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introduction : Today

introduction : Today




my introduction to my first podcast EVER!!!

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The speaker introduces themselves as Jonathan Chavez, a content creator on TikTok and Instagram. They used to be a YouTuber but gave it up because they felt forced and didn't like seeing their face on camera. They decided to start a podcast because their viewers on TikTok told them they talk to themselves for hours. The podcast is called "An Alternative Life" because the speaker had a therapy session where the word "alternative" stuck with them. They talk about their life experiences and the decisions that led them to where they are now. The speaker acknowledges that their mind wanders easily and they may go off track during the podcast. They mention that the podcast is like therapy for them and they won't teach or give advice, but listeners can take what they want from it. The speaker also mentions that they may speak in both English and Spanish and that they have a strong accent, which they are proud of. They plan to talk about a life-changing event in future episodes but first want hi guys welcome to the first episode ever of my podcast called an alternative life I'm so mad that I fucked that up but honestly I was gonna fuck it up anyway so whatever we're just gonna keep going my name is Jonathan Chavez for those who don't know me I'm a content creator on TikTok and Instagram I used to be a youtuber and I said used to be because I gave up on it actually it was not my thing you know I don't like cameras well not that I don't like cameras I just whenever I would turn the camera on to film a YouTube video I would feel forced you know you know when they tell you act natural and then you immediately don't that was me like I would just as soon as that camera would go on somebody else was in the room you know so I gave up because honestly that and just seeing my face for so long because after recording I had to edit and just see my face for so long really like did something to me I think it fucked with me a lot so here we are doing a podcast because I can just talk I'm not recording this at least not yet I don't I don't want to right now one of the reasons is because I don't want to edit that like I don't want to record a whole bunch of stuff and then like have to edit everything whatever I hope my voice does it for you I hope that my voice heals you and that's all you need to like this podcast and if you need more then I'm sure there's another podcast for you I'm just kidding no like by the way I say psych a lot if you don't like that then then I don't know what to tell you because I'm not gonna promise that I'll stop no I won't I even got it tatted on me on my right arm psych s-i-k-e because of how much I say it and a couple years ago I dropped merch that said psych so it's at this point it's my thing right but I'm trying to let it go anyway whatever yes I'm doing a podcast because my viewers on tik-tok live have told me that I talk to myself for hours and hours and hours and how do you not be worth talking to yourself and it's called being mentally ill I'm just kidding no it's not I'm not laughing at that I'm not even trying to make a joke out of it actually I guess you can say I was trying to but I am a little bit you know a little bit wrong up there so yeah I mean I talk to myself a lot just because I live alone and since I started living alone I wanted to start a podcast because I live alone because there's nobody I can talk to if you hear my stomach growling please ignore it it's been doing that since last night I like I ate a mango and it just I don't know what was in that mango it's like I don't know it gave me like diarrhea and I woke up skinny and decided to start a podcast I'm laughing because that's not a joke like that's actually what happened but anyways yeah so I said why not why not start a podcast if I talk so much I'm kind of scared to start a podcast because if you guys haven't noticed already my mind goes everywhere like it just wanders off you know I lose my train of thought very very easily so this can take hours and I don't know how long I'm gonna stay here and I don't know it'll even make sense the final product but I'm gonna try my best to stay on track I even wrote it on my notes and so far I'm doing good I'm doing good so yeah that is why I started this podcast in this podcast you will not like get anything out of it any any like because I know like I did my research a little bit and I know that podcasts are like about teaching or like you know kind of like yeah like I see on tik-tok a lot of like Oh healing podcast Oh how to get over this podcast Oh nutrition podcast Oh working out podcast just a lot of podcasts out there you know I don't listen to any so I'm not talking shit about one in specific I'm talking shit about them all I'm skinny enough but yeah so this one you're not gonna get anything like that I'm not I'm not gonna sit here and tell you how to like live better and make better choices basically this is therapy for me I'm gonna tell you what's wrong with me the decisions I've made in my life that have led me to trouble and to you know just bad things and good and all of it and you can judge me you know you can make you can take out of it what you want so it's kind of like a oh my god this is actually sounding like 13 reasons why and that's not what this is this isn't like me telling you my you know how I know no no that's not what this is but I I mean in a way I guess you will take something out of it I guess you will learn from my mistakes I guess you will I mean if you want to you know if you want to but for the first episode I want to call it today because it's today and today I decided to start a podcast and I think for the first episode it's just really like an introduction right a quick introduction I don't want to do too much I don't even know really like what to tell you guys other than just explain to you who I am the reason for the title an alternative life I can't believe I'm fucking up the title twice already like that's crazy an alternative life is the name of the podcast and why I take that title is because today I had therapy session I had a therapy session and me and my therapist were talking duh and I don't know what we were talking about but I know he mentioned what stuff what will be the alternative for that and we were talking about a decision in my life or some new habit that I start because I start new habits all the time honestly it's part of me being not okay I guess so when he said the word alternative I right away spaced out and I was like alternative alternative I'm living like an alternative life and I was like oh that's gonna be the the title of my podcast an alternative life