Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Yes, that's how we get Shelby started when we can't not smile with that knowing Hey, welcome to word-of-mouth podcast with Nate and Shelby we are back in the building and it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood It is it is nice in the building. It is a beautiful day Definitely inside We're praying for you. Yeah, don't know please take care of yourself We're in the south y'all and it is really hot down here really really hot, how are you doing? So, I'm great. Good. Good. Good since last podcast. Are you great because you're great Are you great because you're actually great? I'm blessed and highly favored. So I'm all the above doesn't matter Hmm. Yeah, it doesn't matter period That's awesome I'm great wonderful You're perfect your health Love that word perfect man. That's it right there. That's it. And that's how I feel Not that I am a perfect person, but I know Yes, so today ladies and gentlemen, we're going to get at it We want to talk about a subject of course that we all have felt before And it is a state we all felt this the state before and it's called being alone or loneliness or Just wondering why we choose at times To want to be alone and this is the want to be alone And I think this day and age has caused us to creep over in that area More than normal because we don't want to deal with people Nor do we want to deal with situations and we just want to kind of be Us I'm talking to me. So I ain't talking to nobody else today, but me. All righty and being on the island Sometimes they can get very very very comfortable very comfortable, even though you're struggling You make that struggle comfortable The enemy wants you there We're going to dig into this and he makes it comfortable and keeps it that way for you. Oh my god Yes, oh my god, and we've talked about loneliness before and being alone But I think we're kind of going more towards a spiritual side of it. Yeah, absolutely absolutely, because we don't realize how Detrimental yes dangerous great word how dangerous it is spiritually to be alone We push people away in the spirit realm, can you tell me why? Well, we push them away because we're in our egos for the most part we don't want to deal with them We're lazy or whatever. We're overwhelmed. We're blah blah blah. I mean the list goes on forever and I am Guilty of it just as anybody else. I'm not pointing fingers at anybody. But hey, man, that's the disclaimer for today We're not pointing fingers. No, we're just talking about it. Just talking for real Yes, please understand don't get offended just know that we're talking yeah, we're guilty of all this stuff as well. Yes. Um, I Have found myself at times pushing people that I know that God sent to my life Pushing them away because I don't want them to get close to see How you're soft underbelly. Yeah Ugliness of it all the vulnerability all of the above the tenderness. Yeah, I Don't want people to get that and I think that's what men struggle with is letting the tenderness be you think it's a gender thing Yes, what? Yes So you can I think I think also this is a big struggle for men spiritually to allow God to be in control. Oh I agree with that. Yes, because they believe that they are in control Even if you're a spiritual person, even if you know God and you're walking with God, I think and we do it, too I'm not I'm saying believers across the board do it women men, whatever But I think that men especially struggle with that and feel that it's their responsibility to do everything It's not put on God the way of the world the way of the land says that that men have to carry that weight Right. I remember as a kid men carried a weight of the world on their shoulders So I thought that's what I have to do. So I did struggle with God leading Yeah, and your role in the relationship of men and women is to be a leader and a protector So you do have a lot of responsibilities? I'm not discounting that at all because it's it's he it's huge But I just think that that it's a it's a difficulty for men to Relinquish I agree things are so than women you're not lying on that one name a woman that it's hard for them Unless that woman has literally hello done it for a long Ding ding ding talking to I Told you what you thought we're just talking today and I I fight with God over control of stuff. Whoo that we go to task And he he has to straighten me out a lot Lot Wow, and he's like really like rolling his eyes really we can do this again. How many times girl? Conversation But come on now Yeah, but anyway, it's bird like we just Know and glad that we're getting it out because we want you all to know that Everybody struggles here. So let's dialogue about it now Even when you said men struggling that area women struggling that area Let's talk about the danger in that I've been at a place where I know I needed someone spiritually and I kept pushing away. I kept bucking against it Like I know that that person literally has a word that's gonna change my life and I'm like, nope Hey, what are you doing today? You want to you want to go and you know out to eat it? No, I'm good I'm busy. So was that because you were so comfortable in your