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Paul and the law-2

Paul and the law-2


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The host discusses the difference between the institutionalized Paul of Christianity and the Sha'ul of the Scriptures. He refers to Acts chapter 21 to show that Sha'ul was obedient to the Torah. He emphasizes that Yeshua did not come to do away with the Torah but to fulfill it. He explains that Christ is the point or goal of the Torah, not the end of it. He warns against changing the word of Yahweh and emphasizes the importance of believing in both the living and written Torah. He clarifies that being under the curse of the law refers to keeping the law of the rabbis for salvation, not the Torah of Yahweh. He concludes that no one is justified by the Torah but by faith in Yeshua. Hello, New Zealand and the world. Welcome to the program, Let Us Reason Together, a weekly radio broadcast to prepare us for the coming of the King and the restoration of the whole house of Israel. Our host today, Boaz Nwam. Shalom, everyone, and welcome to the program. Okay, we continue with Paul and the Torah, and last week we showed that the prophet like unto Moses, which is Yeshua, is of course not the same as Ignatius. Today we want to have a look and see that the Paul of institutionalized Christianity is not the same as the Sha'ul of the Scriptures. So therefore, let the real Paul, or the real Sha'ul, as we will call him from now on, let the real Sha'ul stand up. In that regard, I want to use the Scriptures, because that's our best proof, and there is a passage in the book of Acts, in Acts chapter 21, which will remove all doubt as to what Sha'ul is really all about. I want to read with you from Acts chapter 21, from verse 17. When we arrived at Jerusalem, the brothers received us warmly. The next day Sha'ul and the rest of us went to see James, and all the elders were present. Sha'ul greeted them and reported in detail what Elohim had done amongst the nations through his ministry. When they heard this, they praised Elohim. And then they said to Sha'ul, You see, brother, how many thousands of Jews have believed, and all of them are zealous for the Torah. They have been informed that you teach all the Jews who live amongst the Gentiles, or who live in the nations, to turn away from Moses, or to turn away from the Torah, telling them not to circumcise their children, or live according to our biblical or to our customs. What shall we do? They will certainly hear that you have come. So do what we tell you. There are four men with us who have made a vow, that would be a Nazarite vow. Take these men, join in their purification rites, which are purification rites as laid down in the Torah, and pay their expenses so that they can have their head shaven. Then everybody will know that there is no truth in this report about you. What is the report about him? He says that you are telling the Jews who are living amongst the nations to turn away from Moses, and telling them not to circumcise their children, or live according to our customs. Then everybody will know there is no truth in this report about you, but that you yourself are living in obedience to the Torah. So here is James and the other apostles, and remember James was the brother of Yeshua, sitting down with Paul and saying, now listen my friend, we have heard rumours that you are teaching you don't need to circumcise and you don't need to keep Moses, or you don't need to keep the Torah. Now from your testimony that you have just made yourself, over which we praise Elohim in verse 20, we know this not to be true, so we want to prove this to the brethren, so you go to the purification rites with these other four Jews who have made Nazarene vows, and that will signify to the brothers that indeed you live in accordance with the Torah. This is in Acts chapter 21, dear friends. Now if Yeshua would have told them in Acts chapter 1, having had 40 days of meetings with them, that the Torah was no longer necessary, why do you think that in Acts chapter 21 they found it so important to make sure that any confusion amongst the brothers would be taken away in relation to the rumours that Shaul was teaching contrary to Moses. OK, so this is the basis, then if you go to Acts chapter 24 verse 14, the Apostle Paul stands up against the leadership and says, but this I confess unto you, that after the way which they, the leadership, call heresy, so worship I the Elohim of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Torah and the Prophets, yes, because that's exactly what he testified to in Acts chapter 21, totally consistent. And then he says in Romans 3 verse 20, for by the law, or through the Torah, do I have knowledge of sin. By the law is the knowledge of sin, yes, because if you do not have the Torah, or if you do not have the guidelines of Yahweh, you would have no idea as to what sin would be. As John says in his Gospel, 1 John chapter 3 verse 4, that sin is violation of