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EP17 | Beyond The Brink | Ending Child Exploitation : SHEDDING LIGHT ON GLOBAL INJUSTICES

EP17 | Beyond The Brink | Ending Child Exploitation : SHEDDING LIGHT ON GLOBAL INJUSTICES




EP 17 | Ending Child Exploitation : SHEDDING LIGHT ON GLOBAL INJUSTICES On Monday, July 2nd the movie the Sound of Freedom exposing the global child sex trafficking ring was released and played in most movie theatres around the country. In this episode of Beyond The Brink we focus on the agenda focused on our children and the attempt to normalize sex crimes against children. What's being taught around the globe & the institutions providing that material. Sound Of Freedom Trailer: Angel Studios

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The transcription discusses the issue of child sex trafficking and the normalization of harmful ideologies that affect children. It mentions the release of a movie called "The Sound of Freedom" that exposes global child sex trafficking. The hosts emphasize the importance of protecting children and being mindful of what they are exposed to. They also discuss the connection between child trafficking and the southern border of the United States. The hosts mention that the United States is the number one consumer of child sex trafficking and discuss the involvement of political leaders in the issue. They also touch on other topics related to child trafficking, such as organ harvesting and the involvement of religious institutions. The hosts stress the need to bring awareness to the issue and take action to protect children. Thank you for watching! Welcome to Beyond the Brink, the show that dives headfirst into exploring global events that are pushing people to their limits and driving them to the brink of change. My name is Christy, and I'm here with my co-host, Melissa. Hello, how are you? Good, good. So good to see you. Good to see you, too. It's been quite a day, hasn't it? It sure has. We're going to touch on a topic today that troubles us deeply and may equally trouble you as well, and that is the assault on our children. From normalizing pedophilia, child trafficking, drag queen shows, rainbow symbolism, to normalizing gender dysphoria. Now, you may have heard that on Monday, the movie, The Sound of Freedom, that exposes global child sex trafficking, will hit movie theaters on Monday all around the country, and I believe around the world. Isn't that true, Melissa? I think so. It's a worldwide premiere. Yeah. By the time our video is released, The Sound of Freedom will have made its debut, and we hope that today's content will encourage you to view the film and become an advocate for children. Let's let kids be kids and stop confusing them. Let's be mindful of what we allow our children to watch, especially with child-oriented programming, to make sure they're not being introduced to ideologies that are dangerous to them and society as a whole. Now, before we kick things off, if you're tuning in on YouTube or Rumble, Odyssey, show us some love by giving us a thumb up or a rumble or a like. We would really appreciate that. Please follow us. Please follow us, yes. That's going to help our channel grow. And to those of you who are listening on the radio, we've got you covered, too. You can catch up on all of our previous episodes by visiting your favorite podcast provider. And you can always go to our website, VidaBroadcastNetwork.com, and you can find our content there as well. Find us on most of the social media outlets, at Vida Broadcast. That's at Vida Broadcast. We spend a lot of time, or more time, I should say, on Twitter and Facebook, but you can find us in other places as well, at Vida Broadcast. So let's dive in. Now, the Sound of Freedom movie trailer is what we're going to start with, just to kind of tee this up and give you an idea of what today's content is going to be about. So would you mind playing that, Melissa? I will play that. Let's see here. All right. I'm going to share it. How many pedophiles you got? 288. How many kids you found? It is the fastest growing international crime network that the world has ever seen. It has already passed the illegal arms trade, and soon it's going to pass the drug trade. If you can sell a bag of Coke cake one time to the child five to ten times a day, God's children are not for sale. How long you been doing this? Four years now. How many pedophiles you got? 288. How many kids you found? For homeland security, you know we can't go off rescuing Honduran kids in Colombia. In which case you'll disappear for good. Imagine walking into a room right now, singing at your bed. What would you do? You quit your job, and you go and rescue those kids. At this moment, she could be a block down the road, or she could be in Moscow, Lantos, L.A. This is for agent operator. It's all rebel territory. No one goes in. Not the army, not the police, not us. Not if this is your daughter. There's no marine unit coming. You're on your own. This job tears you to pieces. And this is my one chance to put those pieces back together. When God tells you what to do, you cannot hesitate. Oh, you. You