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The speaker, who identifies as a prophet, shares their journey of understanding their calling and purpose. They emphasize the importance of listening to and speaking for the Lord. They explain how their messages have evolved from being teachy to being led by the Holy Spirit. They also mention their desire to speak more about their experiences as a prophet once they fully understand their calling. They express that being a prophet can be a lonely journey but have found support and understanding from others who have had similar experiences. The speaker acknowledges that their planned topic for the meeting has been changed by the Lord and prays for the Holy Spirit to reveal mysteries and bring understanding. The speaker then begins by emphasizing the importance of God's word and states that their prophecy for the day may scare some people but it is meant to bring redemption. They quote Jesus' words about telling all things beforehand and urge listeners to take heed. Praise the Lord. People of God, praise the Lord. It's Sunday, the 10th of September, 2023. And we are grateful to God for life. We are grateful to God for the privilege that he has given us to handle his precious word. And we are ever honored to have the grace to bring the true light of God's word to God's people. This evening, it's going to be a different meeting. And I am truly excited about tonight's meeting for the very, very, very first time since God has called me to do this work. The Lord has interrupted my program. The Lord has interrupted my preparation because by his grace I come prepared. I have actually noticed that since the inception of this work that God has called me to do, God has been shaping things and God has been remodeling things. And I am blessed to be able to understand, like sons of Issachar, to be able to understand the times and the seasons and to have an idea of what God is doing and what God is trying to have me do. And so I have been blessed to be flexible in this work. The reason is simple. I have nothing to say to anyone. Nothing to say to anyone. I am called to speak for the Lord. I am a prophet of the most high God. I am called to speak what does say of the Lord. And so by his grace and by his Holy Spirit, I am able to position myself and have my ears and my spiritual antenna tuned into heaven to hear what does say of the Lord, what God will have me say. When we first started this work, it was very scripted because we understood the assignments that when God calls you to do a work, you go with reverence. You prepare. You study. You deliver as God has called you as much as you can. And in the beginning, we did just that. God has been very faithful because God saw our heart and saw that we were moving in fear because when God calls you, when God speaks, you move in fear. So we moved in fear, but having realized that God had called and God wanted to use our voice to speak to his people prophetically, we moved in fear, not only reverence to God, but actually fear because it was important to us not to embarrass God and not to embarrass ourselves. And so we would always prepare. We would always study. And if you look at our previous messages, you're going to find them very word-heavy, and you're going to find our first few messages very teachy because at that time, that's what we understood that God was trying to do. God wanted to teach what he has taught us In the close quarters of our interactions with God, we felt that God wanted us to teach others what he was teaching us. And so our first meetings, our first messages were very teachy. They were, in fact, sermons. And as the days went by, as the Sundays went by, it became obvious that the Holy Spirit wanted to speak to us. As opposed to in the beginning, we were rigid. We were afraid to fail, so we were hanging on to the horns of the altar out of fear, fear of failing and fear of disappointing God. And as we moved in faith, we received more grace from the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit was now wanting to have more free reign. And so we realized that the Holy Spirit was trying to get us to just do outlines, and so we would obedience just do outlines as led by the Spirit of God. And Holy Spirit usually a few days, even a few hours before recording, Holy Spirit would keep sending his word, nuggets, light, direction to let us know what he wanted to say, how he wanted to say it, and we would follow as we were led. And so the Holy Spirit now was speaking as he wanted to. So very often we would come to these recordings, we would do outlines and just release ourselves onto the Holy Spirit and let him speak. And when that began to happen, what was happening for us is that we were also learning. As we were speaking to the people by the Spirit, we were also speaking to ourselves by the Spirit, because we never knew what the Holy Spirit was going to say. It became really a platform for God by his Spirit to speak what he wanted to speak when he wanted to speak. And it reminds me of the Bible, when the Bible says that I will teach you what to say, I will put in your