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TeamNade Ep30 - Do your Job

TeamNade Ep30 - Do your Job

TeamNade PodcastTeamNade Podcast



This week on the TeamNade Pod, we take a look at the COD results for the weekend commencing on the 14th of June and the upcoming fixtures for the last weekend before Major 4 starting 21st of June. We take a dive into some OpTic Gaming news. We end the episode talking about the upcoming HCS Open series and the Women of Halo x Complexity draft tournament! Cod - 7 Mins till 38 Mins OpTic Gaming - 38 Mins - 48 Mins Halo - 48 Mins till End

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going on everybody welcome back to the team nade podcast episode 30 18th of june 2024 at team nade pod on twitter joined as always by the main man brian abe how are we doing yian yeah i'm all right man what you saying i'm not saying a lot it's been a it's been a pretty dull week saying that no but it's been a dull during the week like a midweek until it got to saturday sunday and monday got to watch all the lord of rings extended cut in the cinema fantastic times not very happy about that bro why because now it's two people that i know that i've gone and done that shit and my second who's the second one uh mr bramall oh you went and watched it the week before you did did he actually go to the cinema to do that yeah yeah yeah because he was telling me he bought um oh what's it called he bought like some like sort of like season pass for the cinema or something oh the city world pass no i think he said it was odian or something like that oh okay okay but like to be fair it sounded like quite a good deal it's like i think you pay like 12 pound a month or something you get two free films and like look at a popcorn well that's a pretty that's pretty good deal that my one is like that's like pretty you know i mean cinema's fucking expensive in it so yeah well i got the cine world pass through it's like 10 and a month a month for minimum three months and then i got the the lord of the rings extended tickets and then i've booked the mummy the first mummy film um and then they're doing all the spider-man reruns again later in the year which spider-man july all like the toby mcguire had um andrew garfield and then tom holland they're doing all of them again um and that's in june august so i was three months anyway i'm 33 quid and to buy a ticket just now is five quid an adult five ten quid an adult so even these films alone like the lord of the rings and i've already paid for two months nearly at least a month in one if i bought all the tickets separate yeah yeah exactly so it's like it's worthwhile doing it it's worthwhile this thing is i've never i've always wanted to do it because i love going to the cinema but it's like i've never been able to do it before because there's never been anything to go and see to actually utilize it to the full benefit but obviously they're just doing all the reruns of the old stuff now because but the old new films are shit yeah all the old new stuff is better and i think there's still the the actor thing going on in hollywood no yeah yeah so obviously all the new ones that are coming are not exactly the greatest films in the world but i got to watch one of the things again which is still ah it's my entire childhood in three movies it's brilliant but apart from that what have you done this weekend ah i got addicted to lost bro lost started re-watching that i'm out here watching old movies you're out here watching old tv shows yeah exactly man i had a tv show from 20 years ago is it 20 years yeah it came out in 2004 first look fuck me it ran from 2004 to 2010 so like yeah i was like how many series is there six because it ran from 2004 to 2010 oh so they do a series a year yeah yeah yeah well you never know they could have done like two series you know it's like you had a break you know i mean and had a gap here in between and then just the final series no they didn't they didn't do that this back then bro like i watched the episode today yeah and they had like it focused on these two specific characters but they were always kind of in the background yeah i just got to season three and like i'm not gonna lie to you right i didn't even know that they were like here until the start of season three i was just like who the fuck are these guys like who are these people but you know i mean i do and you would assume that you know all of the people that are there and then like two new characters just turn up out of nowhere right but then like in this episode it went back and like showed everything else that they'd done on the island and like they were in the back of like the background of some like really important scenes and it's almost like when they filmed the very first season because like that obviously like the first scene is of the plane crash right and then they showed this like these two characters like milling around after the plane crash and i'm just like i actually do remember seeing this when i watched it the other day like so it's almost like they've filmed certain scenes so far in advance for like stuff that was happening three seasons later you know but like it's really good man i would highly recommend it i mean some of it's a bit like the cgi is fucking terrible like it's 2004 2010 you know i mean do you remember like spy kids was out about that time as well to be fair i've always wanted to watch lost but i think i told you before it's the time that i've downloaded it from disney so you're about to fly on a plane yeah i'm about to fly on a plane i'm like yeah it's not the best time to start this series that's not a good idea no that's definitely i need to get into it though it's just finding the time to watch shows because if i'm sat here not doing anything i'm normally talking to you yeah yeah it's like i can't really be watching lost while talking to you because it's not because it's what's going on it's kind of