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Well, now they know Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on Cold never bothered me anyway Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go Let it go, let it go So, yeah, there's times where we have to let go of some things. But I don't think, and me and Shelby have been talking about it for quite a bit of time now this morning. I don't think that we effectively let go of certain things when we have or need to. I think sometimes we say we let go, but we hold on a little bit longer. Have you ever played the game called Tug of War? It's been a while, but yes. In that game, let's say you have four on one side and four on the other side. If one side let go completely It's funny. He wants the whole other side to eat crap. It really, say that again? He wants them to eat crap. That is actually good. So you're telling me that if I let go of some stuff, I can watch them eat crap? There you go. No, I just I feel like that there are times when we have to let go and we're still holding on to stuff, tugging, pulling or pushing or anything to that sort. And it's time to let go. Why are we carrying it? I don't know, Nate. Why are we carrying it? I don't know. But that's the topic for today. Let's talk about letting go. I'm going to start off with a question. No, I've never had to let go of anything. I've never experienced letting go. Oh, my God. Amen, y'all. Nope, that's not true. So when you did have when you when you did have when you let go of some things, was it a process? Yes, it still is a process. Really? Yes. Hmm. Is it more of a mental process, physical process, emotional process? I would say. Psychological. Well, how do you how do you separate psychological from emotional from mental? That's all the same thing to me. I don't think emotions is connected to the psychological. Emotion is feelings. Mental is your brain. Well, in my body, it all gets mushed up together. Mushed up together. Just mix it all in. Give me the bowl and just put the bacon in. Yes. Okay. I would say it's definitely mental and emotional because I'm still learning. Well, I'm still experiencing triggers that take me back to stuff from the past. So until I can clearly not have triggers about the past, then I don't think I've completely let go of the past. So do you think the process of letting go is a lifelong process? I think it can be because I think it depends on the depth of what you're trying to let go. And I think every situation is different. Yes. Well, from you saying there are triggers, there are things that can that is utilized to send you back to that place. That's a lifelong process because you can experience that 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years from now. I hope not, but you probably can. I hope not. But using that word, I mean, maybe it is a lifelong process. Maybe it's extremely hard, and that could be the truth about it because we're trying to let go so quick, and God needs us to understand the lesson behind letting go instead of just letting it go and then moving on so quick. Maybe there's a lesson in that. Oh, I think there's a lesson in everything. Mm-hmm. And maybe it's part of our sanctification. Whoa. Never looked at it from that perspective. Well, because our sanctification is a daily thing, and it happens every day until we are home with Jesus. Right. So that's why I say that. So our sanctification and letting go is tied in together because it's an everyday process is what you're saying. I think it's a possibility. Mm-hmm. Okay. So would that be similar to grief? I think that, like we were talking earlier, grief comes in waves, and so letting go is very similar to grief because you're grieving. I mean, letting go is usually over a relationship, right, or a career or something that you've had, I think, for some time or has had a significance in your life. So I think they're similar, grief and letting go. Yeah, I actually agree that it's definitely similar. I would go on record to say that it's definitely similar because grief, anything that is triggered, anything that is a reminder of that thing, because the process of death doesn't necessarily have to be that person leaving this actual world system. You don't think divorce is a form of death? No, it is, because I've been there, done that, and you have to grieve that relationship, absolutely. And I think that grief, like we talked about, it comes in waves, and those waves get extended as you go on in time. So those waves come further apart, but I think they still come, and grief is not something that can be measured in time. There's not a set schedule of grieving something or being over that grief. That's per individual and per circumstance. So there's no calendar or timetable as to how long you grieve something or someone. Going off what you're saying, looking at that from a mental perspective, our brains are set up that way. We're designed to think about those things that may have happened. Maybe you can be sitting up having a conversation about something that happened to you 20 years ago, and it involved the dynamic that you were in in marriage. You would have to remember that thing with that person to talk about that situation. And remembering it is allowing you to stir up those emotions. Stir up those feelings, yeah. We have to agree that letting go is an everyday thing, every single day. I can't get around the concept of letting go. And I heard you say something