mouth what to say. The Lord said that to Moses. And that's what's been going on. And so we've been just flowing with the Spirit, still doing our outlines, and that's what we did in preparation for today's meeting. We did our regular outlines, we studied the Word, and we just prayed and we gave Holy Spirit room to come in as we normally do. But a few hours before recording, I heard the Spirit begin to say to me to speak about prophecy. Because as some of you may already know, I operate in the office of the prophet. I am a prophet of God. I have been a prophet of God from my mother's womb. I don't talk about this often because it's a long story. And I trust that Holy Spirit will release me to talk more about my office, about my supernatural experience. I live indeed a supernatural life in the natural. It's a miraculous life that I live. For a long time I didn't have clear understanding of the life that I live because I felt everybody was having the same experience until God began to reveal truth to me. I am still on that journey of learning the office into which God has called me. And so I also need time to understand the call even now. And I need grace to articulate because you cannot teach what you don't understand. So I have knowledge by experience for my life, but I don't really have understanding as it relates to the call of God and as it relates to my purpose as a prophet of God. So I am growing. I'm not ashamed to say that. I am growing in understanding. For a long time I had no words. I had no understanding of what was going on. I just knew what I was experiencing. There were many pieces in the puzzle and now they are coming together and I am still learning. Once I understand fully what God has given me to do the purpose for my prophetic assignment, I will then be able to articulate it and, boy, will it be an earful because there is a lot to say. And that's the very reason why I have been reluctant. It's like a chest that's been locked up for so long. I have experienced so many incredible things that it's almost like without knowing it, I have been walking this walk by myself almost as if there is an unspoken command not to speak. It's not as if it's a secret. But who do I tell? Who will believe me? Who will understand? The life of a prophet is a lonely one because many things happen to you as a prophet. They are real. They are as real as your room, as real as the children, as real as... They are real only in a different dimension. But who are you going to tell that? You are crazy. And so for a long time I have walked this road, this lonely road of prophecies by myself until God began to bring me along the road. I have now met people like myself, prophets like myself, who also have been journeying along, but they have gone further. They have walked further in their journey. And from learning about their lives, I am understanding my call and my purpose, which is very important because that's another great reason why I should speak. There are people like me who are called prophets unto God but don't have understanding of the call. They don't have understanding of what's happening to them. They don't know that the purpose for their life is to be a prophet of the living God, a mouthpiece for God, just like I didn't know. So as I am learning from those who have walked... Many of them are actually younger than me. Many of these prophets from whom I am learning, they are younger. But God, by a miracle, has been bringing me into their ministry to hear their testimonies and to see that the life that they live and have lived is the life that I live and have lived. And God is using their lives to explain to me and give me clarity on the call of my life once I feel release and I feel strong because I need strength to say some of the things that my eyes have seen in the spirit realm, in the natural. So when I get to that point, I trust God that as a family, we will all be here to hear, thus saith the Lord. And so before I go into today's word from the Lord, like I said, the Lord has interrupted my program altogether. What we prepared for today's meeting is not what we're going to talk about. And this program is for the Lord. He does as he wills. He does as he pleases. And I am trusting God that as he has purposed, he will speak to us and we will learn and we will be warned and we will be redeemed because God reveals to redeem. God is about to reveal a mystery on this recording this evening. But first, let's pray. Holy Spirit of God, we honor you. We worship you. We exalt you because you are kind and you are wonderful. You are wise. You are our helper. We invite you now to teach us because you have been sent to teach us all truth. We ask, Lord, that you will reveal to us the mysteries of the kingdom. We ask that you will reveal to us the mysteries of the prophecy, the word that God has sent you will reveal, you will explain, you will interpret, and you will breathe upon this word so that our ears shall hear the Lord and our hearts shall receive understanding. Jesus, we reverence you tonight as we always do. It's all about you. We're here because of you. You are the word of