one of them as well that you like you fully have to watch it yeah you have to be in it like you if you want to know exactly what's going on you fully have to watch it in like the overarching storyline but like a lot of the episodes like a lot of it you know i mean but they'll be like within the random bullshit there'll be like one specific thing that happens which has then implications for like a season and a half later you know i mean yeah it's kind of like that yeah you have to be paying attention yeah pretty much like get everything i mean and obviously like knowing like what the sort of ending for it was meant that when i went back and like started to re-watch it i was like oh this this all makes sense now like you know what i mean like this kind of like makes a lot of sense and i did some google searches found out the ending what i thought was the ending was not the ending okay and i was just like right well i don't fucking understand what's going on again i don't understand what's going on 24 years later i still don't understand what's going on 24 years 20 years later i still don't understand what's going on on that tv show it's 24 years now we don't understand what's going on it's not even a pilot yet well yeah exactly i would uh i would recommend it i need to get into it i will do time and the fucking time you know i mean yeah because like it does it does grip you man like but she's gonna grip me this weekend because because yeah i feel like we need to we need to have a serious chat right we'd like to have a serious serious talk after you've done the results we can have a serious talk okay right i feel the subject of said conversation is going to come up in the results yeah fantastic let's go right so friday the 14th they just nuked it they decided to cancel all the college and that's it well done those pictures just how am i fucking talking about them well that's just incredibly unprofessional oh oh no imagine that imagine us being unprofessional oh no what's what we're gonna do no i mean we're professional at everything that we do are we no but that's beside the point right okay right i'm going for it ready i'm i was born ready bro friday the 14th of june okay rocker to new york subliners three mono subliners optic to ravens three oh shit i didn't even realize bruv when we need to have a really big conversation because that isn't even what i was referring to i said that's what i didn't mean i don't know boston boston nil phase three so new york win ravens win phase win would you like to have a discussion on that one now or do you want me to go through the rest no no we can we can we can talk about it at the end bruv i wouldn't want to interrupt okay um obviously the one we're going to talk about is going to be optic so i'll just leave that one to the side but new york running against rocker they took rocker took them all the way all the way to game five which is a fair fish out for rocker because there is a note in there for rocker um during this the split for this qualifiers this weekend um accuracy was replaced um on rocker due to a family emergency um since then i think it was today it came out that obviously spark sorry spark came in to replace accuracy because of a family emergency which is now the family emergency is now kind of over his mom was in hostel she's now back home is more stable so he's able to focus on playing more getting playing the rest of the season now it's not being confirmed but the likelihood is that accuracy will replace spark um back on the rocker but that's unconfirmed we'll see what happens this coming weekend um and then phase winning against boston it's just no surprise i don't think the office in it standard yeah it's boston or boston oh my god that's so bad uh they need to get him some out bro jenny's boston team is just so bad um the reason you're out slasher in don't ask questions it turns out slasher was right the whole time the problem was priest there and what's that young lad called snoopy yeah um so boston on that game against phase they match the cbo record of the most series lost and losses in the in a row which was 13 love that for them who was the record holder legion from last year okay so then uh tough company tell me about it moving on to saturday the 15th of june we have ravens one heretics three lag three boston nil surge to legion three ultra three lat one um so after the optic ravens games on the friday fellow went on to the cdl interview one like on the actual stream and was like they were talking about the heretics match they had the next day first game and he was like oh we're gonna beat the heretics we're gonna be i'm gonna beat vickle so vickle so bad his hairline's gonna go back like he's on florida mutineers a little bit of context vickle was bald around this time he had no hair and this time he's had a hair transplant he's got a full head of hair which i found was the fucking hilarious and then there's i think the cdl intel twitter after the heretics one we had a picture of like the scoreline with the caption vickle's hairline is safe actually terrible um again right so boston lost again so leg which then made them beat the legion record so they've now lost 14 series in a low in a row which is now the most in the cdl era ever which is mental they're just so incredibly bad they just can't they've got no rhythm all individually decent players they're just not gelling at all they're all trying to do different things and i imagine we talked about it before with boston i was like mostly snoopy he's trying to do he's trying to be so proactive on the map and then pulling everybody in to help him but he's already in a dire situation but he can't really do anything yeah and i don't know if that's a snoopy play style issue or if that's a team directed igl issue um i don't really know who would be the igl in that team i would want to think it's either priest or beans uh they've obviously brought in major maniac from