Ryan and Robby are back for another episode! Today, they break down the top 10 all time QBs, Robby makes up a new accent, and Joe Montana takes a trip down south. Enjoy the latest episode of the podcast!
Ryan and Robby are back for another episode! Today, they break down the top 10 all time QBs, Robby makes up a new accent, and Joe Montana takes a trip down south. Enjoy the latest episode of the podcast!
Ryan and Robby are back for another episode! Today, they break down the top 10 all time QBs, Robby makes up a new accent, and Joe Montana takes a trip down south. Enjoy the latest episode of the podcast!
hello everybody and welcome back to the play action podcast and today I'm not by myself say hi hi did you want it back probably not but uh he's back for better or for worse so um couple things I want to cover right off the top today's episode we will be doing something we've never done before a segment I think you guys will really like quarterback ranking yeah we're doing we're starting a new segment called top 10 all-time and we're gonna start with the top 10 quarterbacks of all time and if you guys like this segment leave it down in the reviews leave us a positive review say you want the segment back you should do the top 10 stadiums maybe I should if people say they like it and maybe I'll bring it back but that's the agenda for today we also have news and a quick question as always and also this is my last reminder for you the Q&A episode will be dropping this Monday that is quick calculations June 5th um so June 5th this Monday will will be the Q&A episode I will be here Robbie will be here and we may or may not have a third special guest during the show it could be a threesome for Monday's Q&A episode so that'll be so much fun we've been getting a lot of questions coming in and this is your last chance remember I say June 2nd this Friday is the last day you can submit your questions so tell your friends tell your family tell your random stranger down the street I don't care so your lawn service tell anyone Robbie who should they tell should tell your pool guy you should tell your pool guy tell everybody go to the teachers over the summer if you're in school if you're in school or if you have a job tell your boss and your co-workers all that everybody should be submitting questions here make sure your grandma knows for sure if if your grandma still with us anyways that got dark um but uh make sure to submit it through Apple podcasts or Spotify leave for Spotify go into the Q&A it'll say what do you think of the episode ignore the question entirely and submit your quick question there or go into Apple podcasts and leave a review we see all those reviews we look through all of them so whatever you say it will be we will see it and we will see your Q&A episode and put it into consideration for the Q&A episode yeah that happened now we are going to get into our news and there's really one bit of news we got to talk about we all know what it is what was it Robbie I'll let you break this one in a shocking turn of events DeAndre Hopkins got released this Friday last Friday whatever you know what Friday I'm talking about on Friday that was not what I was expecting but I said you break this one did you have like a little accent in there too I don't know what that was like maybe a little Australian I don't know I was not prepared for that one you know shocking maybe Robbie should just break all the I should do it every episode in all the news yeah Robbie the news hashtag Robbie the newscaster over here it'd be great it should be my official position it should be your position just me in the podcast description we have Ryan host Robbie newscaster stop it young man my best Robbie was over here he somehow got a fidget spinner and was messing with it okay on to the actual discussion DeAndre Hopkins did get released by the Arizona Cardinals this was a big surprise as we all expected him to get traded for massive draft capital at least like a second round pick was what we were thinking this was probably a cap related move he was making a lot of money and they're rebuilding team so you expect them to try to dump this kind of salary cap I think they just took a 22 and a half million dollar dead cap from this release so instead of having to make a deal with another team to get a draft pick but still have to pay a decent amount of it they just bit the bullet now have a bunch of cap room for next year with this contract off the books so they can try to rebuild there yeah Robbie does it he had a plan all thought out here for he was gonna say and he's giving me the expression of you just said everything I wanted to say he looks so sad and deflated now he was all excited after he broke it and now he's just not happy but yeah um apparently the frontrunners for him right now are the Chiefs and the Bills but that could just be all talk but um can you can you stop