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5 Horse Myths That Make My Eyes Roll

5 Horse Myths That Make My Eyes Roll


There are so many horse myths circulating it's tough to just pick 5. I may have to make a part two. And running a horse rescue and training horses brings some big ones to light. We have likely all heard of them but do you believe them or not?

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Julia Hyde from Canham Farm Horse Rescue discusses five horse myths that drive her crazy. The first myth is that a white hoof is weaker than a black hoof, which is not true. The second myth is that a horse is sick if it is lying down with its head down, but most of the time they are just resting or sleeping. The third myth is that the placement of markings on a horse's head relates to its temperament, which the speaker does not believe. The fourth myth is that spraying mouthwash on skin irritations helps horses, which is not a good idea. The fifth myth is that the sound a horse makes when running is a sign of fear or nervousness, but it is just a natural behavior. In the next video, the speaker will address mass baling horse rescues and debunk the idea that they save horses from slaughter. Viewers are encouraged to subscribe to support the rescue. Hi everyone, Julia Hyde again from Cannon Farm Horse Rescue. Today I wanted to talk about horse myths that drive me absolutely crazy. There's so many of them that I couldn't, I mean I'd have to have a whole week of video I think to actually fit them all in but I picked out five today because they're the ones that actually annoy me more than anything else. So number one is the a white hoof on a horse is weaker than a black hoof. This is, there is absolutely no evidence at all to support this yet people continue to to say that it's true. It isn't. They are just as hard, they do have, I mean I think a farrier would perhaps tell you that they have a, they are slightly different in the way they feel but they are not any different in terms of their their hardness or their or they're not going to impede the horse's ability to do anything we could just because that hoof is white. So that's number one. Number two is a horse is sick if it's lying down and when I say lying down I actually mean lying down with the head down. 99% of the time the horse is not sick. They are either resting or sleeping in REM sleep and yes horses do need to get REM sleep, not quite like we do but they do need it. So when you see a horse lying down with its head down and just totally relaxed then that that horse is likely to be in REM sleep and is not sick. Mine do all the time and Shiloh actually snores but I have had the neighbors come round before to concerned about them because they have both been lying down and which is sort of nice of the neighbors in a way but you know at the same time it's like oh no no no they're fine. Number three the placement of the inner world thing or whatever I don't know how it's pronounced to be honest but that you know you find here and what have you is thought to be thought to have something to do with the temperament or behavior of the horse. Once again I mean I've been told this so many times and I actually don't believe it at all. I don't care what they have, what they have whether it's double, whether it's higher, whether it's low, whether it's between the eyes. The horse is the horse and that horse has its own personality regardless of whether it's got a little whirly thing on the its forehead or wherever. So that's another one that drives me crazy. Number four and this one actually somebody somebody actually said oh try this to me and I'm like what? Spraying mouthwash on skin irritations in horses. It's almost as bad as the one that where people put gasoline to get rid of thrush, sorry my dog's there, get rid of thrush. It's like why on earth would you think that mouthwash is gonna help your horse's itching or skin condition. I mean it likely has alcohol in it which I would even imagine would sting but but anti-itch yeah no I you know I'm not a veterinarian but I would guarantee that a veterinarian would say yeah not a good idea. Number five the gelding swoosh or whoosh or whatever you want to call it when they run around and they make little noises from their you know their little bits and well it peeps actually because it's a sheath I think but a lot of people will say oh yeah the horse is doing that because it's nervous or it's scared or all sorts of things. Reality is that that horse it's just there going in and out and in and out and in and out and it makes a noise. It makes different noises with different horses depending on probably the rate speed they're going but they are not scared and they are not nervous. So I just wanted to dispel those five. I want to talk about what I'm going to do next the next video because I'm gonna be looking at the mass baling horse rescues in so much as the the rescues that take horses from auction or from a kill pen by a seller sorry call that owner and market them as saving them from slaughter. I want to sort of just debunk that whole thing if I can because it drives me crazy as a small rescue it drives crazy because they take so much money in and small rescues like us could no way compete with that so so please subscribe if you would like to listen to that I may have to do one or two parts but that's okay so yeah so so that's it for today as I said please subscribe and that way it can make a little bit of money for the rescue and I sort of enjoy doing this anyway although I'm not really very good at it that's okay so yeah see you all soon okay thanks so much for watching bye

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