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Joaquin PavonJoaquin Pavon



Here Joaquin introduces the similarities between food and finance. Episode 2 does not get too deep into the nuances, but it does allow the audience to ponder both subjects and seek out the right questions.

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The speaker discusses the similarities between diet and finance, emphasizing the importance of literacy in both areas. Neglecting one's diet can lead to health problems, while poor money management can result in debt. The speaker also highlights the connection between mindset, health, and finance. They invite feedback and suggest dedicating future episodes to specific topics. Good evening everyone this is Joaquin Pabon we are on season 1 episode 2. This is going to be a sobering discussion nevertheless an important one. Food, one's diet and finance are both very similar. There is a striking parallel here and I want to know if you can see it. When we look at the word diet it means what we eat is our way of life. Both credit card debt and eating bad food have tremendous consequences. Allow me to elaborate. Lack of literacy in both spectrums is a huge problem. Ladies and gentlemen make no mistake the short outcome is homeless and a painful sad ending. Here's the thing we were not designed for it. Now here's another observation if we remove the letter T from diet we get the word die like you're dying in your deathbed. That being said if we don't pay attention to the art of eating we are essentially dying in the physical sense our body. Most diseases are simply evidence of long term neglect caused by poor eating habits choices. They are inflammation. Imagine inflammation from head to toes. That's painful. Not even my parents knew this growing up. Both my mother and father they do now they are very competent but it wasn't always like that. Okay so let us switch gear. Let us talk about finance. If you are not investing say if it's your car to take you to your workplace or your mortgage etc. You are not investing in useful stuff to generate income and you have accumulated debt because of constant trips, vices, pleasures etc. You may not see the immediate results of poor money management however your reckoning is coming. Health and finance go hand in hand because it springs from one's mindset. Whether you perceive them as a whole that will make it or break it for you. Again thank you for tuning in. This is Joaquin Pavan. I hope you enjoyed episode 2. If there is something that I spoke about that you want me to further expound let me know. Comment below, send me a message and I will gladly set another episode or podcast dedicated to it.

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