the law or the Torah. Very simple, everybody is consistent with everybody, everybody is consistent with their master Yeshua, who says, I have not come to do away with the Torah, no, not a pittle nor a yoke must be taken away from the Torah, until heaven and earth pass away. Everything stands. Paul says, yes, I'll go with these four fellows, and I will testify to all those who have heard these rumors, that I myself live in obedience to the Torah. He says to the leadership of Israel, no, no, no, no, no, no, what you guys call, the people I belong to, which you call heresy, there we observe the Torah and the prophets, because the Torah shows me what sin is. And now, that we have this faith in Yeshua, shall we not do away with the Torah, because now we have faith? Romans 3 verse 31, Yahweh forbid, no, no, says the Apostle Shaul, we must establish and uphold the Torah, because it is the lifestyle of Yahweh, and it shows us what sin is. So that we do not violate it, because the wages of sin is death, Romans chapter 6. So here we see a consistent exegesis of what the Apostle Paul, or Shaul, really believes and stands for. So, if we go and have a look at all of the comments that Shaul makes in relation to scripture, which do not make sense, we see what has happened. And in that regard, we must turn to Romans chapter 10 verse 4, which says that Christ is the end of the law. Now, if you go to that word end, for Christ is the end of the law, you see that this is the Greek word telos, T-E-L-O-S. It is the Strong's word, 5-0-6-6, and means point or goal. That is the only two definitions that Strong gives for this word telos. So the word telos, so is so, does not mean end, like in end finished finito. It means either point or goal. So, the Messiah is either the point of the Torah, or He is the goal of the Torah. Yes, He is actually, to me, He is both. He is the point of the whole thing, and He is the goal of it. I mean, to me, my goal would be to be like unto Yeshua, which would mean that I would be like unto the Torah. That's my goal. Yeshua is the goal of the whole thing. He's the point of it. Because He is the living Torah. He is the Word made flesh. So, if you do away with the Torah, in fact, you do away with Yeshua Himself. And that's a fact, because if you do away with the Torah, you do away with sin. And if you do away with sin, you don't know what sin is anymore. And therefore, if you don't know what sin is anymore, and you do away with Moshiach, then, of course, you have no one to pay the price for your sin. But remember that in Romans 6 it says that the wages of sin is death. So if the Torah stands, then if you violate it, the punishment for that, without repentance, is eternal death. That's a clear understanding of the Scripture. So, Moshiach, or Christ, is not the end of the law, but He is the point, or the goal, of the law, of the Torah. He is the telos, not the end. You see, by changing one little word, the total emphasis, the total meaning, and the total point of what it is trying to point out to us, is lost and made negative. This is, dear friends, devious. And those who have changed the word of Yahweh, will be judged by Yahweh accordingly. Moshiach is the point, or the goal, of the Torah, and therefore He is righteousness for all who believe in Him. So if you believe in the living Torah, you must also believe in the written Torah, because they are one and the same. He is the point of the whole thing. He is our example. He is our goal. We must try to imitate Messiah. Now let's go to the famous Galatians 3 verse 10. For as many as are under the works of the law are under a curse. For it is written, Cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. So this is totally contradictory. The two statements contradict each other. You are doomed if you do, and you are doomed if you don't. Now what you need to understand is the term works of the law, or works of the Torah. The rabbis of the day, and of today, have made many thousands of rules and regulations which they have added to the word of Yahweh. So when we are talking about works of the law, which law are we talking about? Are we talking about Yahweh's law? This cannot be, because it says, For it is written, Cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. So if you do not do the law of Yahweh, according to Galatians 3 verse 10b, you are cursed. I am not saying it. The apostles Shaul in the book of Galatians and Moses in the book of Deuteronomy are saying it, and they are repeating the word of Yahweh. Now if you are going to keep the rules of the rabbis, or the Torah of the rabbis, also referred to as the oral Torah, with all their rules and regulations, and if you are going to keep those to earn your salvation, because that's what it is about, then you are under a curse. So if we paraphrase, we should read, For as many as are of the works of the law, keeping the law of the rabbis to earn your salvation, as opposed to salvation through Messiah, then you are under a curse. Let's make