God. Manifest yourself and bring life to us. Bring true light to us. Glorify the Father in the name of Jesus. Amen. And so I am going to first start with God's word because God's word is the foundation of everything a believer does, should do. So our prophecy for today will scare some people because it's deep, but we're not called to scare anyone. God reveals to redeem. We would only be scared if God reveals and we do nothing, we sit back and do nothing, then someone should be scared because God has done what God does. God said in his word, Mark 13, Jesus speaking, Mark 13, 23, Jesus said, Behold, see, I have told you all things beforehand. Take heed, see, I have told you all things beforehand. Jesus has a responsibility to us that he has imposed upon himself to tell us all things beforehand. So Jesus, in fact, tells us all things beforehand, good or bad. When Jesus is going to bless us, when God has a blessing in store for us, Jesus tells us beforehand so that we can prepare, so that when it manifests in the natural, so that we can see and take heed so that we don't miss our opportunity because Jesus, who sits on the right hand of the Father, understands that we don't have the capacity for omniscience, he does. And so he tells us beforehand by the Spirit of God. When we see it, we can partner with God to be blessed by God. So also, when the kingdom of darkness has perfected a plan for evil because Jesus again is omniscient, he tells us beforehand. And by his Holy Spirit, we receive grace to see. And seeing there means understanding If you can see it by vision, if you can see it by a dream, it means nothing if you don't understand what it means. You may not even have understanding the whole picture in totality, but if you can understand that this is a plan of the enemy for us, for this country, for this family, and you believe and then take heed, you will be victorious. The reason is clear. The enemy isn't omniscient, Jesus is. God is omniscient. And so when Jesus reveals revelation and he sends to you what the enemy has been planning in the spirit realm, but hasn't manifested in the natural, Jesus has put you right away ten steps ahead of the enemy. So Jesus has fulfilled his covenant of protection by telling you beforehand. Now it's your job to see by the help of the Holy Spirit and then to believe. Having believed, take heed. Because once you take heed, you're going to intercept the plans of the enemy and you're going to beat the enemy at his own game and you're going to be redeemed. That is why the Lord reveals things to us, not to make us afraid, but to put us ten steps ahead of the enemy. Jesus reveals to redeem, to put us ten steps ahead of the enemy so that we can beat the enemy at his own game. And so when something is revealed and it's not pleasant, you're not supposed to be afraid and be shaky and wait to see if it will happen or not. It will happen. Because it's already taken place in the realm of the spirit. Jesus has just revealed to you what has been done in the realm of the spirit, but you still have the capacity to intercept what the enemy has done in the spirit and reverse it and disable it so that it doesn't find expression in the natural. And so I'm going to read two passages of scripture before we go into the prophecy and then before we declare, make some declarations. The first one is the book of Psalms, chapter 91. This is where most of us, even non-Christians, are familiar with this part of the Bible. The word of God says, Psalms 91, I'm going to start from verse 1. I think I'll read it even to the end. So the Bible says in Psalms 91, starting at verse 1, He that dwelleth, he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress. In Him will I trust. Verse 3. Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence. For He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust. His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Verse 5. Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flyeth by day, nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. Seven, eight thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand. But it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Nine. Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the Most High thy habitation, there shall no evil befall thee. Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. Eleven. For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against stone. Thirteen. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder, and the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. Fourteen. Because He hath set His love upon me, therefore will I deliver Him. I will set Him on high, because He hath known my name. Fifteen. He shall call upon me, and I will answer Him. I will be with Him in trouble. I will deliver Him and honor Him. With long life will I satisfy Him and show Him my salvation. Even with this Bible chapter, I think we can kind of guess the gravity of what the Lord is going to try to say to us in this moment. The second passage of Scripture I'm going to read is from the book of Ephesians, chapter 2, verses 1 to 4. We'll stop at verse 4. The Bible says, And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which ye once walked according to the cause of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the Spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lust of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. Verse 4. But God, who is rich in mercy because of His great love with which He loved us, verse 5, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ. By grace you have been saved. Verse 6. And raised up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Jesus Christ. People of God, on September 7th, 2023, the Lord gave me a vision. By looking at the terrain, I believe that place is Africa. I believe the place that God has shown to me in the vision is Africa. And in my vision book, because for many, many years, the Lord has instructed me to write my vision so that when it comes to pass, I can follow the instructions as He has released them. And so, on September 7th, 2023, the Lord opened my eyes to see a red and white helicopter. I saw a red and white helicopter, and it was hovering over a place. Like I said, the place looked to me like Africa. It could have even been Nigeria. Now this helicopter, from the great height, was dumping on the land something that looked to me like sawdust. So it was dumping on the land something that looked like sawdust. And this sawdust, as it traveled through the air to the ground below, it landed on people who were outside. And mysteriously, when this sawdust... you know, sawdust is light. It's dust. It's just dust from wood, shavings of wood. That's what sawdust is. And so sawdust hits normally in the natural, if you can imagine, that sawdust hits even from... In fact, if you dump sawdust in its normal form from a helicopter, by the time it reaches the ground, it's going to blow away because it is dust. But this didn't happen in the vision. So someone in this helicopter was dumping sawdust on the ground. And when this sawdust hit the ground, it hit the people on the ground. And I saw that when it hit the people, it hit them like hailstones. So the effect of the sawdust on the people was with the impact of hailstones. And so the effect of the substance coming down on the people was disparate with the texture, the nature of the substance. The substance by nature should have been soft. It should have had no effect because it was dust. But when it came down, it came down with impact, pain and suffering on the people. And it hit everybody who was outside. Remember, this helicopter was outside. And so when it dumped the sawdust, it would only have come... Well, not only, it came on the people who were outside. And I saw that everybody who was outside was hit with this sawdust. However, I saw that some people had with them fabric, something that looked to me like fabric, like a bed sheet. And they had the presence of mind to cover themselves with that bed sheet. It could actually be that when they did that, they were only thinking to cover themselves from the dust and the nuisance of sawdust. But unknown to them, or maybe it was known to them, I don't know, I saw that those people who covered themselves with the bed sheet, they didn't feel the impact of this hailstone effect of the sawdust. So the sawdust came on them also, but it didn't have the painful impact that it had on those who didn't have that covering. They didn't feel the pain. They were covered by this bed sheet. And it was also mysterious because looking at those people who didn't have the cover and the impact they felt from this sawdust, the logical reasoning is that a bed sheet, something as flimsy as a bed sheet, would be unable to cover from that kind of impact. But it did. You would have imagined that because of the pain, the impact, the heaviness of the hailstone landing of this mysterious sawdust, you have thought that something more like an armor of steel would have protected far more effectively than fabric, a bed sheet. But the bed sheet was sufficient. As long as they were covered by the bed sheet, it was sufficient to protect them from the pain and the suffering. As long as they hid themselves underneath this material, this fabric, bed sheet looking fabric, it looked to me like the color of the sawdust. Because you can imagine sawdust is wood, so it would have been like earth color, like neutral color. So also the bed sheet had the same kind of color, only it was fabric, it was cotton. It looked like cotton. But the effect of it was like a shield of armor. It looked like cotton. It looked ineffective to protect from something hard, but the effect was that it was like it protected like an iron shield, a shield of steel, so that the impact of that sawdust, which was also deceptive, the sawdust was deceptive in its impact. It looked painless, but when it hit, it was painful and it caused suffering. So the bed sheet matched the sawdust in effect, only in the opposite side. It looked ineffective, but it was effective to protect like a shield of armor. This is what the Lord showed me. And usually, when the Lord speaks to me, I have tended to refrain from interpreting God's word, because very often, from