know, I've seen that trailer a few times, and my stomach is up in my throat every time I see it. It makes me, I like, I cry every time I see it. Yeah. It's so powerful. You know, it's such a powerful film, and I think it's going to really make an impact. I pray that it makes an impact for people to pay attention to what's going on. Yeah. It's something that needs to be brought out. The interview that came after this trailer from the filmmaker. Now, this is a true story, by the way, too. This is not fiction. No. So they were talking about that United States is the number one consumer of child sex trafficking. Yep. The number one provider is South America. Is there any question as to what is going on with our southern border and why it is the way it is right now? Right. When you look all the way up the chain, all the way to our, the leader of this country, and the implications there around the subject with his son, it would not surprise me to find out with the president's involvement himself as there was with other presidents, there is no question in my mind what's going on down there. We touched on this on our last video where we're saying having children come across the border without any kind of identification and you don't know whether the people bringing them across are really familiar with them, that they're their parents, or where they're taking them to. And literally, these kids are being brought into America and they disappear. And there's no one there to save them. Nobody even knows where they're at. And how many news reports did we see of, you know, they're showing us, you know, thousands and thousands of folks coming across the border, but you never hear any stories later of where these people went, where these children went. Well, it's all by design. With the technology we have to sit here and expect us to believe the notion that we don't know how to track all these people. Right. We have the eyes in the sky. We do. Please. We do. So we're going to go ahead and just go through a series of articles that have enlightened us as we've been going through our rabbit hole journeys. And the one that we're going to start with today is by Corrie Lynn. She does a publication called Corrie's Digs. And if you haven't followed her, I'd recommend it highly. It's Corrie's, C-O-R-R-E-E-Y-S, D-I-G-S, corriedigs.com. Anyway, she goes on to say here that human trafficking is about a $150 billion industry and millions of children are preyed upon every year. And, of course, as I mentioned earlier, that the United States is one of the top countries for sex trafficking and the largest consumer of child's porn. And it's also one of the largest consumers and originators of child trafficking. And it's a source and transit country where government continues to allow the flow of millions through the borders. And I can tell you, living on a border-to-border interstate, this is something that's talked about on a regular basis. And you can see all of the trucking equipment and so forth that is dotted along the main interstate. And so it is real. It is a life that we have learned to live with. There's also more topics around this subject. It's just not child trafficking. It's what they do to the children. They harvest organs. You know, you have the Disney connection. You have the church pedophiles and the trafficking nests there. I mean, even the church connection and having particularly in the Catholic Church, but it's just not there. It can be in any church where you have a trusted priest, rabbi, or pastor. And they're giving cover to this operation where children's being abused. And the children are conflicted because they're being conditioned to say that this is normal and it's godly. The other thing is, when I was listening to an interview with Tim Ballard, and he was kind of going into specifics, a lot of these children that are stolen and hidden away, not only are they used for sexual purposes, they're also used for baby making, more subjects. And so, you know, they're being used as a commodity. It can be used over and over and over again. And then producing, you know, babies to then also add to the chain. So we really don't even know how many of these children are being abused in this way. And they can, you know, like you said, they use their organs. We don't want to think that this is reality, but it is. And, you know, for somebody that doesn't want to wait for an organ, they'll pay a lot of money. And, you know, where does that organ come from? And, you know, and it's just, it's, we have to start paying attention. We have to acknowledge it. I've had several people tell me, this is too much. I don't want to, I don't want to listen to this. I don't want to see this. And that is why this problem is so great, because everyone has turned a blind eye. And if we don't pay attention and start bringing awareness to this, we're turning our back on those children. Who else is going to save them, help them, if we don't do it? So. You know, Melissa, you mentioned about how these operations not only are abusing the children themselves, but they're also making them be baby makers so that their offspring can be