please the fidget spinner was just tossed across the room and I promise it will not be an issue for the rest of the episode that's a that's a guarantee by the play action podcast Inc um but building Chiefs are a frontrunner and Jets Browns Ravens all may be in the mix too so I actually even heard a Lions rumor Robbie there's also a rumor that a fifth player might get suspended for the whole year from the Lions for gambling he's not that happy anymore Ryan guess what what a friend told me that Lamar Jackson isn't that great was that friend yourself nope are you sure I'm sure okay can you put this friend on blast right now by calling him out what's his friend's name do you want to guess no all right um we're gonna talk we're gonna talk about this uh outside outside of the recording it's probably I think I know who it was but uh we're gonna talk about this outside the recording we're gonna take a quick break to get our top 10 all-time quarterback rankings together and we will be right back and we're back here and for our first ever top 10 segment I hope you guys like this segment but um as I adjust my mic here let's get into it with number 10 let's get into number 10 which is Aaron Rogers as Robbie likes to say in his weird newscaster every Rogers is number 10 on the top 10 TVs of all time on the collection podcast as far as I'm concerned okay but that you're just gonna you're gonna announce every single one because apparently you're just better at that than me um I could get into my sportscaster voice too but let's not um okay actually Aaron rocks everyone number 10 on the list so when I was making this list I realized Rogers is legit and actually a great quarterback for whatever you think of him off the field he's a great quarterback I mean he's won MVP three times including two back-to-back or a back-to-back what do you call that he won two MVPs in a row is it two back-to-backs or one or just a back-to-back back-to-back okay glad we had that a back-to-back MVP as well as another MVP earlier in his career but um this was a big deal because he also won a Super Bowl but he also choked in the playoffs a lot of times we saw him be the number one seed and lose to the Niners and the Cowboys and the Niners and the Niners. That's why he's worse than nine other people. That's why I guess good insight there Robbie he is worse than nine other people in my mind but Rogers is probably the Packers best quarterback of all time so I mean he's still number 10 three MVPs in a Super Bowl is a great resume first ballot Hall of Famer easily but let's get to the next spot on the ranking because we already talked about Rogers so much since he's actually still in the NFL so Robbie who is number nine on our list as you might have guessed number nine would be Roger Soback have you ever seen on the special forces show by Fox it's like spectral forces world cup of stuff all right you said like the exact announcer like the exact like what do you what do you call it moderator the guy in the voiceover guy the guy in the background oh wait hold on the guy that commentator commentator commentator that's the word he does the commentator just on it like um the guy in the background talking to that only the people watching him here that guy um so you saw the narrator the narrator there we go we got so can we got there the narrator you sound exactly like him but way more hype he sounds like he's like number nine he would have said number nine Rogers Soback and you're like number nine Rogers Soback okay just wait until he gets a number eight but that's for the next few minutes all right back to Rogers Soback Cowboys legend obviously won some Super Bowls with them to actually and Robbie really liked him before the show cuz we looked him up and his nickname is Captain America yeah his second nickname I don't know why so many nicknames but he does he had three nicknames and one of them happened to be Captain America so um Rogers Soback obviously the legend won two bowls with the Cowboys really some people could say that he even revolutionized the quarterback position I disagree with that I think it's a guy that's a little higher up on this list really revolutionized the game from a running league to a passing league really revolutionized the quarterback format so um I think that guy's a little higher on the list but obviously he's really good obviously a Rogers Soback he's on this list he's ahead of guys like Aaron Rodgers so he's also ahead of so many other quarterbacks that have played football dude number nine all-time you know NFL's been around for over a hundred years now and it's a lot of quarterbacks have gone through the league and he's number nine so all you Cowboys fans better be happy I included Rogers Soback on my ranking I'm excited for number six that's great I don't know why he has nothing to do with the Lions but number oh wait you have to do this number eight who