good, because even with death, I don't know if I've let go of the concept that certain people in my life are not here anymore. I've accepted it. But then when I think about it, I'm like, man, I wonder how would it be if this person was around in 2023, or this situation, what would it be different, or what would this person be doing? So we're rehashing that in our brains. So that process is everyday, so. Yeah, can't be. It makes me think more. I thought I was ready to sever the fact of just I'm going to let go at all, and I'm going to just be this brand new person. Don't work like that. I don't know that we can say it doesn't work like that. I think that in certain people, maybe it can. I'm not one of those people, but I think there are some people that can just do that, just cut it off and walk away. Really? Yeah. I don't know how, but it's not something I'm experienced with. Have you ever let go of a job, and when you let go of that job, you thought about it years later? No, because I've worked with my family business since the get-go, so no. Have you ever let go? I haven't experienced that. Have you ever let go of a – I'm trying not to ask about relationships. Have you ever let go of a car that you liked? Maybe you had this particular car when you were in college or in high school, and that car was just holding on for dear life. You know how sometimes, and women say it all the time, men are trying to hold on. How about a badge? Thank you for bringing that up, but yeah, let's talk about that. Yeah, because I just had to put one of my favoritists down not too long ago, and every time his pictures show up, man, I'm not the kind of person that clings to animals. I think they have their purpose in life, and maybe once my kids are all gone, maybe I'll treasure them more than I do now, but man, this guy. I've lost a lot of dogs in my lifetime, but this one was difficult. Wow. Do you think it's because we're getting older? No, no. I think it was because he was young. He was a baby, and I just – no, he was only three, but he was just like the bestest. He had the best personality and so chill and goofy and anyways, but yeah, so that's been a hard one for me, which is not normal. I think it is normal because it's the process. Yeah, but with animals, I'm usually pretty like, okay, they're gone, and you cry, and then you're done. But with him, like literally, I see his picture, and it tugs at me, and I'm like, why? Why, why? I had a dog when I was a kid. I'd say about 10 or 11, and his dog name was Victor, a German shepherd, and I'm talking about the best dog I ever had. I still think about him. Yeah. So I think they do work their way into your heart, and it's something I don't think you ever really let go. It's a process. Yeah. What's his name? Oh, what's his name? Wesley. Wesley. Oh, my God. So anytime you know, anytime that you see anything that's familiar to it or see another dog that look like it, you got to think about Wesley. Oh, yeah. I get it. I get it. So you understand the process. Dogs, grief, relationships. So when you have to let go, or let me ask it this way. Oh, my gosh. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not even, like, near it, this button. Shorten our soundboard or something. Yes. So the process of a relationship is a little bit different because if it kind of went south or it went sour, shouldn't you want to let it go and move on? Well, I don't think that you can generally just say yes or no. That's dependent on the length of the relationship, the seriousness of the relationship, what all is involved in the relationship, all of that. I think it's all dependent on all and even more circumstances in the relationship. But, you know, I don't think after an investment of time, you – oh, my gosh. I think we may have to – because Cricket Cricket is coming, is continuing. I think it's going to keep coming. So you're going to keep coming for it. Is it a short? We're having some technical difficulties right now. We are. OK. More cricket. But I think that, yeah, it's dependent on those things and when there's an investment of time. Oh, my gosh. OK. We'll re-record. But what are we going to do if we can't record? And we're back, hopefully. Yes, we are back. We actually had some technical difficulties, and, yeah, we're back. Now, in the way we're coming back, I mean, you'll kind of see where we stopped and started, so you'll catch on to it. We're talking about letting go. Yeah, and I was talking about the investment of time after a certain – I think there's – and it's going to be dependent on each individual person. There's going to be some – once there's an investment of time and all that, yes, the letting go will become progressively, I think, more difficult. You think it'd become more difficult? Yeah, because you were just saying, shouldn't you just let it go? Yeah. No, when you're – like you've invested so much time, especially in someone else, and you've got so much invested, period, then, yeah, you can't just up and let go and walk away. I mean, maybe some people can. I would want to learn how to do that, but I get it. That's impossible because, as you use a very, very particular word, investment. Yeah. You put in some time. You put in some work. You put in some everything, and so you have to come out of that thing, and it takes a minute. It's a process in that. I was talking to Shelby earlier about how trees are, and sometimes we don't understand the process of what trees go through in