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Time Management LP

Time Management LP


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For time management coaching, the learning project can vary depending on the individual. If using the prioritization technique, ask for examples of driving priorities and handling setbacks. If struggling with interruptions, ask for examples of controlling interruptions and suggestions for improvement. Keep it focused on the specific area that needs improvement and encourage feedback on successes and challenges. Now, the learning project can be a little bit different depending on what you're coaching to specific to time management. Now, if you've done the prioritization technique, you might say every week, Jill, I want you to come in with two examples of where you really drove your priorities and maybe one thing that kind of stalled that and what you might do differently to handle that. If you happen to have someone who's struggling with time management because they don't control interruptions and disruptions, you might say, you know what, Tony, every week come in with two examples of where you really controlled those interruptions and allowed you to run your time management, run your prioritization, and maybe an instance that you felt like you didn't handle this well and maybe what you might do differently the next time. Tie it to the area where the time management needs to improve. Keep it simple where they come back and educate you on successes and challenges and specific to challenges what they would do differently the next time it occurs.

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