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Talk on Large Language Models and how they are shaping our world

Talk on Large Language Models and how they are shaping our world

Varun shrivastava



In this talk, we delve into the fascinating world of Large Language Models and their transformative impact on various aspects of our lives. Starting with a simple explanation of LLMs, Varun will explore how these advanced AI systems revolutionise communication by enhancing digital assistants and chatbots. This podcast also covers the significant roles LLMs play in personalized education, making learning more tailored and efficient.

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Large language models, or LLMs, are AI systems trained on vast amounts of textual data from the internet. They can generate coherent sentences, answer questions, translate languages, write poetry, and assist in coding. LLMs are revolutionizing communication with machines, improving digital assistants and chatbots. In the creative industry, LLMs collaborate with writers, artists, and musicians, providing ideas and helping with lyrics. In education, personalized tutoring is enhanced as LLMs tailor lessons and explain complex concepts. While LLMs may automate some tasks and change job roles, they also create new opportunities. In healthcare, LLMs analyze medical data, assist in diagnostics, and suggest treatment plans. Language translation is also improved with LLMs offering real-time translation with context and tone. However, ethical considerations such as bias, data privacy, and potential misuse need to be addressed. Overall, LLMs are transforming communication, creativity, education, Hey everyone and welcome back to my two cents. I'm your host Varun Srivastava and today we are diving into something that is not just shaping the future, it is downright rewriting it. Yes, I'm talking about large language models here or LLMs for those who love acronyms. So grab your coffee, drink tea and let's get into it. So let's start with the basics, like what the heck is large language models? And if you're picturing a giant book or a super sized dictionary, I mean you're not totally off, but it's way cooler than that. Let me explain. Like a large language model is an AI system which is trained on a ton of textual data that is available on the internet. Like think of it as like a brainy sponge that could soak up all the information it can get. Imagine this, you've got a sponge, right? And now that's been soaking up every conversation of every novel, every scientific paper, every meme. Yes, you heard it right, even memes. And now this sponge, well it's a smart sponge, so it can spit out coherent, contextually relevant sentences. And that's basically what LLM does. And here's a giggle for you. It is not just parroting back the stuff it has read. It's not just repeating what it has learned. It can even generate new content. It can answer your questions, translate languages, write poetry and even help you code. Isn't it wild? I mean, I'm already excited. You can tell from my tone. So how does this change everything? What's the future look like? Let's break it down one by one. So first thing that I can think of is communication. LLMs are revolutionizing how we interact with machines. Do you remember those days when we used to shout at Siri and we used to curse Cortana because they didn't understand us well or they misunderstood all the time? Well, we have moved past that. LLMs are making digital assistants way smarter and way intuitive. They can understand context, they can manage more complex queries and they can even handle follow-up questions with ease. And let's not forget about the customer service space. I mean, those chatbots you find on the websites are getting massive upgrades. They're getting intelligent. They don't get frustrated with your back and forth questions and they are getting more smoother. They're getting more human-like. Imagine having an employee who is super polite 24-7 and who can take on any questions back and forth for the entire day. Like humans can't do that, but these chatbots can. Next, I can think of in the space of creative industry, like writers, artists, and musicians. They're all collaborating with AI and they're pushing the creativity boundaries. And for example, if you need to brainstorm any ideas for your next novel, well, you can use LLM for that. If you're struggling with the lyrics or rhyming lyrics to achieve something, you can again rely on LLMs to do that for you. And they're not removing it completely. They're not replacing artists. You can think of as a sidekick. They're like super creative sidekicks who can, who has read everything and millions of books and they have millions of ideas right there. Like you just have to ask them. And then the next industry could be like education, personalized tutoring is getting a major boost. I mean, LLMs can tailor lessons according to individual needs and they can explain tricky concepts with ease and they can provide such brilliant examples and they can provide it all day long. Like if you don't understand example one, and if you are facing problem understanding certain concepts, somewhere they can spend hours explaining you that in different ways. I mean, that's a game changer for learning. Like I'm using it every day and I know how it has helped me to, you know, to expand my knowledge, to understand crazy hard complex concepts. And I'm using it every single day. I think some of you might think about like, what about the jobs? Are these jobs going to change? Will LLMs take over our jobs? And it's a valid concern. Well, well, here's the thing. Here's the thing. What I think like LLMs will automate some tasks. I know they will take away some jobs, but they will also create new opportunities in a way. And the jobs would be something that you haven't even imagined. Like I can relate to some of the jobs, like a prompt engineer job could be coming in, in the recent future, maybe with a slight change. And it's very important that these models are learning to work alongside a human being. Like what I mean to say is, I think you'll have to imagine a future, like let's get a bit futuristic here, right? How about healthcare? I think healthcare is a good industry to explain what I mean here. Like LLMs are already being used to analyze medical data. And they also assist in diagnostics. And they can even suggest treatment plans. Like for example, the other day I had some problem and I, I just, I didn't go into Google. I went to chat GPT and I stated all the symptoms that I'm facing. And this chat GPT was very, very smart and correct in diagnosing what I had. And the next day when I went to the doctor and it was, it was the same. I mean, I was amazed by the diagnostic that this chat GPT did on my symptoms. I mean, really good. And all I can imagine is like, it's like if doctors use this LLM model, it's like having a medical encyclopedia at their hand, not even, not even encyclopedia. It's like, then they can talk to this person and this person will respond with any available information out there. Like any disease that has ever been diagnosed, found, relations, like it can, it can bring that up on the surface. So this is an amazing superpower and it has never happened in the entire history of mankind. So yeah, I'm pretty excited by that. And the last industry that I can think of is language translation. Like if you're going anywhere out there, like you can use your mobile phone to translate any language and it can do the real-time translation and can also keep the tone intact. It understands the context, it understands the tone, it understands the slang, and it's like having a, having a human-like translator going with you everywhere. It's amazing. If you haven't tried it, just do it. It's amazing. It will blow your mind. Well, this was all the good part. And there are some serious ethical considerations which I haven't talked about. For example, bias in AI, data privacy, and there's a big potential for misuse. And these are some of the real issues that we need to tackle before we can, we can proceed in this, in this new era. And we really need to think about and create some guidelines so that we can do so, we can, we can make sure that people are using it and exploring this responsibly and thoughtfully. So now just to wrap things up, I think large language models are more than just a tech buzzword. They're transforming communication, creativity, education, healthcare, and so much more. I mean, it's amazing. We're standing at the brink of a new era. It's both exciting and a bit daunting as well, but I think it's more of exciting side. I would, I would love to see the future rather than preventing it. But one thing's for sure, the future is going to be exciting. Anything but boring, like it's going to be amazing. And I think that is all I had to say today. And thanks for listening. It's been a bit longer than usual. I hope you enjoyed it. Do share it with your friends. And if you have any thoughts on LLM, do comment below. I'd love to read your comments. Thank you very much. See you in the next one. Bye bye. Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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