are at is if we look in the world chaos is taking hold left, right and centre. I was watching the Dutch television and there the news reader was saying openly to whoever wanted to hear, this is the first time I heard this on an official news broadcast, that the Euro is going to fail or they are going to sort it one way or another but it has to happen within the next seven days, that is what the news reader was saying. But at the end of the day we will know what is going to happen because the middle class and the poorer people are going to be poorer still and the priesthood of the Pharaoh will have everything that their heart desires. The people sold all their houses and all their assets to the Pharaoh but the priests had everything. And the priests of this world, the beamable princes, I don't know if you saw this whole thing from Walter Reed, you know this sustainable beamable princes, they are taking care of themselves, don't you worry about that and you can see that the whole world is being set up under the rulership of Satan. If you know that in the European Union, we have the European Union President, then we have the President of the European Central Bank, we have the Prime Minister of Italy and the Prime Minister of, the new Prime Minister of Spain are all top Jesuits, most who have been employed by Goldman Sachs. Do we need to say any more? And these people, you see the vote that we did for our government last week or the week before is irrelevant. When New Zealand gets into trouble, the boys who control the money will come and tell our Prime Minister exactly what he needs to do and how much more taxes he has to put on you and how much more taxes to put on the GST and the cars and the petrol and this and that and how much of the welfare will be cut and so on and so on and so on. Whilst for example the Prime Minister in Australia received a 90,000 dollar pay increase and now it is more than President Obama. But austerity goes on the people, not on the priests or Pharaoh. So this whole world system is collapsing as the scripture says that it will and the famines, particularly financial famines are taking hold and we are preparing as we see in our picture of Genesis 45 to 48 to meet Joseph. But there is a period of time where, as we will see, Yahweh says to us and to the people in the past that before all this is going to happen Elijah must come first. And that's the point. Because Elijah is going to come first because the people need to be called to repentance. And why do you think you have been sitting here for all these months and Yahweh has been instructing you in his Torah and in his ways for you now to go to bed and go to sleep and think well that was all very interesting and turn off the hot tap and become cold. Right? No. The cold tap has got to be turned off and the hot tap has got to be turned on because Yahweh is looking at the end of this age for those that he can use in the Elijah message. Let me say that again. Yahweh is looking for people at the end of this age who are going to be empowered most probably at the next Shavuot by the Ruach HaKodesh to do again what? To administer the gospel. And he is going to lead people to you and you are to administer to them the gospel as you now understand it. And then they have to decide where they shall go and what they shall do. Therefore he requires people who are hot and not cold. And the one who is bringing this message is the Amen, the trustworthy and the true witness of Yahweh, Yeshua HaMashiach himself who will shortly stand at your door and knock and the question is will you open unto him? But first we want to go back to where we started to the assembly in Ephesus because in Ephesus we lost our first love and we can compare Ephesus with the garden of Eden. And in the garden of Eden men lost their first love because they became disobedient to Yahweh or their creator and fell into sin. And what happened? They got sent out of the garden and that is where we are. We are sitting in the wilderness and this wilderness actually in scriptural terms is referred to as hell, Sheol. And we can see how the hell is burning for people all around us who are getting deeper and deeper into poverty because of what? Of our sin. And the tree of life is protected by the messengers of Yahweh. But Yahweh is faithful to his promises and he says that he will send a redeemer and he says there will be a time of renewal when I am going to renew all things and the renewal has to be back to that garden because that is where we originally were and got kicked out of. And in that regard he says you know that for you to go back to that garden I want you to remember Moses because he is the only way that you are going to find out as to how to get back there. Because you are now so dead that unless you know I am going to revive you by my spirit and show you exactly the way back you will never find it. We are like dead bones lying in the grave. Totally unclean in the wilderness. But he says remember the Torah of Moses my servant which I commanded him at Horeb. So he is very specific as to which Torah we are talking about here. We are not talking about the Torahs or the teachings of men. We are talking about the teachings that Yahweh gave to Moshe at Horeb at the mountain. And that Torah was for Israel and includes his Torah, his laws and his right ruling. It is not just the Ten Commandments but everything that Yahweh revealed via Moses to Israel at that time. He says that is what you need to remember where we are at now. Because he says Joseph is coming and although he recognises you, you have no idea who he is. Because you have dressed him up as a Swede in blonde hair and blue eyes right? Denying the Sabbath and upholding pagan traditions and you think that that is your saviour. But I am sorry he says I have got news for you you got to go back to Moses and as you are taught in Moses which is taught in the synagogues every week it says in Acts chapter 15 you will start to identify with him again. And he says Elijah is to come first. See I am sending you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome day. And he is going to turn the fathers to the children and the children to their fathers. Now who are these fathers? Are they Martin Luther and John Calvin and all that or are they Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? They are the fathers of Israel. And if you can accept it he says, if you wish to accept it then Elijah who was about to come right? Is in fact John the Baptist. And then in your Bible it says deceitfully once again unfortunately for all the prophets and the Torah prophesied