yes Box, I guess we'll call it. Yes, Ivan. Yes Yes, I booked again, you just didn't want off that island I mean you knew you said you knew they were gonna download something into you that was gonna spiritually benefit you but you rejected it because the struggle became comfortable and I didn't want that comfortableness to end. Yeah, you know because I know that what God is gonna say It's gonna change all that Different and you're telling me, you know people don't change right? Yeah who likes change So when it was with God change is always better It's not comfortable going through that change But it always the outcome is always for the good because we know he does everything for the good. We love him Yeah, I believe that But we don't want to activate that not at that moment because it's comfortable it's like being in your favorite chair, and you're snuggled up with your favorite blanket on and You want something to drink you're the only one in the house, you don't want to move out your favorite spot Well, thank you for that word because a lot of us spiritually Salute and we all go through periods of that All the time ebbs and flows We just want to stay there and we'd be like nope and I think you know to put it in like a perspective like when you're in a relationship like I was in a relationship and you're like you know, like let's say there's lab results coming up or there's Some kind of test that you know is coming and you don't want those results because you don't want to be faced with the choice You're gonna have to make about making a change I Get what you're saying like yeah, but Yeah, anyways, you don't want to be faced With the joy that you have to make the change that you have to It's inevitable that you have to make the change, but you don't want to that You can just let life keep kicking your tail. That's it and whether you're in a relationship or not I mean you can still be very alone in a relationship. Let me say you can be absolutely alone Relationship you preaching so it don't matter that there's a person cohabitating with you. You can still be completely So you don't even have to be alone per se to be lonely or feel alone like you can have and you can have people I've said I've done a tick-tock about that like How do people say they're? So lonely, but they're surrounded by people But I think you know another thing with loneliness is like we're so it used to be back in the day before social media you actually had to make an effort to interact with people because you had to pick up the phone or you had to go somewhere or You had to invite them over or something and the interaction was Metered let's say Whereas now you're surrounded by people all the freaking time whether it's on your phone or it's on your social media or it's in Work or it's in person or whatever Like the input is constantly coming in and I think that makes us so in some ways withdraw from it and it's like a little overload and so then that does create like the space of wanting to be alone because you're just constantly surrounded by all of the stuff What is so good And so then we you know and plus with all the you know, Keeping up with the Joneses because of social media and looking that everybody's life being so perfect, which it's not and it never is And we just show the happy side to everybody, you know, it makes it that much more complicated and difficult for us to Rise above that and just let that go and actually Like, you know, and if you think about it with social media, like I have I don't even know how many friends I have on social media 150 something like that 150,000 Like 3,000 on tick-tock, you know, I am not nor do I want to be Anyways, I think that You know in in back in the day would I have been friends with 150 people? No, there's no way in hell I got like two If it was just straight in down to interacting with purpose, I would have two friends Have you looked at your friend list on Facebook, yeah, you know, you know thousands I'm not You are I am not you are Cuz You know the reason why Facebook switched it from friends to followers No, because I think the enemy knew because there's power in words you have a friend They actually have to be that Someone that's following you. I mean it is what it is. I don't have to interact with them. I don't have to do anything I'm just following them. So I just kind of look at them That's how we do social media, but a friend actually got to live up to that thing That name that name its power its power in that. Um, and yes, you do have I Think you're in the million status. You are so full of You got a bunch of you better start like you better start scooping because you're burying yourself You are there and especially tick-tock. I watch it tick-tock often I only have like 30 I'll watch him often and that's good. You're my friend. That's all see you're doing the friend thing You're you're being a friend if you want to go live. Yeah Go live one day. No one day. I want you to go live one time and watch what happened I wouldn't be able to it would blow my mind because I have to keep track of all the things being said and all the Comments and trying to respond and blah blah and you know, I'd get my hair up, you