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Happy Anniversary 'Your Life Now show with Coach Rea'

Happy Anniversary 'Your Life Now show with Coach Rea'


Happy Anniversary 'Your Life Now show with Coach Rea' It all started 12 years ago; the “Your Life Now” show with Coach Rea began! I knew it then, and I know it now: I want to offer my teaching and the teaching of other thought leaders to those who want to listen, learn, and be inspired! You can listen to all the episodes on the Your Life Now page at https://YourLifeNow.info and everywhere you get your podcast!

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The Your Life Now Show, hosted by Coach Rhea, celebrates its 12th anniversary. The show aims to inspire positive change and transformation through teaching and interviews with thought leaders. Coach Rhea reflects on her journey, overcoming language barriers and fears to share her voice. The show has brought opportunities, such as attending the Emmy Awards and interviewing leaders. Coach Rhea expresses gratitude to listeners, guests, and supporters. The show can be accessed on various platforms, and feedback is welcome to improve and continue inspiring. Collaboration and celebrating oneself are emphasized. Welcome to the Your Life Now Show, where your life and your business matter. Your host is a certified executive coach and trainer with the passion to help make a difference in the world. Your Life Now Show brings you powerful resources and effective tips to help you manage your life and your business at its best. And now, here's your host, Coach Rhea. Happy Anniversary Your Life Now Show with Coach Rhea. March 10, 2011, 12 years ago, the Your Life Now Show began. I gave birth to it, yes I did. I know I wanted to offer my teaching and the teaching of other thought leaders to those who want to listen, learn, and be inspired. I took a leap of faith and I got it done, even though I did not know how. Where we talk about when you set your goal or your intention to get something done, don't worry about the how, progress is everything and the actions that we take is everything. So just take that action, I did it 12 years ago, this is one of my part of my success and something that is continuing to grow and to get better and better and I'm so grateful for that. So with every step I take, I get better and better. When we get out of our own heads, it's amazing what we can accomplish. We pretty much can accomplish anything that we put our mind to. So the intention was clear, you hear me saying all the time, my intention of hosting this show is to inspire positive change and transformation, that's always been my goal and my intention with this show and I hope and I trust that I've been doing my best to do that and with my teaching and also the teaching of others. This year we're going to have a lot of great guests and the list is getting longer and longer and it's going to be great stuff that we're going to be teaching with you guys. So my first episode airs live on March 10th, 2011. Remind you at that time, I honestly did not know what I was doing and if you asked me years ago, with English not being my first language and second language and learning to be comfortable speaking it and now graduating and having a lot of education on my belt and I continue to keep improving myself and learning and get better and better. I knew that I can do it. It was terrifying for me to be sharing my voice because I was always been better in person throughout my career as you know working for corporate before I started my own company and I can tell you it was always for me like you put me in front of someone and I will get the job done but to talk to somebody over the phone or to share my voice throughout the year without that face to face advantage for me that I used to think and I used to be terrified but again we get it out of our head and we just have that intention. You want to share, you want to educate and you want to teach to those who would like to learn because remember as was said, the teacher will appear when the students are ready so if you are ready and you want to learn and you want to be inspired and you want to be motivated and you want to make your life and your business better, I invite you to join our show and listen to the show, share the show, download the show and help us also grow by sponsoring ads or even donation to the show and all that information can be available for you if you go to our website and you see the button by the player as far as how you can support the show but just being there it's a huge huge gratitude and thanks to you guys thank you so much for being there and thank you for listening and supporting the show so the intention was clear inspire positive change and transformation as I mentioned our first episode aired live on March 10, 2011 with my first guest Dr. Shameem Sadiq a visionary person a great human being and she was kind enough to come on my show and to take that for a test it was a great great great feeling to feel like I'm actually there with you guys or those who listen even if I reach one person and that person I made a difference in one person's life I'm grateful for that so I truly am so excited so proud I did wake up with a little bit of a headache but I was so determined to celebrate because celebrating something accomplishments and you know always remember anytime you feel down or you feel you know you're stuck somewhere in your business in your personal life remember how far you have gotten so far right because you did not get where you are by accident you got where you are because you did the