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EP 1: The Ham and Cheese Podcast - The Future Is Among Us

EP 1: The Ham and Cheese Podcast - The Future Is Among Us

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Welcome to the Ham and Cheese podcast! In this episode we talk A.I. conspiracies, the future of humanity, and more!

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In this episode of the Hamon Podcast, the hosts discuss conspiracy theories, starting with the flat earth theory. They debate whether ancient civilizations believed in a flat earth and discuss maps that show land around a sphere. They also touch on the United Nations' use of a flat earth map. The hosts argue about how a flat earth would have day and night, and one host mentions pilots noticing inconsistencies with flying straight. They briefly touch on the topic of dinosaurs, with one host claiming that most dinosaur fossils are fake and suggesting that the Ice Age era is more accurate. Hello everyone, to all our 3 million listeners, this is another episode of the Hamon Podcast. I don't even have an actual official name, but... You need to continue on your personal... Oh my god, I'm freaking serious. I apologize. We got a guest speaker with us today, right? Yep. Introduce yourself. It's the J. Gamer Villa himself! Now we need to change that freaking gamer tag. He's had those gamer tags since 2006. Yeah, my name's Javier. I run board game tournaments and a baking podcast, so there's that. Alright. Alright, so we actually don't have much time, but we got a couple good topics today. We're going to start off with conspiracy theories. Alright, and whether you believe in it or not. First one, everybody's heard of it before, is Flat Earth. What do you guys think, my boy? Okay, so... You're wrong. Flat Earth, as dumb as it may sound, okay? Yeah, we all grew up knowing whatever, round earth, whatever the heck. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But all the pictures, it's just funny, you know? You see all the pictures, and once you start digging deep, there's people that take pictures, and they're like, oh, you think it's a picture of the world or whatever the heck. All they did was grab a bunch of things that they had in their house and stuff like that. And you know, it's so easy to make you believe that it's a picture taken by NASA or something. So, basically, it's just a running... Like a common topic that people hit are the fact that all these ancient civilizations, they all believed that there was a flat earth. There's not one that believed there was... Like it was a round earth, or like a sphere. They had an IQ of 3. No, but here's the thing. It wasn't because they explored... If you look at the map, there's a lot of maps, and if you pull them up somewhere in the video or whatever, you can show them where all these ancient maps, they have the map, I guess the land, the continents laid out, right? They're all in a sphere, and then there's land around it. And the fact that there was land around it, like Antarctica wasn't discovered until later on. So, like, you know, it didn't show Antarctica. Obviously, it also didn't show Australia because I don't think they discovered that until way later. But all these maps, they all have that land around it. And what it goes back to is like this theory of the fact that there are levels. I guess some people call them like dimensions, but they're not like... There's maps, and I think they even have it in the U.N., actually, that same map. It's a flat earth map in the United Nations, like whatever the heck. The logo itself, I think, is a flat earth map. Like, it's not a sphere. So, it's like they use the same stuff. It's in your face. If you dive deep into these maps that they have, like all these ancient civilizations, whatever, they had land around it. And all of a sudden, basically, the United Nations decided that no one could go to Antarctica, which is now apparently a thing. No one can go there, right? You can go and you can visit, but only in certain areas that you have. Hold on, give me about like 15 seconds. I'm about to destroy your entire career. Okay, go ahead. Do you actually believe that there is a flat? You don't, right? You're just giving an argument? No, I'm starting to believe it. I mean, here's the thing, we got NASA, like, over here. Okay, okay, okay, okay. I could show you videos. Listen to me, right? I'm about to end this man's whole career. Go ahead, go ahead. So, what happens every 24 hours, right? Huh? What happens? We got day and we got night. We got day and night, uh-huh, go ahead. Okay, so how would a flat earth in a solar system have day and night time? Go ahead. Assuming it was a flat earth. Uh-huh. How does that correlate to our solar system? I don't know, explain this to you. Explain what a flat solar system is. You don't even say that in the Bible. I'm so glad that's a scripture. He's about to misinterpret something real hard. No, no, no, no, no, no. It talks about the