different seasons. You have the winter, spring, summer, and fall, and when trees go into the season of fall, we think that the leaves leave the tree. That's actually not true. The tree is actually pushing the leaves off because it is receiving… To preserve itself. Yes. It's preserving itself for the next season. I don't even think that as humans we understand how important it is to preserve ourselves for the next season because new leaves are going to come. Not to say that a bunch of people are going to come into your life, but we really do have to understand that Tuesday is going to always follow Monday, and we can't get stuck in that place of trying to hold on to Monday and knowing that Tuesday is coming. Well, and I think that if you and I are both spiritual people, if you speak in spiritual seasons, that's very true. You have to be preserving yourself for the next season because the seasons of blessings are not real long-lasting usually, and they go pretty quick, but the seasons of trials seem to last longer and they come more. I think because we're counting the seconds. I don't know. Yeah, you're right about it. And even the Bible gives an account about how important it is for us to understand times, seasons, and the purpose for each season. There's a purpose for autumn. There's a purpose for winter and, of course, for spring and summer. Now, that's calendar year, but look at our lives. There are purposes why it's important for us to go through seasons. I think there was a season of – how can I say this? For me, there was a season of isolation that I had to go through. And I think that was part of your preservation. I was going to throw something at her because she's going to become prophetic. Give me a second because I don't want to scream, okay? Please, I don't want to scream right there. I was going to scream. I was going to scream. The season of isolation is for – oh, my God. Do you know what you just said? Yeah, you know what you just said because you said that almost a year ago. However, I get it. I get why I had to go through that isolation season. I wouldn't be here today if I didn't go through that isolation season and understand why it was important for me to kind of just look at me. The isolation wasn't for anyone else. I wasn't hiding from anybody. I actually wanted to just look at me for a minute. But you did that after your divorce. Yes. I think sometimes the isolation is within the time of the relationship. You think so? Yes, because I can tell you that I lived several years without feeling like I had anyone around me. I think the isolation had already occurred. Wow. And I think that there's lots of – I'm not the only one. When did that season end for you? When did the season end for me? Especially of isolation. Well, it didn't end right after the divorce because after the divorce I was grieving the relationship and then my dad passed and so I was grieving that too. But I think it started to break like a year after maybe. And then it wasn't like a boom. You're out there and you're good. The process of crawling, walking, running. Got it. I got it. And sometimes people feel bad about going through these particular seasons. Can I go on record to say they do provide strength and growth and knowledge and wisdom? There are times where certain seasons are uncomfortable because you need wisdom for the next season. I think that sometimes we miss the concept of really going through the beginning process to prepare for what even God has for us. Well, and as believers, faith comes through challenges. Yes. Faith doesn't just drop at your feet or show up at your door one day. Don't work like that. No, it comes through challenges. And something today, speaking of challenges, that the Holy Spirit pointed out to me, like I was doing a study on the Lord's Prayer and it was the verse of, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. And the Holy Spirit downloaded to me like the devil keeps poking at us and keeps trying to get us. But truly what he does is he loses every time because what he does is draw us closer to God. Okay. His intent is to pull us away, but more often than not, it winds up drawing us closer to God. Wow. And he loses all the time. Well, I can relate to that, especially in that season of isolation, because I thought I was so far away from God. I don't even know if I felt like I wanted to be, but I felt like I was so far away from God. But I think it was a setup because it drew me closer. I didn't see it that way, but it was a closer walk. And to come out of that season and you look back and you'd be like, God, I thank you. I could have did something completely different or I could have acted out of selfishness or I could have did something else. But God, I thank you that now I get it. Now I understand. Excuse me. Sorry. I do think that we as believers have to be faithful in that. We have to because everybody, I think, goes through seasons of isolation, especially with God and their relationship with God, because we think we're not hearing him or we don't feel his presence or it's just we're tuned out. You know, we're we're we've pulled away. We've withdrawn whatever. We all go through that. Yes. And we will until our sanctification is over. And that's normal. There's nothing wrong with that. So don't judge yourself because it's happening. Amen. And it's biblical men and women in the Bible that went through that season, too. So you're not by yourself. Even Jesus himself had to