till John. Right? Like when John came all the revelation as far as Torah is concerned is finished right? Now we go into a whole new dynamic. That is what he is trying to say. But I have changed the word. Because the word actually is for all the prophets and the Torah prophesied about John. You see if you can accept that John the Baptist in fact is Elijah. All the prophets and the Torah prophesied about John. Not till John but about John. It is a big difference. It is a big, big difference. And both Elijah and John the Baptist had a message. And John the Baptist and he did not go from house to house arguing with people about seat to seat and all these things. He was just standing at the bank and all the people came to him. Because he was the voice that was crying in the wilderness. And at this time in which we are there will be that Yahweh will be sending people to your doorstep because they have heard about you. Somebody said to me yesterday you know what I am so thankful. Nice to meet you. Remember this DVD you did on the identity blah blah blah. Yes. She said my husband got convicted because of that. I said praise Yahweh. Praise Yahweh. So people are going to hear about the teachers that Yahweh in this last day is using for his purpose. Therefore you cannot be cold. You have to be hot. You have to be on fire for the kingdom. Because the time will be very shortly that you are to go into your closet and you are to close the door and then it is over. He prophesied about John. And here we have Elijah you know in the time of Ahab the king. And he is standing there a lonely voice with the whole of Israel serving Baal. And if you read the book of Kings they said we serve Yahweh and Baal. And they made him into a nice golden calf and they said here is Yahweh who says you shall not make any graven images and worship it. And so it is today. And all this Baal worship and all this paganism needs to go because you see we are about to meet Joseph. And Joseph is about to take us into Goshen. But he is not going to take us unless we are cleansed. And I have hammered on this over the last number of weeks. Because what was is and what is will be again. That is Yahweh's principle of Ecclesiastes 1 verse 9. What has been is what shall be and what has been done is what shall be done. And therefore there is nothing new under the sun. So if you will remember that principle. Then from where I am and again I must emphasize that I am giving you what I have gleaned from the scriptures. And I am not saying that you must believe this. But what I am saying is you must check this to see if it is true or not. And if it is not I would like to hear from you. And if you find from scripture that it is. Then please apply it to your life. We are going to see as we are moving on our year one next year 2012 we are moving into the third year of the famine of Joseph. And the period between Passover 2012 and Yom Kippur of the same year and particularly in between the festival of Shavuot will be very important festivals. Because Yahweh always does things at his appointed time. And what was in Acts chapter 2 and what was in Joel chapter 2 which is being quoted in Acts chapter 2 may well happen again in 2012 at Shavuot. That those who are to declare the Bazaarot not the spirit fell on all flesh. No no no no the Hebrew word is very clear. The spirit fell on those who were to declare the Bazaarot the good news of the Gospel. That these people which Yahweh will select will be empowered by his Ruach to be able to teach those because he says in that time they will bring many to salvation. What was will be. And then we move to the festival of Tampuds and Yom Kippur and at the end of that festival the door will be shut. So time short. He says go into your closet and just remain there for a period of time. 1260 days or three and a half years till the end of 2017. So he is looking for people that have their heart in the right place and who are clean. Now how do we get clean? To be able to teach the message of Elijah and John. Which is the message of repentance. Repentance for you are to confess your sins produce fruit in keeping with repentance. For the axe is already at the root of the tree. In other words you don't get on with it. You know you are going to be. You see I hear all these Christians are but you know God is such a wonderful nice person you know and so loving and you know. He's got the axe at the root of the tree. And if that tree is not going to confess its sins and produce fruit in keeping with repentance. It's going to be hewn down. That's the message of Elijah and John. Lonely voices crying in the wilderness. But Yahweh requires clean men to administer his word. And how do we become clean? Well the scripture is clear. Husbands love your wives as Messiah also did and he loved the assembly and gave himself for it. Wives do your husbands love you? In order to set it apart and cleanse it. How? How were you cleansed? By the washing of the water by the word. No big mystical you know I had the other day I drove into Manukau yesterday and I saw a new church called the dream church. And I started to think what goes on in there. I had a dream brother about you last night. And all this mystical no no he says I am going to wash my assembly. Are you part of the assembly of Yahweh? Yes then he's washed you by the water of the word which I presume you are studying and drinking in and changing your life. That's the only thing that's going to change it. I can't change it. But he says that if the husbands love their wives as Messiah loved his assembly and gave himself for it right? Why? In order to set it apart to make it holy the old Christian terminology to set it apart and to cleanse it by the washing of the water of the word. So these people are washed by the water of the word and are living a lifestyle that is honourable to Yahweh. And to these people he's going to send those like he also sent to John the Baptist. And John the Baptist wasn't doing any sort of mystical stuff and he wasn't telling anybody about dreams he had and mystical things he was just standing there on the thing and he said you know you need to be emerged for the remission of your sin. Get into the Jordan River and get on with it right? And the people didn't say oh but hang on a minute don't we need a minister to do that? Where's the minister? He has licence you need to have a licence to be able to. John the Baptist had no licence. He only had a big voice and he says you must repent from your sin otherwise the axe is already at the root and something really terrible is going to happen. So here's the river Jordan