know, I'd get my hair up I can't go through that and not get my hair up a thing It's not a good thing. It would not be good thing You know what? You just said something that was good and I think as he was saying earlier I think sometimes how is it that we can be alone and be overwhelmed and That's what social media have done Like you have so many followers so many this and that you're viral you are literally by yourself all the time But you feel overwhelmed because people are you know interacting with you? Compared to when you just said how it was before this era And you had to go Talk and to go to them there had to be effort involved. Yes That's why I was limited friends because you had to actually talk to them. Yeah So is that a is that the reason why even spiritually we are comfortable in our loneliness? Because we feel like it's being said our loneliness is being fed with people we don't even know I Definitely think there's something to be said about that. There is some truth in that. I Also think that the overwhelm it's kind of a double-edged sword because you get overwhelmed you want to withdraw But at the same time you get overwhelmed because you withdraw because you're not sharing the things with the people around you That was good. Can you repeat so you get overwhelmed and you want to withdraw and you want to withdraw? But you get overwhelmed because you withdraw And you're not bouncing things off of other people or allowing them to share your load or whatever Which I'm guilty of to the end. Well, that's a light bub I'm like that because That's actually what's happening Everywhere and the enemy is using us against us Absolutely. Oh You don't need other people to be at war with you got enough war in your own head Now Sorry But as believers though we should not allow that to happen But that I think is our greatest war is what's in our head Absolutely across and not even if you're a believer if you're not a believer it anybody. I think just the human condition. Yes Yes, I think the fight of our life is Yeah, we're not fighting and of course in spiritual warfare. There is rulers and And spiritual wicked wickedness in high places where now I have to pull it down those strongholds I do believe that in that same Sentence, I would say we're probably fighting ourselves worse Because of the mental and the emotional and the psychological Things that we face every day the boo sheet Yeah We're fighting we're in a ring with ourselves. Yeah constantly because that war never ends that person never leaves You're stuck with you all the time So that makes loneliness a two-edged sword because if I'm fighting against myself Then I don't want to be around people, but I also don't want to be with yourself. Oh Oh My god, this is opening up Okay Something gotta give because we do know that the enemy use loneliness Isolation and Division absolutely against us. Yeah, I mean you and I just talked about that before we did this that you know, Adam and Eve There were two humans one was created for the benefit of the other. Well, they were both to benefit each other But literally so he would have a companion and would not be alone would not be alone. God didn't want him being alone Because he was miserable and God saw that and so he created this woman But as soon as he created this woman the serpent came in and said, oh, yeah, I know what to do I'm gonna split you guys up and he did from the get-freakin-go And ever since then we've allowed him to continue to do it and we still do Whether it's race whether it's money. Come on whether it's jobs whether it's you know, any education Status anything how good you are at sports how much you know about the Bible. I mean the church is terrible with it And I'm not saying the whole world. Everything is terrible with it, but the church ain't Out of that fray if we can put emphasis on that you would think that The church should teach more about it and we come together instead of us dividing more That's another conversation God you said something so good. I created this To be that help for you because you were miserable because you were alone These are the words that God said you will not be alone I'm gonna create something so that you won't be alone That's the whole reason he created woman was because Adam was alone and God noticed and saw and felt His misery and being alone And we've made it because the enemy has made it so comfy And And and and because society itself has made it very comfortable and you know There's so many people that say I don't need a man. I don't need a woman. I don't need this. I don't need that Yeah Okay, I've said it to you Yeah Even though some of these are people I have to say that And we have to understand the balance of church church. We are the church We build up we make up the church. The temple is designed for us to come together in fellowship. We need that fellowship Yeah, okay You look at it We need that fellowship because when we come together and we talk about similar things of what we're going through We're actually encouraging one another. Um, yeah, it's like a two-edged sword We're helping each other as we talk about the things that we face every day whether it's spiritual mental