challengers to try and split like to try and steady the ship it has worked to a certain degree but it's just kind of falling apart again they're just they're nowhere near where they need to be and it's going to be a really i think the rest of the year is going to be incredibly horrible for them um they're not going to have a rest of the year they're not going to make it to champs i said rest of the year that is this last couple of get this last week of online coming up then made four and then that's really it that's it for them they're not making champs so they they've got to then rebuild the entire time next season um which i don't think they will do because it caught the problem is i don't know who else who can you bring in to all fix that problem well i think they just need to brand new roster from the ground up but like who do you get because you know it's like that how many raw how many different people have they had in that's not worked well i mean it's clearly the the core of the roster is clearly the problem if they're chopping and changing the like the part players around the core and it's still not working then it's you know all of them the problem is the problem they're going to have is they're not going to get rid of snoopy because they want this prodigy player who he is really good and he will become better when he finds his own play style it's the problem he hasn't got his own i agree with what slasher said slasher said he's not he came too early at challenges he's not got his own play style yeah and if you watch him it's very similar to shock to you it's just kind of fly everything do movement stuff and drink kill and got everything you can and if you're thinking about it i think he's going too fast for the rest of his team which is then creating an issue behind him and then they have to try and play off him and try and help him out and then it just the whole thing falls apart yeah um so i don't think they'll ever get rid of it was snoopy to be quite honest um and then surge le surge and legion that was almost a reverse sweep by surge and they were down 2-0 got up to 2-2 and then lost at the search and then ultra lit is an expanded business yeah and then moving on to sunday the 16th of june we had ultra 3 rocker 1 lat 1 phase 3 new york subliners 3 optic 2 lag 3 legion nil let took a big game off phase and it was the hard point i'll bring this up it was hardpoint vista they beat him 250 to 140 wow freaking big but then proceeded to lose the search in karachi 6-1 the control high rise and we have 3-2 so close and then six spots six star hardpoint 250 to 233 again close but dominated on the heart of the first hardpoint but just kind of lost it from there on i mean like to me that's like that's good science from the views i can't lie like i mean okay you get dusted 6-1 in search against phase it's against phase you know i mean but to go 3-2 in the control and what do you say it was like 230 something to 250 in the hard 233 um hang on i'll bring it back up uh 233 to 250 so 17 points off yeah that's you know that's that's a good improvement against arguably the best team in the league yes um the problem i have with these is like they start really strong and then just tail off and just can't keep the momentum up in a game in a series or in a season or all of the above in a series all of the above really like they start the series really well against phase like you beat your phase team 250 to 100 whatever it was and then you just didn't just like 250 to 140 and then just seem and they go 6-1 in search get a close game in the high rise at 3-2 and then 250-233 they just can't seem to keep up the high level that they need to require to beat these top like higher up teams um lag versus legion i don't know i would have it's quite a surprise seeing legion get beat 3-0 after beating optic and new york two top four teams and they just boss it to lag who are have been one of the worst the one of the like the second worst team i'd say in this one in the road up to major uh major four hmm would you like to talk about the the disappointment weekend for optic yeah but let's talk about these la thieves a little bit more i can't lie to you pro okay because that 3-1 against ultra yeah also not as cut and dry as it would initially seem i don't think looking at the no this again doors like you know i mean like 250 to 228 yeah they won the search again yeah this is the thing the control high rise they played it twice on this like in this split and this weekend same result 32 so again it's like they just can't seem to get over that that finishing line they just can't get that final like nail in the coffin for the team they're playing against they're just seeing there's just something isn't it's there it's just not fully clicking it and i think they're like controlled defense is absolutely lights out but their offense is not that great maybe it might it could always come down to individual errors as well yeah there's one and one side of the map can open it entirely which then causes you to lose that round um yeah and i mean at this level like series which is dictated by the you know i mean like the team that makes the least amount of errors yeah yeah there's a team that overcomes the errors that they make it's gonna win it's so minuscule the the room for error in this because yeah these are the top best the best players in the world on 12 teams and there's obviously this year has been very top heavy in the league yeah apart from boston as well so you take out the top four the bottom one so you've got another seven teams that all could either go could go either way on their day yeah yeah yeah exactly um the mfs are on the right track it's just finding that that extra gear i think i feel like they're like a full they're fully like a dark horse team at the moment you know i mean the thing is it's like they lost 32 to ravens on the 8th it's the june they'd be out they bought beat boston three