because yeah because it's an alternative life that I'm living now six months ago basically I decided to live differently than how I was living and I mean that like fully like my life did a 360 not even by choice that's what makes it really tough that it wasn't really by choice that my life changed so much you know because sometimes our lives change because we want change and we need it I did a dumb thing that pushed me to change and I don't know if you guys I don't know if you guys watch friends but like Ross said nobody likes change no it's true nobody likes change you know especially if it's forced and this was a very forced change it was a new I was in a new headspace after this event that happened to me I'm not gonna get into the event and the situation that changed me right away because I want to talk more about what led to this event you know all the bad decisions that I made and finally I made the one that was like boom this is what you get and you know you hit rock bottom and that yeah I guess that's what happened to me you know I hit rock bottom my coping mechanisms no longer worked so then I had to face life differently and that is very it's very scary I was very scared I'm not gonna lie it was I have bented about this to my friends and I feel like nobody has understood fully what it meant because everybody kind of brushes it off as like yeah we all go through things you know no like I cannot express enough how big this was in my life that it completely completely completely like changed me for the better but you know very tough it was very hard it was kind of like en una mariposa de barrio y por fin volé oh my god imagine by the way um yeah I'm gonna be speaking both languages Spanish and English on this well depending on how I feel because sometimes I feel more English sometimes I feel more Spanish I guess if I don't know how to say a word in English I'm gonna say it in Spanish and if I don't know how to say a word in Spanish I'm gonna say it in English I'm sorry for you like no yeah um so that's how it's gonna go just in case it catches you off guard I have a I've been told that I have a very strong accent and people have laughed at me can you guys believe that people have laughed at me for it like I never laugh at anybody for things that you know I know it's part of them oh by the way if you hear that it's I don't know what it is actually but I hear it right now anyway um you know and I've had friends in the past like laugh at it or tell me that it's wrong and I'm not ashamed of it I'm actually very proud of it because it means like I don't know like when I hear an accent it's like there's more to that person you know they could be murderers or they could be like spies or they could just be from another place that's usually the reason but like you know what I mean like it's it's different and I'm different I love being different ah oh my god no not that I love being different but I don't know I just grew to love my accent I don't know if that even makes sense what I just said but anyways yes so I will be using both languages and yes guys that's basically why I've decided to start a podcast to tell you guys about my life-changing event and what I've taken out of it and what led to it so like I said I won't get to it right away like on the first episode or not even the second one basically it'll be chapters of a year that led to that and for this first episode I just wanted to introduce myself get the vibe of this whole thing you know because I don't know what you're supposed to do on the first podcast honestly like on the first episode I don't think I should right away hop into like a very serious topic just because what the fuck like you don't even know me and I'm just gonna start talking about science or like pollution or you know politics no like I have to introduce myself to you guys I have to like tell you guys who I am and you guys have to first figure it out figure out if you vibe with me if this is something you want to keep listening to and yeah that that's who I am I'm Jonathan Chavez uh that sounded so sad hold up cuz that sounded like I was saying goodbye out of life no I'm just kidding but yeah that's who I am in the next episode for sure I will talk more like obviously have my topic ready and everything but for now I'm just giving this a go you know I was so afraid to start a podcast because I thought I needed a whole studio I actually thought I needed like so many things like well like so many things you know like I thought I needed like a guy here to record me or something you know I thought I needed so many things but my friend came over and he saw that I had this microphone just laying around because I did I just had it laying around and he said oh you're gonna start a podcast and I was like wait why why why like what gave you that impression and he said oh the the microphone you have right there and I said oh no like I need hella things for a podcast and he said no you actually just need the microphone and headphones and I was like shut up you're lying and yeah he was like no you need just like the computer the headphones and the microphone and you could do a solo podcast and that changed me guys honestly like I was so like oh my god I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do the podcast like the podcast that I've been wanting to do for so long that I thought needed so much attention and so much work I'm gonna do it because it doesn't so I'm actually just doing this because it's not that hard I'm a lazy guy not really no no no I'm not lazy I don't want you guys to get that impression of me but I do like to work smarter not harder and that's why this is a solo podcast nobody else is gonna be joining me unless you know maybe in the future depending on how this goes depending if you guys like this and I get feedback from you guys and you guys tell me you guys want people joining in because I'm boring or something I will have people coming in by the way I have this set up in my room right now and it looks bad so I'm not gonna be having anybody over anytime soon because they're gonna be like what the fuck is this is a joke I was trying to set it up really cute guys I went to Goodwill to look for like a table like a cute table because you know I'm trying to save money and usually like I'll go to Ikea because it's also cheap but Ikea's furniture tends to like fall apart when I put it together I don't know it just falls apart very quick so I said oh I'm gonna just go to Goodwill you know sometimes they have good stuff there and they do they usually do and I went and I saw this perfect little black couch and it was perfect like when I saw it I was like I want that couch and it looks clean and it looks nice and I was so excited I was like oh my god it's gonna be the couch where you know I start my success