abused as well. And it takes me back to a couple of videos ago where we exposed or shared the story of Kathy O'Brien and where that was brought to light. And I don't know if this originated from the three-letter agency organizations and why it's so prevalent, but worldwide now on a non-government type of operation. But it just seems to me that it's just too coincident, too coincidental that it's so big and so perverse that it has to be okay somewhere for it to have gotten so big. Sorry. Yeah, go ahead. Something's popping in my head is I, you know, and a lot of people don't acknowledge this either, and they kind of just glossed over it or glazed over it. But I remember Oprah, who is just beloved. Everyone loves Oprah. And Oprah had a friendship and promoted this John of God. I believe his name was John of God. And he was basically doing what we said. Like he had a bunch of girls, and he was using them as baby makers. And that never got much press at all. But, you know, she promoted this man. She had him on her show. And so because Oprah said it and Oprah had this guy, when a story comes out that this guy's doing this, nobody wants to believe it, right? And so when you think of the children, when you have the mass population believing this guy is a good guy, can you imagine the despair for those that are in that person's presence and being controlled by him and feeling absolutely hopeless? Because who's going to believe me? Just like Kathy O'Brien. Who's going to believe me that this is happening? Even to this day, people throw shade on Kathy O'Brien and say she's a liar and all these things. And literally almost everybody that does come forward, you have a bunch of people that are saying that these people are lying. You know, we had the Me Too movement. Right. And we had them do it. But they didn't really acknowledge the stuff that's going on. Well, what's ironic about you bringing up Oprah, Oprah was abused herself. Right. She talked about it many times. And here she can't even identify or be able to see the signals from this person that she's, you know, bloviating on her show. Or perhaps she was always controlled. Yeah, that's a possibility, yeah. A lot of these people in Hollywood and people that are a chance in the industry or whatever, they were, you know, who knows? Half the stories we hear are not true about people's backgrounds and where they came from. That's very true. Very good point. You know, we should move on and talk about the tools of the trade and how this appears. And we're in this process now for that this is so well known that now the next move is to try to normalize this, is to try to do the grand psyops on all of us who see this for what it is and is trying to send messaging that this is normal. And particularly the messaging that's going towards our children. And a lot of this is under the pride movement. And Corey Lynn had wrote another article calling unraveling many layers of pride. And when you see what's going on with the pride movement, like the social engineering, we are being inundated, as you know, with pride propaganda. You know, first we had a pride day. Then we had a pride month. Now we've got the summer of pride. Now, when you think about the fairness behind all of that and all of the other issues and groups of people that we've dedicated a day to, a week to, and now why so much to this? You know, you have to put on your thinking cap and say why? Yeah. Why so much? And this social engineering, as we have seen with everything else, has been completely receiving a full endorsement from nearly every mainstream media outlet, social media site, major corporation, financial institution, government agency, intergovernment organizations, the medical establishment, and educational institutions. I mean, it's like a synchronized operation. Wouldn't you agree? Oh, yeah. It's definitely synchronized. And it's so loud. I guess when you think about the things that are pushed in the media, we tend to believe, we're taught to believe that that's the majority. And so I definitely don't think that that is the majority of folks. But we're made to believe that it is. And so when you do voice your opinion, it makes you worried to put your point out there that this is not right. And I'm glad to see there's so many of us that are coming together and saying, you know, these things are not right. You cannot have our children. You cannot have them. Well, good point that you're making, because if you do come out and say something, you're going to be coming out and saying something at possible personal risk to you. You could be grouped into a group of people where you're called homophobic or transphobic. You could be marked hateful. Your post, just your name can go ahead and get you deplatformed. There's zero tolerance for anybody that is not within the groupthink movement of normalizing this behavior around the subject of pride. Because pride is about the transgender movement and the hijacking of the transgender movement. Many transgenders don't like this kind of attention that they're getting, particularly just gay people who are saying, hey, you know, we're not for attacking our