now which isn't much of a surprise but they'd be lag three two just like they're grinding out wins but it's like they're not making it easy on themselves yeah like i think that's what kind of what i was trying to get out like they're a team that like like if you're a top four team right going into like this major and you match up against thieves i feel they're like a team where it's like we should beat them we should beat them yeah but we've got to really take them seriously because yeah they're clearly done in like you know i mean that they've worked something that something's gone on there and they've worked some out because they're playing a lot better now than they were at the start of this season in my opinion the only team that is that for my in my opinion that is a walkover team is boston yeah and it's more or less just like oh this is just this will be over quick this is gonna be a trio they're not obviously you've got to take it serious to some degree because they are still four top top level players but it's not i mean it's not too straining bruv like they couldn't stop a sentence let alone heretics just go on killing them like you know what i mean boston couldn't wait to sleep and they can't like bruv they couldn't you know what i mean couldn't stop a sentence can't finish a sandwich like any any analogy you want to put to it boston right now beams could finish a sandwich yeah it wouldn't hit water if they fell out of a boat like can't win a gunfight you know i mean can't run up can't run a bath can't do anything but they just need to i don't know they just need to press the fucking the hard reset button yeah if i turn it off and on again yeah like literally bro like just shut the org down just remove yourself from the cdl for a year either that or just drop everyone and pick up whatever the best challenger's team is and then just go boom they go yeah just like literally drop everyone and sign the challenger's roster move snoopy to the bench all right you know i mean the boston breach uh is it boston breach academy yeah just get them in the league because like clearly whatever talent pipeline they've got there actually works reasonably well right what would you like to discuss a bit in the optic game i got one question for you bruv okay what is going on with optic i know we i know i know i ask you this literally every week because every week at the moment like optical losing to teams that they shouldn't be losing against it's just like i don't i don't i don't i don't i don't i don't know i don't know it's like are we blaming it on ping again or are we blaming it on shotzi not being in the venue or it's just it's post it's post-line hangover it's a long hangover i mean i've had some i've had some bad hangovers in my life bro but not one that's lasted like four weeks post-line hangover i don't honestly i don't know i don't know i don't know what the fuck is going on i don't know it's like it's like it it's like multiple of them have just given up no it's not even giving up it's just they're off their game so when you have bad yeah bad like bad days playing cod or playing halo yeah like the last week when i had a really bad day playing halo yeah it happens i just feel like it's all like all of optic have happened all at once it's just all gone to fucking shit it's just not all at the same time it's just not great like hex must be fucking raging bro oh like like look at the the ravens results right so they lost the hard point on vista 250 to 227 i don't very i'm not a huge fan of this the hard point i don't think it's that great of a hard point in my opinion um search and destroy high rise what do you think the score was there well it should have been six five but it'll probably be like 6-1 or 6-0 6-0 to the ravens oh my god how many times did optic get first blooded have you got access to that i'd have to go back and look at the the actual white watch the the clip is there not like a cdl data hive probably quite probably and the cdl there's a high rise control there was a 3-2 to optic they almost lost it i remember watching it and there was parts and i was like this is just worrying um then i went to hard point rio optic one 250 to 226 now a real gate a real hard point they looked so convincing against onto ultra in the major this was far from convincing they said they were down quite a lot um i haven't actually got the data for that i don't think but it was like actually i have a quick calendar see if i can find it but it was like they were down quite a lot and it was worrying um i went to game five there yeah i don't go that day off but it was like it was worrying like really worrying they were down like 100 they were 100 and something down to like 30 or 40 like what is going on finally must have pulled their finger out and win that one back then i went to the search and destroy karachi 6-4 to the ravens um i have the answer to that question i'm not gonna lie to you which one the first word question oh yeah go for it got one first word one the high rise in the high rise and that was kenny dash he ended up on a breadstick with 343 damage jesus see i mean like it's just point one there's a point in the high-rise control as well he uh they dash you they went out the right window for defense and he fell off the map jumped out the window went to the right tried to chuck a trophy and fell off the map first like that was a that was two two they had a defendant around just just like with like they even the cast was like yeah they've got that like obviously we're attacking because the ravens have managed to get the last tick on thing they didn't actually confirm the tick so optical the defense they've opted into the defense they would have lost understand yeah um that was the ravens game and then the subliners game so many opportunities just to win it so many opportunities to win it um they won the karate convincingly karate hardpoint 250 to 184 quite convincing invasion