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The speaker is leading a prayer session. They emphasize the importance of pressing forward and breaking barriers in order to move forward in life. They mention that it is the mind of God for believers to progress and not remain stagnant. They highlight two barriers to progress: sin and disobedience. They encourage everyone to pray and break these barriers in order to achieve success in 2023. They also mention the importance of not following the advice of the wicked and not joining the company of mockers. They end the session by praying against any forces or altars that may hinder progress. and i pray that god will prosper all that we do in jesus name if you are a deacon in the house and our pastor's wife just find your way to this very place our pastor's wife can sit in the front row while our deacon take the other place if you are a deacon in the house for many of our churches just please at each of our meetings for 2023 this is going to be your seat at each of our meetings 2023 you are a deacon you are a pastor's wife just find your way to this very place god bless you in the mighty name of jesus i don't know what has happened in other churches but those of us in egypt we want to thank god for what our lord has started doing in our lives and what god is going to continue to do as from tonight this is our year of pressing forward and i think every minute every second you will hear that pressing forward until you move forward they don't hear what i'm saying so tonight i want to talk of breaking barrier to our pressing forward breaking barriers to our pressing forward whatever is a barrier that the devil or agent or whoever want to place your way for you not to move forward this year we are here tonight to join forces together and break those barriers and we shall break those and as we break those barriers you will move forward you will press forward your family will press forward your life will press forward your destiny will press forward listen you must understand that it is the mind of god for you to press forward let her be part of what you'll be to yourself in 2023 it is not that that's why he's saying it is just because god himself never appreciates a stagnant believer no man no person appreciates a stagnant situation no person appreciates a stagnant life no marriage or individualized should be what should be stagnant no that is not the mind of god for us and as we share with the word of god tonight we are going to pray and i believe god that the lord is going to help us in jesus name proverbs chapter 4 verse 18 proverbs chapter 4 verse number 18 the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn shining brighter and brighter on the mid day the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn shining brighter and brighter on the world on the mid day thank you father for your word have your liberty in this meeting for we pray in jesus name what are barriers anything that disputes or that stop people as a rally or a fence or the light anything natural or obstacles that want to limit or hinder people from moving forward anything that restrains or obstructs progress anything that restrains or obstructs anything that restrains or obstructs anything somebody say anything that want to hinder a man from moving from a particular position to another one another position that it was a barrier and in the mind of god and in the mind of our leaders in assemblies of god for 2023 they are professing to our life that it is the mind of god for us to do all to press forward and i told us here again and again to press forward requires strength to press forward require our energy to press forward you are not going to sit down at ease in zion and thinking that everything will begin to work out on your own but there are possibilities i want to stop you from moving forward but tonight we shall raise up a standard against such power that do not want us to move forward in the mighty name of jesus barriers are limit or boundary to a kind of thing any kind of boundary that the devil wants to place on our way those are barrier any barrier that is opposing us from becoming whom god wants us to be barrier are the things that impede our progress barrier are the things that does not want us to move forward whether spiritually whether financially whether socially whether educationally whatever area that the enemy wants to cage us that do not want us to move forward tonight in as much it is the mind of god for us to move forward we shall break those barriers in the mighty name of jesus listen in the economy of god everything grows hello in the economy everything grows and everything is expected to move to move forward like a program director was telling us about the children of israel god told the children of israel i have seen your affliction and i do not want you to continue here i want you to move forward there is a place i'm taking you to but before you know it a man in the pharaoh you people will go but you will not go far i say and i join myself with the servants of god tonight any power that say you will go and you will not go back in 2023 god will silence them if you are the one i'm talking about we have declared that this week is a week of warfare so get ready to fight because it is only men and women who fight and win they are the one they call champion if you are not ready to fight if you are not ready to take your destiny by observing your heart you may be there marking time yeah it's going here in your house you are folding your hand for this year somebody will not hold his hand somebody will not hold her hand i will always say it is a man that will rewrite the story of order you can rewrite the story of your family as an individual if you will take the fool by the horn in the year 2023 you are going to say to yourself i am not going to take