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9. Talk, Day 3 Todo List, pert cpm , alloy bianary phase, tom gears, reasoning 15 and maths matriz 1

9. Talk, Day 3 Todo List, pert cpm , alloy bianary phase, tom gears, reasoning 15 and maths matriz 1

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Bhupendra is creating a to-do list for his exam preparation. He plans to review his performance from the previous day and revise what he studied throughout the day. He also wants to make notes and work hard to improve. Bhupendra is starting a podcast to share his studying experiences and hopes it will help him stay accountable. He lists various subjects he needs to study, such as material science, quality control, and linear algebra. He plans to practice questions and revise important topics. Bhupendra also mentions adding a podcast about technical subjects and sets a schedule for studying. He wants to focus on what needs to be done rather than making more lists. Good morning everyone and I am Bhupendra and let's make the to-do list for today. It is day 2, actually day 3, it is day 3 and of my preparation let us say what I need to do to prepare for the exam, okay. And I will review yesterday's performance also, okay. Today also at night time I will be reviewing my performance and whatever I have read in the morning, I will revise it in the evening, okay. Not just in the morning, throughout the whole day whatever I will be reading I will be revising all of that, the summary chunks, what is the importance, just important out of that, important content I should be revising in the night time. Before going to bed I will revise it and I should make some sort of notes and see. The problem is some hard work I have to do in order to be, in order to make everything. So if hard work is required then how? This hard work will be like writing something, making, so many, I got lost. So sorry guys, I got lost into my own world and my own problems, actually I was worried about like how should I go about it and do it because past 4 months, 4 to 5 months I am trying to do it but I am not doing it, so that is a problem with me, that is why I am starting this podcast and you are listening to me, but now I will dictate all of my stories here and share with you day by day, you can listen to me and improve. I don't know what you can do but just listen and the technical part you can listen where every, the content will give you something to prepare for the exam, not something, some solid juice of what should be done for the preparation of exam, you can get it from there. Ok, so these are the normal talks, other sessions where technical is written, you can refer to that, so in the technical session only technical talk will be there and you can benefit from that. Ok, now no more talk and let me see what I should be doing. So I should be, so to-do list I should be making, ok right, in the to-do list, today's to-do list what should I be doing, I will write and I need to bring this, ok to-do list, ok, all to-do lists are here, it's 9th November, so many days has passed since I started this thing, 2010 to 2012, so first thing to do is, how do I say, material science I should pick and I should finish it or random subjects, it is very hard to say but ok, theory I should be doing, no, no, no, no, otherwise it will happen automatically, so if I do just keep on doing the questions from material science, only material science I choose and I keep on doing each of the questions from material science, heat treatment is done, the next in material science is alloy and binary phase diagram and the next is mechanical testing and properties and then next is properties of and application of various ferrous metals and that and crystal system is there and plastic ceramic composite is there, so ok, all the questions should be done but I think I should be doing the most probable ones, ok, not going into the details, ok, so before that 50 topics are there, so I should be focusing on these 50 topics and doing them very well, very, very, very well, ok, so many topics, out of 100 topics, 50 topics are of importance, ok, and how do I do about it, my brain is not working, brain is stuck, whenever I come across this thing that what I should be doing, my brain gets stuck, I don't know why, I want to improve, I want to see a change, so today I will tell you first thing, today when I set up for this recording, it was set up for studying, set up for doing something regarding studying, it was 7.30, so today's time is 7.30, so I will mark this today's time and yesterday, sorry not yesterday, tomorrow it will be less and tomorrow I will try to do it at 7, 7 am I will be studying, ok, and I will try to take bath and get ready before 7 itself and so that I can focus more and more on my studies, ok, and now this thing has come that what I am doing in the morning then now it comes to what I should be doing in the evening, so what I do in the evening matters also, ok, so right now 1 hour is what I am getting which is very, very less, ok, so in this I will put, what is this, this is called, what is that, but what I am talking is, ok, quality, quality control from GS topic should, GS topic I should give 30 minute around, 30 minute around will be fine for it and I will be able to revise whatever till now I have done it, ok, quality I should be doing it, when I will come back I will do this quality chapter, then from material science PERT and CPM should be done, PERT and CPM complete with questions, with questions, ok, and one more thing was there, heat treatment, heat treatment questions to be solved, I have gone through it but I did not went through what are the important ones, so I did not bring the juice out of it, so I will bring the juice out of it today, ok, so this is done and now, now what more, what more, what more we need, ok, one quality control is there, PERT, CPM is there, reasoning, 15 questions of reasoning, reasoning questions, I should be doing reasoning questions, meanwhile I am in the office, because what is the point of, I should be doing something, reasoning questions, 15 number of questions, 15 number of questions and I will mark which ones, in the first box, no, no, no, in the third box it is reasoning, so reasoning, reasoning, reasoning, reasoning, till now how many questions I had solved, I was in the average I think and I had solved 109, I remember 109, so from 109 I have to start and finish, ok, so question number 109 to, 109 plus 15 that should be, I think 108 plus 15, 8 plus 15 is 23, 109 to 123, take care, so this also I have to do it today and then one more thing is there, that I should be putting here, mathematics, so in mathematics