firmament and I don't know what else. It's a, it's a, I would have to read it specifically because I don't want to chop it up. But. I'm going to chop you up. Here's the thing. You, you're asking how it works or whatever. Okay, so there's, what theory is it? It's a, it's not even a theory. It's just. Hmm. You're already thinking. No, no, no, I'm trying to explain. You're already thinking too much, bro. No, no, it's not thinking too much. I'm trying to explain this to you because. We're in a globe. Okay, but how does the globe stay up? Like, how does it work? The globe, the same way it's, it's, it works with the globe is the same way it works with the flat earth. Like. No, it doesn't because. Why not? The globe can turn. Yeah, flat earths can too. But you're in space. Allegedly. Allegedly. So you're telling me we're like a plate and the plate is turning around. Yeah, exactly. I mean, you're telling me a spear is turning around? Just because it's a spear doesn't make it any more like, like it's the same thing. No, it's not the same thing. The only thing, the only thing, it's not like just a disc. It's stuff under it, it's stuff above it, like it's just, it's, the earth itself is flat. And. You've been on a plane before. Yeah, and even planes, there's been a lot of videos of pilots themselves literally asking. So. Like, oh, whoa, we've been going straight this whole time. They're supposed to turn. And they're like, yeah, I know, no question, like, don't question it, whatever. Like, they all know. Yeah. But there's no point in saying it because they're just, they just do their pilot routine. Like, they're supposed to be like, if you're in a sphere, you're supposed to be moving in some kind of way. They just go straight. They go just flat. They don't go like pilots themselves. There's plenty of videos that can pull up. That they fly straight? No, it's not that they flew straight. It's like that, you know, they like, they noticed that if you were in a, like in a sphere, you're supposed to like make certain type of like rotations, you know, stuff like that. And like. It doesn't make sense because. It doesn't. We're traveling, say we're traveling from continent to continent, right? If it was a flat Earth, everything would be a straight path. Not to mention. And, you know, time zones even wouldn't even be the same. Why not? Because it's flat. Yeah, it's flat, but it's not a straight line. It's a flat, like, circle. The very bottom of the Earth experiences night six months at a time. A flat Earth would never do that. Damn. No, no, no. Alright, alright. We're going on to the next topic because my boy got a little too deep into it. We got about three minutes for the next topic. Earth isn't flat. Sorry to tell you all flat Earthers. I'll show you the proof later. Dinosaurs. I mean, you got the poofers in the pudding. What you think? What you think? Nephalos. No, I don't know. What you think about the dinosaurs, my boy? Let me tell you what I think about dinosaurs. You go ahead. You go ahead and tell me. I'll tell you all right now. Majority of the things y'all looking at, they're fake, bro. Fabricated as heck, my boy. What's the proof, though? Somebody with a little paintbrush and a toothpick. Something that was 65 million years old. I mean, you found human skulls, dude, from a long time ago. The oldest ones they found were like 10,000 years old. And you're telling me they can't find that in someone? 65 million? You know the species we haven't discovered, right? 65 million? I believe that very well in the bottom of the ocean. Not on land. I mean, what about the Amazon rainforest? Because there's so much of the ocean that we've been unable to explore. Amazon rainforest, same thing. Who's going in there? No, they got in. Did they come out? That's a whole nother situation, but hey. I'll tell you right now. Most of them things, they're fake, bro. I mean, I'll agree to some of them because, I mean, some of them are fake. But I do think that maybe the way they put them, I don't know. I don't know. It's just, I feel like some of them are real. What I do believe has somewhat evolved as far as animals is the, like the mammoth era. Oh, the Ice Age? You're talking about the movie, my boy. No, no, no. The Ice Age era. No, there's a different term for it. But I guess for lack of knowing, yes. Like mammoths and saber-toothed. They're very similar to what we currently have. But here's the thing. I mean, like, do you believe a megalodon existed? Those could even still exist. That's what I'm saying. Why is it really that much more pet to be? And that's why it's in the very beginning. And the ocean, yeah, I believe there's so many things that we haven't, you know, discovered in the ocean. Because it's too big for us to humanly go through all the depths. More deep. Yeah. It's too deep for anything to really go in there and accurately record or whatever, right? On land, we've gone miles, miles, miles deep. But it's not about that. Oh, that's what they, yeah, they