kids. No, and you know what? If I was a transgender person, I would be angry at all of those. It's almost like some of them are mocking them, right? They're so out there and having parades like where you're naked and there's children around that. I would be angry that you're painting me as a transgender to be somebody that thinks it's okay to behave like that in front of a small child. There's no reason for it whatsoever. And these people that have fought so hard so long to just be themselves are almost being made a mockery of it. I don't know. That's just my opinion. I feel for folks that are in that situation where they are struggling with their identity and stuff and putting this type of thing out there, this kind of representation and label on them of what they do, how they behave, is actually taking them backwards. And this movement is capitalizing on those who are mentally ill. So you have the rise of mental illness because young people are challenged with just naturally, as they say, gender dysphoria is very common and something that most children outgrow. The majority of children outgrow. It's hormonally based. It's just trying to figure out things within yourself, like why am I the way I am and why is somebody else the way they are? Why do I have certain parts and they have different parts? And figuring all of that out and having all that mishmash and confusion that comes along with hormones. A logical thing, Christy, if we just go back to when is a child's brain fully formed? It's age 25. Yes. To alter or do anything to encourage a child that does not have a fully formed brain is wrong. It's wrong. It has nothing to do with someone being, again, someone that's homosexual or whatever. It has nothing to do with that. You have to let that child fully form to make an educated decision on what they want to do with their body. An adult doing something to a child prior to that is making a decision for them before they're even getting a chance at life of what they might become in the future when their brain is fully formed. Well, let's talk about how the children are being corralled into this. This article goes on to say that when you take a deeper dive in the social engineering, so we have to go back and remember that this is an operation. This isn't something that's happening organically. There's something driving this movement. It's to break up the Judeo-Christian belief system, the Judeo-Christian family structure for the structure perversion where you don't need a family. You don't need anybody. You need the state. That's really what it's coming down to. The state is your parent. When that happens and we get there, which is what they're really trying to do, some form of totalitarianism, who knows? I mean, it's all bets are off. But here's what it says. It says, delving deeper, the impacts of social engineering and psychological warfare become very clear when you watch this movement. Rates of depression in the United States have reached new highs, especially for women and young people. Suicide and homicide rates among the youth have climbed to a 20-year high. Allowing minors access to gender treatments without parental consent may actually increase youth suicides, as one study shows. And if you were to go and look at this particular study, you'll see it's like a twofold growth in lifetime and current depression rates. And then suicides among youths, they reach a 20-year high. If you look at this chart, it's incredibly high. It's got an inversion and then a spike. It's incredible. And then if you compile that with a spike in mental illnesses, gender dysphoria diagnoses go hand in hand. They're on the rise dramatically, too. Why is that? Could it possibly be, Melissa, could it just possibly be that you have somebody who's very vulnerable who goes into psychiatric help? And we don't know what that practitioner believes, how they are in their own personal life. And it's very interesting because the things that these people deal with, and I'm speaking from personal experience from having a very close family member who was a very well-known doctor of psychology, who was probably the most challenged in the entire family because his mind was so consumed with all these other ideologies and then having to experience them with his patients. He was a very conflicted person. And these are people who are supposed to be helping our mentally ill children. So we really need to be careful and take a step back and look at those that we are employing to help our children. We need to know what their personal backgrounds are. What do they believe in? Do they believe in God? Can you do a background check on a therapist? Does anybody ever do that? And a lot of those appointments, the children are by themselves. They don't allow the parents of the confidentiality thing. And so we have to protect our children. We have to take care of them. Oh, it's huge. If you go and drill down farther, you'll see that it's called the medicalization industry. It's a multibillion-dollar industry. Now, we had a pretty good introduction to this over the last few years, wouldn't you say, where we were really learning about the