it even more clear. If you keep any system of law, it doesn't matter whose law it is, to earn your salvation, you are under a curse, because you are not going to make it. But that's what this is all about. For as many as are of the works of the law, keeping the law to earn salvation, as opposed to salvation through Messiah, are under a curse. And be reminded, Galatians 3 verse 11, that no man is justified by the Torah in the sight of Elohim. So, if you keep the law, that does not earn you justification in the sight of Yahweh. This is evidence, says Shaul, for the just, those who are justified, they live by faith in Yeshua. In your faith, or in Yeshua's faith? No, they live in the faith of Yeshua, in His faith, because He will return, and He will come, and He will set up His kingdom, and at the end of their age, at the end of the kingdom age, He will raise the dead incorruptible, and they will be changed. That's when we will have the change from above, 1 Corinthians chapter. For it is written, Cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the Torah to do them. See, that's why in Acts chapter 21, James, the brother of Yeshua, wanted Shaul to confirm and make known absolutely where he stands, so that there would be no confusion in the congregation. That's what he's saying. But, just keeping Torah does not justify you in the sight of Yahweh. If you keep the Torah to earn your salvation, then you are on the wrong track. That's the whole crutch of the matter. You see, if you read the book of Acts, and you go to Acts 15 verse 1, then you see exactly what's happening here. Some men came down from Judea to Antioch, and were teaching the brothers, unless you are circumcised according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved. You get it? So here, you must be circumcised in accordance with the customs of Moses, otherwise you cannot be saved. So, circumcision becomes an act to earn salvation. That is a false gospel, which the apostle Shaul, in the book of Galatians, is referring to. You see, all bad things came from Antioch. All bad things came from Antioch. The wolves also came from Antioch, and stirred trouble, and confused the brothers. You see, this brought Paul and Barnabas into sharp dispute and debate with them. See? They didn't buy this. They didn't buy circumcision to earn salvation, no. Circumcision was never an act of salvation. It never was. Circumcision as taught in scripture, and by the apostle Shaul, is only ever a sign between Yahweh and His people. There are three biblical signs. The first is circumcision, Passover, and the Sabbath. These are three covenantal signs between Yahweh and His people. Let's see what the apostle Paul says about circumcision, which is often misunderstood. And let us go again to the book of Romans, in chapter 4. Let's start in verse 9. For we say that faith was accounted to Abraham for righteousness. How then was it accounted, whilst he was circumcised or uncircumcised? Not whilst circumcised, whilst he was uncircumcised. And he received a sign of circumcision, a seal, or a sign, of the righteousness of the faith which he had whilst still uncircumcised, that he might be the father of all those who believe, though they are as yet uncircumcised, that righteousness might be imputed to them also, and the father of circumcision to those who not only are of the circumcision, but who also walk in the steps of the faith which our father Abraham had whilst he was still uncircumcised. Now, does this passage suggest that physical circumcision is no longer required? No, it absolutely does not. What it does say, however, is that Abraham was brought into covenant before he became physically circumcised. Yahweh only required him to be physically circumcised after he came into the covenant as a sign or a seal between him and Abraham. Now note verse 12, and the father of circumcision to those who not only are of the circumcision, but who also walk in the steps of faith which our father Abraham had whilst he was still uncircumcised. So, whilst you're still uncircumcised, you come to the conclusion, to the biblical conclusion, because Goethe says, or Jim says, or whoever says, no, you must come to this by faith, that you want to enter into the covenant made with Yahweh that he will send an eternal descendant in whom all the nations of the earth will be blessed, and at the end of the age he will regather you to the land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And if you go into that covenant by faith, then the only thing you require is the sign for the seal. That's what the apostle Shaul is talking about. Therefore Abraham is the father of the physical circumcision, not only to those whose forefathers were physically circumcised, for example the Jews, but also those whose forefathers were uncircumcised, for example the Ephraimites who became Gentiles. That's why the apostle Paul in Ephesians 2.11 talks about these who are akrabustia, who tossed their foreskin away, their forefathers were brought