isolate from everybody. Right. But it does grow your faith after after the after the season's over. Your faith has grown. And the devil doesn't win. You just have to be steadfast and faithful. And understand that he has never left you. I know. I mean, I've felt that before myself, like he's left me. He's not worthy. You're not around. Yeah. Yeah. And I also something else that I got pointed out to me this week is discontentment. I always focused on discontentment being like the worldly stuff, like I'm not satisfied with where I am in life or I'm not satisfied with my relationships or I'm not satisfied with this, that and the other, whatever. But. It dawned on me that it is I've also not been content with my relationship with God. And I keep asking him for more, which isn't a bad thing. I'm not a bad thing to ask him for more from him or more into our relationship. But there's times I think that we need to be satisfied with where we're at with him. Because it breeds discontent if we're not. And he has us in a place for a reason, even though we may not understand it. I would call that selfishness because you you want more and more and more. What if you're not ready for it? Exactly. What if you're not ready for it? And he's a he's a father. And so why not listen and allow yourself to be prepared for that thing that he has for you and be patient enough to wait for it? Man, I 100 percent agree with you. And I think a lot of us are in a season of being still learning how to be still. I mean, I've heard you talk about it. I've heard other of our friends talk about it. Man, man. And so I think sometimes that's where, you know, when we're asking God for more of him, but we're not feeling like we're getting that because we're in that be still season. It's coming. Stay right there. Don't move. Wow. I don't know why we went off on that. No, that's it's a great because when you're in that season, the process of letting go of what you think is very important. Let's talk about Proverbs three, five and six. It says trusting him with all your heart. Don't lean not to your own understanding. Yeah. Like you can't lean and think that you're going to get an understanding of what you're doing and you're trusting him at the same time. The two can't walk down the same street. You're either going to trust him or trust you. Yeah. And we have made the mistake in trusting ourselves. Oh, my gosh. And it don't lead down a good road. No. So I felt like. Thank you, God, even in a repentant state, I felt like I tried to speed up a process. I think we're all guilty of that. I know I am. Because I didn't properly be patient in that season. You didn't allow him to prepare you the way he had intended. Wow. You just wanted to march ahead. Yes. And then you weren't prepared. And I didn't even effectively let go of the things that I was supposed to let go of. And so why would I go into another season holding on to the things that I had in the last season? It's like walking into summer with a fur coat on to your ankles and it's 90 degrees. But I also think that there is some healing that comes from the next season that you can't necessarily get in the season of isolation or wherever you're at. Just because there's things in that new season that are going to draw the things out of you from the old season that maybe you weren't aware of. Draw the things out of you. That's good. And there's some things that you probably didn't recognize in yourself because you were... Sheldon, I know you're teaching now because it's personal, but also it's life. You don't even know how strong you are until you're in it. Well, that's fact. That's what I'm hearing you saying. You don't even know that you can really make it out of it until you actually get in it thinking, oh, my God, I can't make it out of it. And that's the times when we feel like, okay, God, did you leave me? What's the poem that we read on everybody's wall? Footsteps. Footprints. One of them. And it says, in the worst times, the worst times, why was it just one set? Because he was carrying you. But we all get mad at him and say, I was walking by myself. You weren't even there. Come on. Come on. And that'd be the perfect opportunity for God to show us, hey, listen, it's a process. I'm not going to set you up for failure. I'm not. I'm not going to put you... Premature blessings is as worse as a thief providing it to you too early. I received that. Let me take that and put that in my pocket. My God, because anything that's premature, you're going to have complications. I'm teaching. Look at you. Jesus Christ. Anything that's premature is going to have some complications. And I get it. And we're ready to move forward in some stuff. But I said, you got to wait on me. Don't move yet. You got to wait on me. I'm not going to deal with that anymore, but you got to wait on me. And I've heard the analogy of when you feel like you're stuck or you feel like you're kind of going backwards, the analogy of bow and arrow. God's pulling you back because you're going to propel forward. Yes. But the arrow has to get pulled back. It has to get prepared so that it can fly forward. What was the word you just used? Prepared. Prepared. So good. Preparation. The season of preparation. Honey is a very hard season. Yeah, I think so. I think I've been in it first. Man, I know you know. I know you know. God, I've heard your story. But the season of preparation is a very hard season because you have no idea. Like you're preparing