say that, but then, you know, like. Okay, we have gone miles deep. We have gone miles deep. Miles deep compared to 65 million years of what happens to the earth. Like, all that stuff keeps going down. It doesn't stay up though. I mean, it does go down. It's the same concept as a tree, right? You know, a tree gets thicker, and that's how they count the years. They count the rings. It's like the earth's crust. So you believe all dinosaurs are fake? Nah. I just believe that they don't call them the right thing. They're not actually dinosaurs. It's like the Ice Age. I believe like the Ice Age is like the latest accurate stuff. Like all this stuff that we, oh yeah, 65 million years ago. And they're constantly changing their ideas because they're not accurate. They're talking about like T-Rexes actually look like large chickens. It has feathers and all this stuff. Have you seen that? That idea came out like, maybe like five years ago. What do you mean, like that's what they're saying? T-Rex actually? No, they had a lot of feathers. Really? I mean, that would explain like the tiny hands. It's just a lack of knowing. Yeah, I mean like honestly, at the end of the day, you can't really... I think, if anything, that's just money. And it rooted from looking for gold, looking for oil, and yes, finding some Ice Age stuff. But hey, not 65 million years ago, my boy. And we're trying to find some history from 100 years ago, please. You're not wrong. All right, next one. AI. Oh. That's a good one. Quit your jobs, guys. The guy's coming for you. Is Skynet gonna take us out? I'll tell y'all that right now. We're gonna get taken out by Skynet. My boy. What's that? Skynet. Terminator. Oh, okay. There's a company that created all the robots and ended up taking over the world and killing all the robots. Well, you know what they say about AI. There's a running theory. So, in my... Okay, so let's break down the question. There's AI and jobs in the job market, and then there's AI as far as like world domination, which is obviously two very different, you know, extremes of the spectrum. But let's talk about jobs first. My boy. Let's start off with an easy one. It's not AI, but it is technology. McDonald's. Nope. Yeah, right. I'm firing left and right. What'd they do when they asked for a raise? What's it called? The little self-order things, right? The screens. You know, the screens where you order your food? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's it. That's a person's job right there, right? Right. Walmart. What did Walmart do? Self-checkout. Oh, yeah, yeah. But that kind of backfired since people were stealing. Yeah, but that's not the point. Okay, yeah. The point is that technology, and later in the future AI, is definitely going to affect the job market. But in a way, you could kind of... In a way, it's a good thing. Because it's kind of like, you have machines. It's like when machines started doing people's actual jobs. Where does the stop go? Whenever we don't have to actually work, and all this stuff is being produced, you get a... Truck drivers. You get a... That's a huge industry. Have you seen the Tesla one? Oh, no. What about it? Stop driving. 18 wheelers, bro. That's... 18 wheelers driving by itself. But... And so there is... Well, the running problem is, is that a lot of those require a mechanic, most of the time, to be on board. He doesn't have to be on board. But it's more practical for them to be on board in the event of something happening. And why not have a mechanic that can drive the vehicle, too? But, you know, a lot of the ideas that I've seen, it's like, yeah, even if they need a staff member on there, that staff member can sleep in the truck, and the truck is still driving. I mean, that's kind of a good thing, though. You're still getting paid for nothing. But you're chilling. As a mechanic, not a truck driver. Yeah. Like, if this technology really develops, truck drivers are not going to have nothing. Here's the thing, though. As you take jobs, other jobs are created. Like, people that manage those jobs, like... It's only in the tech industry, though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so what I'm talking about is, generally, any job that can be replaced by technology is typically a lower-level job. Lower-level job. They can do complicated tasks, of course. I mean, it's technology. But in the sense of, like, the job market, the first ones to go will be the entry-level things. I mean, right now, they're going after artists. Walmart and self-checkout. Those are very, like, service type of stuff. Things that can be easily programmed, right? Even truck driving requires a lot of technology, even, like, Tesla, right, in general? They've put so much money into self-driving cars, and it's still not even perfect, right? But it will get there. Right? And then, like, you just brought up, like, artists, you know? Well, yeah, they're going after artists. They're going after, like, graphic designers, all that, like, artistic