search and destroy six five could have won it there control karate three two so dominant on the first two rounds about two nil up on there and then got reverse sweats on the control and it was quite a quite a quite a breakdown to watch there's nothing better way to say it was a breakdown yeah um it was really convincing on the defense around really convincing on the attacking round and they just seemed to just everybody just lost all control and people were slipping through the nets getting through the cracks there's too many gaps opening which then just allowed hydra just to flow in behind you to do hydra things yeah to do hydra things and it's like civ as well i think sip was the man the player of the map the mvp for that map for that game for the series even sorry yeah 2.24 kd control a 1.25 series kd and a 22.2k damage for that for that game for that's like the series real hardpoint 250 to 238 close um and then six three and the search and destroy six star just wasn't the search just wasn't convincing at all on that six star um i just i it's like i find it really hard to under like the problem i have with like twitter right it's twitter where like the pros after these games happen they put out like these really like non-descriptive tweet or like not even like describing how they actually feel so like the ravens one right it took at least an hour two hours before any tweets came out from anybody in optic yeah so they clearly looked what had even at the end of the game they were all sat on their chair chairs on the other screens talking to each other and then it must have just they must have instantly gone into vod review to go and look at what the fuck is happening and then you got the tweets later kenny's tweet um i can bring that up and the ravens was gg's carolina playing like shit and not and it's not a good feeling gotta get back to making the games easy simple game easy simple appreciate the sport as always right right go up into new york subliners lose that almost instantaneously kenny posted speechless gg new york so it's like trying to read between the lines on twitter of like how like what it actually fucking means and you know one thing right fred didn't tweet and i don't think fred tweeted anything apart from he did the gg to minnesota which was last weekend yeah that's a while ago last sunday 19th then the 13th was a tweet that said pro weights so that was the thursday before the games nothing else since then right shotzi um lost to new york on the 16th just put i didn't say g or anything just had a live twitch tv twitch tv dot slash so that shotzi shotzi yeah that was it right and the one you know the one that i'm most surprised about is dashie well i'm not tweeting anything no he tweeted right against carolina she just said gg ravens lost 2-3 right right 17th against new york gotta close out these snds gg new york lost 2-3 the man i expect to have the biggest moan and gripe is brown is dashie yeah because he always used to do it remember yeah because he's a fucking diva and he's like yeah he's must have pulled that back in a lot um and it seems like kenny's now the one like you're trying to read the between the lines of how he actually feels and because he's the igl if shit isn't working he'll be fucking raging um yeah i feel like kenny's probably got his work cut out for him on that roster i'm not gonna lie i think it's got the potential because they won major fucking three it's all got the potential it just seems that everything is just they just forgot they've won major three this is the same the same optic arc which i think we talked about last weekend at last weekend last week i think you win the new roster play well win major all goes to shit make roster change and it just keeps them that spiral in that circle and a couple of weeks ago right when like they won the major i can't remember if i said it on air but or like i said it to you personally about like dashie's reaction when they won and how it kind of annoyed me because they've been shit up until they win and then they win and he's like oh you know it's nothing like of course we won come on i would i would disagree there were shit let me let me let me finish what i'm saying okay and then they go shit again right i don't want to see i don't want to see no tweets talking about anything to be honest with you i won't see anything about it i don't want to see no fucking optic content with a moaning about it or going in there talking about how fucking sick they are like you shouldn't be losing to these teams man just get back in the fucking lab do your job do your fucking job like you paid money to win games against teams like this yeah do your fucking job stop fucking about figure it out whatever it is like i don't like i'm bro like you know me right this is coming from someone that he doesn't like optic yeah by it yeah by it getting paid fucking ridiculous amounts of money to not convert like i mean the subliners thing like whatever man it's another top 14 but like the ravens come on pull the other one like we what we doing are they just are they just like trying to purposefully sell so that they can get like a really shit seed and go on like a god run no no no i don't think so no like i think that arrogant that they think that that's what they can do no it's be a fucking no because i think it'd be a stupid fucking decision on their part and even if fucking if hex even hex is involved in all of that like of what's going on he might allow that to run the risk of having only the one shot that you play on the you play every single day you don't even get a day off on saturday like you play saturday friday saturday sunday you don't have to play thursday that you play friday saturday weekend yeah and you get one shot if you're if you lose you're out that's it done and that'd be such a stupid decision from a financial point of view and an org point of view so i don't think that would be allowed at all um