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cover of Two Feet Closer Podcast One 021823
Two Feet Closer Podcast One 021823

Two Feet Closer Podcast One 021823

Two Feet



Introduction to www.twofeetcloser.com by two of the founders.

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The hosts of the TwoFeetCloser.com podcast discuss how they came up with the idea of taking pictures of women's feet in 1950s swimsuits. They share their experiences at Flamingo Fest and their decision to start the website. They also mention their presence on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. The hosts express their interest in making the podcast entertaining and potentially interviewing fans of their site or other fetish sites in the future. They emphasize that their intention is to keep things tasteful and fun. They toast to their new venture and invite listeners to visit their website. Hi, everybody. Welcome to an episode of our first podcast for TwoFeetCloser.com. That's T-W-O-S-E-E-T-C-L-O-S-E-R dot com. My name's Tony, and with me is Joe. Hey, Joe. Hey, what's going on? Nothing, man. I guess this is our first podcast that we're going to be putting on this website. Maybe it's just a good idea to let people know how we came up with this incredibly awesome, silly, hopefully incredible idea. Well, I think we were at Flamingo Fest, and I brought it up, and I was asking everyone's wives if they would let me take pictures of their feet. And how'd that go over? Actually, better than I thought. No, I didn't get punched in the face by the husbands. Or the wives. Or the wives. That's good. Most wives said, sure. And some wives, not to be mentioned, were approved and said, no. But whatever. It's fine. Right. But from what I understand, the agreement that we all came up with was that we're going to keep it to, like, 1950s swimsuits. Yeah. Below the knee. Below the knee, right? Yeah. Show a knee, we're probably going a little bit too far. Yeah. Right. Like the bathing suits back in the day, right? Yeah. Yeah. No. Just knees. Knees. Below the knees. Right. No head, shoulders. Just knees and toes. Nope. Just knees and toes. Nice. Just knees and toes. That's awesome. So I do recall you speaking about this, and that was back in the summertime at Flamingo Fest. 1922. We'll just kind of leave that out there, what these fests are. Yeah. So we don't get into future podcasts. Exactly. But you came to visit me down in Maryland when I was working down there in late November, right? Yeah. I think that's actually how it – when we really decided that we should do something with it. Right. Because I introduced you to a coworker who also spoke about women's feet, and I just thought that both of you guys were kind of whacked. We had a couple beers and sat back and watched the show. And then I believe that I got on the phone with his wife and asked her if I could take pictures of her feet. Yeah. And he didn't try to hit you either. He didn't hit me. Yeah. No. So that was pretty wild. Yeah. I don't know if she said yes or no. That's right. And I went online and I procured the website, again, twofeetcloser.com, T-W-O-S-E-E-T, closer.com. Right. We got, what, Twitter? We have Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Instagram and TikTok. We do have TikTok. We didn't put any videos up on TikTok yet. I know we're talking about YouTube, maybe actual videotaping us, video recording us doing the cast chat. Sure. So I'm show mage. I said videotape. Sorry. Yeah, videotape. You know. Record it. Even old guys like feet. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, listen, if something comes up and it's fun, right now it's just kind of like it's fun, you know? We just make it fun. If we can make money and the girls can make money, you know, eventually we'll see what happens. But it's going to be tasteful either way, so. Yeah, no doubt. But, you know, in the future I'd like to open up some of these podcasts where we actually interview people that, you know, are fans of our site or other fetish sites and really see what makes these guys tick. I mean, I was always the kind of guy that, you know, would look at a girl, maybe her face, her hair. You know, I'm not going to lie. Boobs and butt usually were a factor for me, but feet never was a deal maker or a deal breaker, not for me, you know? I don't think any guy's ever kicked a woman out of bed because she had ugly feet. Yeah, no, I don't think so, but I don't get it. I don't get it either, but whatever. Yeah, I mean, I'm intrigued by the business model. Sure. I'm intrigued by the humor that can certainly come from it. Sure. Most of our friends think we're freaks for even just doing what we're doing now. Most of the people that I tell about the website think that I have a foot fetish. Yeah. And I'm like, I don't have one. No, yeah, you don't. Why would you? How do you even know about foot, you know, feet, body or whatever? I kind of thought you did. No, I don't. It's just a novel concept. I saw people are, you know, people are into it. Listen, there's a fetish for every person. Oh, yeah. No, dude, listen. If someone likes it, it's good for them. This is great, man. You know, this is a good thing. And, you know, again, we'll stay clear of politics and other stuff like that and just make it good, clear, fun. And, you know, we could check out some feet and some chicks as we go along the road. Yeah, exactly. And maybe in our next one we'll introduce, we have other members of this little group of ours. Maybe we can introduce them. We'll see how that goes. And then we'll take it from there, man. I'd like to make a pact here. And this one I didn't discuss with you before this, but as I see that we both have a beer in front of us, I don't think we should be doing podcasts without having a beer in front of us. I agree. Yeah, so toast to you, Joe. I completely agree. Cheers, brother. Cheers. All right, to good feet and, I don't know, stinky socks. Yeah, man. So come check us out, twofeetcloser.com. Until next time. Take care. Peace out.

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