field, like, making stuff. What was it called? So, basically, if you want to create an image, you can just submit a couple things on an AI, and it'll create, like, an art piece. But it's not perfect. It doesn't always... The thing with, it's not perfect because it doesn't... Like, you have to be so specific, and it still doesn't give you exactly what you're seeing. So, that's the whole thing with that. Like, it'll give you an image, and it'll give you a cool image, and it'll give you a cool image, but right now, it's just not at the level that you need it. Like, it's not what you see. Like, it's just kind of putting your thoughts on paper. Okay. So, let's do this. It's not complete yet. What do you think? In my opinion, right? Let's just give it a time frame. 20 years from now, right? I think 20 years from now, there's going to be little to no truck drivers left. I think there's going to be very little service industry left. A lot of transportation is going to be somewhat controlled by technology. And that's already happening in the car industry itself, and that's a legal thing. Like, I want to say it's 20... Like, 20 or 30 years from now, they're going to stop. They're not going to be making any more gas cars. I disagree. Oh, yes. No, like, new cars. No, no, no. I can agree. No more manufacturers are going to make any... Like, they're still going to exist in the world, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But nobody's making them. And so, like, you know, 15, 20 years after that, all the gas cars have died because nobody's making any more. But I don't think it's going to be all electric. What do you think? What else is it going to be, you ask? Hydro? Hydro? That's already made. That technology has gotten people killed. It's already made. It's already made. Some dude... No, no, no, no, no. Some dude in... Some dude made it, bro. What was it? I have a book out there that has one. Either Iraq or somewhere, somebody made a car that runs on water. Water, right? Just water. But not just that. Porsche has put a lot of money into it, and they have an engine. I feel like... I want to say that they already have it done, or they're, like, you know, they have, like, the layout and everything like that, and they're making it and just perfecting it. Would they already have the technology to make that, like, a reality? Like, it's already a thing. That's a conspiracy theory in itself. Not to mention, it's better than electric. It's cleaner. You know why? It's cleaner. Because, well, of course, fossil fuels, right? Electricity and whatnot, right? It takes so much to make those lithium batteries. That technology is never going to get released. It's already... You can't kill off a... Released to the major public. Never. I don't know, man. Do you know why? Why not? Because of the oil industry. What about it? It's way too big. Are we using... It's a non-renewable resource, yeah. It's big, but I think it's going to go into other things. I think we're, like, 50 years away from this. I mean, aren't they just going to use it for, like... Not in the next 20 or 30 years. Aren't they just going to use it for, like... For example, the richest place in the world, Dubai. That's what they make their money off of. And whenever you threaten a country or a huge system by replacing them, essentially, they always fight back. In one way or another. And so that's just, like... That's a whole other conspiracy theory we can talk about, but it's just, like, the cure for cancer, right? Actually, a study came out about it. People... There's a lot of people that have developed things, and they get... And so, bro... Somebody already found... I kid you not. I kid you not. I've seen stuff. Well, there's a new... I couldn't find the article, but they disappeared. There's a new person that came out and said they have... They cured cancer, so... They cured it in, like... It was only in animals, though, right now. Not in humans yet. I gave that man 24 hours. I think it was a woman. I gave her 24 hours back. Well, they released it. Bro, that drone strike is going to be crazy. They get real close. That's crazy. I don't know. Anyways, back to the... Hydro... Electro... Even hydroelectric. Hydro engines. Like I said, I have... I know somebody, personally, that has made an engine. And I talked to, you know... I have a friend named Daniel about it. And he's like, Bro, that guy's going to disappear. I ain't going to say his name, but... He's a bad guy. No, he has, like, 60 plus years in the industry. So, isn't he... No, no. What I'm saying is that he has... He has the knowledge and the experience to actually create something like that. Oh, right, right. Right. And so, that, I bring it up because I went to school, and... I went to school for aviation maintenance, right? And so, fuels is the most expensive thing that the entire airport pays for. Like, because of the fuel? Out of everything. Not even renting, like, the land, or the electricity, or the... Somebody bought it. Somebody bought it. The city owns a lot of that stuff. Nothing. Nothing is more expensive than the fuel. And we have... Bro, I promise you. You think people haven't been trying to replace fuel for a long time? I mean, you can't... It's been years. So, corn, right? Vegetable fuels. Water, obviously, has been tried, bro. