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Reasons to give thanks

Reasons to give thanks

AMI Belgium_Pastor PerezAMI Belgium_Pastor Perez



Reasons to give thanks 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Ephessians 6:18-19

PodcastAMIAMI BelgiumPastor PerezThankfulBlessed

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The speaker talks about the importance of giving thanks and being grateful to God. They emphasize the need to be passionate and committed in our relationship with God and not to take it casually. They mention that Christianity is not just a label or a religion, but a lifestyle and culture. They explain that Jesus came to establish the kingdom of God on earth and that we are called to be ambassadors of this kingdom. The speaker also highlights the significance of Jesus in history and the acceptance of his birth as the reference point for the calendar. They emphasize that Jesus is our King and should be recognized as God. am here to give you some word and the title of my message today is reasons to give thanks if I was you I would clap for God I shouldn't be making you clap you should be clapping because you are receiving something when you receive a word that speaks to you, you still live that the Bible says from the time of John the Baptist up to today the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violence take it by force you have to be violent when it comes to the things of God don't be casual the enemy is not casual with you when it comes after you is not casual it does not come and say oh he's a child of God I would I would swap here no it comes to devour you it comes to tower you you want to break your bones and eat them see you down still kicking you even when you are down the enemy the devil does not have pity for you you have to understand it it does not pity you so do not be casual when it's the matters that concern your kingdom be violent about it I'm violent in my calling I don't take it for granted I don't take it for a joke I take it serious I take my work this is my work I take my work seriously more serious than my job I have a job but I enjoy this is work this one here is work because this is what makes me be this is what makes me stand in a boat boat room where it's because it's boring but this is what makes me spend day and people can see listen to me I'm here you must listen because I have Christ reason to give thanks reasons to give thanks can we put the passage of the day on the screen please have your seat in the presence of God quickly and read we are reading some of you already have it in your phone it is our passage for the day we thank you Lord we bless you it's gonna be on the screen and read together thank you Lord bless you 1 Thessalonians 5 verse 18 in everything give thanks for this is the will of God Christ Jesus for you in everything give thanks in everything the Bible says in everything give thanks everything means everything everything that's what means something's big good things being bad things the Bible says give thanks but do you know that we have more good things to give thanks to God and bad things do you know that we have more good things more good things proof is this you are sitting here proof is you are sitting here beyond all the situation beyond all the challenges beyond all the mountains that are erected before you you are here give thanks to God give thanks to God now this message that I'm about to give you it is not one of those messages that will probably make you jump but this message give you food now I know the enemy will try to steal it from you that's why you must be your sister or your brother's keeper be your sister or your brother's keeper that if they are sleeping you know what we do in this house you wake them up but wake them up in the only way a little bit and when you wake up Christianity is not a level Christianity is not a level Christianity is not a name that we put on our front door when a visitor comes they see and they say she's a Christian or he is a Christian Christianity is not the method of taking your Bible and coming to church every Sunday Christianity is not about you standing out there and claiming that I am a Christian Christianity is more than that Christianity is a lifestyle Christianity is a culture Christianity is a way to be Christianity is not a level that you put on your front or your forehead and say I am a Christian so that people see you no Christianity is a lifestyle who understand that you are a Christian by what you do and how you are are you with me Jesus Christ didn't come to earth to create a religion I say this again Jesus Christ didn't come to earth to create a religion Christ never created a religion but you know what Christ wanted that works for ever that is established in heaven be established on earth do you know that you are a colonizer what I say it again you are a colonizer because you are in the country that does not belong to you and you want to take over this country that does not belong to meaning the system because the world has been created for us but from the garden we gave it our power to the enemy are you with me but the Bible says though we are in the world we are not from the world we come from somewhere and we live here why why because it is the will of God God says this the heaven he has created a reserve for himself the earth he has given to me are you with me when the disciple went to Jesus and said Lord teach us how to pray Jesus says pray like this our father I love you your name may your kingdom may your kingdom what may your kingdom