work you took the steps and you know sometimes things can we call them obstacles in the coaching business we say you know how do you deal with obstacles because obstacles will show up and sometimes we're going to fail before we succeed but the thing is when we try and keep trying and recognize our progress and know with every step that we're going to take it's only going to get better and better and better and remind yourself to always learn something new you know I'm making my intentions for myself professionally and personally is to continue to grow by learning more and understanding more and asking many questions it's not just taking information and just not knowing what that information you know means to me in my life so after all it's your life your business so why don't you do it your way so with this great accomplishment much more to come I am really proud of our progress and I say progress because you know I do get help so I have to acknowledge that but a lot of things I try to do myself because you know budgeting doing things so there's a lot of learning and a lot of work goes into it so I tell myself congratulations Rhea for this great achievement and for all the great achievements ahead the show your life now show with coach Rhea opened up many opportunities for me I went to the Emmy great time I felt like I belong there you know reach for the stars you know even if you you're not you know you still among the stars so it was great it was a great experience I love the fashion I love you know this is my thing so it was a very joyful time and joyful you know knowing that show was actually the reason I was at the Emmys I went to the White House I was at the US Chamber of Commerce where I interviewed back then the VP of the US Chamber of Commerce and many key leaders at the leadership summit and that is thanks to a dear friend great human being Mrs. Deborah Overland I'm truly grateful I'm grateful for all the guests for all the co-hosts for everyone who was and continue to be part of our success I like to thank each one of you our listeners for supporting the show I like to thank our guests and our best selling authors and thought leaders for helping us make our goal a reality and for providing us with helpful tips ideas and suggestions on how to do so I personally read a lot of great books met the great authors and was touched by many compelling and inspiring stories I walked many red carpets interviewed great leaders at these red carpets met great individuals and and and much more and you know and and it will continue to get better and better and I'm so excited for what's ahead I want to thank you for giving me a good reason to continue with my mission to help make a difference in the world thank you for putting a smile on my face and for lighting up the world with your smiles I will continue to do my best and produce great content we honor your voice I honor your voice and your request so please reach out and let us know how we can be of service ask question because you know what it all awareness starts with a simple question and leads to a higher awareness we know better about ourselves through new experiences learning doing all these things so I hope to continue to inspire you and to take your positive feedback and give you what you ask for I know throughout the years remember 12 years today yeah what a great feeling honestly it's really great feeling I will probably feel even better when my head aches start to ease now a little bit go away for sure um we've shared lots of helpful information we provoke lots of thinking and we I know I you hear me say in all time you know the intention is to inspire positive transformation positive thinking and this show is intended to be for information purpose and thought-provoking so yes we provoke lots of thinking and with you on our side we will continue to be here and there for you helping you manage your life and your business at its best now you can listen to all our episodes everywhere you get your podcasts we are sharing some links here for Apple music Amazon music we are on there and of course you can simply go to our website and listen and download the any episodes that you like and all the episodes are there for free so we do really appreciate your support so give us a subscribe somewhere give us a thumbs up and and tell us you know how we can make things better and better and that's the intention and that is what's gonna be going forward and always you know and I'm really really really really excited excited to share my happiness and my my joy of doing something that I really do love it's great when you love what you do and you do what you you know what you love so all love to you guys thank you for being there thank you for listening thank you for sharing the show and thank you for being you much love to all your life now radio show with coach Rhea will return in just a few moments would you like to grow your business and advance professionally we would love to be of service to you we are experts in creating the right solutions for you and for your business at your life now we know what it takes to succeed and to increase your bottom line and to grow professionally so for more information please contact us at your life now dot and so again that's your life now and one more thing it takes collaboration and mutual agreement to make the impossible possible so go ahead and celebrate who you are look for insight share ideas with people who support your ideas and make the impossible possible until next time keep it brilliant much love to all you

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