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so, and that same thing connects. In the sense that, like, I don't believe in the next... I think we're, like, 50 years from that. From that, if it releases... Because, essentially, what I think would have to happen first is we'd have to run out of oil completely. Here's the thing, though. I don't think... If we still have oil, there's gonna be a war. If there were a flying car, would you buy it? You have to say yes or no. Flying car, would you buy it? Yes or no? I will... I'll tell you why right now, but... I don't think that's ever gonna happen. The reason why I ask is because it already happened. And the FDA has approved it. Okay, okay. The FDA has already approved it. You're thinking of something different, though. No, no, no. The car. It's a car that drives on land, and it can go from stationary, like, whatever, you know, and it can start floating. But that's different. It's already been approved. What I'm saying, you're thinking of a car as in, like, you own this car, and you can just take this car anywhere. I'm telling you that that technology is never going to work, at least not in the next 50 years. It's already done. No, I'm saying, like, that's not actually gonna happen, especially not on a massive scale, because one wonderful thing that we deal with already is called air traffic control, right? And so they, bro, thousands of planes, millions of planes, on a daily basis. And so you're trying to introduce thousands of more into the same airspace. That can easily be. No, no, no. What I'm saying is, what would happen is, yeah, we can create the technology, but essentially we'd have to make air highways that are controlled by technology to the point where you're not actually driving the car. It's an AI. Yeah, or? So that's different. That's different from everybody's concept of, oh, we're gonna have flying cars. I'm gonna just drive my car. Well, I didn't put limitations on it. Well, I live in Mexico. It's just not gonna happen. I feel like you could put, like, restrictions on how high it could go or, like, you know, like, whether there are sensors outside of, like, you know, the highways to where you don't go out there. I don't think you have to consider anything that flies at, you know, above a certain height. You're gonna have to have... It's like everybody would have to be trained to be a pilot, pretty much. And so why would you do that when you could have a technology do that? You know? It doesn't make sense. You're gonna try to make the entire population a pilot versus, hey, let's just make an AI that will control the car. You'll get to where you need to get to on this controlled airspace so everybody's not crashing into each other. Yeah, but we don't want that, though. Because that becomes a lot more... That's the only way that's gonna happen. That just gives more control, though. It's not gonna happen. And that's what I'm saying. AI's gonna friggin' kill everybody. It's not. I don't think it's that they're gonna kill everybody. I think it's just, like, the government's gonna have more control. Well, that's not gonna happen. They're already trying to... It's gonna become sentient. Well, they're already... It is sentient. We just don't classify it as such. They say... Well, here's the running theory. That AI... is... maybe demonic? That's what they say. There's a theory saying that. I feel like that type of stuff has come out a lot. Where it always is brought up where somebody has a ridiculous amount of power. I've seen a lot of stuff like that. I don't know if you've seen it, bro. Oh, my gosh. I'm glad you brought that up. It's crazy, but... Logan Paul. I don't know if you've heard about this. But he... You know, he has, like, a best friend or whatever. And he fires him. Oh, the Christian? Right. He was on a podcast. Yeah, yeah. Did you see it? Well, I didn't really dive deep in it. I don't know who he is. The thing was that... I think he went to, like, his house or something. And then, like... Logan had, like, books and stuff, like... carefully placed. Kind of like a demonic... thing. Like it was... Like a ritual? Right, like a ritual, pretty much. Right. And there was, like... He saw red stuff on it, like blood. And it actually was blood. Like, Logan had physically cut his hand. And he's like, bro, come here. Like, let's do this. And then... Randomly? What was he trying to do, though? What did he call in? Essentially, I think it was just to... get, uh... I don't know, just... Like, hey, bro, like, it's going to be me and you. Like, we're going to do this. And make a pact. Right. But it was going to be a blood pact. And the guy was obviously, like... Dude, what