you get into it. Because you need to be cleansed from your filthiness in the wilderness. We have lived in this wilderness for all those years and we are the last generation. How do we know that? Well yesterday somebody made a very good point and he says where are all the children? Where are all the children? We don't have any. My children don't want to know. I don't know about yours. They're nice dusty form, they love it. Very happy in the church you know. It's so cosy and we see auntie so and so and we have a chat with so and so. It's a nice social thing, wonderful. Right? But we don't have any children. Very very very obvious. Every place I go there's never children. It's only the oldies. Because we are the last generation. We are the last generation and then Yahweh will come, right? And he says I will bring them to you. So you need to stand on the bank and you need to cry out, repent for the Kingdom of God of Yahweh is at hand, right? And you need to immerse yourself and become what? A new man as we will see. And you got to give them the washing of the world. What you have learnt over those months. And Yahweh will empower you. But he needs hot deaths. And if you are neither hot nor cold, he will. He doesn't say well possibly I'll think about it. No he says I will spit you out. It is by the word of Yahweh that we are cleansed. That's how I got cleansed. Because by his grace he brought us into the Hebraic roots. And we started to study the Hebraic faith about 20 years ago. And do you think he has taken us all this way 20 years to now go to sleep? And said now we know it all. Yes we don't. And thank you very much now we can go. No. He needs hot deaths and he needs John's to stand on the banks of the rivers crying repent for the Kingdom is at hand. And sometimes that can be a very lonely job. And you must worry about your people. And you must worry about your families. And you see them wandering away you know. They are more interested. I tell you I saw a program the other day. Welfare dependence in Britain what was called. And here was this family, a mother, a daughter and a son. The fathers are never to be seen. They create all the problems and then they go. Right? And they leave all these people there with all the misery. And this television guy said to the boy who was 18 years old he says what do you do? He just sits there and the mother says he goes to bed. He doesn't come out until 12 o'clock. 12 o'clock he goes out. He eats. Then he smokes pot. Then he comes home. Goes to bed. Comes out of cloth. And that's how the whole thing goes. And then he steals money from us when his dole money runs out. From the social security people. What about the daughter? Ah she has a baby so she can't work. And she's pregnant again. And the interviewer says are you pregnant again on purpose? And she said yes because then I get more money. And that little toaster received 1700 pounds a month. The rent was paid. Everything else was paid. But you know. And these people are going around in circles getting nowhere. They have no self esteem. They have no purpose. They have no nothing. That's the world for you. Yeah. That's the world. So Yahweh says I need the John's and the Elijah's to stand on the banks and to shout and cry repent for the kingdom is at hand. To give people hope. And for them to make choices. Are you going to be with the wise virgins? Or are you going to be with the foolish ones? Because they all believe in God. Oh yes of course. And there are going to be those who are going to cry out and say we did all these things in your name. We even did miracles and we did all this healing. He says sorry I don't know you. Did you go to the bank and did you see John and did you emerge and did you start walking according to Moses? No. We have our own trees. You see. We've been planting the Dutch reformed tree and the Roman Catholic tree and the Benny Hinn tree and all sorts of trees. You see. And we know we had the spirit. Right. Because we all spoke in tongues. Yes. Because if you didn't speak in tongues you were not quite there brother. Whilst the scripture says very clearly some will have the gift of prophecy and some will have the gift of healing and some will have the gift of speaking in various other languages. Right. If I start here now this morning and talk to you in Dutch. Right. You have not a clue what I'm talking about. Right. And then I could talk to you in German and you have no idea. Right. How edifying would that be for the congregation? Or say for example that I could only speak Dutch but there was another Dutch fellow here and he interpreted to you in English. Right. That would be edifying for the congregation. That's what the scripture is talking about. But we've made this all in some sort of mystic hoopalala. Right. Which all of us had the head otherwise I'd look down at us and say well you're not quite with the spirit here brother. Right. What's the sin in your life? Because when you speak in tongues you don't have any sins anymore because otherwise you wouldn't have the spirit would you? You see? No. Sorry. You need to be washed by the water of the word. And you've got to put all this religion far away and come back to Moses. And the scripture teaches that what was will be and what is will be again. Right. And that is that you will be empowered by the Ruach HaKodesh so that when you will speak people will hear. No mysticism. And this clean man is to administer the water of the word. Right. To those who are listening. And he will also be unclean because we are all in the wilderness. And then on the end of the third day he also washes his clothes and can go in the camp. But the man who is unclean and does not cleanse himself that being what shall be cut off from among the assembly because he has defiled the set apart place of Yahweh. Water for uncleanness has not been sprinkled on him. He is unclean. Well you know I don't need to know all this bible stuff. I believe in God. Right. I believe in Jesus. What else do you want me to do? Right. I live a decent life. Right. But this happens to be as far as Yahweh is concerned. Right. These people themselves think they are very rich. Right. I am a decent person. But as far as Yahweh is concerned they are as unclean as unclean can be. He says you think you are rich. Ephraim. Right. Sitting there with all your this and all your that. Right. But you are absolutely poor and you are as dead as a door nail. You are like the lost son covered in pig. That's who you are. And unless you go back to Moses and find your way back to me and get cleansed by the washing of the water of the word because I