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Believe TogetherBelieve Together



Such a mixed bag this week! Cliff Richard, Stormzy, Jubalaires, Celtic Thunder... International News headlines. Noah jokes.. First recorded Rap from 1946? RSPCA birthday! God is singing over you?

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The transcription is a mix of a song, a discussion about music and hobbies, and a religious segment. The main points are that the speaker believes Jesus and rock and roll can go together, there is a reference to a song called "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music," the importance of enjoying hobbies and activities in life, and the reminder to do everything for the glory of God. There is also a mention of a quiz and a diary verse from the book of Zephaniah. People say to me, that Jesus, and rock and roll, can never go together, but I think they're wrong, they're wrong, listen to my song, my song, my song, why should the devil have all the good music, why should the devil have all the good music, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, I want the people to know, that he saved my soul, but I still like to listen to the radio, they say to rock and roll is wrong, I'll give you one more chance, I said I feel so good, I gotta get up and dance, I know what's right, I know what's wrong, I don't compose it, all I'm really trying to say, is why should the devil have all the good music, I feel good everyday, cause Jesus is a rock and he rolled my blues away, they say to cut my hair, they're driving me insane, I want it out alone to make room for my brain, sometimes people don't understand, what's a good boy doing in a rock and roll band, there's nothing wrong with playing a blues lick, but if you got a reason, tell me to my face, why should the devil have all the good music, there's nothing wrong with what he plays, cause Jesus is a rock and he rolled my blues away, now I ain't knocking the hands, just like a song that's got a beat, now I ain't knocking the hands, just like a song that's got a beat, cause Jesus is a rock and he rolled my blues away, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I'm still good at everything and I refuse to lose it All I want to do but won't do it I shit the devil of all the good music I do still feel okay Cause Jesus is rockin' and rollin' my blues Jesus is rockin' and rollin' my blues Jesus is rockin' and rollin' my blues Anyway, yeah Jesus is rockin' and rollin' my blues, baby Jesus is rockin' and rollin' my blues, baby And he's gonna keep on rollin' him, yes he is Hi, Peter here with you for this week's Believe Together That was Cliff Richard's version of Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music Now, you may well know that that was the second song with exactly the same title There was an earlier one done by Larry Norman But may I just add that the title actually is lifted from the 1700s When people there were talking about When people there were talking about Why should the devil have all the good tunes They were introducing the modern music which we know as hymns Well, how about that then We've got a range of music on this week Hymns and other stuff Okay, yes we have indeed Hello, I'm Jenny It's good to be back with you again this week Now, what else have we got? Well, we'll be mentioning CTKS What's that? That's Churches Together in Keynsham and Salford And in this season of summer with all the sports going on telly Of course we've got to include mentions of sports again this week Just like last week But also this week I'll specially draw your attention to our Thought for the Week Because this week there's going to be a quiz question on it So listen out carefully And now for the Thought for the Week for the Keynsham Talking Newspaper Hello, it's Reverend Nigel Williams again And I'm recording this just before the Euros have started So they actually start tomorrow night when I record this And my house is about to be overtaken by football It will be played every game More or less as long as I'm in the house Every game will be played And it will take over everything It will take over the telly It will take over all of my talking points We all have these things in our lives that we enjoy For me it is very much sport Having grown up playing rugby, cricket and volleyball I even played badminton to quite a high level But we all have these things that we enjoy in our lives Our hobbies And they can vary from everything Gardening, reading, music, art It may even be finding the best place for coffee in the area We all have these different things that we do for joy and to socialise Now you may be asking yourself Why am I talking about this? And it's because God has given us skills and passions in our lives So that we might enjoy life But Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 10 So whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do Do it all for the glory of God This reminder comes so that we might enjoy ourselves And give glory to God in all that we do But what might this look like? When I was an undergrad I played a lot of volleyball To the point where when it came to the end of my time That we did a big volleyball competition every year Between all of the different tutor groups from across the university And I was chosen to be the captain for my tutor group side And I basically said If anyone wants to play, they can Whether you are good at it, whether you are bad at it I don't really mind We're going to have an attitude where we can all play We can all enjoy ourselves And let's do this An attitude where we build people up Rather than take them down or only let those who are