come come way on earth and may you will be done on earth as it is done in heaven I don't know if you get this I don't know if you get this I don't know if you get this but follow me don't lose me follow me God says Jesus is teaching his disciple how to pray and he says to them as you pray pray like this your kingdom come when a kingdom come it means a kingdom need to take over the desire of God is that the kingdom of God take over the earth oh may you be the ambassador that will go out there and make Jesus rain I declare and I decree as you stand out there in a marketplace up in your place of worship in your workplace up make God be glorified to your life the kingdom of God is called on earth for you to you God want to rain on earth but to you Jesus did he stop there he said may you will be done what is the will of God in heaven that is what you need to ask yourself what is the will of God in heaven because Jesus was saying the will of God in heaven need to be the same what is the will of God in heaven that is the question you need to ask yourself but Jesus may you will be done in heaven on earth may it be done on earth as it is in heaven it means I'll paraphrase it for you the way heaven is earth need to be glory to Jesus if there is peace in heaven there should be peace on earth if there is abundance in heaven there should be abundance on earth I declare and I decree as an ambassador of the kingdom of God may you walk in up in abundance I say may you be an agent of peace may peace be raining everywhere you go wherever you are may there be peace because of you in the name of Jesus may you have your seat Christianity I said this again is a culture we have principles we have ways in we have method of doing things because we have our own culture are you with me we have our own culture and what are we doing we want our culture of heaven be imposed on earth and to to you and I now we have a president but we don't have a president we have a king and our king is the Lord Jesus Christ now if you want to understand because I want to give you solid reason for you to be thankful and one of the reason where I want to take you is for you to understand who you are in Christ because if you understand who you are in Christ no matter what you are facing you will be thankful you will be thankful Jesus is our King who is Jesus let me tell you this nobody no system no religion in this world denied Jesus they know he was here he came he existed they might say no is some of a prophet or is this and that yes fine but let me tell you they do not deny it yes they do not deny it they understand he was here now I want to tell you something because this puzzled me people do not accept that Jesus some of them they don't accept that Jesus is God I do not get into debate no more where people say oh Jesus is God no Jesus is not God you better accept it now if you don't accept it is a problem wait until we meet day then day there will not be a Bible you will see the Bible you will not read the Bible after day there is no more reading of the Bible you will see the Bible coming life so you still have a chance to read the Bible decide read the Bible and make your minds up are you with me make your mind up Jesus that people we can rejoice in him let me tell you the scientists of this world came together all of them they did some research they they dig where they had to dig and it came to a conclusion to say okay the history that we are living now there is what we call before prehistory and history is it so the time before history so the ancient history and the contemporary history they understand that they agree about it they say okay from that we need a reference there's something that will separate the two season now some of them will believe us some of them with remissions some of them will practice some of them I don't know which name will give them they can go to get that they say okay from today we see the calendar start in year zero and year zero is the birth of Jesus Christ Christian non-christian they accepted for Jesus to become the reference of history are you with me they accepted for Jesus to be the reference of history in your history book don't even go to the Bible go to your history book you will see the name of Jesus yeah this happened before Jesus glory to God hallelujah a man so those who are in Christ and those who are not in Christ they believe that cross was here and what is the reference of time you do not wanna believe in this guy reference of time oh but when I talk to you you say you don't believe in God you don't believe in Jesus but why is Jesus in your book of history why didn't God take in Krishna as a reference or going to take mommy and put him there and take I don't know the chief in your village and put him there as a reference I don't think that's a small short guy that you go into the house and bow to and put him in the history it's nothing but a name that is there is the name of Jesus is the reference Jesus is our God Jesus is our King we are privileged to call him God we are privileged to call him God because without fail is recognized or speaking to a man and this man spoke to me and he says you know what I converted to Christianity I said oh I don't know why he said I converted to Christianity because of something happened when I go to all the religion every of them says that I am a way to some way I am a way to some way I am a way this one will say I am a way I have some metal to give you for you to reach where you have to reach I'm not God but I have a way and those religions they believe that Jesus existed