is it number eight well that's gotta be Cat Warner I love how you said it like cat Cat Warner it's Kurt Warner the guy that was recently made a movie about American Underdog very good movie it is a very good movie I've seen that yeah you guys are gonna see that one um but it's about him he came from the Arena League was cut by the Packers signed as an undrafted free agent I don't know why I'm going from the story from latest to soonest he was played by the guy who played Shazam in the movie American Underdog that's great Robbie if you haven't seen it now you know he's played by the same guy Shazam um but not to be confused with Shazam two different people but um what's his actual name in that movie what like Billy something Billy all right not to be confused with Billy something but um yeah great movie but besides the point he was great with the Rams and then the Cardinals obviously and he didn't win a Super Bowl with them but he did appear in two you have the game where they lost to the Steelers you had the game where they lost to the Patriots and Robbie's now looking up at my wall cuz I have a big picture with all the Super Bowls and Super Bowl champions on it and uh yeah Robbie's looking up to fact-check me am I correct Robbie on my statement wait let me see let me look I'll get back to you okay well he's doing that um think about this curve water legendary quarterback MVP one of the best of all time are you done cuz I need to move on to the next quarterback right for it yeah you're right fantastic I know I wasn't um but now who is number seven on our list Drew Brees would be a man he would he would yes he's not number six he is number seven why do you like number six what if he doesn't use no spoilers but just the commercials that's why I like the commercial I don't think I don't think that's a spoiler for any of you almost every quarterback on this list has done a commercial it's like you should do top 10 NFL commercials and I know commercial stars oh my god you should do top 10 Super Bowl like commercials that actually be good no but that's like the Super Bowl commercials are the big thing for the moms that are watching it with their husband and kids who actually care about football but the mom doesn't care about football so she watches for the commercials in the halftime show yes yes if it's you you already know I'm talking to you you people that just think you've got your friends and your family all gathered around ready to watch the big game you're like I don't even know what a football is I'm just dog I'm just here to watch the halftime and the commercials I know a lot of people out there listening are definitely that that is a callback to a joke we had during the Super Bowl yeah let's never talk about that again moving on oh wait that's it I thought you I thought you had something you want to say about your brief passing yards record it's only been broken by Tom Brady yeah he did have it for a long time and they called it back on Super Bowl winner number six though but he's okay Drew Brees has commercials too. Not the same commercials as Peyton Manning. Spoiled number six there I was not done talking about Drew Brees so but now you know who number six is we're not gonna rethink it. Oh yeah, now I get to say it twice. But Peyton Manning has a southern accent, you gotta say it with a southern accent. We're not there yet um we are going to talk about Drew Brees a little more Drew Brees obviously he was a quarterback that was a pocket passer he is still almost you can think of it as he's another guy that revolutionized the game because he was able to pass from the pocket like a lot of people weren't able to do before a lot of the most popular quarterbacks back then there were some pocket passers obviously definitely not as many running quarterbacks as today but he was able to do it in a sense that he was a big improviser he would never really run but he still moved around and got outside the pocket and made plays happen much like obviously not the same player in any way they don't play the same way but you can think of it as maybe even Patrick Mahomes or maybe even the number one overall pick this year Bryce Young I compare to Drew Brees a lot because he's insanely accurate and makes plays you with his legs without running and still avoiding big hits so Drew Brees is underrated because he makes plays with his legs. Don't worry about it, it's okay. If we ever have a YouTube version of the podcast I'll be sure to point it out and show the camera but until then don't worry about it. I just found something on your wall. What did you find? yeah okay so what Robbie's talking about before I continue by Drew Brees. My Super Bowl champions and just Super Bowls overall I got it after Super Bowl 52 we just finished so the latest one on there is 52 so I took some post-it notes wrote the Super Bowl wrote the two teams wrote the scores for two teams