the hell? Like, what is this? You know? And so, I think as a result of that, like... You know, he got fired, but... That goes into a whole different rabbit hole. We got a little bit more time. AI, eventually, if it gets to it... I believe, will take out humanity. If it gets to it. And the simple thing... is, for example, atomic bombs. Right? Everybody's heard and talked about the nuclear crisis before. Like, what does it take, you know... to override... For, you know, an extremely advanced technology, right? To override outdated systems. And just, like... You know what's funny? I think they're actually illegal to have. You're not supposed to have atomic bombs. What are you talking about the... Like, for the governments? They're not supposed to have atomic bombs. Well, that was... Well, that... You're talking about... It's illegal to have. You're talking about wars... that happen and they supposedly decommissioned all... I don't know. You're not allowed to make or have them. Like, and they just have them. Well, officially speaking, yeah, but every... Well, you don't have to be an official. That's all that matters. Every major... No, that's not how it matters. What do you mean? Every government has unofficial stuff. No, no, no, but it's official. We know how many atomic bombs we have. No, we don't. Then we do. You think you do. No, but they say... The number that they say they have... They shouldn't even have that number. As far as I can see, they got, like, twice that. I'm sure they do. But, they shouldn't even have that amount. Like, it's illegal to even carry one of them. Let alone what they have. Let alone what they make them, right? We got them. It's illegal. And people are just saying... I promise you, there's no government that's powerful enough in this world that doesn't have some kind of nuclear device. Right. Of course, except, you know, any, like, outdated, you know, like, old government. Yeah, yeah. That, I can definitely say, like, a couple of hacks here and there down the road, bro. Darn it. Darn it's going to take us out. Anyways, the grandiose... Before we move on. Oh, we got, like... Before we move on. Alright, what's up, what's up? You're saying they're going to take us out. You know, it's kind of easier... It's going to become easier to take us out. Why? Because these moms introducing chips to, like, implant into people's brains. If it's hacked, it's easy to, like, you know... That's what I'm saying. They're implementing that stuff. And not to mention, I think... Oh, there was also another theory. And the vaccines. They were putting in the vaccines. Hold on. They're putting in the vaccines. And apparently there's something that makes it... Makes you more susceptible to, like, manipulation. Like, just... But it's, like... It was changing, like... It changes your DNA. So you're talking about... You're talking about chemical warfare. Yeah, exactly. But that's different from chips. But it's already done, right? That's different from chips. No, but because it makes you... It makes... Basically, you... You don't even read, like, thoughts now, right? You don't understand, though, right? That chemical warfare is different from chips. Yeah. You're talking about chemically changing something. Exactly. But, no, but, like... A chip would... But the reason why I bring up the chemical is because it... What it does is it changes your DNA to be able, like... To be able... For you to be, like, manipulated by, like, machines. Like, they can read your thoughts now. Your thoughts can be intercepted. That's why I'm so easily manipulated. No, but your thoughts can be intercepted. And they can do that. And that's what they were introducing into, like, a lot of these vaccines. Like, whatever makes... Like, whatever they put in there, there's a certain thing I would have to pick it up. But it's in the vaccines. The love potion? No. Basically, that would also make it easier for... Because, at that point, you don't even need a chip. It's kind of into your head. You're just... It's in your DNA. And so... That's a totally separate... That's a disconnect from AI, though. Because... I'm telling you, AI is not... AI and, like, chemical warfare is not... It's not going to mix, though. I think it's already mixed. I believe that... No, I feel like that's weaponizable in the sense of, like... Already weaponized in some way. No. Of course, that's what chemical warfare is. But that's totally separate, in my opinion, from AI. And why technology is getting so much more involved in our lives. And that's why I said, like, even, like, transportation... Yeah. Getting taken over... I feel like that's going to be one of the first things, right? Getting taken over by technology. Because... You realize, bro, like, if everything goes electric... You don't think there's settings in these Teslas that are going to be coming out... That, like, cops are going to be able to shut off the car. Oh, I mean, they're already hacking one day. Bro, easily, yes. They've