at this rate they've got two games left this is the last week of online coming up for the rest of the season this is the last two weeks of online cod um two games left they are currently where's the the table they're currently 11th in the winner's bracket cut off they need 30 cdl points to get above the thieves but that's in the sense of rocker don't win ravens don't win thieves don't win um please could win that one did i say ravens ravens definitely will win that one so i i i think optic will will be in losers bracket from this start from this major four i don't see them getting out of it well i mean i guess we'll know what sort of state they're in at 11 p.m on saturday won't yes because if they lose that bro yes so let's go on to the fixtures of this of this last week of online cod um friday the 21st of june heretics versus surge phase versus ultra legion versus let so it was a quite big fucking banger phase versus ultra i really see where they're at just before the major yeah um saturday 22nd of june phase versus heretics lag versus surge optic versus boston legion versus rocker um if optic lose against boston that is i don't even know if if optic lose against boston you've got a tweet formal that photo you took with them uh-huh and be like i hate you why is formal getting it we'll talk about that in a second as well bro don't don't worry about that i've got a lot of points talking points about optic this week yeah i should have posted that picture of me and form would be like be great to see this man back on on on the court on the sticks yeah before you re-tweet it hashtag dash out hashtag free spy hashtag free spy yeah we need to talk about that in a little bit as well so i'll quickly do this then we can move on to that yeah for sure sunday the 23rd of june legion versus rocker optic versus ultra ravens versus boston lat versus new york subliners um optic versus ultra is a banger game for the second day second game on sunday that's what i mean i don't see the way the object are playing i don't see them beating ultra so they're only going to get 10 more cbl points which then doesn't take them out of the losers at the lower the losers bracket yeah but this is that is this is going to be the last weekend before major four major four is played in front of no live audience because the carolina royal ravens were supposed to have it and they no longer can um fund it hold it whatever i don't know the full story but they're no longer able to to be the people to take over major four so it's just on a studio just the players and the production staff and that's it bro i cannot wait for to start stealing signs again so excited for that that caused so much controversy to be fair right the thing that you get with no stage is you can hear the pros stand up and call each other shit yeah which is always you know i mean i'm there for that because i think it was dad it was it was ghosty last year at optic um they had one of the majors because it's calling screaming across the stage there was nobody there was no he stood up and he was like your shit your shit i'm not your dad yeah let's go dashi dashi ghosty shout out the boy ghosty and then once that's done once major four is done which is um what days has that played on it'll be in not that day is yeah so not this weekend the weekend after so the 27th 28 29 30th that is the last weekend and champs is two weeks after that yep starts the three weeks after that sorry 18th of july it starts a little bit of break in between kind of already knew who's going to be at champs um not boston so at champs most likely well phase ultra optics subliners they're all going to be champs the people that are still in the possibility of losing champs is heretic surge la thieves las vegas legion royal ravens gorillas rocker they're all 160 to 140 they're all in that points bracket bracket yeah um currently in the bottom is ravens gorillas and rocker boston have only got 50 points they're out in the fucking conversation so they could still see a little bit a little bit of movement it's only 29 days until champs so we'll see what happens from there but that that is it for the card um right take us away with the halo my my good sir before we get into the halo i got some optics so far what i discuss so first of all right i saw a clip the other day and it's it's i don't know if it's from i think it's from like an optic podcast or something like that it must be a recent one it was on twitter and it was hex going mental right and i was like oh my god i don't know it was on twitter and it was hex going mental right about so um did you know about optic india optic india yeah no which was so basically like optic i think they were called optic india but it was like it was an optic it was optic brand but i was totally legit optic i think they had a optic counter-strike team right and the team got dequeued because one of the players got caught it was either walls or aimbot that he was loading onto his rig at lan so the team got dequeued and he got banned right but in this clip yeah hex goes something along the lines of that guy's a cheating motherfucker and that shit would have never happened if i'd had eyes on oh no now the interesting bit about that right so this was this was ages ago as well now the interesting part about that is that is that if i had eyes on this team right because how do you not if you're the ceo yeah how do you not yeah unless it was in that period yeah unless it was in that period where he wasn't really with optic you know i mean in which case gets a full pass but if it if he if he wasn't there then it's just saying my bro like what are we doing he must have he must have not had the eyes he must have he must have been he must have been out with that at that time because he truly he can't be like oh if i had eyes on it no because i think the thing is is like with like hex seems like he's uncomfortably close to all of the operations that go on within