enormous profits made by Big Pharma. Well, it moves also into the gender dysphoria diagnoses, and there's billions to be made by funneling children and adults into lifelong medicalization programs involving endless rounds of drugs and surgeries. That's probably much more profitable than having an annual job, right? Yeah. Yeah. Right. So they're saying it's got – it was a $2.1 billion industry in 2022 with projections of being a $5 billion industry by 2030 and growing. It's incredible. There are over 239 in the country. I was just going to say they set themselves up for business, right? Right. I mean, the problem-reaction solution, they're causing all these problems. The reaction is a bunch of sick folks, and their solution is the drugs and treatment and more experimentation on our children. You know, in the state of California, there is legislation that has made it through the first round of approval. It's not a final bill yet. It's supposed to be finalized very soon in that a counselor, a non-medical person, a non-law enforcement judgment can have a child removed from a parent's care just because they don't identify with the child's gender identification. So if they're not going to go along with little Johnny, little Susie, little Johnny wanting to be Susie, and they're age eight, they can be taken away from the home. That's incredible. Yes. Homeschool your children if you can. Yes. Get them out of there. That's the bottom line. And you have to look and follow the money. Our doctors are being forced to comply just like they were with, you know, the, you know, and so, and then they were talking about the science. Well, what science is there behind this, really? Unless it's convoluted science. So this is just, there's. Agenda-based science. Yes. And I think that these are paid activists who are posing as medical professionals and they rubber stamp gender dysphoria letters so that they can, so that they can, well, let me back up. I'm kind of jumping here. There are activists that are posing as medical professionals that will rubber stamp gender dysphoria letters so that confused young people can get transgender treatments covered by their insurance. So what's happening is that some of these practitioners, they might be truly licensed practitioners, but they're committing insurance fraud. Wow. You know, I've seen several interviews with young people that went through transition surgery or they took the hormones where they thought, you know, one gal wanted to become male and a male wanted to become a female. I've seen several of them. It's just heartbreaking that these, I actually have seen, there was one that was an adult now, like way older that had this done many, many, many years ago and severely regrets doing it. And my thing is, you have to listen to these people, you know. Yes. Don't get so caught up in what you want to do for your child or what you think. You know, I feel the same about women that, you know, they get divorced and they decide they're going to date a plethora of men. And I've always said, when you have children, it is not about you. Right. I understand you need to be happy and all this stuff like that. The children are the priority. And so, you know, if you have a certain view on whether it's homosexuality and transgenderism or whatever, do not impose that on your child. You know, don't act a certain way because you never got to do it when you were a child or whatever. Don't impose your belief system on your children when it comes to changing their puppies like this. Well, it's an interesting thing that you're saying because let's say you are more of the permissive parent, but just your permissiveness alone gives permission to the child to have a little bit more free reign. So then that child – so I'm not saying that this permissive parent is engaged in all of these things, but more than likely they might be open to the dating scene and bring in their date home, that type of thing for the child to see. But my point about the permissiveness is that when we are very permissive parents and we just kind of have that nature about us, our child kind of picks that up, too, and they're going to be probably more susceptible to more permissive thoughts as well that are introduced in environments that maybe the parents aren't going to be around to protect them from. It could be other friends. It could be parties. It could be school. Not everybody has the opportunity to homeschool their children. Not everybody has the opportunity to put their child into private school or to charter school. They have to go through the public school system, which is an indoctrination system, as we all know, especially if you're in a West Coast school. And that makes your job even more difficult and more important. And, you know, as far as – when I was younger, my mother was not – she was not the best of parent. Let's put it that way, okay? There weren't certain – there wasn't structure or rules and that sort of thing. I firmly believe that children, they want to be controlled or they want and need guidelines. They want a routine. They want structure. They need a routine. They need structure. They need