psychological We're helping each other well, not only that but you and I have talked about this before I Can believe very strongly for other people, but I cannot believe strong enough for myself. I Can believe that you're healed I can believe everyone's healed. I can believe they're synced by their holy. They're everything I cannot believe that for myself And if I don't if I'm not walking with you if I'm not walking with a fellow believer who can help me in those moments The devil's got me under his thumb The other thing is about discernment if you're not with Other people who are seeing things who are discerning things in your in your what you're surrounding yourself in then You're not going to pick up on that because the devil likes to blind us. There's scales on our eyes With with spiritual stuff And so if if we just sit there and allow him to continue to put those scales on and they get heavier and heavier And we can't see through them If you don't have people around you that have spiritual discernment to tell you that's what's happening or to tell you You've got this person over here. That is not good for you They're gonna kill you like that's it You've got to get away from that or this decision you're making is not good or you know Whatever get out of your job, whatever it is But there's you have to have people around you who pick up on stuff that you don't see Yes, and even if it's uncomfortable stuff, that's within yourself. Yeah, which is really icky So great how you use that analogy. That's scripture It's in Romans chapter 4. The Bible says that the God of the world that Satan. Yes has blinded If you can't see how is it that you feel like and I'm It's like talking about a blind person. They actually do need help Sometimes you'll see a blind person either walking with a cane or walking with someone They actually do need help because they're running to something because they can't see in the spirit realms the same thing Because the devil is a spirit. So he's trying to blind our spirit eyes or our Mental capacity to allow us not to be able to see what's in front of us. So you need people with discernment Yes, and discernment I think is one of the things that goes away that you know Get you out of that that's where the scale hit first. Yep is your discernment. Yes. Yep Thank you for saying that and that would eliminate a lot of us if we because there's a word pride that we're missing We we gotta To get out that loneliness ladies and gentlemen You got a job pride and that's a that's a big thing if I can do this on my own I don't need anybody else. I don't need a man. I was there people. Let me tell you. I wrote the damn book. Come on I'm telling you it's real and it's a pride thing and and it it was really a protective thing as well because if I can if I can keep everybody away from me and I can handle it all myself, even though I'm absolutely freaking miserable Absolutely Miserable, but if I can keep everybody believing that I'm good and I can do it all myself Then I don't have to expose any of my vulnerabilities and I don't have to get hurt Yeah Afraid of being hurt. Yeah, I Think we just exposed everything right there. So the conclusion ladies and gentlemen the conclusion First like let's acknowledge the fact that loneliness is a state Where we have to understand if we stay there too long it can cause Dangerous things to happen it causes contempt with other people Because if you cannot what you'll do is you'll shut yourself off so much that you stop relating to others And once you've cut that Relationship off means relating and having things in common with others you become contemptuous And you can't get on the ship at all. No, and that goes with our race problems with our work problems I mean all of that are our gender issues with between men and women all of it. That's what it boils down to There's contempt involved That's really good I know you want to cut it off He's gonna reach for that button y'all he's gonna keep it in a half-hour I think we should just keep rolling but whatever. Yeah, we might have to cuz that's a whole nother ballgame We've let contentment Cause major stuff to happen because we just You Talk about content are you talking about contempt? Content content. Oh, I'm talking about contempt like you're mad like content. Okay. Okay. I'll use contempt. Okay When loneliness is there for so long Anger sets in yes Frustration sets in yeah, you get contemptuous against other people because you're now thinking or nobody cares Well, not only that you're thinking you're right all the time like I'm right ain't nobody gonna talk to me about nothing cuz I know everything cuz I've been doing everything cuz That was really good Wow so now we've said in that place that we've become so many all these other things is wrapped around those Those demonic satanic type of things because if we stay there then we become so hard Hard-hearted. Yeah that it causes us not to want to change Absolutely, hard-heartedness is really it's a it's a killer and it's a dangerous thing and it happens very quickly. I think sometimes Or or maybe it happens so subtly that we don't realize it until we're like, oh really hardened Okay, okay, so I just I