up, walked in, the covenant made with Yahweh, then they fell into sin, served other gods, and their descendants became uncircumcised Gentiles. That's what this is about. Abraham is the father of the requirement of physical circumcision to both these parties, Jew and Ephraimite and believing Gentile, because you must have the sign and the seal. If you do not have the Sabbath, you do not have the sign and the seal between you and Yahweh. If you do not have circumcision first of the heart and subsequently over time in the flesh, you will not be in the covenant with Yahweh. And so, if you read the whole biblical account of the Passover, you will also see that this is a memorial between Yahweh and His people. So then, this is a clear understanding of what the apostle Shaul is teaching, which has been grossly mistranslated, mistaught by institutionalized Christianity, who says all this has been gone away with. Now that's not so, because James, the brother of Yeshua, who was the leader of the sect of the Nazarenes, made Peter confirm his position before everybody. So let me read to you Galatians 3 verse 10, how it should be read, and perhaps you want to write it down. For as many as are of the works of the Torah, keeping the Torah to earn salvation as opposed to salvation through Messiah, are under a curse, for it is written, Cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book that Moses wrote of the Torah to do them. So you must do the book that Moses wrote and subsequently was put in the ark of the covenant, that's the Torah you keep. You see, why was it put in the ark of the covenant? Because Yahweh spoke from between the seraphim that were on the top of this ark. And His word was a testimony in that ark, underneath those seraphim. And that word is eternal, as we saw from Psalm 119. The Torah, the law, keeps you clean before Yahweh, that He might sanctify and cleanse it, the assembly, with the washing of the water by the word, Ephesians 5 verse 26. Now let's go and have a listen to a song and then after that song we come back and we sum all this up and close off this teaching. And then next week, next Shabbat, I would like to do a teaching with you as to who Yahshua really is in relation to Proverbs 30, Proverbs chapter 30 verse 4. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean. Remove the evil of your deeds. Remove your evil far away from my eyes. Cease to do evil, learn to do well. Relieve the orphan and the widow. If you do this, then I can tell that you, you love me. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your, though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Seek Yahuwah while He may be found. Call on His name while He is around. His love for His children, it will abound. So come unto Him, come and return to Yahuwah. On your heart, yes, He will write His Torah. Yes, the mercy of Yahuwah, He will give really to you, to you. To you, so praise His name. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your, though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your, though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Redemption is given through His Son. Grace is found in no other one. As a sacrifice, only He hung for your sins. As a spotless lamb, He was slain. Without His Son, our sins will remain. But He has risen, His life He regained. So that we could live through Him. Through Him, through Him, praise His name. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your, though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. Come now, let us reason together, says Yahuwah. Though your, though your sins be scarlet, they'll be whiter than snow. O God, you are under grace. Romans chapter 6, verse 14. Yes, and it's absolutely what it says, without any dispute. The problem is, that in the church, they take this out of context. And that's the unfortunate thing about it. They take it purely out of context. If now I said to you, Christ is the end of the Lord to all those who believe, straight away in your head, you will say, no, no, He's the telos. He's the point, He's the goal. You see, that's a big difference. That's a totally big difference. Now, we want to deal with Romans chapter 6. Okay, so maybe you should open your scriptures to Romans chapter 6. And we'll go through a number of verses, till we come to the first, to the verse that has been taken out of context. You are not allowed to lift out just one text and say, well, see, here it says Christ is the end of the law, and here it says you're not under law, you're under grace, and that proves the whole thing. No, if you're going to take things from Romans chapter 6, you have to start from verse 1. And in verse 1 it says, What shall we say then, in relation to what went on before? Verse 20 of Romans chapter 5, The Torah was added, so that the trespass might be increased, but where sin increased, grace increased all the more. So that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace may reign through righteousness, to bring eternal life