his company um i just thought it was an interesting comment i can't 100 and then the next comment is from toronto ultra's next top gunman um mr scrap oh yeah he said because obviously you know rumors are going around formal's not doing anything to uh make them go away in fact he's probably actively encouraging them that he is finished with halo at the end of the year and he wants to come back to card and you know all this stuff right so scrap said because obviously there was a lot of people being like to scum play oh my god would you unretire if formal came back and like i don't know what his answer was because i don't particularly i'm not really that interested if scum unretires or not i don't really have attachment to him as a player um yeah because i my experience with the cdl was i think almost exclusively after he'd retired i don't remember watching him play last year he did play last year i know but i guess this is what i mean i don't remember you definitely did because he because you remember you retired the day like the day the day or few after he got that three piece four piece on air boston oh in the in the hotel yeah control yeah i do remember that in fact i think i do remember that because i spent the entire day called him dog shit and then he did that and i was like yeah oh yeah um my bad bro my bad i wasn't familiar with your game but yeah anyway right so scrap reckons right and i'm lucky like i'm i agree with him with this that if formal and scum came back to cod now they'd get fucking slammed and like let me let me qualify my stance right if they came back to cod right now then yeah they probably would get slammed because they haven't been in that arena you know i mean they haven't been playing against those types of donnies yeah every day for the past six months you know i mean yeah like so i mean it's got to be a perishable skill right i mean obviously they would be way better than your average your average person because they understand how to play the game so even if their mechanics aren't exactly up to scratch like they know what they're doing but like i think they'd need a little bit of time to get used to it to get back into it yeah yeah they would need a little bit of time to get in back into the swing of it yeah i feel like they'd still would be able to certainly compete at a higher level oh yeah they'd still be dangerous like i'm not sure if they'd win anything but they'd like they'd still be fucking dangerous man yeah it's definitely a perishable skill because you know it's like you don't play a certain game for a little bit of time you come back to it and you're like so rusty at it and he's off the mark yeah for sure it's like more like the mechanical stuff isn't it like being able to like aim and if uh someone's been playing call halo this time and not played any cod he's got to try and get remember that he's got no fucking health he's got a lot more recoil and he's got to be able to try to like play his life so much more better and how he attacks it takes the gunfight where you know you you got you can have a lot more direct playability i feel that's the thing with halo right like formal is very methodical with the way that he moves around the map yeah um but like also like because he knows he's not going to miss in certain gunfights he will back his own ability to win the gunfight and put himself at a disadvantage to take the gunfight you know i mean whereas like i mean you can do that in call of duty there's potentially more costly if you do though yeah your window for that happening is very small yeah your margin for error is massive you know i mean compared like you can't do that um but yeah you know i don't know so i want to see him go back to cod not particularly but i think it'd be a good thing for him to come back to cod um i don't know where he would end up because i don't think it wouldn't be optic i don't know where he would end up because i don't think it wouldn't be optic depends on how optic goes from now and to learn what you think they just rebuild the roster no i think i feel like if the people that i see leaving anytime soon they're going to be dashi or kenny i understand that's a stupid thing to say seeing as kenny's just joined the roster but if he's not going to get the results he wanted the results he's wanting out of the team and the performance he's expecting out of the team he'll just look elsewhere like he didn't even want to leave lat but they just made him leave yeah they just didn't um offer him a contract and yeah so like he had to pick another team and optic came in for him yeah so it's like if optic didn't come in he would have just not done it um and he's came in he's picked up like everybody's had to be the ideal he's had to be in charge of it all which to be fair he thrives in that position but if formal becomes available and he well that's the thing is to go formal they might just take formal straight in because he's already on the payroll yeah he's already on the payroll at the peak of his powers he would be a better version of kenny in every yeah you know what i mean um if they didn't go optic you can go boston you can try to rebuild boston boston formal yeah imagine that boston formal and he's still playing under optic formal matt loves that then yeah but imagine that just grab grab formal to boston just try and rebuild and then methods will come out of retirement try to fucking rebuild boston from the ground up and the new cod imagine if formal goes to cod and he takes the 1080p skunk with him to be fair fucking formal formal and cold war wasn't is he on cold war yeah he played cold war for optics he wasn't he wasn't the greatest in cold wars i don't think he thrives that well but in black ops games to be honest i don't think he gave a fuck by the time cold war was rolling around i'm not gonna lie to you bro yeah probably all right because i mean what cold war cold war dropped and then he retires and then