no for an answer and i pray for you tonight whatever is a barrier holding you holding your family holding your destiny holding your educational god in heaven will give you victory in the mighty name of jesus yes the scripture will say is the path of the righteous are you a righteous man are you a righteous woman the book of psalms chapter number one verses one two three make us to understand the blood in the man that do us that do not sit in the seat of discomfort but any man that will do us that will walk in the path of god you are not sitting in the seat of discomfort you don't want to identify with men and women who are doing evil let's get to the book of someone i'll say something there how happy is a man who does not follow the advice of the wicked hello my own translation says how happy is a man who does not follow us the advice of the wicked or take the path of sinners or join a group of mockers if you want to press forward in the year 2023 you ought not to take advice from who from weakened people why you are a child of god and as a child of god you should show for the glory of who the glory of god wickedness is not a sign of a time of god you are not expected to be taking cancer to be taking advice to be taking cancer encouragement for people who have nothing to do with who with god because righteousness has altered the nation for sin is what a reproach to whoever and i pray for somebody under the stand of my god tonight listen i will always say to us here it is not difficult for god to move us forward it is never difficult look at your life look at my own consider what you do on daily basis and consider what the scripture is saying but because many of us after we have read the scripture we do our own and i pray for you this day that heaven will be open to you in the mighty name of jesus who does not follow advice of the wicked or take part of sinners or join a group of mockers can you imagine that there are mockers even in churches hello even in our churches today just like it was in the time of nehemiah when nehemiah was busy feuding for the lord some set of people gathered and said i said don't you see what pastor is doing this very word that our pastor is reading even if a bird what flies on it it will what it will collapse what do we call such people they are mockers and they are in the midst of god's people are you here tonight and you are a mocker you mock the work of god you mock the man of god you mock the glory of god upon people around you and the bible says if you must move forward if you must press forward you are not expected to be a mocker tell your neighbor are you hearing don't join any group of mocker in 2023 if you must move forward don't take advice from wicked people if you must move forward don't take the path of sinners if you must go forward so number one barrier that you must break if you must press forward is barrier of war see somebody says see say it again say it again and what is seen every unrighteousness is what it is not only fornication it is not only drinking of beer anything called what unrighteousness is what is seen and if you must press forward you know most of the time like we are here everybody's shaking head i used to like to use the word shaking head when it comes to prayer you see people shaking head shaking head you are shaking there you are praying but you are doing some evil thing behind the eye of the lord does what move to and watches whether pastor is there whether the kids are there or not god is what and until you come to the point in your christian life that you can say whether pastor is there or not god is what is there whether the kids are there or not god is what god is here who was with joseph and when potiphar wife asked joseph to come and commit evil that young man say how can i do this in against who against who because he recognizes the place of god in his life i pray for you in the year 2023 you will move forward in jesus name to make progress in life we must overcome the forces that oppress that opposes us to make progress in life if a person is swimming i don't know whether you have seen swimmers before if you have watched some of these olympic games swimming is one of the most difficult sport you see them gasping just trying to do to move against what against the tide as they used to call it and the man will be one forcing himself because there's one there is a force that is resisting him and for him to win he must work he must return another force there is a force that is resisting you or that want to resist you but there is a greater force inside you and without greater force you are what you are going to pull down every struggle every force of power that want to limit you that want to stop you i pray for you this year there are no power will stop you if you are the one i'm talking about let me yeah amen another barrier and we must consider tonight before we pray a barrier of disobedience somebody said disobedience say it let me hear you now say let me hear you joshua chapter six verse number one says and the gate of jericho was what was short what tightly why let's get to the book of joshua please joshua chapter six verse number one are you still with me okay joshua chapter six verse number one now jericho was shot strongly 45 because of the israeli no one leaving all entries now god now told joshua i have handed jericho over i have handed jericho his king and his fighting men over what do what do what do what match land i have handed them over to you listen i think we used to talk about sir danny danny has 21 days fasting and from the day danny started the prayer god has what has answered him sometimes some of us we don't know that even since we started this program a week plus now there are a lot of things we have been telling god that god has what has answered us already praise the lord i have been saying something