through Messiah Yeshua, our Master. What shall we say then? Shall we go on sinning, so that grace may increase? In other words, shall we go on violating the Torah, because that's what sin is, 1 John chapter 3 verse 4. Shall we keep on committing adultery, and lying, and following other gods, and eating oysters, and cheating our neighbor, and giving wrong weights and measures? Shall we continue to do that, he says? By no means! We died to sin. Oh, when did we do that? Well, remember when we died with Messiah, remember we rose with Him to a new life, a life of observing the lifestyle of Yahweh, rather than a life of sinning and violating the Torah. We died to sin. How can we live in it any longer? How can we any longer live in violating the Torah, for which the wages is death, as we will see? Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Messiah Yeshua, were baptized into His death? We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death, in order that, just as Messiah was raised from the dead to the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life, and underline that new. Your past life was a life of violating the Torah, therefore you were sinning, although most of us did it initially, unknowingly, for which there is forgiveness. But as we know from Hebrews chapter 10, if you have been led into the truth and you are going to deliberately continue, then you should study the Torah and you will find out that Yeshua only died for unintentional sin. He did not die for your intentional sin which you do deliberately because you couldn't care less. Think about that. Verse 5 If we were and had been united with Him like this in His death, we will certainly also be united with Him in His resurrection. For we know that our old self when we were violating the Torah of Yahweh was crucified with Him. So, not the Torah was crucified but the sins, the violations that we committed they were nailed to the cross. That we should no longer be slaves to violating the Torah or sinning because anyone who has died has been freed from sin. You see? It is like when you die you are absolved from the Torah of marriage. When you die you are absolved from your sin because you are dead. You can't do it anymore. You can't violate the Torah anymore. And then we arise in Messiah to a new Torah-based lifestyle. Why? Because He says If you love Me Well Do we love Him for dying for our Torah violations? Absolutely! He says Well, then you will follow My commandments. Not to sin any longer because then you will die for sure. Verse 8 Now, if we died with Messiah we believe that we will also live with Him for sure. For we know that since Messiah was raised from the dead He cannot again die. Death no longer has a mystery over Him. No! We know that from 1 Corinthians 15 The death He died He died to sin once and for all. So He paid for your Torah violations once and for all and you do not have to take a hosty from the priest all over again so that Messiah has to die all over again for your violating the Torah. No! He died once and for all and that's the end of that. For we know that since Messiah was raised from the dead He cannot die again. Death no longer has mystery over Him. The death He died He died to sin once and for all but the life He lives He lives unto Elohim unto Abba Yahweh. In the same way count yourselves dead to sin. In other words Don't sin anymore live a Torah based lifestyle unto Elohim in Messiah Yeshua. Remember He who is able to keep you from falling in the book of Judas that's the way. Therefore therefore because you are doing it in Messiah sin let sin reign in your mortal bodies so that they obey its evil desires. So let sin that violating of the Torah no longer reign in your mortal bodies. Get rid of it because otherwise you violate the Torah and you will be punished. Do not offer the parts of your body to violating the Torah or to sinning as instrument of wickedness but rather offer yourself like Yeshua to Abba Yahweh or our Elohim as those who have been brought from death because you violated the Torah and the wages of sin is death but in Yeshua you have come to life and offer the parts of your body to Him as instruments of righteousness. What is righteousness? To do right. How do you know how when to do right or what is to do right? You have to go to Yahweh's lifestyle. It's all in His Torah. For sin shall not be your master in other words you do not have a master which makes you violate the Torah and as you are not violating the Torah because sin is not your master you are not under the law no, because you are above the law because you are not sinning and you have received over your past sins which you have confessed in Yeshua the Messiah for whom He died and washed them away in your blood the grace of Yahweh because by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself lest any man should boast on see how good we did the Torah so now we are going to be saved because we are Torah observant no way as I said in the beginning it is only Messiah