for. What? You're walking around like, okay, what am I preparing for? Because I have no idea what's ahead of me. We walk by face. Not by sight. I get it. I get it. And that's why we have to let go. We have to let go of. Did we play the part when, what's her name again? Elsa. Elsa. Did we play the part when she said, leave the past behind? The past is the past is what she said. Yeah, the past is the past. Okay, so my disclaimer in that is there are times where I reach back and look at the past to remind me that I don't want to go down that road. Like I have to look at it and be like, oh, I remember that. Nope, I ain't going that way. And then I'll put it back where it is. Yeah, but you're painting with a broad brush in that respect because I know what you're talking about. You can't paint everybody with that same brush and think you're going to wind up in that same place. That is true, Shelby. Because they're all different people. That is true, Shelby. So I think in saying that, what if I reach back, look at it, and then let it go? And be patient enough to walk slowly with God into this next. What if you look back and you go, yeah, those were some issues. There were some mistakes made there, but I grew and I learned. Mistakes are made to be learned from. Now, if you don't learn from them, then, yeah, you're doing something wrong, but everybody makes mistakes. That's like the biggest thing to learn from, the biggest thing that life presents you to learn from. So we all do it. We all make mistakes, but, yeah, you move forward. Keep them in your rearview mirror, but you can look back at them and go, yeah, I see that now, but I learned from that. And I'm a different person. Yes. Just don't focus on your rearview mirror. Yes. It's okay to take a peek up every once in a while, but don't focus on it. You have to. I mean, stuff behind you, you're getting so close and you get to looking at it like a mirror. Objects in the mirror. Yeah. You start looking around like, what is this? And then it will throw your focus off of this huge window that's in front of you. So you're right. You're absolutely right. I don't want to stay in that rearview mirror. I don't. But I will peek back at times. Look up. What's behind me? Hmm. This looks. That's also a reminder of what God's brought you through. Yes. That's the part. That's the part that I feel like it's effective for me because once I realized what he brought me through, I started letting go more of the stuff that I didn't think I held on to. I was still holding on to a little anger from that one particular situation that is still hindering me from walking into. The next season. The next season. Yeah. I wish she was looking at me, man. I'm going to start taking pictures and putting it on the YouTube. You've only got so many times because I think this is episode 24 and we change seasons every 25 episodes. So you better get on it, buddy. Amen. You're right. You're right. You're right. You're right. Let it go. Let it go. You're right. Another season is coming. Even now, we're coming out of the natural calendar season. Here in this state, I've heard people say how different it is from other states because we really can't tell the seasons down here. I don't know about you, but I think we were talking about it as we were walking upstairs. We come from other states where when it's cold, it's cold, and when it's hot, it's hot. But here, it's bipolar. Unstable. Just when you think you understand it, it goes back to the other man. How do you be 75 one day and then the following day, you only get up to 30? That's puzzling. That's puzzling. But lean not to your own understanding. I got it, y'all. She over here looking at me. I'm telling you, her looks. Her looks is convicting me. I get it. I get it. Let go. Let go. Let go and let God. Can I add that to it? Of course you can. When we let go and we let God truly have his way, then I believe personally we get out the driver's seat. Yeah. Jesus, take the wheel. This lady's singing. She's a prophetic right now. Yes, get out the driver's seat. We've been driving. I was going to say something else. Move, bitch. Get out the way. I'm out. I'm out. But you know what? How powerful and fitting is that, though? Yeah. Get out the way. We need to hear it just like that. Move. Yeah. Get out the way right now. Exactly. Some of us are stubborn. I don't know who you're talking about. I don't know anyone. I don't know anyone that is stubborn. I ain't even looking at anybody that's stubborn. Oh, no. Not at all. However, I get it. I get it. Some of us need that real, real harsh, ludicrous voice type move. Get out the way. Amen. All right. I get it. I get it. I'm letting go. I'm letting go. Uh-huh. I'm releasing. Uh-huh. I got another analogy. There's a bag of M&M's that is on the table in which we're broadcasting on the desk. Shelby, if you gave me a whole handful of M&M's, and I got them in my hand. My other hand is occupied. And I say, hey, Shelby, I want more. You can't. Why? Because your hand's full. And also, they're going to melt in your hand. It's going to be a mess. Whoo. See. Did you catch what you said? Yeah, man. It's going to be a mess. You got to let go. Because if you don't, now it's all everywhere. You can't receive more if you're holding on to that. You got to make room. Make room. My God. I don't know if that was a good analogy. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. 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