for the last eight months now and in this church for those who care to listen hearing from god is important and on friday we are going to do something here all of us at this section we pray is not just shouting on god prayer is communication somebody say communication and what is communication you speak to me and i do what uh-huh and most of our prayer today have become monologue and i'm made to understand monologue communication is not what it's not good but what which one is good dialogue i talk to the kifida the kifida was talk to me but you know sometimes in prayer we talk to god and talk to god i even want god in our prayers hello we talk talk talk talk talk i go to work one god in our prayer we don't care to even work listen to what he wants to say in respect to what we have what we have communicated to him if you must press forward in 2023 you must remove barrier of war disobedience somebody say disobedience say it again number one disobedient to god disobedient to man of god disobedient to church authority leaders of the church they are not there on their own god is the one who are judging them there's no school superintendent says this is how we are going to run from the school haven't taken clearance from who from the pastor but you say no that is not the way you are already a disobedient one a disobedient person the main ministry president come up with the vision have on a line with the uh the pastor that this is the way i want to run men this year he said no it has never happened like that before brother my dear sister pressing word pressing words one of the things that will not make you to press forward in the year 2023 is what disobedience and i pray for you that god will give you a listening here if you are the one i'm talking about let me hear you believe me now that you will be ready to obey god to obey man of god to obey servant of god to obey church authority some judges today we have some group of persons who had grown or advanced more than the church board the church board comprises of the pastor and the deacon they will sit they will meet they will decide on what to do for the church and an individual will come up and say no who are those people in that church board listen one thing with god and his word is that even if the member of the church board whether pastor or the deacon never utter a word you already will a disobedient person and as a result of your disobedience you are limiting or hindering yourself from what from moving forward rise to your feet we want to pray tonight rise to your feet i will not use all the time to preach so let's rise to our feet praise god have been able to establish two points tonight if please it's a law we may continue from there tomorrow see father if you are here say let me hear you now father uh everybody to my pressing forward i break them tonight listen there are some of you you are here now this is generally you will pray you will pray from february so the school you will not go you will not go to church any longer you are not connecting you are not connecting so you are going to pray tonight every barrier to my pressing forward be broken be broken be broken be broken be broken you can see the way i'm doing my hands be broken just begin to shatter them shatter them shatter them by yourself shout the name of jesus and let's go oh somebody pray pray pray pray tonight every barrier to my progress every barrier to my lifting every barrier to my moving forward whatever is that barrier whatever barrier of sin barrier of unrighteousness barrier of unfaithfulness lord tonight lord tonight lord let them be broken let them be broken let them be broken let them be broken let them be broken yes lord i pray for you i pray for you oh somebody's not praying i pray barrier i break barrier i break barrier i break barrier i break barrier to my moving forward i break barrier to my moving forward i break barrier i pray open your mind to pray yes lord my father my maker tonight tonight tonight tonight i break every barrier i break every barrier i break every barrier i break every barrier i break every barrier yes lord my father my maker ah open your mind to pray open your mind to pray hey everybody out of my moving forward everybody everybody out of my lifting everybody out of my pressing forward what are you waiting for tonight push them away push them away push them away push them away yes lord lord i pray tonight every barrier every barrier to my brother pressing forward whatever they call sin whatever they call unrighteousness whatever they call disobedience to the word of god uh-huh in jesus precious name we are praying join your hand with a friend and a brother anybody just look for somebody join your hand the father in agreement with my brother every barrier holding him captive over the years be broken be broken be broken be broken open your mind to pray join your hand with somebody tonight join your hand with somebody tonight join your hand with somebody tonight join your hand oh my god hey uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh oh yeah let's pray together tonight every barrier from the people there whatever is acting whatever the enemy has in mind to do for 2023 over this life over this life yes pray tonight let the power of god break every barrier in your life let the power of god break every barrier in your destiny let the power of god break every barrier now break every barrier now break every barrier now break every barrier now yeah no no no no no no no no yes barrier of sickness be broken barrier of poverty be broken barrier of lack of wisdom be uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh somebody pray tonight let's open our mouth to pray whatever is a barrier whatever is a barrier whatever is a barrier who do you dare yes ah in jesus precious name we are praying is by fire by force i am moving forward