a big bad guy to say, no, you can't do this and you can't do that, because why? They're learning all these things. They're learning about emotions and, you know, all of these types of things. And so if you can prevent them from doing something that's going to harm them potentially, you need to do that. Not encourage something that could potentially harm them because of a specific viewpoint that you have. So – and, again, it goes back to the child's brain not being fully formed. Absolutely. My feet are planted firmly on the ground with that. So, you know, and on the positive side, we believe that there is an awakening happening. And I believe that once this movie releases on Monday, there's going to be a grand awakening. But, you know, you have to look at the darker agenda that's lurking beneath all of this. And some organizations and institutions are deeply involved in the sterilization of gender dysphoric children, and they have histories that are steeped deep in eugenics and depopulation and social engineering. Did you know that? No, I did not. Well, one of the leading advocates for gender transitions is Planned Parenthood. And if you go back through Planned Parenthood history, they were founded upon the ideas of eugenics, sterilization, and depopulation of the unfit, which included the mentally ill. The Tavistock Clinic has also been accused of practicing eugenics through monstrous gender transitions of children with disabilities and mental illnesses. So and if you look at the state of California, I think it's just kind of like the micro incubator for what craziness might go across the rest of the country. It is a sanctuary state for sterilization of gender dysphoric children. It's also the leading state to force sterilization on 20. It says 20,000 undesirable members of society, many of whom suffered from mental illnesses. What is this from? This is in California. It was a California sterilization program. It forces sterilizations, and it was modeled. Let's see. California's eugenical sterilization program was so effective that the Nazis modeled their law on California's law. Wow. I did not know that. So then we move on into the normalization of pedophilia. So maybe we ought to move over to the next article, shouldn't we? I mean, this can go on and on and on. I highly recommend that you check out Corey's digs. It's called Global. It's unraveling the many layers of pride. It's a doozy. Yeah, we'll link it in the bottom description. Yeah. So there's a movement to normalize pedophilia, and it's starting off with teaching children how to have sex. I mean, children need to learn just how to play. They don't need to learn how to have sex at a very young age. But this movement, this is coming out of the United Nations and the World Health Organization. It's saying that schools must equip children to have sexual partners. Says who? Yeah. But the who? The who says it. Little children are sexual beings who must have sexual partners and begin with sex as soon as possible. For this reason, kindergartners and elementary schools must teach children to develop lust and sexual desire, learn masturbation, build same-sex relationships, use online pornography, and learn different sexual techniques such as oral sex. And the above paraphrased summary of the official guidelines issued by the World Health Organization and the United Nations to the educational authorities worldwide. Yeah. And meanwhile, judicial organizations are issuing statements that sex between little children and adults should be legalized, while media outlets and political parties are calling for the acceptance of pedophilia as a normal sexual orientation. What the hell? Our children, okay, as we said, they're under attack. We need to save them. And so this goes on. If you were to go look at this article, StopWorldControl.com. You want me to share my screen? Yeah, you can. And just kind of scroll the article, if you wouldn't mind. I'm going to pull that up for everyone to see. One of, yeah, if you just keep scrolling it down, there's some section there. As you can see, this highlighted area, it aims to equip children. If you keep going down a little bit more, yeah, you see how they just pull this out, you know, how to equip children for sexual relationships. And they've got some faux science on here, the comprehensive sexuality education. I'm going to say this. Sorry. This is on StopWorldControl.com. Yeah. Or slash children, if anybody wants to look it up. This whole overview of this stuff. Last night as I'm preparing for our show today, I didn't believe it. I'm like, whenever I read an article and there's just stuff in there, you know, and I'm like, I don't know if it's true or not. I started going through this stuff and I found it on my own. I found the link, typed in a certain verbiage and found where this stuff actually comes from. So this is not a lie. It's not being made up. You can search it out yourself. And it's absolutely disgusting. And I guarantee you that most of the parents out there have no clue that this is the agenda. Or at least they don't want to acknowledge that it's the agenda. I apologize. I interjected. No, no, it's