story oh yes no but for real like it looked like the couch right so then I buy it it fits in my car and I get home and I call my mom because I call my mom for everything you know and I was like hey do I need a cleaning you know obviously I know I need a cleaning like but but do you recommend me putting it inside the house right away and she said no no no no my mom is terrified of chinchis, ella le dice chinchis, those are bed bugs and she was like no no no no no limpialo con fabuloso y agua y voltealo she just said clean it with you know soap and water and just flip it around make sure there are no bed bugs really really check she said because if you get that thing inside and it has bed bugs you're gonna be fucked so I'm like but really like the thrift store goodwill by the way goodwill will will sell me something with bed bugs and she's like usually not you know because they have to check them too and I was cleaning it and it was fine and I was almost almost finished guys like cleaning this thing and it looks so cute and I was already like excited and I was yes I can't believe I found it the perfect couch and when I flipped it at the bottom on one of the like the legs the stand I don't know what you want to call it of the couch there was this little like hole and it had like I don't know it was like a paper and I pulled the paper out and there's like little red dots and to me it looked like a bug right so I shook out and I'm like no God please no don't let this be a bed bug like please let this be I don't know like even cockroaches I'm sorry I know that's not nasty but like that's better than a bed bug I'm sorry I had spent like $100 on this little couch so I take a picture of it and I call my mom and I was like hey mom do you think this is a bed bug? but I said it because I knew the answer bro I was just wanting somebody to say no it's not and she right away said that's a bed bug those are bed bugs get rid of that and I was like no don't tell me that and she's like they pretend to be dead they play dead and I was like but you don't think it's like a cockroach like are you sure because I already finished cleaning it I bought it it's like it's here you know and she's like no those are bed bugs she's like and if you put that inside the house they're gonna feed and then you're soon gonna be infested with bed bugs so I was very mad I was furious I was even mad at her even though like she didn't make me buy this couch but I wanted to be mad at somebody you know so I was like oh it's okay whatever like lo va a tirar ya gaste dinero pero lo voy a tirar but I was being like that you know I was like okay like I already spent $100 and I'm gonna throw this away fine fine and she like didn't know what to tell me she was just like I mean she's like it's up to you but that's a bed bug you know and honestly my mom is like an expert in bed bugs not because she has them but because back then she used to live in an apartment and she said her neighbor had them and she was traumatized immediately she was like she saw how they had to throw them everything away and it was just bad she's like you don't want that and every time she buys anything used she like super like supervises it inspects it I mean and yeah so I called the right person but I was mad about the answer so I threw my little couch away guys I didn't even like have the balls to go return it to goodwill I just threw it away all mad all pissed I kicked it and then I started to feel like bed bugs on me because you know our our minds do that you know when you think something's on you so hopefully hopefully the bed bugs didn't come in I mean the couch didn't make it inside the house I cleaned it outside but yeah guys like how sad is that like now my setup is literally literally this chair that I bought when I was like in high school this table that my mom gave me it's actually very cute but it's more like a it's just more like a table for decor you know it's not like something for a podcast so yeah my setup right now is very humble but soon I'm gonna make this cuter I'm in my cat's room right now actually I moved into a new place not too long ago and I got my cat a room because I felt like he needed a room because he makes a mess and people are like oh what a fancy cat you know and I'm like no you know what it's not like about it being fancy it's just I don't want the house being a mess so I'd rather him have a room where he can make the mess but now I'm taking over it and I'm sure he's pissed about it because he actually does like his room he plays in here but I was like hey we're gonna share the room you know it's gonna be my podcast and your room I would try not to bug but we're gonna make it a vibe he might interrupt the podcast here and there because he loves being on top of me he's a lovely cat his name is Benny by the way I love cats I love dogs I love all animals and yeah soon when the setup is cute when I feel more comfortable I'll have people over I'll have them join me there will be no bed bugs and it'll all work out but anyways guys yes that's pretty much the introduction to an alternative life podcast by Jonathan Chavez you can call me Pac that is my name on instagram and tiktok pacjonathan I will have a page you know an alternative life I do have a page an alternative life for the for this podcast that you guys can follow and the next episode is going to be coming soon for now it's just an introduction like I said um something for you guys to get a feel of you know I don't know like for you guys to feel me I don't know I don't know how to speak I hope you guys stay for this journey because I know that it's gonna get good um everything that I'm gonna spill on here it's not she's meant like that you know about people it's more about me um but I think I think I have pretty good testimony that you guys will enjoy and that's why I wanted to do this introduction thank you so much I oh by the way the music that you guys will be listening on this podcast is made by me I'm also a singer I feel weird saying that but I make music I love doing a little bit of everything as you can tell I'm kind of like I don't know I'm kind of like JLo except I don't steal anybody's work I'm just kidding oh my god imagine this gets to her no I'm kidding I'm I'm kind of like you know I like stepping my foot what's it called setting putting my foot in everything I don't even know the words right but I like doing a little bit of everything because I'm a creative and it's how I cope with life I don't know so yeah I make music too um and you guys will listen to that here but for now that's a wrap baby boys baby girls we're gonna finish with an ASMR video like imagine if I did that to y'all how annoying anyways guys bye um stay tuned for more of an alternative life

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