my experience, when the Lord brings me a word, when the Lord opens my eyes to see something, it doesn't come with interpretation. Other people tend to interpret the word. And I have always tried my best to tailor myself according to God's revelation. I don't want to add to His word. I don't want to say what God didn't say. I don't want to speak my opinion. I only say what I saw. But sometimes what I see is so heavy that I need to give it meaning in order, especially in order to stand in the gap, because I have understood now that my call is that of a prophetic intercessor. And so to be able to effectively intercede, I have to have some kind of interpretation so that I can have some understanding and I can intercede with intelligence. And I began to ask the Lord, Lord, why don't you give me interpretation for visions? And the Lord asked me a question. What you see, do you think it requires interpretation? And I said, no, Lord. God has elected to tell me exactly what is. And so I take what I see at face value unless He gives me a different interpretation. And what I have seen, based on the word of God, because God led me to His word, any vision from the Lord, prophecy from the Lord must have its root and its foundation in God's word. Otherwise, it's witchcraft. And so the Lord led me to these passages of scripture that we have read today. And I began to pray. I began to pray. Obviously, there is something coming. The enemy is designing such high-level hardship for a land. Like I said, I don't know which land. It wasn't given to me to know which land. But from what I saw, it looked like a familiar environment to me. And that place could easily have been Africa, maybe Nigeria. I don't know. All I know is that I saw a white and red helicopter dropping sawdust on a land. And I feel the helicopter was a foreign craft. It was white and red. I feel like it was foreign because it looked like an invasion. It looked like an invasion, and it looked like a hostile attack. Because the people weren't expecting the helicopter. They certainly weren't expecting for sawdust to be dumped on them. No friendly nation is going to dump sawdust on their own people to cause untold hardship on the people on the ground. And so I believe the Lord is revealing that there might be a foreign nation that has white and red in its color. The national colors might be white and red. And they're planning a sudden invasion of an African country to dump upon them, maybe a biohazard, something that might be light to carry. But the impact would be so destructive and devastating, it will total the land, and it's going to happen suddenly. It's going to happen unexpectedly. And the Lord showed me that they're going to maybe invade an airspace, and they're going to be able to invade it without restriction because they were hovering, so there was no resistance to their activity. And that's probably because there was no expectation of what was being done. Even now, as I speak, I'm thinking of a foreign country that has been threatening to attack an African country. So I don't know anything about all of that. I only know what I have seen. And I did see, though, that the people are going to really suffer unless they protect themselves. And what they are going to use to protect themselves is going to be a symbol of faith. Because, like I said, a bed sheet, cotton fabric, will be unable to protect from the kind of pain and suffering that I saw, the effect of what I saw. So I don't really know about chemicals, but if a country is trying to attack another country, a country obviously that probably doesn't have the same kind of power that they have or the same kind of sophistication that they have, that country that is being attacked is going to escape and going to survive by using native intelligence. They are going to survive by using what they have that might seem implausible to protect themselves and to protect themselves en masse. So, for example, if I know that tear gas, for example, if you release tear gas, I know that if you douse cotton with kerosene and you cover your nose, it reduces the effect. So, for example, if you tear gas a country that doesn't have masks and doesn't have engine tanks, and all they have is kerosene and cotton, a handkerchief, and they cover their noses and they survive, they have survived. Albeit maybe from a crude means, they have survived. That is looking at it from the natural angle. But from the spiritual angle, prayer, prayer is going to be the blanket under which these people are going to be able to hide. Prayer, the blood of the Lamb. The blood of the Lamb. And they overcame Him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony. The blood of the Lamb is the cover that people are going to hide under. Prayer in this moment, in this season, people of Africa, Nigeria, as many as hear me now, hide under the wings of Almighty God. Hide in the secret place. A blanket of prayer needs to go over the land. A blanket of prayer must go over Africa. A blanket of prayer must go over Nigeria. The enemy is orchestrating a sudden attack. The scripture that we read in Ephesians chapter 2 says