so for example there's one post-it note that says Super Bowl 53 Patriots 13 Rams 3 Can you guess what the next one says? Super Bowl 54 and all that's all the way through this year's Super Bowl which is Super Bowl 57 so yes Robbie. That is up there. Anyways back to my Drew Brees rant. Bryce Young and Drew Brees both make plays with their legs moving around outside the pocket and improvising even though they're not runners so that's why I appreciate Drew Brees so much. Yeah you get to say it again. Number 6. Show that there Peyton Manning. What the heck was that? I forgot what the southern accent was. That wasn't southern that was just like cowboy but anyway we got to get back Peyton Manning pocket passer did not use his legs like ever he was like Tom Brady but he probably threw the ball a little farther and has less rings obviously won a Super Bowl with the Broncos won a Super Bowl with the Colts what what did I say wrong there? The Broncos you didn't say anything it was like the Broncos. Yeah he's somehow like. Even though they're really bad. The Broncos are like his second favorite team because he's originally from Denver but the Lions are still your thing right? Yeah. Yeah Broncos are just like I'm not gonna use that analogy. Moving on yeah so the Peyton Manning obviously great quarterback could swing it a mile that's all I really have to say obviously like there's not much to say about Peyton Manning everybody knows he's great he's just not above some of the other quarterbacks because they have maybe more Super Bowl rings and other types of success. Now we're gonna move on to number five. What are you doing? Sorry I got distracted watching Peyton Manning commercials. John Elway wouldn't be number five on this very here list of the top 10 quarterbacks of all time on the play of support cast. Okay. John Elway. Another quarterback that won a Super Bowl or eight compared to Manning's won Super Bowl with the Broncos Elway won multiple with the Broncos. He also I mean this didn't really come into my decision but he's also been a longtime GM and manager for the Denver Broncos after his career. Fun fact but um yeah John Elway obviously a legendary quarterback you might be thinking why'd you give him the edge over Peyton Manning? Super Bowl. Super Bowls. That's what it comes down to. Manning did win two. Elway did win two. But Elway's performances in those Super Bowls obviously single-handedly got them. I would say. Manning, let me finish, Manning single-handedly got them there and won. At the end of Tom Manning, combined Brady and Manning, Peyton Manning's career it wasn't necessarily him that got them to that Super Bowl 50 victory. He was kind of at the end of his career. He was a part of it but he wasn't the whole. What were you gonna say? Last time I'll bring it up but um while we're talking about performances during the Super Bowl Peyton Manning's performances and some of those halftime commercials. Halftime? Or just Super Bowl commercials as a whole. All of his commercials actually are bangers. You can pick any of them and they'd be great. While we're talking about performance. This is all the insight you've had to bring to the show this whole time. You have narrated, you've talked about Peyton Manning commercials and I think you mentioned Drew Brees for a little bit because you love Drew Brees. Now let's get to number four on my list. Robbie you want to break this one down for me? Dan Marino. I'm so unprepared for this new voice Robbie has. We are going Dan Marino. Obviously he's the greatest quarterback to never win a Super Bowl and I don't think that's disputable. I don't think you got to argue with that. Dan Marino was a legend and um so Dan Marino I don't think that's disputable and um he obviously never won a bowl but he was a great quarterback. He single-handedly made the Dolphins win and win and win over and over again for years and years. First ballot Hall of Famer. Robbie's just a distraction this episode. What now? I actually got a good night's sleep last night so now I have a lot of energy and I was looking around your room and finding things that are distracting me. That's also probably where the accent came from. You know what I need to tire you out a little more. You're joining, you've got to go on the run tomorrow. He didn't go on it today because he had like marching band or something. That is factual. So um yeah he's got to go tomorrow with um Peter and I. Maybe you'll meet Peter. Maybe he'll bring him on. He would be cool as a guest. He would be a great guest. Does he know football? Yes he actually does. Um so maybe we could bring him on sometime. What's his favorite team? He's a Jags fan. We don't talk about this. We don't talk about this. Jags fans. But anyways uh Dan Marino. It was always the Jags. Legendary quarterback obviously. There's not much more to say. I mean they're just great players. All these guys are