am going to meet you Ezekiel chapter 20 in the middle of the nations in the desert and there I am going to pass you under my rod. That's the test. And I am going to purge out all the rebels. All those who are creating trouble. Sorry. You may come out but you ain't coming to the land. That's why you see this happening all over the place. People are having fights and arguments over this position and that position and such position. Right. Forget it. That's not how we are going to get to the promised land. Because you see when we get there he says I am going to wash you and I am going to sit on Mount Zion and I am going to tell you what it is all about. So I don't think we should for absolute any of our views quite frankly. But we should come as close to the word of Yahweh as we possibly can. And the time for arguing theological big points is over because we got to be cleansed because he is at the door. We need the water of cleansing. We need the washing of the water by the word so that ultimately we can get back to the garden of Eden. What will be the result? How can we see the result of the washing by the water of the word? Yahweh says that he might be filled with the fullness of Elohim. Right. Which is a Pentecost or a Shavuot message. That's where these teachers, these apostles were filled with the fullness of Elohim. It is Ruach so that they were able to speak in languages. They spoke in one language and everybody else heard them speak in their own language which that was the miracle. And if you want to see if these people are right then everything they do with these spiritual gifts is for the edification of the assembly. Not for their own edification. Fancy how good I am and I will prophesy over you and tell you exactly what is going to happen next week. No, no, no. It is edifying for the congregation to be able to go back to the promised land. That's the issue. Will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? No. He says first you got to go out into the nations and find dead Ephraim who thinks he is so rich. Right. And you got to sort him out and bring him back to Moses because otherwise he is going to perish. He needs to be filled with the fullness of Elohim. Doesn't he have to become a new man? And to put on the new man which according to Elohim was created in righteousness, kindness of the truth. He says we need to create a new man. He says your past must be buried in the grave with Mosiah. That's where you leave all your things you have learned in the charismatic movement, in the Dutch reformed church, in the Roman Catholic. You bury all this in the grave with Yeshua and then you must rise as a new man. Now what does that mean? Give us the next handstand with Yeshua. No. Then you must walk according to Moses. Because Moses says if you walk this way it will be life to you. This is death. But this way is life. Put on the new man which you receive in Mosiah when he pays the price for all your Torah violations. And you cannot have any other gods. If we go through the whole of the teaching of the 7 key lot in the book of Revelation as we will do in a minute. The message is so clear you cannot make any mistake. No other gods. Here we are, there we got Jacob, our father. And Jacob said to his household and to all who were with him, put away the foreign mighty ones. That are among you. Jacob said his problems too you know. You think you got problems. What about him? And cleanse yourself. You see you need to be clean. Because if you are not clean on the third day you will not enter in on the seventh day. What was, numbers 19, is and will be again. These are the rules of Yahweh. You can only come back to him under his rules. Your own trees and your own theological acrobatics or whatever you like to call it. Well I am not going to get you there. You have to do it his way. And his way is that you must be clean. And don't be hot or cold about this. Because he will spit you out of his mouth. So next year till the end of the festival of Yom Kippur is the time for the Elijah's and the time for the John's, the Baptists to stand up and administer to those who come to them. And you as a little congregation here has to really think about what your task is going to be. And you must make sure that you have a threshold in front of your congregation and don't just invite everybody in. Because they are going to contaminate you again. You need to be clean. So if these people come and say you know I need to know more and you say OK I come to your place on Wednesday night. Don't compromise your set apart status in Yahweh once you have cleansed yourself by the water of the world. You can't do that. And you must make sure that if there is any other mighty ones left of any sort that you put them out and you bury them under the oak tree at Mamre like all our great fathers have done. And if your wife has some she might still want to have a nice Christmas tree because it's so nice and the children are you know how can you do this to the children. It's not fair. You get it out of the door. Because you contaminate the house. You shall have no other gods before me. Put them away and cleanse yourself. For this you know. For this you know. That every whoremonger or unclean or covetous person who is an idolater had no inheritance in the reign of Messiah our Elohim. This we know says the scriptures. Do you know it? That if you do not do it and you say well she will be right. She won't be. Because he says you will have no part in the kingdom of Messiah. Now the time is coming where we all look forward to. But now we must do it right. That's the message to the seventh key lot. Because I kick you out of the garden then and I'm going to do it again. Because you see I'm a righteous judge and the Torah of Moses is the only way I can judge you by. But I'll judge Graham by it and I'll judge Boaz by it and I'll judge Adam by it and I'll judge David by it. All by the same rules. There is no different rule for you and a different one for me and a different. No. Sorry. He says that those idolaters and those covetous persons and these whoremongers sorry can't use them they are unclean. What was is and what is will be again because the rules throughout the ages for Yahweh's people will be always the same. That's the message. Without compromise. None of these nice fuzzy stories oh well they are bricks and they are rocks and you know we are all nice together. What about Friday we come and see you in the mosque and on Saturday we see you in the synagogue and on Sunday we come to your place right and we all talk about God and we all be nice and kiss each other and everything