that the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves. So these people are not strangers. But they are now in disobedience and they have released themselves out to Satan. Satan is the prince of the power of the air. In the realm of the spirit, there is an aerial attack being orchestrated by the prince of the power of the air. And the sons of disobedience have submitted themselves to Satan to be used to torment the people in the land. So like we read in Psalms 91, only those who are dwelling in the secret place of the Most High, under the refuge and the fortress of Almighty God, by prayer, by fasting, by vigilance, by the blood of the Lamb, they are the ones who are going to be able to escape the suffering. Again, I only know what I have seen. And I am just breaking down what I have seen by the word of God. I am breaking down what the Lord has revealed to me by the word of God. This is a very urgent revelation. And I am going to do the best I can to put something out so that people can listen and people can take heed as many as will hear and believe and hide themselves under the secret place of the Most High God. Hide themselves under the wings of the Living God. Hide themselves under the refuge, the fortress of Almighty God. That is going to be your shield, your armor of steel against this activity, this aerial attack that the enemy is planning. Again, if you look at it on the other side from a spiritual angle, it could also mean high-level sorcery. It could mean that the prince of the power of the air is working in the air via high-level sorcery to subdue the land. To subdue the land, especially in countries where there is opposition to government. So, it could also mean, from the spiritual angle, if it is not a natural manifestation, if it doesn't express itself physically, what is happening in the spirit realm is this high-level witchcraft, high-level sorcery. The prince of the power of the air is right now working in the air to subdue the land and to bring people to subjection through pain and suffering and hold them down. But only those who are covered by prayer, covered by the blood, covered by the shield, the fortress, who are in the fortress of Almighty God, will not be affected. Amen? So, people of God, this is an urgent, urgent, urgent message. And I believe, God, that somehow God's people are here and they'll be ready. I am already standing in the gap in intercession. Like I said, I don't know which land, I don't know which country, I don't know. All I know is it's a country where black people are predominant. So, it's either Africa, it's a country with the predominance of black people. That's the actual location in the natural, even in the spirit. But the Lord reveals to redeem. And we trust God that even as He has revealed, He has also sent power. God has released power to intercept the work of darkness so that there will be no pain. Why? Because the Bible says, Job chapter 5, verse 14, He disappoints the devices of the crafty so that their hands do not perform their enterprise. Let's go right there and read it because it's very important that we know that God reveals to redeem. When God reveals, He also has adequate power to redeem. He has adequate power to frustrate the works of darkness. So, we're in Job chapter 5, verses 12 to 14. Job 5, 12 to 14 reads, He frustrates the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot carry out their plans. 13, He catches the wise in their own craftiness. And the counsel of the cunning comes quickly upon them. They meet with darkness in the daytime and they grope at noonday as in the night. So, this is our prayer. And we're going to pray this right now. That any device of the enemy, any plans of the enemy, any gathering of the enemy, to bring about pain and suffering, to bring about sudden attack on the land, upon the people of God. Because we're all made in the image and in the likeness of God. We pray now that God disappoints their devices. So, Lord, we bring your word before you tonight in the name of Jesus Christ because you reveal to redeem. And you have all power. We pray, Lord, that according to your word in Job chapter 5, verses 12 to 14, any plan of darkness, any machination of darkness, any devices of darkness concerning our land. Disappoint their devices, Lord. Let their hands not perform their enterprise. Catch them in their own craftiness. Let it be their counsel. Let it be carried headlong. Let it be disappointed and destroyed. Let them meet with darkness in the daytime. Let them grope at noonday in the night. As many as are converging, plotting and planning how to subdue foreign nations, a nation that does not belong to you, people who have their own sovereignty. You want to invade their land and subdue them and forcibly take from them what does not belong to you. The Lord who sits up high and laughs at the works of darkness. We decree and we declare. He frustrates your activities, frustrates your work, that you may know that there is a God in heaven who reigns supreme in the affairs of men, who rules in the kingdom of heaven. Amen.

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