Audition for The Ghost of the Dutchman's Mine
Audition for The Ghost of the Dutchman's Mine
Anderson and his two friends are trying to find a way to stop a timer with one second left. Turner realizes that his red, polarized sunglasses might be the key. He quickly retrieves them and uses them to inspect the wires. With the wire cutters in hand, Turner cuts the wire he thinks is the right one while saying a prayer. To their relief, the timer stops just in time, and they all laugh hysterically. Anderson watched the two men trying to find some small difference in the wires, when he finally said, "'Well, buddies, this might be it. It's been nice knowing you. I wouldn't give up yet. If nothing else, we can always cut a wire and hope for—' Turner said, suddenly pausing. "'Bob, do you still have your sunglasses with you? You know, the ones with the red, polarized lens?' "'Yeah, in my bag. Why?' "'Get them, quick!' Grabbing his bag, Anderson rifled through it, trying to find his glasses, without asking why. He knew better than to question Turner when he was on to something. Anderson finally found the glasses in the bottom of the bag, and quickly handed them to Turner. Turner grabbed the glasses, put them on, then went back to inspecting the wires. "'Give me the wire cutters, quick!' Hardwick handed Turner the cutters, but dropped them because of the sweat on his hand. Turner reached down to grab the cutters, but lost precious time in doing so. Recovering the cutters, he again inspected the wires, looking for the one wire he needed to cut. Finding the wire, Turner put the cutters over the wire and started to squeeze the handles, pausing to say a quick prayer. "'Please let it be the right one!' Turner squeezed his eyes shut and the cutters at the same time, not knowing what to expect. All three men's bodies tensed visibly for the onslaught of pain, then relaxed as they leaned back, laughing hysterically. The timer had stopped its relentless countdown with one second left.