been hacked already. And which, yes, the whole cybersecurity, the idea is to not be able to hack. But all of this is one. So it's going to be... Right. So something that might... A field that might actually increase because of it... Would have to be, I don't know... Cybersecurity is huge right now, and it pays a lot. So that's... I mean, it's going to go even bigger. But somebody makes security. Yeah. And so cybersecurity... Exactly. Cybersecurity itself is a field that requires hackers. You know that, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, they hire the best hackers to break down their own walls... Yeah, yeah, yeah, hackers. To see if they... Yeah, exactly. And so what you think of... I genuinely believe, maybe not right now, but in the next maybe 15, 20 years, there will be a technology that is just not going to be able to be beat by the person that made it. Because it's going to be able to adapt. Yeah. Oh! And that's the whole premise behind AI, right? Yeah. It just takes over all our Tesla's, takes over friggin' airplanes, which... You know, airplanes have been a long time going... Like, they have autopilot systems. But it's just like I told you with truck drivers. They would still need a mechanic on board. And that's all. Realistically, and I know this because I'm at school, pilots are only there for emergency scenarios. And they're important. I 100% tell you, they're important, bro. Like, engines go out. Like, you lose power, and that's what I'm saying. Like, as of right now, there still has to be something. A physical, a human component in there. Because, say, like, they get hit by lightning strong enough, and it's happened before. It cuts power completely. And right now, our systems are really good. And if that'll happen, bro, it'll come right back on, or it won't even happen. It'll just dissipate. Right. But say it does happen. Like, if there's no electricity, the AI doesn't exist. It would only be either a mechanical or a human component. And the human component is essentially glide that plane back down. Right. And that has happened. That's more older cases. I'm doing this right now. Well, it's... No, no, that's exactly what I said. That's exactly what it is. Then you could get into, like, they're growing humans, aren't they? If you can make... And that goes into a whole separate theory of, like, you know, walking, dead walking among us. That's another reference, probably. In the Bible. But, like, if you can get AI to occupy one of these biologically engineered humans, you know, like... Oh, he's talking about... And you can occupy them and then they can run on such a molecular level. Like, yeah, they would run on a molecular level. Like, so small to where, like, they wouldn't get affected by, like, oh, no electricity. Because there'd be other components. Like, it's just... If you can do that... I mean, even a human has electricity. You still need electricity. Yeah, exactly. But we're not just gonna shut off. Like, that's just not how it works, right? If that happens to AI... Hold your breath for about 30 seconds. Then you're not... We'll shut off. I don't care. But, I mean, they wouldn't. No, no, no. Exactly. Anyways, that still is kind of proving to our point that, yeah. Or, you agree, right? What? Do you, like, AI eventually could definitely take over the world if it wanted to? Like, we're setting it up. I agree that. We're setting it up that way. It can be dangerous. And a lot of people are just like, oh, pioneer this. Like, let's explore this. Like, oh, AI. And they're trying to make it, like, you know, just kind of, like, they're poking at something that they don't really fully understand. And we're not capable of doing it. We're doing it very quickly. Hence, like, everything, like, going to Mars, even. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, they say they can... Oh, separate topic. We'll save that for another episode. Excuse me. Another episode. iPhone versus Android. Oh, we don't even have to do iPhone versus Android. We can just do iPhone versus Nokia. Unbreakable phones. iPhone in general. So they have a year, a yearly contract. They come out with something new every single year. Right. I don't know if you knew that. They have a yearly contract with who? No, like, that's just something that they do. With who? Like, what? I don't know if it's, like, with their manufacturers or who, but literally every year they have to come out with something new. Oh, okay, okay. How little these stupid phones have developed? Whenever Steve Jobs died. After Steve Jobs died. He had some ingenuity. He was ahead of his time. No, he was in his time, but, like, he died and it stopped progressing as much. There were huge changes to the iPhone. Why did it stop progressing so much, though? Well, because it made money. Money. Yes. If you could just do an update and people would still buy it. They saw that people were still buying them. People will buy something that has half a megapixel more and, like, 25 more gigabytes of storage for 100 more dollars every single year. A new chip. We call it the A16 now. It's like the A17 now. So, I don't know if you know, the new one got released. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But now it's not, or whatever. A better camera, though. The only freaking thing that changed. The thing that has a type C. A better camera, though. A better camera, yeah. A16. They always do that, right? Listen to this, though. So, you know, the whole, you know why they switched to type C? Why is that? It wasn't just like, oh, this is, you know, being, using the ingenuity that we have. Why did they do this? Europe essentially outlawed anything but type C. Really? Why? I don't know exactly why, but they did. Maybe give a reason. I feel like they have to give a reason. No, I'm sure they have a reason. But that essentially cut, or forced Apple's hand into using type C into everything now. Yeah. And bro, I'm telling you, this is extremely recent. Like, they just did that not too long ago. Maybe a couple months ago. I don't know. Maybe less here, but. You can look it up, bro. Europe had that long now. It's gotta be type C. Right. Is that a myth, though? Type C is good in the technology, but an important factor, and a lot of people won't even know, they won't even consider this, right? I listened to one of the big tech guys that reviews, I like the latest technology, I don't remember his name off the top of my head. But he was talking about type C, and he's like, yeah, I know, it's cool, whatever. They didn't even put fast charge on the type C. And so that's the whole premise a lot of the times, right? That people think, oh, type C, it charges a lot faster, right? It still charges at the same rate. A lot of people don't even know that. And that guy covered that. He's like, I'm gonna ask Apple why. And dude, this guy has like 20 million followers on YouTube. Yeah, I think I know who you're talking about. The black guy, but I don't remember who. Yeah, I know who it is. He spoke about it. He's like, you think that, you know, type C would have a fast charge capability? It's the same charging rate. Wow. But people are gonna buy it. They're probably gonna have a different one. A separate one that like charges faster. And the Pro Max, no, they don't. No? Even the Pro Max, which usually is the one I always get. I don't update my phone every year. I think that's dumb. But when I do get it, I get the Pro Max. That one, even that one still has the same. The only, as far as ingenuity or whatever, you can charge something, an accessory, with your phone's battery. So, for example, the new AirPods. Yeah. They have type C as well. So you use type C to type C cable, and you're draining your phone battery to charge your AirPods. Right. Which is essentially making it like a portable charger, I guess, at the expense of your battery. Yeah. Which I guess that's kind of cool, but it's also dumb. That's why they have a portable charger. Right. But yeah, I think that's dumb. And Apple has marketed very well to the point where, like, even I'll admit it myself, but I ain't never gonna switch to no stupid Android. You can give me, like, three minutes. All right, all right. Like, I was joking about, like, I'll buy a pre-cracked iPhone before I get an Android. That thing will have a virus installed already, and I'll still get it to have an iPhone. I don't know. No, here's the thing. Android is doing great things. I don't know why more people aren't doing it. Technologically, they're way ahead. Have you seen the camera? They're way ahead. This guy took a picture. He was in a mountain, and he took a picture. He zoomed in all the way to some tiny-looking car. Whenever you zoom out all the way, I can't even see the car. You can't see the car. I can't see the car. He zoomed in. Perfect. When he started off zoomed in, I thought it was a regular picture of a car. He starts zooming out. You see buildings. You see buildings. Okay. He starts zooming out. You see the city. He's zooming out. He's out. Was it raw, though, or did he have a lens attached? It was his phone camera. The phone camera of regular. What phone was it? Some Android. I don't know if it was a Galaxy. I'm sure it was a Galaxy. Probably the flip phone. No, no, no, no. That was the most, like, latest Android phone. Are you sure? Was it that, like, Z5 or whatever? I don't know. No, I don't think it was. I think it might be, like, a... I feel like it's some Galaxy. But, basically, that's Android. It was mind-blowing when I saw that. Anyways, that's just another example of how, like, big corporations just, like, have people somewhat controlled already mentally. And people still buy them. It's cool to have an iPhone. Right. And back then, if you didn't have an iPhone, you weren't cool. It's, like, it's kind of marketed as, like, a premium item. Like, if you don't have it... And it's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool. 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