will be fine right. No way but that's where it's going. And all these religious institutions are infiltrated by the Jesuits of the Vatican. And what's the agenda to break the whole thing down right and win it for who? The fight is not against flesh and blood it is against the spirit of light and darkness which they have reversed. They say Yahweh is the bad one and the enlightened one that's the one we serve right. Well we have news for them because you see we serve the one true Elohim and he is going to win this battle. But the question is are you clean to go into the camp right? Did Joshua and Israel just walk out of the desert and they just walked in and said right here we are guys. No way. They were washed by the water of the word and you shall wash your garments on the seventh day and be clean and afterwards you come in the camp. All that is unclean resides outside the camp because he says I never knew you. Sorry. In this state of which you are sorry I don't know you. You did not listen to Elijah and you did not listen to John the Baptist and I told you that they were going to come first. When does John the Baptist and Elijah normally come in Jewish tradition? When was John the Baptist born? He was born in the festival of Passover. Passover they said the extra seat you know Elijah might become. To bring the message of repentance. The message of cleaning up our act according to Yahweh's rules. Not our rules. Not our own interpretation of the rules. No his rules. So here we have the seven key lot and in Ephesus we rejected the tree of life. It is like the garden of Eden. That is where we were separated from Yahweh and we went into the hell of the world and here we sit now at the end of the sixth day in a mess unbelievable. Misery everywhere. But then Moshe says don't be afraid. Don't be afraid if you washed yourself by the water of the word right you are engraved on the palms of my hand and I will come and rescue you. Oh somebody said a couple of weeks ago I don't need to know all this. No I don't need to know. I believe in Jesus right and he is going to come and take me to heaven. If you people need to go through all that is fine but that is where I am going. Ok I am not going to argue with you. That is what you want to believe? That is fine. But don't be afraid and hold fast to my name and to the faith that is taught to by and through Moses. And you are to reject the disables who come up with their own wonderful lording over everybody story. Unless you do this and unless you do that and you don't come here every Sunday and pay money you are going to go to hell. Where you will burn forever. Amigo. Right. Reject any false teaching. Not just some, all. And return back to Moses. Because are you alive or are you dead? If you stay in that false system listening to all the disables of this world right. With their false teachings and their false religious systems right and all their false prophets you are definitely going to die. But if you want to choose Yahweh and Moses you will live. And he is setting before you an open door and you have to make the choice. You have to make a choice. Will I remain cold or will I be on fire for Yahweh? And he is standing here at my door knocking. What am I going to do? Can I open unto him? And will I be able to dine with him? That is the question. You see if he stands at the door and he knocks do you have the right markings as far as he is concerned? When you open what will he see? And these words which I commanded you today they shall be in your heart. Will he see that you have the Torah in your heart when you open the door unto him? And you shall bind them as signs on your hands. Can he see by all the actions that you do that you walk according to the Torah to Moses? And they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. Is your mind totally transformed to the thinking of Mosiah? Or are you still full with Jezebel? So before you open that door you make sure that you have been washed by the water of the word. Deuteronomy 5 verse 6 to 8. This is Torah at its best. Or if you open the door will you have the markings of the beast because he has markings too and he will recognize you immediately. I can't. To me you can be the most wonderful, pious, absolutely fantastic servants of Yeshua. Me you can fool but him you can't. As soon as you open that door he sees. And he caused all both small and great, rich and poor, free and slaves to be given a mark upon their right hand, upon their forehead. So what? Have you got Jezebel in your mind? And by your actions you can see exactly from what cloth you have been cut. In other words are you having the marks of Yahweh or do you have the marks of the beast? When you open the door he will see it immediately. Are you ready for dinner? Because he says if the door is opened and you invite me in then we will dine with each other. Do you think that he will go into a house which is full of little ornaments of Buddhas with big tummies and you know we have pork on the stove. I don't think so. I don't think so. I shall come into him and dine with him and he with me. But then you must have your house in order. It's got to be clean. And you've got to be clean. And he has to see that you are carrying the marks of Yahweh so that he is your brother and your friend. And I shall take some of the blood and put it on the two door posts and on the lintels of their houses where they eat it. Exodus 12 verse 7. On that night, which night? On the night of the 14th of Aviv. No other night? Ah hang on the Messianic movement we argue. We say no no it's the 13th in the evening. Well it's just the scripture is clear. On the 14th of Aviv. On that night. And I shall eat the flesh on that night roasted in the fire with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. They shall eat it. I will not partake of the fruit of the vine until I eat it anew with you in my kingdom. Have you got the blood of Messiah on the door posts of your heart? So that then you can dine with him and he with you. And indeed do you have an Elijah message? Is that on your heart? To go out amongst your people and your family and say listen the time is now so short. And I want to be hot. I don't want to be spit out. I am here to tell you because I am obliged to according to the word of Yahweh. If I keep it from you your blood is on my head. So I am coming to tell you 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Now what do you do with it? That's of course your choice. Moses says choose wisely. The time is very very near. And I was at this meeting yesterday in Mangowai and Rob Moore did his presentation of