great. It's just he was above the others because of his stellar stats and MVP performances. My history teacher was an insane Jags fan. Okay next. Number three. Who is it? Johnny Unitas. Why are we getting deeper and more raspy? Excuse you. Do we need to take a break? I think we're alright. Alright. Johnny Unitas. Played for the Baltimore Colts obviously. They have a statue outside the stadium by the way. Fun fact. Uh the Ravens stadium. Not the Colts. They moved to Indianapolis. But um yeah. So Johnny Unitas obviously. He's the quarterback I was talking about earlier that revolutionized the quarterback position. He was the first guy to ever throw it all the time. He threw it every play. They rarely ran the ball. And now he was the Johnny Unitas Colts were the first team to ever really do that. You might look at it and say well why is Joe Namath not on this list? Because he didn't do that. He was around that era but he didn't ever really do that. They still ran the ball. But with Johnny Unitas really he was the guy passing for four or five thousand yards. And that had never happened before. So he really revolutionized the position. Plus he was fantastic. Won a Super Bowl with the Colts. So um obviously that's why he's number three on the list. Again there's not much more to say. I love Johnny Unitas by the way. He was he. Baltimore. He was he. Um the statue tradition. If you ever go to the Ravens Stadium. M&T. You pass Johnny Unitas shoe. The statue. Passed to person. Everybody does it. It's just a thing you do. But um that shoe. That shoe the paint has completely worn off. Um because people aren't patting it so much. I don't know. I guess so. I guess that's how you phrase it. Um but now at number two. Who is it? Good old Joey Montana. Why'd you say like Joey? Joey Montana. Um that may or may not be going in the title. Joey Montana. He's Australian now. Um oh what do you mind? What? Um now we're going um to talk about Joe Montana. Or Joey Montana as I should say. Robby what are your opinions on Joe Montana? I mean at this point in the ranking they're all so close to each other. But the only thing that I think edges him above Joe. Sorry. Johnny Unitas. Johnny Unitas is his number of Super Bowl victories. That is true. Unitas only won um one. And I think Montana won two? Three? Two and a half? I don't know. Let me look that up real quick. Hey Google. How many Super Bowls? Typing with one hand is hard Robby. Say. Talk about something. While I look this up. Top ten accents. Starting with number one. No. He won four Super Bowls. Four Super Bowls. Um but the San Francisco 49ers. British is number one. British is definitely number one. We should have an accent battle. This is an accent battle. Right now. It's British versus Australian. Hi. I'm British. I'm British. I'm Australian. I'm like a British person. Actually this could get really bad. Um yeah. Let's not do that. So um moving on to our next player. Obviously again um you put Montana at number two because of the Super Bowls. And I agree with that. Otherwise he's very similar to the rest of the quarterbacks. Obviously legend in stats and MVP department. But before we get to number one on the list. I wonder who number one could be. Let's get to our first honorable mention. Now these guys are in no specific order. They're just guys that just barely didn't make our top ten. First we have Steve Young. The legendary Niners quarterback. Literally the heir apparent to Joe Montana. So might as well talk about him right after Montana won some Super Bowls with the Niners as well. I actually think he won one Super Bowl with the Niners. Who knew? So um he's obviously a legend to that team. And um I mean that's what it comes down to. He won a Super Bowl with them. He played great. Some people argue he was an even better talent than Joe Montana. Um obviously the Super Bowls don't show that. But still um Steve Young. Great quarterback. Next honorable mention is Brett Favre. Brett Favre. That is what I just said. Some people might have an issue that I said at the beginning of the episode. Rogers is the best Packers quarterback of all time. I have him slightly ahead of Favre. Cause um more MVPs. Um are you okay? I was thinking about what I'm going to say today. He was trying to organize his thoughts and he just started like getting balls in his head. We have fun recording this show. We're a little too much fun. He just started like convulsing over here. This is why we gotta have a YouTube version. Okay um moving on. Um but yeah Brett Favre just slightly behind cause less MVPs. Um I collected myself very quickly there. Um Patrick Mahomes is our last honorable mention. He will be in the top 5 maybe even 3 maybe even 1 by the time the end of his career is. But he's only 27 right now. So we can't judge it. He could God forbid break his leg tomorrow and never play again. And he's obviously not on this list. He's in