who saves and I quoted you from Ephesians chapter 1 you see in the context of for sin shall not be your master because you are not under the law no, if you don't sin you are not under the law you are under grace you have received the grace of Yahweh what then? shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace by no means paraphrased what then? shall we violate the Torah because we are not under the Torah but under grace by no means don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as a slave you are slave to the one you obey then you are slave to sin which leads to death or to obedience obedience of what? obedience of the guidelines rules, regulations Torah and Torah of Yahweh which leads to righteousness this is now clear to me it is as clear as daylight and I am sure that if you read it for yourself and you ask the Spirit of Yahweh to guide you into all truth He will lead you there that's why the Apostle Paul in Romans 7 verse 1 says do you not know brothers for I am speaking to men who know the Torah that the Torah has authority over a man as long as he lives you see, that's the context you got to read chapter 6 and chapter 5 and everything else why would he say in Romans 3 verse 1 what advantage then is there in being Jewish or what value is there in circumcision, much in every way yes, because it is the sign and seal between Yahweh and his people if he got that sign and if you live in accordance to his lifestyle and you have Yeshua as your Saviour and Master you've got it all covered you are going to the Holy Hill and Shaul says James we've heard from people that you are teaching there amongst the nations that you don't need to walk after Moses and you don't need to do circumcision now, go and show them that this is not true by going with these four guys that Jacob and Nazarene found and by that you will show them that the rumors are false you see, there are many false rumors I want to go to you to the book of Acts as I said to you in the beginning the book of Acts clears up everything if you read it all in context and one after the other I want to read with you from the book of Acts chapter 6 you know this passage from my heart it's about Stephen now Stephen a man full of Elohim's grace and power did great wonders and miracles signs amongst the people opposition arose however from members of the synagogue of the free men, Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the prophets of Sicilia and Asia these men became to argue with Stephen but they could not stand up against his wisdom and the spirit by whom he spake the wisdom is the wisdom of Yahweh which he gets from the Torah and the spirit is the Ruach Elohim not the Ruach of Elohim but the Ruach Elohim the true spirit of Yahweh which leads you into all this wisdom and all this truth so they had no show now verse 11 is paramount then they secretly persuaded some men to say we have heard Stephen speak words of blasphemy against Moses and against Elohim so they stirred up the people and the elders and the teachers of the Torah they seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin they produced what false witnesses ladies and gentlemen false witnesses false witnesses were produced who testified this fellow never stopped speaking against the holy place against the Torah you see they persuaded people to say these things that Stephen was supposed to speak blasphemous against the Torah of Moses he never did know why? because the witnesses were false they gave false testimony so the opposite is true this fellow never spake anything wrong against the holy places or against the Torah no they said for we have heard him say that Yeshua the Nazarene will destroy this place and change the customs of Moses you see it's false because we've read in Matthew 5 verse 17 where Yeshua says I've not come to change Moses at all do you get this? Lies brothers and sisters lies that the customs of Moses should be changed people have been telling lies up and until today and it is time that these lies are being exposed because you now need to make a decision as to who is a true teacher of Yahweh it's not difficult to do the only thing you need to do is you go to the Torah and you go to what they call 5th Moshe or the Davarim or the book of Deuteronomy these are the words Deuteronomy means these are the words Deuteronomy chapter 13 this is absolutely vital for you to understand even in this day and age because it goes on right in front of you as it has gone right in front of me now this is Yahweh speaking Deuteronomy 13 verse 1 if a prophet or one who foretells by dreams appears among you and announces to you a miracle sign or a wonder and if the sign or wonder of which he has spoken takes place and he says let us follow other gods and let us worship them you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer so in other words if today you have people who have dreams of Yahweh who do miracles, signs and wonders and these miracles, signs and wonders come through so they are no