Yahweh's revelation in the skies. It's absolutely incredible. And with that you cannot fiddle. Man cannot fiddle with that you see. With his word they are fiddled. But with the firmament in which Yahweh has written his message no man can touch it. And it is absolutely incredible and I have talked to him about a date to come and meet with you and we can perhaps discuss this afterwards. That confirms the picture in the sky confirms the word of Yahweh to a T. And we are of the opinion that we are in the last days. And in the last days he says Elijah will come and he will turn the heart of the children to the fathers and the fathers to the children. So that they all go back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And if you can accept it Elijah has already come and John the Baptist who is standing shouting repent for the kingdom of Moshiach is at hand. And it is. Turn the heads of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. Because you need to remember he says the Torah of Moses because that's going to bring you back to the garden of Eden. And then Joseph will reveal himself to his brothers and he will say you go and live over there. Also the Pharaoh says oh you go and live over there and he will take care of you. Whilst Egypt is going through this mass transformation of total misery which you can see coming at the moment like a big steam train at 500 miles an hour which is unstoppable. Are you hot or are you cold? Are you up for the task? Do you think that Yahweh will be with you? Then you have to be very careful between Passover and the next festival of Yom Kippur. And the counting of the Omar 7 Sabbaths and 50 days is absolutely vital. That you are at the right place at the right time. Because Yahweh will only do this at his appointed time not at your appointed time. And he says well you know I calculate it this way. He argues no no I'm going to calculate it that way. And to me it means this and to him no. According to Yahweh's word you count 7 Sabbaths and then on day 50 it is Shavuot. And there he is going to empower his people. Because there is going to be a wedding feast. You know the story I don't even have to tell it to you. And he says go out and invite everybody to the feast. What did I say? Sorry I'm too busy. He had to go and bury his mother and he had to go and bury his father and he was too busy in his business and he had to do such. Everybody is too busy running around chasing after wind. And the priority which Yahweh wants us to set. Right? Too busy. So ultimately he has to send them into the highways and the byways and just invite those who wanted to come. There is going to be a feast. And you have to now make up your mind if you are going to be too busy or if you are going to attend. But remember you must wear the right clothes. Your white clothes of righteousness cleansed in the blood of Messiah. And just wait to be seated. Don't go and sit in the front. Just wait you will be fine. He will look after you. All had excuses and if I look in the world today and if I talk to all sorts of people it is all excuses. Oh no no no I don't need to keep the Sabbath because for me Sabbath is every day. How pious. Right? I said when do you go to work? He said what do you mean? I said you are not allowed to work on the Sabbath and if every day is Sabbath to you you are not allowed to work. So when do you work? Oh well that's a good. It's all argument. There is no sincerity at all. It's religious juggling. Right? Yeshua says I am going to spit them out of my mouth if they remain lukewarm and they do not want to bring the message of the kingdom and to teach and proclaim to those who need or are in need of salvation. Because he said at that time I will bring many to them. That's the mission. So the 7 assemblies in the book of Revelation. The most important thing is that you do not serve any other gods. Don't get involved in any idolatry. Cleanse your heart, cleanse your mind, cleanse your house and remember keeping clean means that light cannot mix with darkness. So when you close your door don't have it half open and let some guy say oh well you know I have got this lifestyle block you know so when the time comes then my Christian brother and sister can come and oh yeah? I said you are going to do that? Oh yeah of course. They are my family. I said then we are going to sit in that camp and argue if we are going to have Sabbath or Sunday. Christmas or Easter or Passover. I said the whole thing will fall apart. You cannot mix light with darkness. You have to say to your family well here is my statement of faith of my house of my congregation right? This is what we believe and if you believe this genuinely and sincerely then you are allowed to join us. So not sorry we cannot afford any contamination in the camp. Sounds harsh but that's the fact. Have you lost your first love? Are you rebellious and disobedient to Yahweh? Sorry you can't come in my camp. In this camp we are to be unified, cleansed, waiting for Moshiach to come and reveal himself to us. But don't be afraid. Always remain true to his name. Big arguments about his name. Oh well don't worry about it because you know everybody knows that he and he knows what I mean. No he doesn't know what you mean. He says my name is Yahweh. In this name, by this name I want to be known in all and to all generations. He was, he is and he is to come. Absolutely no false prophets. So let us not sit here and argue and try to justify things that are unjustifiable just for argument sake. I get all these emails, oh I am having an argument with brother so and so, can you help me put him straight? I say no I am like Moses, I am tired. I have been up the mountain and down the mountain, up the mountain and down the mountain. I am tired now. He waits for Yeshua to come and he is going to take you to the promised land, purge out all the rebels, right? My job is done. I have been up the mountain ten thousand times now, right? But you have to wake up. Now is the time to wake up and to receive the anointing of your eyes which Yeshua says he is going to give you so that you may see and the opening of your ears so you may hear. And I know that your ears and eyes are open. You know why? Because you left religion. And people as I heard yesterday and quite rightly so, view the scriptures from their perspective. You know? Like if you are a lawyer, you will read the scriptures like a lawyer. If you are a management consultant, you will read it as a management consultant. And if you are a carpenter like a carpenter, everybody has different perspective, right? But Yahweh is going to give you this