and they recognize Jesus but when I came to Jesus he says I am the way Jesus Jesus Jesus when he came to him he said I have the way he didn't say I have a way I have the way meaning there is no other way than me now if there is no other way than this man and I don't religion believe that this man existed Jesus is not a way Jesus is the way now I go a little bit far I'll go a little bit far this man say again that other religions they never came to be God they never say that you know what me I represent God no but when I read in the Bible this man a very charismatic leader that ever existed Jesus says if you see me you see the father if you see me you see the father now you do not want to believe to this guy where every other religion they never claim that he comes boldly and claim that you see me you see the man above let me tell you come wave all wings I declare and I decree you are bold in your faith from today going forward stand bold wherever you go stand bold understanding that the one who's breaking you up is the one who created everything visible and invisible is the one who make everything you will make every way for you it will make a way where there is no way I say this again it will make a way where there is no way are you with me well please have your seat now this is this is what the Lord says for us and this is Jesus for us now Jesus is our King and he says we are born of him we are co-workers with him we are co-head with him you were lost once but Jesus came and gave himself up so that you can be reconciled to the father you know that you have a good God a good God that's why you have to be cheerful and really rejoice in God I want to tell you this and I want to open your eyes with this you are not just a man you carry in you a divine potion you are divine you have divinity in you because you are born of God you are not just a mere man you are not just a mere man are you with me God called us he says he put his mark on us before going up though this Jesus says to his disciple I say I need to go up I need to go for your benefit but don't go anyway don't go anyway because you are not yet you don't get what I need to give you something that will be with you always until the hands of time therefore go wait in Jerusalem until you receive the Holy Spirit and when you receive the Holy Spirit it will give you what power let me tell you this Christians are people of power Christians are people of power we are always motivated never intimidated oh I'm not intimidated by the witch of my family I cannot be intimidated by the witchcraft done against me I do not care who comes by day who comes by night but I know what I carry I know who I am I know in whom I am I am a walking bomb hey I'm a walking bomb I'm dangerous not because of me because of whom I carry in me may God open your eyes may God reveal to you who you are in him I declare and I decree whatsoever you are looking may God open your mind you renew your mind in him you reconnect with your identity so that whatsoever you start doing you do not do it only as a man but you do it as a child of God a man a man a man glory to God a man a man reason to give thanks we give thanks to God because we know he made us we are he gave us something that no man can give nothing can give he gave us something that we cannot go by he gave us you walk in power I say you walk in power you walk in power going in and guy coming out going and coming out you walk in power a man Jesus says wait until I send you the Holy Spirit you will give you power and because you receive power you will now become my witness you are not a witness of Jesus or the ambassador of Jesus without power God made sure to give you power before sending you that's why you cannot be scared when the pot fell in your kitchen that you you don't want to sleep in your bed in your own bed your own bed you don't want to sleep because some old man in your village that is not even in a map said that you will know you will not make it in January now you start running everywhere the Bible speaks about the prophet in Russia in Russia sent to Elijah he was both walking boat he was walking in the street and children came out pointing fingers at him look at this man he's bought the Boothman the book I'm not speaking to those who are both yeah it's not you I'm praying in the name of Jesus that something happened but listen to me they were laughing at him he's bored he's bored he's bored he got angry and got caught in men of God that why be careful be careful on how you make your men of God feel be very careful you may just see your men of God just a man but let me tell you there is a reason they call him a man of God be careful Elijah stood and the Bible says he created with his word bear and lion that came out to devour children not adult innocent children that is the power that you have because the power that you have you can use it for good or you can use it for bad but it is power given to you it is up to you how to use it that's why the Bible says you have the power of life and death on your tongue you work with power to create you want to with power to make the impossible become possible I asked myself how can a bear come out of Israel a bear a little bit of geography a little bit of geography I know that in Israel the surrounding desert and the bear does not live in the desert how can a bear come out in Israel you see it's mystic I know children of God they are scared of those words it's mystic it's mystical very mystical I'm telling you but do you know that you are mysterious people you walk in the mythical what