okay. Let's just keep scrolling down the page because I think we want to get to the Rutgers website. So just kind of keep scrolling it down here. These skills can help children form relationships with sexual partners. Yeah, it's amazing. Let's see, the Rutgers one. On page 71, educators are instructed to teach little kids from the age of five about kissing, hugging, touching, and sexual behaviors. Nine-year-old children are taught about masturbation, sexual attraction, and sexual stimulation. I don't want my child at that age to be taught about that from an outsider. First of all, I don't know who you are. I don't know who these people are. I don't want them teaching my child anything about this stuff. Not at all. Yeah. Okay. And then they've got age groups here of, I guess, what age-appropriate perversion is going to be. So it's sad. So we highly recommend you check this out. It's got a powerful name for the website, but they do some deep, deep work. And it's all trackable. You can go back and find their sources very easy. Yeah. So in this particular article that we have pulled up, they have sections like this is zero to four, what the target topics are, enjoyment and pleasure when touching one's own body, early childhood masturbation, nine to 12-year-old, the target subject, first sexual experience, gender orientation, sexual behavior of young people, love, being in love, pleasure, masturbation, orgasm. Sorry if this makes anybody uncomfortable, but it should make you uncomfortable that they're teaching this to our children. It's absolutely sick. We're bringing it to your attention so you become aware and become awake to the situation of what your children might be exposed to because your children might be embarrassed to come to you with this. So the Rutgers, you talked about the Rutgers article. So as I was going through that Stop World Control and I started typing in other things, because the United Nations, the World Health Organization, like Chrissy said earlier, there's an agenda, like the Agenda 2030, all these concepts of things that they want to teach the children. I found, I was calling it Rooters or Rutters, it's Rutgers, but they actually talk, like this is one of the organizations that's distributing the educational materials for the kids. And actually, I'll share my screen one more time just so people can see what I'm talking about. This is Rutgers International, themes, sexuality, education, and information. And so they've got the news and the stories and the resources, but it's a comprehensive sexuality education that provides information about sex and sexuality. And they have, let's see if it's, the differences in sexuality and all the different works that they do in the school. So it says, Rutgers embeds sexuality education principles in curricula, programs outside of school, and online tools for young people. We give special attention to groups like out-of-school children, children with disabilities, refugees, and migrants. In the Netherlands, where sexuality education is part of compulsory, I don't know how to say that, compulsory curriculum, our resources are used in primary and secondary schools. And we address the needs of the pupils of special schools in or in vocational schools and provide the teacher training on the sexuality education. So we'll leave a link to this in the bottom description below. And for those on the radio, please go to our website or the YouTube and you'll be able to find those links as well. All right. And then you have leaders of organizations such as the Freedom from Religion Foundation. So if you look at the founders of that organization, they push for sexual perversion and deviancy, even to the point to it's the Gaylors. It is the Gaylor sisters, I believe. And two of them, mother and daughter, Anne Nicole and Annie Laurie, co-founder of the Freedom from Religion Foundation. They're evil and wicked, just as their elders, which is Jason Theodore Nicole and Annie's father, Jason. They were both, now let's see, I'm trying to find this information. Their true agenda started back in the 1960s with the desire to continue to move that forward to its proper end of sexual revolution. And that's why they support the LGBTQ community, the transgender and the rights of the children to go under the knife, regardless of lifetime consequences for these children. And this has nothing to do with science. Even in Utah, because of what they're talking about, if you were to go look at this article, it's the intellectual conservative called the push for sexual perversion and deviancy by the founders of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, that they're pushing for public schools in Utah, depending of all people in Utah, to ban the Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon because of its sexual content. Wow, what the hell? Because they want to bring in the perverted content. So that's just another one. And then we go over to like Zero Hedge is also talking, everybody's talking about this, which is really good. It's kind of interesting that everybody's talking about it. Yeah. Like it's supposed to be happening right now. So they