ointment on your eyes so that you will be able to see. Because without his ointment, you might only have a lawyer's perspective or a carpenter's perspective or a management consultant's, you know? And our perspective and their perspective might be totally wrong. We say we are rich, our perspective is it, you know? We are rich. He says no, no, no, you are as poor as church mouse. Actually he says you are dead, like dead goats. That's how sometimes we can be delusional, you know? That we think we are here but we are actually down there, you know? We have to wake up and we have to pray Yahweh earnestly that he gives us this ointment which he talks about to the Laodicean assembly so that we are able to see. He sets before you an open door and you need to decide if you are going to go through it or not. And the time to argue between the wise and the foolish versions is also over. Send them to the shop to go and get their oil because the time of sharing the oil is also coming to an end. Because sometimes these people drain you. They really do. We had somebody coming over to us about two weeks ago and we have known this person for five, six, seven years. Cut the whole story short. My wife said to him, who is here actually, in the car with a migraine unfortunately, sleeping. She said to him, you are still on the old hobby horses of six years ago. You haven't moved an inch. Hasn't moved an inch. Still arguing about the same things. Which is, you only take from the Torah what you like. You see? Because if he commits adultery you should stone him and kill him. Now we have been through this issue ten times. I am tired of it. They don't listen. You know why they don't listen? They can't hear it. Because they are in religion. I am standing at the door knocking. You have to be able to hear that knock. So you must be tuned in that somebody is going to knock. So you must open your heart. And you must say to Yeshua, yes, I want to be a hotbed. And I want to stand for you. Not for me, but for you as John on the riverbank shouting, repent, for the kingdom is at hand. And I am going to do that to my family and my friends. And some are not going to like you for it. They say, here is old Danny again. I wish he would go away. He is like, ok, but you have done your job. The blood is now on his head. So let us make an effort like John the Baptist and Elijah and stand up for Yahweh, for our fellow men, so that nobody can stand and say, I didn't know. They said, hang on a minute, I sent you Danny and I sent you so and so and so. You know, you knew, but you didn't want to change. You didn't want to go through the door, because you had all your own religious trees. And it is in them that you put your trust. And if he opens the door to you or you to him, that he sees, that he sees that the name of Yahweh is written across your forehead. And that he knows that the Torah is written on your heart. And that you are hot, ready to go and do as he asks. Which is, go out and go to your fellow men and tell them that the kingdom of Yahweh and Yeshua is near. Because we want to dine with him. And remember that this Passover is very important. And I am personally convinced that people who have cleansed themselves by the washing of the water of the word, who are the genuine Elijah's and John the Baptist's for Yahweh, will be enriched by the spirit of Moshiach this coming Shavuot. But remember, if you miss the third day, you also miss the seventh. This is serious stuff. If you miss the third day, if you want to know all about it, you can read Numbers 19 all over again. And remember Yahweh saying, what was is, what is will be again. There is nothing new under the sun. So if these people in that day need to be cleansed on the third and the seventh day, then so do you. There is no difference. So that ultimately, he brings us as Joseph brought his brothers into Goshen, where we draw near unto Yahweh in his protection. And at the seventh day, when Moshiach comes, he will cleanse everybody and bring us back to the promised land. Death will need to be cleansed. And then we need to build Yahweh a house. And then all arguments are over. And then he will say, this Bill is a nice guy, but he had this, that and that wrong. And Graham, he always had his house in the right place, but he had that, that and that. It is like this, this and this. Wouldn't that be great, because now we don't need to argue anymore. Because you see, we will trust him and he is the authority. That is what I am looking forward to. I am looking forward to, Brock was saying the same yesterday. I am looking forward to the righteous leaders of Yahweh who have authority to whom we can listen and follow up. Because I don't want to be a leader, I want to be a follower. And if Yahweh says, your job is to stand here by the gate and make sure to do 1, 2, 3. I will do it 100%. No problem. And if he says, the Sabbath starts in the afternoon, then I will do it in the afternoon. We need, we need righteous authority. Righteous authority. So in the meantime, let's not hit each other over the head with any more of this stuff. Let us just focus on cleaning up our individual personal act before Yahweh, ready to meet his Moshiach. That is the message. And be a John the Baptist on the river bank, that anyone he sends you, you instruct him in the Torah of Moses and say, brother get yourself washed by the water of the word. Because if you do not, the unclean will not enter the kingdom of Moshiach. Can you imagine what this means? All those who say, but I believe in Jesus and I am going to go on the bus to heaven, are going to miss the boat. That is sad. But will they listen? You see, I am sure that if you stand up in the square, right, and the ministers, fraternal, came around, right, they will boo you and bar you and they wouldn't have a bar or so for you. And they will warn their congregations against you. They did it to us in Tyrone already 5 or 6 years ago. But if you watch this, this is a false. And then to understand that in the main Christian denominations, the main leadership is all out of masonry. And they misleading them by the thousands. And Yahweh by his grace has opened our eyes and has given us an ointment that we may see that we need to go back to Moses and walk back the way to the garden of Eden. Because without that tree of life, we will perish. He is knocking at your door. And the question is, will you open unto him? And so we have these seven assemblies. We can call them seven periods from Adam up till the end of the seventh day. Because if you read in Ezekiel chapter 48 and 49, you see that here is Israel in the Messianic