is it let's go about it because this is part of you part of this word what do we call mystic thing or mystical thing what do we call mystical thing what do we call what do we say that what is it it's the revelation of mysterious thing you call a mystical person a person who deals in mysterious things are you with me that is a mythical person is that correct I'm not saying it well but oh let's go to the Bible Lord Jesus Lord Jesus let's go to the Bible Ephesians 6 Ephesians 6 Ephesians 6 we'll read from verse 18 to 19 it's going to be on the screen we'll read together pray with me praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit being watchful to this and with all perseverance and supplication for all the things and for me that conservance may give it to me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel say it again the mystery of the gospel say it again the mystery of the gospel to make known who will make known the mystery of the gospel we make known the mystery of the gospel meaning things that are mysterious you are mythical telling you if listen listen to me if there is somebody that operates more in the mystic in this world is Christian those who are out there they are bowing before statues they are nothing I guarantee you yes they are nothing yes if there is somebody that you need to fear is a Christian who knows who he is amen amen amen amen hallelujah somebody connects if there is somebody that you need to fear is a Christian who knows who he is and whose it is we make known the mysterious things of the gospel oh are you with me amen then make known some mystery things of books some books they take some books and they take mysteries out of those books and they give you words no no no you say this no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no your lord came in the tomb of lazarus he stood they look at it he says lazarus is not there he's sleeping he says remove the stone and remove the stone yes and he look at lazarus and he says lazarus come forth yes a person who was in the tomb for days came jumping may you give life to every dead things in your life i receive may you give life to every dead things in your life i everything that is dead in you will have life in the name of jesus we have a name amen we are thankful for that name we are thankful because we walk because of that name amen jesus jesus jesus jesus we have a name oh my bible says at the mention of this name every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that he is lord amen jesus jesus do you know that paul saw the terrorists he was going to damascus in the road of damascus to go kill the the christian that's why you shouldn't be worried about those who are persecuting you in your workplace they are persecuting you don't worry they know what you carry yes it is not about you it's not you it's what you have that's what makes them tickling they are tickling because of what you carry don't worry it's about time yes because the bible says the whole world is waiting for the revelation of sons of men sons of god you will be revealed what you carry will not be hidden any longer i say it will not be hidden any longer it will be revealed amen in the name of jesus thank you lord family paul in his house going to kill christians with a voice why are you persecuting the guy fell from his house by himself nobody touched him nobody said this is for a person who had the backup of pharisees they were next they were behind him sending him giving him the money if he had the backup of pharisees backup of pharisees they were next they were behind him sending him giving him the money he fell he fell from the house by himself do you know do you know what happened i'll tell you what happened had before the eddie powell sorry from the house and he said who are you lord who are you lord paul became a christian before he became a christian hallelujah ah i say this again paul became a christian before becoming a christian him who was persecuting christians he heard a voice he said who are you lord but the bible says if you accept that jesus is your lord and savior you are a child of god yes glory to jesus amen may your opposition turn into submission i think your opposition will turn into submission those who are fighting you it is about time for them to bow before your god oh i do not know who am i speaking to i do not know whose word is this i say those who are persecuting you they will bow before your god in jesus name amen who are you lord he says i am jesus what should i do but you are discussing about him that's why i don't discuss when people say jesus is not god leave them the road of damascus is waiting for them so listen let them be the the world they will everyone has his point i'm telling you now your point must be the good one because the lord might appear to you in places that you don't want him to appear i'm telling this is the time where if you are not believing believe it's it's it's good here the weather is nice we can sweat a little bit it's fine this is the place for you to believe already before living here if you know that you know that you know that god is not in you this is the place believe before you go amen don't leave here the same way you came in hmm because that can you do not want god to god to appear to you in a certain way i'm telling you imagine yourself you are taking a bath and you have soap on your face the time you put soap on your face then you hear you are alone in the house by yourself alone nobody is with you in the house it's night because you were tired to take a bath during the day now