just heard something Okay Okay, I'm gonna tell it. Um, so I've had Some encounters with doctors explaining heart issues. Okay dealing with my mom I had to understand certain things when they come to the heart Let me start off with a scripture. The scripture says in John 14 and 1 let not your Troubles Neither let it be dismayed. Come on. Let not your heart. It didn't say let not your mind It said that not your heart be troubled because if it if it's troubled then it goes to that heart in place Says your heart can be wicked. Mm-hmm So you don't want your heart to be in that place and Jesus knew how powerful it is for it to Set in your heart your mind can play tricks on you all day But your heart something different about that heart. So from a medical standpoint Um, I was explained two years ago with my mom about how when you have heart problems, there's stages there's first, you know, just regular heart disease and then they move it to heart failure and Then once the heart failure be becomes really bad. Then they say you need another heart Because the You need a transplant Because the one you have it don't work anymore now look at in the spirit Get that in the spirit my god, we've went through that whole process to now. We need another heart Are you kidding me? We've said on that island Nathan for so long that you another heart your heart have hardened that much Where is just stone cold broken? There's nothing there's no other pain like a broken heart. Mm-hmm And you know, I don't think that just Relationships can break your heart. I think your heart can get broken by a lot of things. Oh, absolutely I'm a witness to that. Absolutely. It wasn't just a relationship and my heart was broke years ago from Small things you wouldn't have never thought That set so long and I made it away. Yeah, I made it bigger Like I let the snowball roll down the hill of something so small and it became bigger And loneliness makes that so very dangerous where now You become dangerous You're a danger to yourself that's for danger This lady be preaching all pocket If you're on an island day nobody else there with you so I didn't danger to anybody else He's just a danger to yourself That's it And ultimately that can be detrimental to where now you have this little spot suicidal spirit just a moment Because he knows Yeah, and you know like we were talking about earlier the devil knows exactly where to hit you He has no question and he has no qualms about it He knows, you know the exact right detail Yeah We deal with this stuff every day, we're human we're natural he's a spirit and I Heard it said like this years ago The enemy has literally peeked into our future. So he knows what we about to obtain So if I can use these spiritual roadblocks or these spiritual hurdles hurdles To stop you then I'm gonna do everything I can For you not to get to that place where God has for you It's like the conversation that Satan had with God and God said, what are you doing here? And he's I'm just you know, kind of chillin roaming around Seeking whom I can devour Tasty today Because these are two spirits talking to each other and God said I'd be trapped my servant Yeah, you got a hedge of protection Have fun have fun Lord, please don't do that with me That's deep that's really but it's it's amazing that God trusts you more than you trust you Wow, wow Wow That's a big statement that is that is wow, that's whoa, so we got to get rid of this loneliness We have to that that can be very dangerous It's okay to have people around you. I I would say in my Shelby voice Know the people that are around you Discern the people and y'all hear that word discernment the sermon is it is a gift I got to be honest about it. It's a gift It's a spiritual gift that you have that not not the you know, the one nine hundred gifts I'm talking about something that you see in the spirit realm where it gives you these You get a feeling in the pit of your chest at least I do yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and you know that You know that you know that you know, you're nowhere knows. Yeah, that that's not right Don't go there and people I felt that before I Can't say that I was so deep that I didn't hear When I was on my way somewhere where I had no business going and I'm driving. I'm driving. I'm hearing something say We've heard that before but we're stubborn And we think we control it Goes back to the control thing You really are teaching today I promise you are because we want to control it because we want to be comfortable We want to do whatever we will learn the hard way that it wasn't the right option again, and again and again Wow, it's very important. I believe and me and she'll have talked about this even off mic It's very important not to push away The people that are really meant for you like they're really meant for you They're not meant to P R E Y on you, but there's some people that will really pray for you. There's there's people that are For you personally their intentions are true But because you got red flags for everybody Your your blinders are on and you can't see who's really for you. I also think that the enemy will impart or implant little things To make you question