mean people that gives them, in this day and age at least credibility if they do miracles signs and wonders, let's say for example that they were lifting people out of wheelchairs genuinely and could walk and they healed the blind people and all these type of things they give people in the eyes of men today credibility and Yahweh says here now if you have men or women like that who do these things, right and the signs and the miracles and the wonders they do are true but if they serve other gods and they are asking you to do the same thing you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer you know why? Yahweh your Elohim is testing you to find out whether you love Him Yahweh with all your heart and with all your soul is it Yahweh your Elohim that you must follow and Him you must revere not the dreamer of dreams or the prophet who does all the signs and wonders keep His commandments and obey Him how do you know what Yahweh's commandments are where do you find Yahweh's commandments in the Torah, right absolutely and He says you must obey Him and He says if you love Me keep My commandments because I do the will of My Father which you must also do because you have to imitate Me keep His commandments and obey Him serve Him and hold fast to Him that prophet or dreamer of dreams must be put to death, why? because he preaches rebellion against Yahweh your Elohim He brought brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery He has tried to turn you from the way that word way is the Hebrew word halacha or the walk after Yahweh your Elohim and commanded that He has commanded you to follow you must purge the evil from among you this word purge indicates like a burning you must burn the evil away from among you you see He says He has tried to turn you from the way this word way is also translatable in apostasy they bring you into apostate religion that has nothing to do with Yahweh Yahweh says you must keep My commandments what are His commandments? you must keep the Sabbath the sign and seal between Him and His people you must keep Passover which is a sign and a seal between Him and His people the memorial throughout generations He says if you want to be in the covenant with Me then you must circumcise your heart first of all and secondly you must circumcise your flesh when you are scripturally convinced and the Spirit will lead you into all truth so now you have the criteria by which you are to judge who is on the side of Yahweh and who is not so if you have teachers and preachers and miracle workers of all sorts who do not teach the Torah of Yahweh as Shaul taught and as Yeshua taught and as James or Yaakov the brother of Yeshua taught and the whole Nazarene movement taught until the 4th century then you know exactly where to stand you must stand on the side of the Prophet like unto Moses because you are told to listen to Him and He says I am not come here to destroy the Torah but I am here to bring it to its fullness, to its full meaning I don't want to take anything away from it nor do I want to add anything to it you know what it says in the book of Galatians Yeshua was born under the Torah but when the fullness of time was come Elohim sent forth His Son made of a woman, made under the Torah under the Torah to redeem them that are under the Torah not were the word is people the strongest word 5295 under not those who were trying to say well we don't need to do it anymore no He comes to redeem those who are living under the Torah who live a Torah based lifestyle and they will be the adoption to them will be the adoption as sons Galatians 4 verse 4 adoption as sons well we saw from Romans 9 verse 4 that adoption is to the Israelites who are the Israelites to whom pertaineth the adoption we saw from Ephesians 1 verse 5 having predestined us unto adoption to children before the foundations of the world were laid and then in 3 John 1 verse 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth remember from Psalm 119 my Torah is truth your law John 17 verse 17 your Torah is the truth and why do we need the Torah well says the Apostle Shaul I had not known sin but by the Torah for if I had not known lust except the Torah had said thou shalt not shepherd how would I have known Romans 7 verse 7 again what is sin, sin is transgression of the Torah translated in your Greek text as sometimes transgression but the Greek word is the Strong's word 458 anomia or that is according to the Strong's concordance violation of the law or the Torah so sin is violating the words decrees laws, regulations of Abba Yahweh then sin has to be not keeping the Sabbath not keeping the biblical festivals of Yahweh, not keeping the kosher laws, eating pig, mussels shrimps and prawns, ham sandwiches bloodwurst, rabbits and horses all forbidden in the Torah but also putting up Christmas trees for the customs of the Gentiles are vain, for one cutted a tree out of the forest the work of the hands of a workman with an axe they deck it up with silver and with gold and they