the all time ranking. You can't have him too high yet. But he's getting there. He's gonna be there by the end of his career. I'm telling you. But he's already got two Super Bowls under his belt. Appeared in his third. And um he's just he's an all timer right there. He's an all time talent. He's an all time player. But not yet. Not this early. So he's locked in at in the honorable mention category. Now. Now. The moment you've all been waiting for. Number one Robbie. You wanna do the honors. Lamar Dunn. Tom Brady. Of course. Of course. Okay a little behind the scenes here. We use audacity. And if you look at the audacity sound meter. Oh my goodness. Robbie just screamed that with everything he had. Right into the microphone. So yeah. That just happened. But Tom Brady is obviously number one. I mean he's won seven Super Bowls. Appeared in ten. You got an issue? But of the ten Super Bowl appearances. Seven wins. That's nothing. But that's obviously why. He's won MVP multiple times. First ballot hall of famer. And he's the GOAT. Wow my mic just fell. Um obviously a lot of people don't like him because he beat your team. He beat my team. He beat the Ravens all the time. And I don't like him. But you gotta agree with him that he is the best quarterback of all time. We're going to take a quick break and come back with a quick question before we wrap this thing up. Alright so our quick question of the day. Are you good over there? Have you gathered your thoughts? The question. Let me pull it up real quick. This one comes in from actually my father. My father submitted this question. So he submitted a question. And his question. Alright. Here we are. Which rookie quarterback do you think would be worth rostering in my fantasy redraft league? Okay. So that means for this year which rookie quarterback do you think is the most worthy of rostering in fantasy? I'll let you start with this one Robbie. Who is your pick? If you're looking for a great prospect, the number one starter Anthony Richardson is your man. And why do you think Anthony Richardson is the man? That is true. He will probably rush for 600-700 rushing yards. Which is instantly a ton of fantasy points added onto your number. But do you think he'll be good as a passer? Do you think he's an actual good quarterback prospect? Yes. Yeah. I do. Definitely do. I think he's your man. Not my man. We went over the quarterback prospect rankings. He came in at number one for you. He was number five for me. So Anthony Richardson is Robbie's take. I'm going a little different direction. I'm going to say C.J. Stroup. And people are going to go, oh what about Bryce Young, number one overall pick with Frank Rice, blah blah blah. It's C.J. Stroup. He's in a better position. With better weapons. Sure you could say Miles Sanders is great. He's a running back. He runs the ball. The weapons in Houston are better. People are forgetting about John Mechie coming back. People are forgetting an early second round pick, Tank Dell. An early second round pick is only a couple spots back from a late first round pick. And then everybody would be all over Tank Dell. And it's like four picks later. So, obviously they have some decent weapons that you're not getting credit for. They have two good running backs in Damian Pierce and Devin Singletary. You have a good tight end in Dalton Schultz. You have a great O-line that no one's talking about. The O-line is fantastic and no one's talking about it. I don't know what's up with that. So, the Houston Texans offense is actually in a good position to succeed. The defense needs some work, but they have Will Anderson Jr. to help that. But that doesn't affect C.J. Stroud. C.J. Stroud is a good quarterback to roster in your fantasy redraft league. And especially, obviously in dynasty he's going to be rostered. But especially in best ball. Because he's home run upside. I think for this year his upside, maybe it's not Anthony Richardson with the rushing upside, but his upside for this year is tremendous with this O-line and these receivers. And Damika Ryan is obviously a legendary coach. The Houston Texans fans love him. They say this is their Super Bowl. So, I'd go with C.J. Stroud. Things are looking up for the Houston offense with all these changes being made. You were so in the zone just there. That was beautiful. I was going off. I sat back and listened to you just go on and on. You convinced me that C.J. Stroud is the best. And I'm not saying he'll be the best for his whole career-wise. I'm just saying for this year, he's the best option because of his situation. That's going to wrap us up for this episode of the Play Action Podcast. Episode 10. Dude, we're double digits. We're getting there so quickly. Thank you guys so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in the next episode. That was the lamest bye ever. We're not leaving on that. Bye, folks. See you next episode.