those people that's good But if you really stepped back that little thing really means nothing and if you could see it spiritually You might even be able to discern that it's a tactic Wow But if he can get that seed planted, yeah And you will divorce yourself from that person that was probably there to save you No, that seed is really pushed in the ground. Yeah You'll water it Oh my god, yes, that's so good. That's so good I really believe that God do send people to your life for you There are no coincidences in life, right in my opinion there is not one. Oh, I agree I agree every word we speak every breath we take it's all It's it's done. It's designed. Yes by way of Scripture. I knew your end in the beginning Yeah, we understand that I mean you can use the word coincidence if you want to feel better about it But we know that God knows God knows So Loneliness can be dangerous you all it can be dangerous. However, um, I Mentioned this to Shelby right before we got on air was are there times where we have to take a moment to ourselves? Yes, absolutely moments are fine And like, you know quiet time with God for sure people need that and and just quiet time to be quiet To quiet your spirit to quiet your soul to sit and Get with nature or whatever. I really do believe that that's a healing thing is to just go out and be in nature I think God gave it to us for one of those that was one of the reasons But yeah, absolutely. It is important to have quiet moments to have alone time Yes, and there's a lot of people that need that like they have to I'm one of those you have to have it Yeah, or you get wackadoo You get frustrated you get aggravated You need some alone time. I'm gonna give it to you right now Say to my mom at times when she'd be all fresher that you need a pill. Yeah, well, you're happy peel that But we do need that time away I agree with you So we need that time away where it's it's just us and God and we're able to hear we're able to just Just have that quiet moment and be still and know that I am God Be still and I'll fight your battles for you And y'all need to understand that he is always fighting battles for us that you may never know about you may never see Because he goes before you You're looking at his back because he goes before you not because he's turned his back on you because he goes before you and he's fighting Battles for you that you know nothing about So let him war for you and just be still Don't do nothing. No for just a moment. Don't do nothing And I can I just say that I think in our culture nowadays everything is go go go go go There is no time to be still it is go go go and someone in my life would probably tell me this I'm really bad at just go go going all the time and I need to listen to myself. And yeah, I do But yeah, the culture is all about keep going go go go do not have any time to be still Go do not have any quiet time because the devil wants us to not have quiet time So we can't get renewed and we can't get restored and we can't go sit with him And we can't do what his word says, which is be still and no You ever had Say your phone your phone ever like that. So my Shelby boy voice why I could do that. It just froze Okay So when it freezes There's nothing that you can do at that moment and you have to hold the button down to turn it off Yeah, yeah, it has to be still and the panic sets in But you have to turn it off and you have to reset That's how powerful The just are the technologies they even need a reset Yeah, there's a restart button on every almost every electronic that we have because it gets Overloaded and the memory is trying to catch up with everything and now it's just going. Hey wire Busyness It is and he has convinced us man lock stock and barrel That is the only way to live busyness busyness business because they're not productive if you're not busy. Come on I thought I had to work seven days a week Yeah, I know you did 14 hours a day. Uh-huh. And then we had to have a little talk. Yeah, anyway But I get it. I get it. That's why you need people. Yeah around you Because you do it and you'll think that that's comfortable and you'll live like that for the rest of your life And you'll think it's normal too because it becomes normal to you Yep, y'all don't see me raising my hand. But yeah, that was my life. That was my life until the reset button The restart button the rejuvenate though. This is the word re Yeah re means to do And release what was in the past? Oh, that's good. And don't don't forget about that word that we don't talk about a lot repent Don't forget about that one because you didn't did all that stuff so much that you forgot. Okay, it's time to repent Creating me a clean heart We need to repent for thinking we're in control Yes We're trying to be in control, I know I know Because of loneliness so to wrap this up Loneliness can be dangerous. But there are times where we do need to be in that place of Quiet, that's a different place then Those are moments versus yeah, so I think I heard you say it earlier. You said there's a difference between Loneliness and being alone. Yeah Okay, so loneliness can be detrimental and dangerous being alone. You need it because you're able to