kingdom. And the whole world puts all their gifts at their feet. The gold and the silver and so on. And you can see that that whole congregation is going to sit there at the end of the seventh day and say we are rich men. We have got everything. And Yahweh will again say but you are poor as church mouse. Because again you are forsaken. Satan will be loosed and has one last go. But all these scenarios within these assemblies we can bring back to the period in which we live. There is no problem. Because Yahweh's reasoning is always circular. You know what is, was and will be again. So what happens in Ephesus is applicable to Laodicea and in Laodicea is applicable to Ephesus. And we can see right out through history that all these things have happened and are happening and they will happen again. He says of the beast, the beast that was, the beast that is, the beast that is not and very shortly he will not be anymore because the kingdom of Moshe is going to overtake. But he will be again at the end of the seventh day. It will arise again because men do not learn. So therefore let us not to worry about what is going to happen to the key lot on the end of the seventh day. But let us be worrying about what is going to happen to us where we are now. Because Yahweh is revealing things very progressively although it is going very fast now. Lots of sincere people are getting very important revelation. And if you see this whole picture that Rob has discovered by the grace of Yahweh in relation to what is written in the heavens, it is absolutely amazing. And it will strengthen your faith. This is a message of comfort. Because you know and you see that Yahweh is true to his word. And for those who are engraved on the palms of their hands there is nothing to worry about. I have been sending out these messages of comfort to people because lots of people are on all sorts of strange bandwagons because they do not trust into the word of Yahweh. They are into all this conspiracy theories and stuff. And I have to say to one messianic now listen you told me some months ago that the whole thing is going to be flooded with this element and we all going to you know and some people took their congregations up to higher ground and all this type of carry on. And now you are telling me this and this and this is going to happen. That one where you were wrong right. Why should I trust you Sorry I trust in Yahweh and in the scriptures. You are giving me false testimony and you are bringing the congregation of Yahweh into disrepute. All are on bandwagons. The only bandwagon I am going to be on is the bandwagon of Mosiah. And he says I will come and gather you. What he says I am going to test you. Joseph says to Judah are you going to bring your brother from your fathers place. Are you going to bring him to me. Because I want to test you to see if you are going to take care of him or not. And at the moment Judah is being tested in relation to Benjamins land because that is where Jerusalem is. Jerusalem is in Benjamins land and are you Judah going to give Benjamins land and city to the Palestinians. Are you going to do that yes or no. I am testing you. And Ephraim you are as dead as a door nail although you say you are so rich are you going to clean up your act or where are you going to be. The important thing for us is to now be still. And to tune in to the things that are above where Yahweh is so that when he speaks to your heart that you are there to listen. And I can't emphasize enough that the next series of festivals will be very important. How it is all going to unfold I don't know. I am not a prophet. I am only giving you what I have gleaned from the scriptures. And you must do the same yourself. But one thing I do know that Yahweh is true to his word. And he is true to his people because he has made agreements with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But let us all be reminded that he doesn't do it for our sake but for his holy name sake so that the world will know that he is Yahweh. All honor and glory be to his name now and always. Abba Yahweh we praise you and we thank you for your word. We thank you that you are the faithful Elohim that you have made an agreement with our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And that you have made promises that you will come and redeem us at the end of this age via the land of Goshen where we may draw near unto you. Where you will protect us and our families, our children. Because father we know and we pray that you have said in your word that this is not only for us but also for us and for our children. And father today we pray for our children and our children's children. Father that they may be the first to hear from us again repent for the kingdom of Yahweh is now at hand. And father when the DVD's of Rob Moore are available with your revelation in the skies that we may obtain them, give them to our children and say this is the last confirmations of Yahweh's revelation in the heavens confirming his written word that I can give you. And father will you then turn the hearts of our children to the fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That together with us they may come honor and glorify your holy name. And that together we may go into Goshen where you will protect us from the evil. And that ultimately you will lead us and our children to the promised land. So father we ask will you be with us as we go from here. Will you give us traveling mercies and above all keep us in your care surrounded by your messages. And father we pray for your Ruach to give us wisdom and discernment. That we may discern that whatever we get confronted with as far as people are concerned that we are not deceived or led astray. That we keep ourselves clean for you. And that ultimately on the seventh day you come and cleanse us and bring us through the river to the other side. And father we look forward to righteous leadership. And as soon as we know that this is 100% from you we will follow. Because it is you we want to honor and obey. Because we want you to return us to the tree of life. So that we may live with you forever. Praise, honor and glory be to your name. Now and always. Amen. You have been listening to Let Us Reason Together. A weekly radio program hosted by Boaz Nuov. Please do contact Boaz by email at the following email address. Also if you would like to make a donation to cover the costs of this broadcast please do so on our website at Also you can download this program and the programs hosted by Rob Moore entitled In That Day at From all of us here at Let Us Reason Together, Shalom.