what progress I have made, so that is also important, math, questions are already discussed, ok, one thing, I need to practice questions of linear algebra, if I will be able to practice questions of linear algebra, then I will be fine with linear algebra, at least I should be removing linear algebra from the list and I will put it in the revision list, so that I am very fast with it, ok, so I am putting this math, maths, what is, in the method linear algebra, linear algebra or I should call it matrix questions practice, ok, only questions practice and I should be practicing at least 15 questions, 15 questions but they will take much time because, I don't know, but I should be practicing 15 questions, no problem, in the office if I want to do, I will do 10 questions, is that ok, ok, today I will try with 10 questions, if it will be easy then I will think tomorrow, ok, and after that, what should I be doing is, after that, math is done, reasoning is done, and quality is done, so these will be done and part cpm is the one chapter I have taken, but part cpm questions will be there, now I want some sort of like podcast where I can revise my, some content, if I play on the content, I get revision, right, so what will be that, that should be, some new content I want, and what the new content could be, what the new content could be, oh, piano, piano, piano playing, that I will do for 15 minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes is also enough, I just want to touch it, so that I will know that whether my spending is going at the good place or not, ok, now all are done, what else should I be doing, talking about, these things should not be here, talking about I will bring while I will be coming, ok, this is podcast where you are listening to me and listening everything from me, but it's ok, sometimes it's fine, ok, ok, where should I add it, ok, here I will be adding it, ok, so I have added it, why did it not reflect, I chose, I chose, ok, so this is done, now regarding technical part, parts IPM should be done along with, this should be done, plus alloy phase diagram should also be done, because without alloy phase diagram, alloy phase diagram should be done, I should give myself more work, so that I know that how much I am able to do it, if I won't be able to do it, that is different thing, at least I should have this much work that my mind don't need to go, that what to do, what to do, it should be doing, keep on doing things, and what I can revise, what I can make a podcast on, technical podcast on, topic, topic should be, which topic on which topic I can make, what I say, if I say linear algebra, no, no, no, no, no, linear algebra won't be good, I want to make it on the technical, paper 2 side, paper 2 side, which subject, which subject, which subject I will see that, first, out of first 10 I will make, ok, out of first 10 I will make, testing performance of IC engine, parts, CPM, planar mechanism, ok, planar mechanism is fluid properties, thermodynamic system, brake clutch, rope, engineering mechanics, oh, oh, oh, engineering mechanics is so important, boiling condensation, testing performance of IC engine, I need, metrology and inspection, most probably, the question could arise from there, then fluid mechanics, torsion of shafts, I will take this down, first I will do all those, whose probability is full, coming probability is full, actually I have to do till, anyhow I need to do till 50, otherwise there is no chance, 59 are there, 10 more topics are there, plus, small, small lot of other topics are also there, ok, now podcast needs to be added, and I should be focusing on what to be done, rather than what to list I need to make, so, ok, so, live page diagram, I will, so, it's a revision time, last 5 minutes of the podcast, you can get the summary of the podcast, if you don't want to listen to the whole podcast, simple, now, if I say, live page diagram, I will be doing, but live page diagram, if I am doing, then I should be making the podcast on the live page diagram itself, so, no problem, because part CPM and heat treatment, I will be solving the questions, ok, then it's fine, I think it's fine, and next, but what could be the next one, next one should be, some different topic I want to select, something which I don't know, something which I hate, something which I want to improve upon, something, actually, this thing, this mind is bothering, simple, let me do what I should be doing, mechanical properties, actually, my mind wants to do Tom, so, Tom, questions, not questions, Tom theory I will be reading, and this will be normal talk podcast, rather than a technical podcast, because, technical podcast, I will make with a concise one, ok, then, in the talk itself, we will talk about what is going in the Tom, like going through the pages and talking to you, simple, so, what I do is, Tom's gears, gears I should be completing, gears completing, ok, I should be completing these gears, simple, so, this is the summary, I will come up with it, reasoning 15 number of soft questions from 109 to 123, then, math should be done, 10 questions from linear algebra in the office itself, these two subjects should be done in the office, then, after coming, quality control, half an hour, 30 minutes I should be spending on this quality control and taking notes, then, after that, quality control is done, then, I have to see, actually, time is also, how much time does it take, if I don't know how much time it takes, then, it won't be beneficial, right, so, some timeline should also be there, from the day, which time it should be done, and like that, from 2 time could be there, ok, but, it's ok, now, see, my mind goes off, anytime, but, it's ok, now, I am back, after coming, quality control I have to do, I have to make the dinner, dinner, for dinner, I will assume, I may have 40 minutes, 40 minutes I will make dinner, cleaning, doing all things, ok, 40 minutes is max, no problem, now, then, math, linear algebra, heat treatment, I need to do, then, part cpm, I need to do, alloy phase diagram, I have to do, gears, gears theory, we will talk about gears theory, piano I have to play, and then, I will talk to Bhugu, this is podcast, ok, I will publish it, no problem, so, what she needs, this graph is there, so, there is a graph, I need to plot, so, I will ask, and see that, how it should be done, ok, what I need to do, and, after she tells me what to be done, I will work on it, so, that also I will see today itself, ok, so, so many works are there, now, let me get ready for office, and then, after I come back, we will see what to be done, thank you.

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