by fire by force i am moving forward by fire by force i am moving forward ah by fire by force i am moving forward by fire by force i am moving forward i am i am i am listen it is the mind of your creator your father that you move forward any pharaoh in your village in the company where you are living in the society in the community that says you will not move forward what are you are you still with me if you don't want to move forward that is for you but for me no force of forces with this year we will fight it until we shall overcome death are you with me shout the blood of jesus three times and let's go now uh-huh open your mouth to pray any force of office any power from the people there any witches or wizard any wicked man from any angle any wicked woman from anywhere that is standing against the purpose god for my life for my ministry uh-huh somebody pray somebody pray somebody pray uh-huh any power from anywhere any power from anywhere any power from anywhere any power from anywhere whether from my village whether from this people whether from this street whether from any angle only on whether from canola whether from my computer i pray tonight let our power be wasted let our power be wasted let our power be wasted let our power be wasted let our power be wasted let our power be wasted yes lord let our power be wasted tonight i pray under this sweat and grace of the holy ghost i pray for my brother i pray for my sister whatever is our power whatever is our power yay somebody pray tonight how we pray in jesus mighty name we are oh listen i will always remind us in this church that as we are praying we can't be forced to agree as in a prayer make it better for you they are saying no go better for you is that correct you are going to shout tonight every altar that i'll be raised against my progress let that altar shatter by fire if you like take my name to any shrine take my picture to any shrine you are wasting your time because there is a blog that has been made as a sacrifice on my behalf and that blog is thicker and stronger than any other blog and that is the blood of jesus are you still with me tonight we are going to pray tonight any altar anywhere listen some of you all of us here we are africans i grew up and i used to travel to my village in the house of my grandmother my maternal grandmother there's one small place if you just finish she must drop small thing there because there's an idol there that is the idol that is the altar of the world of that family when they say some of us you pray you just pray father thank you for this money like catholic as i go up make it go with me as i come back make it come with me as i eat make it with me is that prayer are you ready to pray tonight i want you to pray pray for yourself you know where you are coming from you know the company where you are born into my wife came from a polygamist home and i cannot talk with it i don't joke with it i know the battle is there not be one word not before not be five and everyone like that everyone that come must come with his own word with his own god or idol am i communicating now so i want you to pray tonight father any other race against my life any other race against my husband husband and wife here pray for yourself any other race against my business and my ministry what are you waiting for open your mouth and pray now somebody pray tonight somebody pray tonight uh-huh oh somebody's not praying any altar anywhere ah race against my life race against my family uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god yesterday father father will shatter any altar my mother now home my father now home we are ever that altar he's been raised against my progress against my moving forward against my business against my career tonight tonight tonight is chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter chatter oh my god uh hey hey in jesus precious name we are prayed yes ah foreign yes oh oh oh yes foreign yes hey amen you are going to share the blood of jesus seven powerful times listen there are people who enjoy your suffering hello did you hear me there are people who does what who enjoys your suffering are interested in your suffering but this year they will suffer yes did you hear me at all this year they will do what anybody that enjoys your suffering that wants your condition to be prolonged you are crying you are asking god god have mercy on me god help me for their own they say god prolong in suffering prolong affliction any man or woman that desire your pleasure to continue this year that oblation they will carry are you ready to shout out the blood of jesus seven powers and let's go two three four five six seven yes go put your mouth to pray every other race to prolong my affliction every other race to prolong my suffering any man or woman who has and says i will continue to suffer that i will not have peace in my life in the year 2023 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes aha in jesus precious name we are praying this is your next prayer point is this every spiritual collaboration what i will support one of my sister from legacy european sister worshiping the same church she brought somebody from her own family the husband brought somebody from his own family two of them collaborated in the realm of the spirit and ruined them did what ruined them until they returned to legals with nothing the husband read agric economy and he was a farm manager he was managing a good farm during what they call it the orange time the woman would just use truck to go and carry oranges to giobu my three market go and said she will be in the house they will bring money to her they condemned that boss that truck can never go to farm they have a smoker that car was granted they came to legos here to buy air t-balls to use it for commercial purpose to increase their everything granted