good enough play Well we did that And we let everyone who wanted to play, play And we ended up winning We ended up not really conceding many points either Which was a lovely thing for me because I am quite competitive But we won with an attitude that was saying We are going to do this in a way that glorifies God In a way that glorifies each other We are going to build each other up Another example of this was many years ago At a Christian festival down in Dorset I was there and I really needed the toilet basically So I'm queuing for the toilet And there's a cleaning sign up on one of the cubicles And as I'm waiting the door opens And the person steps out of it I'm there and I'm just going I really recognise who this person is But I can't quite place them I don't know if you've ever had that feeling before And I was racking my brain trying to work out who it was And then suddenly it clicked in my mind It's someone I'd met a couple of weeks earlier Something I'd been doing for the diocese It was the Bishop of Sherborne And he was coming out of the toilet With his little toilet brush And all his cleaning products, mops All that sort of stuff And he basically turned up to this festival And said where can I help? What can I do? And they basically said Someone in the cleaning team is unable to be here It's not glamorous And he went that's where I'll go then And he just pulled up his sleeves And he started cleaning And he did it to the glory of God It was a wonderful witness to see early In my Christian ministry Of someone just being willing to literally Clean the toilets on a campsite So when we do things to honour God We are encouraged to do them as worship And to the best of our ability So I want to encourage you To go and do things for the glory of God And you may just be surprised With where it will lead If you need a pressure The pressure on my shoulders Father help me hold this Cause I can't bear the pressure If you need a burden The burden's all so heavy Lord you make me ready To carry all my burden If you need a power The power that's inside me Watch my hand across my knee Mighty God Almighty Hold me close Fill me with your presence Holy Ghost and Spirit Father God I found it Lord keep me surrounded Isn't it amazing That faith was all we needed To find the missing pieces Oh I've been searching for my Jesus Passion I felt worthless But you gave me peace and purpose Oh though I don't deserve it Oh though I'm far from perfect Oh though I'm far from perfect Just hold me close Fill me with your presence Holy Ghost and Spirit Father God I found it Lord keep me surrounded Oh Lord Holy Spirit I don't know what this is It's a dread and it's a feeling you give Oh Lord Came in and you filled me with bliss A feeling I don't want to resist Oh Lord Holy Spirit show me the way Hold me with your touch and grace Oh Lord You will never leave me astray Now I have the will to refrain You're the reason why I pray Fill me with the light of day When you hold me in your arms Make me feel some type of way Know you'll be there when I'm cold Lord I know Oh oh oh oh You need my story Lord what do you have for me What do you have for me You make me feel so hopeful Hopeful I'm just glad I know you Oh oh oh oh I'm so glad I know you You you you I'm so glad I know you You you you Thank you so much Nigel for your thought for the week and for choosing that excellent song by Stormzy called Holy Spirit I hadn't heard that one until now Well yes thank you Nigel indeed and as you say there everything we should do, all our activities should be done to help others and bring glory to God and that of course applies to churches together in Kensington and Salford and all their activities more of that later And now it's time for our Just for Fun quiz Time for question one Thank you Blaze Now then the first question for our Just for Fun quiz this week is Can you remember three of the four sports that Nigel Williams mentioned he used to enjoy playing? This is other than football What other sports did Nigel Williams enjoy playing? Tippy Winks You have to wait and find out Peter Actually Peter you should have listened and you would know Oh Now then here is my diary verse for the week It comes from the Old Testament in the Bible from the book of Zephaniah and it says this He will calm you in his love He will rejoice over you with singing Sitting in a writing room a number of years ago and in Nashville writing with a friend of mine and we heard someone close the door next to us and we went in and it was another songwriter and we invited her to come in and as we're writing this other song she starts she starts telling us about her pastor's wife who had a number of weeks before had gone into a coma for three days and I'm going to have to find the name of the church it's a Baptist church somewhere north of Nashville and three days after she woke up and they said what do you remember and she said all I remember is that God was singing a song to me and when she told us that I couldn't get it off my mind I thought wow that's pretty amazing and at the time I did not know of that scripture that all of you right now are shaking your head because you know I didn't know the scripture was found in Zephaniah 3.17 How many of you know that scripture? Bunch of you and I came back and I said I found this scripture last night and I had this little melody idea and we sat down and wrote this little song and it just talks about heaven it talks about God rejoicing over us with gladness the last part of that little verse says He rejoices over you with singing Around the throne of heaven A sea of the redeemed Are bowing and proclaiming The praises of the King Yet His word is