you go at night to take a bath by yourself now you have soap then you're here hey i tell you this is the time for you to accept jesus yes i'm telling you this is the place it's still good you still have your your jacket you still look nice you have your makeup your nails are well done accept jesus amen i'm telling you now you have soap the voices hey they call you by your name they call and now you're like who's there you know yourself you know every doors are closed you close them by yourself you have the alarm on the alarm is on you didn't hear the alarm goes off but you hear a voice calling you and now now you have soap you do a little bit like this now you see there it's a it's it's just a ember if you you don't see a person but you just see a foam a foam that is standing there i'm telling you if it's me i take another soap i put there i close because that's not the time for you to open eyes i'm telling you i take another soap i close i close i close even my money in because that's not the place you might leave the place the same you came in and don't know where your clothes are and you you you must be this is the place to accept jesus i'm telling you jesus can appear to you in places you don't want to he's lord paul had his portion he had his portion himself he said hey lord who are you who are you lord says i'm jesus the one that you are persecuted he says okay what should i do say okay now pick yourself up go in the city there is somebody there who's waiting for you he will pray for you now the person you were persecuting is the person that you want him to heal you you heard that car you were driving you look at that sister that was walking you even water you splash her with water now jesus is telling you that is the person that will lay hands on you now take your proud of leaving your car and come to the sister say there's something that is going not well fire on you me you come i'll make you sit first i say okay you come from oh okay do you remember but but let's not remember sit let me eat first i eat first i finish i say let me read the bible i read the bible i say no no wait i have a zoom meeting i have a disciple meeting i go in the zoom meeting i finish the meeting i say no no i have a disciple to visit you wait for me here i go visit a visitor and i come back then i can pray for you you say listen god is not a joke amen are you with me jesus is not a joke amen there are those who say jesus does not exist today they are forced to accept he exists he exists please have your seat amen well family now paul himself went back and they lay hands on him and regain sight do you did you hear paul calling the pharisees when jesus spoke to him but he was working with the pharisees it was the pharisees who sent him but he didn't call them when jesus struck him he just stood that himself off went where they sent him there is time i'm telling you they are making noise now they have a gang that they are talking they have friends that are ganging against you in your workplace they are ganging against you wait god will break that when god break that they will not go speak to those friend anymore i'm telling you you you see but normally you sit that side why your desk i'm not i moved oh you moved why why why because now they cannot lie is it they want to tell you oh come i'll tell you see okay tell me now loudly so people can hear i met him you you what i met him i saw him now they're they're speaking slowly he says oh you met him not the guy that guy not the guy the one that we were mocking about the one that we were gossiping about i cannot speak loud god will confuse your enemy i receive this food it will confuse your enemy amen in the name of jesus amen now before we close we can close quickly i want to say this now why is it that we have all this to be thankful of but we still some of us not manifesting why is it that we have all these advantages in christ but we still not manifesting you see we do not manifest some of us because the approach is wrong we have the wrong approach the bible says you are asking you do not receive because you do not know how to ask or you are asking wrongly the approach is wrong our approach to christianity is wrong our approach to relate to god is wrong that's why the apostle paul says this do not be conformed to the actual world but in everything renew your mind there is a new mindset that you need to have when you are in god i told you that we are mystics we are mystical in god are you with me you believe it i told you we're ready together because we are the one who reveals the mysteries of the gospel are you with me but you see mystical people are spiritual people spiritual people do spiritual things we do not do things because of us we do things because we understand them in the spirit the bible says that when jesus was speaking to his disciple about praying he said when you pray when you pray go close your door and pray your father in secret are you with me it is a spiritual way of doing things everything that we do has a way everything you want to drive you need to go to the driving school they will show you the way of driving even when you go buy a phone it comes with a manual that show you how to use the phone are you with me do you know that there are ways that you and i need to adopt to be effective in the kingdom there are ways and i will share with you two and then we close the first way that we have to adopt for us to be effective in the in the spiritual realm in the kingdom is what we call prayer amen prayer prayer is our tool of effectiveness prayer is the channel