until the man was sacked from where he was working and they stay in portugal for five six seven years paying rent with no job the woman will come to legals here come and buy something just to keep the family on until they finally when they could not bear it again they return back here empty-handed i pray for somebody under my boss every spiritual collaboration to ruin you to ruin your family to make you nobody tonight let the fire of god consume them let the fire of god consume them let the fire of god consume them you will shout the name of jesus and pray that prayer every spiritual collaboration against my moving forward against my family moving forward listen how will you run a business for a whole year you don't have any game how will you run a whole year you do i used to say here you must have something to show for every year it's a rule somebody says it's a rule can i hear you say it's a rule for me to have something to show for everyone every year if you ask me pastor what do you have to show for 2022 i will tell you greater things many many things for me 2022 and this year it will do more than what i imagine because that is what the scripture says somebody shout hallelujah are you ready to pray every spiritual collaboration some people will just get to office you are working very well you are doing very well marvelously where the md will applaud you the manager will applaud you you don't get to work the following month they say take your letter what is that letter not the promotion because they are a power that has collaborated in the name of the spirit that you will not remain there but this year you better silence them before they silence you am i talking to somebody tonight oh my god are you ready to pray we are praying against barrier any barrier any form of barrier i don't care what that barrier may seem to be tonight god will deliver us because we are moving forward my general should be tendency pressing my dsa pressing as your sectional leader i say pressing and any power that want to resist these three forces ever will resist them are you ready to pray shout the blood of jesus seven time and let's go you better stand up you better stand up uh-huh four five six seven open your mouth to pray every spiritual collaboration against my family against my ministry against my children against my wife every spiritual collaboration against my progress ministry what are you waiting for what are you waiting for what are you waiting for somebody pray now oh my god every collaboration of the power of every enemy to stop my progress i scatter by fire i scatter by fire i scatter by fire i scatter by fire uh-huh i scatter by fire yes somebody pray now somebody pray somebody open your mouth to pray every spiritual process against my life what are you waiting for uh-huh if there are husband and wife here or family here join your hand together locate your wife locate your husband locate your father locate your mother husband and wife locate yourself husband and wife locate yourself children locate your parents and join them every force of forces fighting my family fighting the progress of my family hey listen madam if you're gone they go forward you go enjoy you happy so uh-huh if you're gone see they do so i want you to pray husband and wife with children join your hand this my family this year we will have something to show we will have testimony to show shout the name of jesus and let's go uh-huh open your mouth to pray uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh open your mouth to pray now yes yes yes yes oh yes lord yes lord tonight tonight tonight we are moving forward we are moving forward yes somebody open your mouth to pray tonight any power anywhere any force anywhere collaborating in the realm of the spirit saying that we are not going to move for saying that we are not going to achieve the purpose of god what are you waiting for yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah uh-huh ah hey thank you father in jesus mighty name we are in the last prayer for tonight say father this my head will not reject prophecy a lot of you a lot of things have been said concerning you prophets will come guest speaker will visit your church your pastor will prophesy at the end of the day nothing good is happening around you you are going to say this year this my head you will not reject prophecy my head listen to me listen to me before jesus came somebody prophesy is coming and there was a fulfillment there are many of us today or many men today who are where they are by prophecy they didn't just arrive at that point somebody saw them and said this is what god said and they came to that point tonight heaven has already prophesied concerning you from his word am i talking to somebody why did i say so he said my thoughts towards you the award is that not prophecy that is god's prophecy concerning you and i want you to pray tonight this my head this my head this my head we never reject prophecy any power that i want to stop this prophetical revelations of god concerning my life let that power be wasted by fire open your mind and pray oh god my head will not reject prophecy brother pray for yourself you are a special child in your home you are a child of destiny the children that the lord has given to they are for signs and for their wonder my head will not reject prophecy yes yes yes yes yes my head will not reject prophecy my head will not reject prophecy every prophetical revelation that has been spoken concerning me shall be fulfilled thank you father yes thank you jesus in jesus precious name we are pray oh i want you to put your hand in your pocket and bring your highest note one thousand naira come to this i want to pray for you every barrier to your advancement every barrier to your progress every barrier to to to your

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