promised There's a song of love That God Himself has written For each of us God is singing over me My soul can hear the beauty Of His melody I feel the glory carried over me It lifts my spirit up God is singing over me When my heart is broken Heavy with despair I long to feel His presence To know He really cares Suddenly there's something Like a sweet perfume Music from above me Is in the room God is singing over me My soul can hear the beauty Of His melody I feel the glory carried over me It lifts my spirit up God is singing over me My God rejoices with a song of love I'm overwhelmed that I'm the one He's singing of God is singing over me My soul can hear the beauty Of His melody I feel the glory carried over me It lifts my spirit up God is singing over me It lifts my spirit up God is singing over me Well, thank you, Jenny, for that verse. What a beautiful concept. What an idea. God singing over me. And thank you, Reggie Stone, for singing about it and telling us about that little story there. Now, you know that every week we put up links to all of our song videos on the internet if you go to our Facebook page. And this is no exception. If you go to the video of this one where you see Reggie Stone talking about this and telling his story if you look down there's comments below the video and one of them says I am the Baptist minister's wife in your story. Wow. Anyway, there we go. Thank you, Reggie. Hey, you. Have you ever felt like listening to our sister program on a Friday evening to kick start your weekend early? Then prepare for the opposite of calm. It's The Lighter Show. That's us. The Lighter Show. Friday, 4pm. We'll be seeing you. You're listening to Believe Together. The Churches Together in Keynesham and Salford production for KTCR FM 105.8 and online. Well, recently the Churches Together in Keynesham and Salford had their annual general meeting. Their AGM. So that, as usual, was very interesting. And I'd like to mention here Peter and I have actually been on the Churches Together council for very many years. And we have seen so many wonderful chairs. We've been privileged to see how they sort of work so hard and do so much to find and support different things that Churches Together can do, which individual churches might not able to do on their own. So, Ros Durrant has been the chair of Churches Together or the vice chair for the last four years and really needed to step down and let someone else take over, but nobody has been found so far. So from September, there's going to be a working party to sort out what's going on here. But of course, if you know anyone who'd like to be the vice chair or chair of Churches Together, please make it known. So thank you, Ros. You've been absolutely wonderful. You've done so much to help Churches Together. So we would like to play something for you now, Ros. What should we have? Let's have Be Still for the Presence of the Lord. And this is hymns from the Holy Land because I'm sure you could do with a bit of being still, Ros, having worked so hard. Be still for the presence of the Lord the Holy One is here I bow before Him now in reverence and fear He is God He is God We stand on holy ground Be still for the presence of the Lord the Holy One is here Be still for the glory of the Lord is shining Be still for the glory of the Holy One is shining Be still for the presence of the Holy One is shining Be still for the presence of the Holy One Be still for the glory of the Holy One is shining Be still for the presence of the Holy One is shining Be still for the presence of the Holy One is shining Be still for the presence of the Holy One is shining Be still for the presence of the Holy One is shining Be still for the presence of the Holy One is shining Be still for the presence of the Holy One is shining Be still for the presence of the Holy One is shining Be still for the presence of the Holy One is shining Be still for the presence of the Holy One is shining Be still for the presence of the Holy One is shining Be still for the 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So listen carefully. What do you think this type of music is called? It's called Noah and it's sung by the Jubilees It's a Oh Noah Oh Oh Noah Oh Noah I've got to run on the wind and It's a Oh Noah Oh Oh Noah Oh Noah I've got to run on the wind and It's a Oh Noah I've got to run on the wind and It's a Oh Noah I've got to run on the wind and It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a 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a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah It's a Oh Noah Oh yes, right Father God, fix in our hearts the duties you so desire and may we all remain steadfast in our trust that we will find the fullness of blessings flowing out from you Lord this day and always in Jesus name, Amen May the Lord rise to meet you May the wind be at your back May the sunshine warm upon your face May the rain fall softly on your field and until we meet again May you keep safe in the gentle loving arms of God For everything there is is done A time to meet you A time to say goodbye In all things God is near Always guiding me away May the Lord rise to meet you May the wind be at your back May the sunshine warm upon your face May the rain fall softly on your field and until we meet again May you keep safe in the gentle loving arms of God For everything there is is done A time for laughter A time for tears In all things God is near Always guiding your way May the sunshine warm upon your face May the rain fall softly on your field and until we meet again May you keep safe in the gentle loving arms of God

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