go in and they talk about now the Epoch Times is a phenomenal investigative reporting organization, and they talk about the progression of the trans movement and how it began in 2015. Who was in office at that time? And it started with the introduction of the Drag Queen Story Hour, and it evolved into family friendly drag shows where men scantily clad in garnish or garish guise of womanhood perform sexually charged dances in front of children. They move from pride parades to restaurants, amusement parks, theme parks, regular bars, gay bars, schools, and now churches. And laws were passed to facilitate the transition even of children against the will of parents. So we're seeing all of that in the state of Washington. They passed a law that will enable the staff at shelters where runaways were seeking gender affirming care to contact the state's Department of Children, Youth, and Families rather than the parents so that the children can obtain the care that they were looking for. And, of course, we talked earlier about how California is pushing that legislation as well. And then we go on to where you've got 21 AGs, which is a link in this particular article from the Epoch Times, where they're looking to stop the transgender indoctrination in schools. And there's an army of parental rights organizations and attorney generals so far from 21 states that have joined forces. There's 37 organizations. And we need to keep this up. We just need to keep it up. And so that we can get all of our content in, we're just going to have to link this article. But it's TheEpochTimes.com. And the article is called In Depth 21 AGs and 37 Parental Rights Groups Joins Mom's Fight Against Trans Indoctrination. And for those of you listening on the radio, in case a lot of you aren't familiar with The Epoch Times, it's spelled E-P-O-C-H, Epoch Times. And then to bring it in closing, and we have so much more content, and we're going to be bringing on a guest here on our second half of the show who's going to talk about some personal experiences about this. But let's talk about, it's the site called Taking the Rainbow Back. And this is a short film that we're going to play. Actually, not here, but when you go to that website, it has a short film where Rabbi Schneider discusses how the pride movement is destroying the true meaning of the rainbow as referenced in the scripture. So when you go into scripture, and after the earth was flooded, and there were so many, well, Noah's Ark, we had so many animals that were spared, people were spared, and we were able to go ahead and reproduce. But after the floods and all the water cleared, there was a rainbow. And the rainbow meant unity, coming together, a rebirth, new life. It was like the flood is over, God cleansed the earth and has now a new beginning. And there has significance within the number of color arrays within the rainbow. Number seven, there's seven different colors in the rainbow. And that leads to prime numbers and all of that. But what the rabbi is saying is that part of all of this psychological operation that's going on, uses the pride, the rainbow, and the symbolism under the pride flag to diminish our relationship with Christ. Wow. It's to take Bible, to take the Bible, to take Christ out of us. See, when you have nothing to believe in, and you don't have faith, what do you have? What do you look forward to? Do you want to go out and work and create and be a leader in your community, or would you just kind of go along to get along? You become basically a slave, which is really what this is all about. You become self-indulgent also. Yeah. You know, self-indulgent, I guess, is the... Yeah. And you will look forward to that universal basic income. You will look forward to government support. You will look... And as this progresses, what you become is the slave to the state. So here we have all of this anti-slavism talk and how reparations and all of this about slavery. And interestingly, you know, the article that just came up, we have about a minute left, so I'm going to finish up here. But an article that just came up about the lineage of a lot of our leaders in this country that had slave ownership history in their bloodlines. Everyone, most of the presidents except Donald Trump. Wow. Very interesting. So this is all... It's not all about slavism, but it has something to do with it to bring in us to a state of totalitarianism and ultimate control. Wow. So we've gotten through so much of this, and we had a clip for the Epoch Times. I'm not sure if we're going to be able to play that, but we'll just have to link it all into the description. And I hope that you go ahead and click those links. There's a lot of good information here. And, Melissa, I think we're going to have to come back and do a round two on this. What do you think? We might. We might. We really appreciate everybody joining us here on Beyond the Brink. And stay tuned because we have a special guest. Lee is going to join us in the next episode. Okay. Thanks for joining us. And we'll be back with some more good content. Have a great day. Bye.

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