fasten it with nails and with hammers that it move not Jeremiah 10 verse 2, putting up trees out of the forest and adorning them with silver and with gold is what the Gentiles do, the heathen do that not those who have committed themselves to Yahweh Jeremiah 10 verse 2 then we must ask the question does love do away with the Torah remember the question was asked and Yeshua answered and He answered with Shema you must love Yahweh with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and your neighbor as yourself and on these two commandments the Torah so then we say as long as I love Yahweh and my neighbor I can eat pig and ham and I don't have to do anything else that's not what this says at all that's not what this says at all what it does say is in Deuteronomy 6 verse 5 and Leviticus 19 verse 18 thou shalt love Yahweh your Elohim with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might that thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself and Yeshua said unto him thou shalt love Yahweh your Elohim with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might this is the first and the great commandment and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two love commandments hang all the law and the prophets so the whole law the whole Torah and the whole prophets of Yahweh point to loving Yahweh and loving your neighbor now how do you love Yahweh well if you love me you keep my commandments that shows that you love him how do you love your neighbor when you just love him with a fuzzy fuzzy love or when he is in trouble and he has nothing to eat you give him food right because on the end of the day we must ascend to Yahweh in his temple picture we go through the mikvah and we walk up the steps and we go all the way because there we want to meet Yahweh right but then we must descend to our neighbor because we want him also to ascend up to Yahweh so that he not be fall in the hands of the evil one now what's the purpose of the evil one to take you away from the word of Yahweh you are not under law you are under grace Christ is the end of the law for all those who believe don't keep the law Paul says if you don't keep the law the wages of sin is death do you get the picture that's why Yeshua says at the end of the age which is closing in very rapidly will there be any true faith left no he says because if it were possible even the elect would be deceived brothers and sisters be clear in what you do read up Matthew 22 37-40 and think about these two love commandments love is and always was the center of the Torah since Yeshua quotes from the Torah to show that love is still the foundation of the Torah it means that love always was the foundation of the Torah even in the time of Moses how do we know and he showed mercy unto thousands of them that loved me and what and who keep my commandments Exodus verse 6 Yeshua died for the sins of his bride for your and my Torah violations now you must rise to a newness of life a life dedicated to him honoring him in this deep and dark world by following in his footsteps these are the footsteps in the Torah he who has delivered was delivered for our offenses against the Torah and was raised again for our justification Yeshua paid the price for your Torah violations as you clearly can read in Romans 4 and therefore he justified you before his father and now when you walk in his Torah washed in the blood of Yeshua the father will see you as though you have never sinned last night I was thinking about this and I had tears in my eyes and so we should who is the bride of Messiah well we've been through that it can only be Israel Hosea 2.19 and I will betroth THE Israel unto me forever Yahweh is not a bigamist absolutely not how do you know that you love Yahweh dear friends this was Paul and the Torah clearly we see that we need to make a choice between Ignatius and his institutional setup or the Prophet like unto Moses I have clearly demonstrated to you from the Scriptures and from particularly and I did this on purpose from the New Testament that the Apostle Shaul has been totally misrepresented in traditional Christianity and they have changed his words friends return back to Yahweh and follow Him so that He may also gather you when the time comes which is at the door well it is time for me to go I wish you all Shalom and I hope to see you back again here next Shabbat when we will deal with who is Yeshua in relation to Proverbs 30 verse 4 because this is paramount because in Christian circles it is now being taught that Yeshua well you know He was a nice fellow yes He was a Prophet but no He is not God you see because then He is acceptable in Islam and any other religion but we again are going to look from the Scriptures not from my own personal thoughts no from the Scriptures we are going to clearly prove who He is I will meet you then Shalom www.beit-el.org www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net www.inthatday.net

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