by which we connect to the divine prayer is a weapon are you with me amen but you see not only normal prayer do you know that there are prayers and prayer amen there are prayer and prayer there are a way of praying and a way of praying i want to share with you the effective prayer as a christian how do you pray to be effective in god let's go to the book of one salutation no we already read that we read efficient six let's go back there efficient six let's go back there efficient six let's read from the same verse that we read right 18 let's read praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit stop there pray pray always always with all prayers pray always with all prayers are you with me amen do you know that there are many types of prayers you know the bible speaks about lamentation lamentation is a type of prayer the bible speaks about supplication supplication is a type of prayer thanksgiving is a type of prayer and the bible reads supplication supplication is a type of prayer amen thanksgiving is a type of prayer and the bible encourages us to pray all prayers all prayers because if they put the word all it means it's many amen if it was just one prayer says pray the prayer but says all prayer there are many prayers now he continued by saying what and supplication in the spirit in the spirit the prayer that you and i have to do is there are all type of prayer but we do it in the spirit because we are spiritual we do the prayer in the spirit now let me tell you this when you go out there those out there they understand it they understand that the spiritual people do spiritual things and one of the principle of the spiritual realm is what you call rituals are you with me amen one of the principle of the spiritual realm is what you call rituals everywhere you will go find a spiritual man a spiritual person that person will speak to you about the ritual when you some of us when we were in egypt you remember you remember when we're in egypt and you had to go see that guy that short guy you remember in the house that don't you know you know don't do like you did you know we know that guy he told you about the ritual he says there are things that we need to do we need to do it in a certain way there's a ritual for you to follow but do you know that as christian we have a ritual we have a ritual do you know our ritual our ritual is called prayer amen our ritual is called prayer that is our ritual because what is ritual what is ritual i give you a definition of which the ritual according to the dictionary is i borrowed from the dictionary dictionary it says this a ritual is a ceremony consisting of series of action performed accordingly to a prescribed order are you with me amen but you know our father says what when you have to pray go there are ways for us to do it amen there are order in which we need to do it amen if there is one thing that jesus christ taught his disciple jesus didn't teach his disciple how to prophesy it did not teach his disciple how to see vision it did not teach his disciple how to lay hands amen there's one thing he taught his disciples how to pray why out of all those he will choose prayer if a prayer was not important prayer is a ritual for us we have a ritual and you know out there when they do ritual they have some words that they give you you think you will say this you will say you say it three times you do you do oh lord jesus and you are there they say at a certain time at 12 o'clock midnight you must wake up you say you are believing something but you see in jesus we also have a word we do we don't have a word we do have the magical word and you know the magical word is in the name of jesus when we are in our ritual we stand in our ritual we look at the things that are not yet done because we want them to be done we look at it who says this is the ritual that i'm doing and i have my word that has been given to me i declare and i decree in the name of jesus make that door be open oh i declare to somebody a door is about to open in your life i say a door is about to open in your life i say a door is about to open in your life open in your life i say a door is about to open in your life if you use your word you use that formula the formula called in the name of jesus you will see the miracle of god happen in your life so shall it be it cannot be otherwise amen we have a formula in the name of jesus that's our formula we have a ritual called prayer we have a formula called the name of jesus are you with me glory glory now wait you see a ritual one of the things that makes a ritual effective is the time when when when you can do a ritual a ritual becomes a ritual when the wind is consistent oh you didn't hear me let me let me try this side a ritual become a ritual when the time is consistent you see the reason why you cannot you say to yourself i will wake up at 12 o'clock and pray and at 12 o'clock you cannot it is because the enemy understands that he can allow you to pray but he does not want your prayer to become a ritual he will allow you to pray pray in this order because when you pray in this order it's okay with you it's not consistent it is not rich ritualistic it does not respond to the norms of the kingdom or to the norms of the spiritual realm are you with me amen ritualistic things are done because of the the consistency on how to do it you say to yourself i will wake up or at 12 you have an appointment with yourself 12 o'clock now 12 o'clock your alarm rings you hear it from there ah god knows god knows god understands he understands sometimes some of you you