reset Yeah, but it's a sometimes and not an all the time. Ah That's the difference know the difference. Yes know the difference You don't have to stay there. No, please don't Just get what you need to get Start back up And get it cracking and don't go back to the same thing Like why would you reset and then go back to being busy? That's hard, especially when it's become such a habit. Mm-hmm It's hard hard to change Hmm didn't Michael Jackson say I'm gonna make a change for once in my life starting with the man in the mirror Come on she's singing no message can be any clearer if you want to make this world a better place That's awesome, it's awesome when we look at it so that place of loneliness, yeah, you can't sit there If you go back to season one boy, it was some Islanders talking A Little bit of progress. Yes, Lord. We have and we understand now that we need we need each other We need each other Fear we were just all kind of stuff Talk about yourself there, buddy We have an opportunity to sing with some people in a choir that we do in a community standpoint and they are homeless people and We have a like a community choir with them and we sing a song that is very very powerful to me personally because I think it's It's Prophetic more than anything. I need you. I need you and you need me Because we really do need each other to live We do if we didn't well, I guess if God had only created one. There'd only be one No one would know that they were He doesn't make mistakes y'all Make mistakes, okay Some of us have said in our own Yeah, and you know what you're just like you're just aggravating him Good work. Yeah, but you're just like he's like really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Get over yourself, please. I love you More than you'll ever know so get over yourself and stop saying that yes Don't get out that place of loneliness get over yourself. Let that ego Go Let that ego go let it go pride Bible says it comes before fall anyway. Yeah So why are you holding on to it? You're gonna fall It's it's an evidence not comfortable when that happens. He's a hurt First bed. Yeah, and hopefully you do it by yourself. You're not humiliated but a lot of times We all needed everyone man, whoo, she's been dropping some nuggets today also, please Yes This stuff is for real. We got to get out that place let people in those that you know, you know down in your nowhere Yeah, let them folk in and They could be beneficial But it's for your life. Let them be beneficial. Stop letting this division Kill us Like it's it's picking us off one by one Yeah, I heard you speak about these these aspects of why we're divided you talked about race You talked about money. You're talking about Economic which that's money you talked about That is Religion all of the above everything has a level of Dividing us because one like one thing and one like the other thing and that stuff is crazy well, especially when God created us each as individuals with a specific purpose and plan and He designed us specifically to be who we are. We are perfectly imperfect But we are who he Wants us to be or created us to be and yet we reject that and we think that we're trying to please everybody else We are perfectly in person That's good Thank you. All right. Um, yeah, but really don't have nothing else to close this out. I honestly can say that The loneliness is dangerous being alone is needed sometimes a moment Here it is Psalms 30 and 5 Weeping may endure for night That's a moment, right? There's some some of the versions say for a moment but joy Morning, but we get that moment of weeping we get that moment of frustration we get that moment even a hurt Yeah, cuz hurt may last a little longer But you still got to look at it as though it's a moment because if you stay there too long It gets worse. Everything in this world is temporary. But being with God is eternal One comes after this world is eternal. Yes, so make sure you go into the right place Because there are two different places We talked about that being real a couple times ago. Yes. I want you in that place. No We got to get out of our See the bigger picture There is a bigger picture. I think some of us I'm trying to get off this thing. I think some of us drive with our eyes so So much in the rearview mirror that we don't even look We were so focused on that little bitty thing That little big old windows right in front of you this whole windshield. It's bigger But that speaks on life man, that's how it should be keep that path little Future needs to be large and in charge All right, get out that place you've been there too long get over yourself Well, I didn't want to for a long time mama Shelby said get over yourself But you take out a belt get over yourself and move on don't get back busy Move yeah, just move forward. Don't keep moving moving moving moving moving. Don't go go go go go. Don't busy busy busy busy busy just Push forward just push forward press toward the one step. Yeah. Yes All right, I got you It's all I got We appreciate you all so much man. Oh, yeah, and then I didn't know I was gonna try to stop it at 30 But So, thank you all so much for tuning in we love you all we'll see y'all soon You