take even the phone it's close you take it you put it because you are even lazy to wake up and even switch off the the alarm so you take it under the pillow so that it may not be knows too much and you can continue sleeping you see the enemy is not after your prayer no the enemy is after your time because he understands if he gives you and leaves you time to do that your prayer will become ritual and when it becomes a ritual it responds to the norms of the spiritual a prayer that is not a ritual is vain so i'm telling you that's why the bible says you pray but you do not the the bible says when you pray when jesus says when you pray it even says the day you will pray or when you choose to pray or or if you pray he says when the one means time are you with me there must be a when now even in the other side when they give them those things to do they say 12 o'clock midnight when the moon is half you wake up half naked you go around the neighborhood by the door of that neighbor you turn three times and say three times yourself you understand that midnight you will wake up you know what you used to do midnight exactly you wake up you don't want to lose one minute you know what because this the supernatural realm responds to the spiritual norms and god is the god of order is a god of order amen pray make your pray a ritual make a vow with yourself that it intercession time i will not miss it intercession time it's eight i'll be there at eight i have my own time of prayer i'll start at four when i tell you when you start doing that you will see how the winds will start blowing you will see how things will start coming against you do it once do it twice do it three times you will see you wake up you have headache you say i have headache let me just go to bed no you must make it happen even when you have headache they will tell you that your mother is in a coma you say i will pray first because it is in your that you will get your answer amen are you with me it is in your prayer in your time of prayer when you get your answer prayer pray first say i pray first i pray first then i go don't jump don't go pray make it so rigid because you see when it becomes a ritual what you create you create a portal you create a portal between you and the supreme forerunner are you with me and when it becomes ritualistic it means that you have now an altar because every ritual is done with or on an altar you are dangerous you have dangerous tools you have things that will shake this world and break the kingdom of the enemy but you need to be aware of them quickly we can be here for many but i i want to give you this too the last one that i want to give you is what you call sacrifice amen sacrifice we christian we have the chance to have our god that has made himself a sacrifice how today they ask them to go get a sacrifice you see in africa for those who have been in africa meeting from africa are there they say to you go get three chickens i tell you you will sweat you will sweat to catch them because the chicken in africa they've understood that they are killed for ritual in kenji chicken are doing squash they are already they are ready you will sweat to to to hold that chicken it will make you run ask those who kill chicken on the 31st they will tell you the you will run on all the corners because they understand that they've been killed for rituals but we we are laughing these are things that are real don't run you can go pet them you don't go to africa the moment he sees you coming you're not catching me you're lying he's dead they even fly some of them they fly danger ritual people i they've understood that if i have to be strong i have to be i have to have a process i have to have a sacrifice for my altar my attorney to speak a after that speaks is the answer that has a sacrifice on it are you with me but you see we as christian the advantage that we have already is that the supreme sacrifice has been paid by our lord amen jesus christ came down made himself a sacrifice so that you and i today can be where we are amen out there they ask them bring chicken bring a goat bring some of them they tell them bring a man a human being you see big up is christian i'm telling you christian is christianity is that it's very easy christianity is facility we are easy in christianity very easy everything is done for us sacrifice the lord pay for it sacrifice the lord pay for it i will do power he gave us anointing he gave us oh now he's asking you even to bring in the house things that he already gave you when he said bring in the storeroom of god it is things that he gave you gave you amen it's facility out there there are people that are giving their children can you imagine their own children because they want power but us we have power we don't want to give any child we don't want to give any mother we don't want to give any father but we have the holy spirit that gives us power amen i declare and i decree going forward from now going forward whosoever stand against you they will fall by themselves whosoever dig a grave against you make them fall in that grave themselves i declare and i decree thousand may fall on your side ten thousand on your right side it shall not come near you with your eyes only you will see the reward of the wicked in the land of the living god oh you are powerful oh if it is you that i'm speaking to i want you to stand where you are stand where you are lift up your hands up stand where you are stand where you are lift up your hands stop calling on god call on god

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