he jumps on halo because cold war came out what year before so he must have retired at the end of the season and then halo comes out and then he's like jamming that yeah speaking of halo let's talk about some results hit me uh so a weird week for halo i can't lie um we had apgs law and order is spotty cheating episode one on two which was um isn't that still ongoing no i think he found him guilty i do okay yeah like he found him guilty i don't want him to decide that he was guilty but i'm pretty sure he found him going bro he was fine the sport i admitted he was guilty within like a day yeah spot on was gilly if he's coming along like let's look at the truth it's like brother like that he said he did it the league has done an investigation they say he did it it was freaking complex that he said he did it but can ryan who say he did it like how much more information do we need to be fair i think like apg just wanted to because obviously like that that monster shit went off so well yeah it's like i think obviously like he just wanted to play back into that again i mean i i really enjoyed it i didn't watch the whole thing but the bits that i saw i did enjoy because like he was taking the time to like explain every single little intricate detail to like anyone that was asking you know i mean i was like fair play from apg um also shad got banned yes yes this is a wild one shad got banned and mose was not very happy about that i mean and happy about it every single time i've ever had any interaction with being any interaction with mosey never happened yeah i mean guy told me to kill myself once so that was nice all right that was that was class but uh i don't really know what's going on with that shad thing to be honest with you because he got banned when he was in london i mean and bro like we know he was in london yeah i mean we saw him in action in london yes we did talking a mile a minute playing halo 3 and getting some screaming the fuck screaming the house down yeah he was very invested um so i i don't i don't know what it is that he's been banned for i don't know why or how long um there was an allegation of well i say allegation like i'd follow one of the hcs admins on twitter because um i know him through europa halo and he tweeted and he was like i understand that this is not a great situation for any of us to be in but hitting like you know alluding that this is being done because of racism is just like not the correct thing to say and i saw that and i was like fucking jesus right that's actually wild so um but i don't know what what was said because it was obviously it was all said behind closed doors this is just people coming to twitter's event but go on wrote he said so like i've gone to the shards twitter page yeah um on the 8th of june he's got a pin tweet he said so i went to london when i came back to my home this is what i got and it's like i put like i think the matchmaking ban yeah the halo support thing and it's like identified violation was cheating um so you know how it's like oh he was banned while at london and then got like like five minutes before the tournament started he was told he was banned isn't that that message itself not linked to being banned so he kind of knew no or am i missing the point here because the band that he got on halo was a matchmaking ban right so they banned they banned his account on the actual game from playing with other people because they said it was found guilty of cheating right but then the tournament stuff is just but him himself is banned yeah because he played last week nothing happened right the the rumor is is that the admins knew three days before the tournament place but didn't say anything until five minutes before three minutes according to sunrise or three minutes according to sunrise sunrise sunrise sunrise sunrise i said it's secret but seekers wanted it saying that it could happen it's concerning because it could happen to anybody snakebite um responded to as well what i find wild is that nobody said anything that's kind of mild well like the admins and stuff yeah i don't i don't i don't know how else you're gonna fucking find out neither it's very strange he's very strange indeed like he is a very good player we've played with him in the fucking matchmaking recently we played with him we played against him and you know what right at no point playing against him was i like yo there's some like you can tell you can tell when someone's fucking cheating you could yeah you can tell someone's cheating you can tell that he was just fucking cracked cracked like that's the thing i'm like cracked is the only word i can use to this like you know i mean just running around the map picking off spawners yeah five and everyone and it was just like yo this guy's just busy i mean i'm like and the thing is as well right is like i'm pretty sure that the team that he was on won that halo three side tournament in london yeah he did so it's like if he is cheating i mean unless it's like another shady situation where like you know i mean like he's clearly good enough to do it on land it's proven that he can do it online yeah so you already know he's a really good fucking player well like obviously with the shady thing he got caught like spoofing his ip so he could vpn somewhere else and what the instant resco pack yeah so it's like unless it's something like that that shad has been found guilty of doing then i don't know i don't know why that like what they would have gotten for yeah you know i mean like i really don't know so hopefully we'll get some more information regarding that in the near future he can keep you updated and hopefully he beats the allegations because like i don't i i you know i can't fathom what it would be that they've got him on but i personally don't think he's guilty he's definitely not cheating i know that having obviously i haven't played against and with the guy and cinnamon action at numerous events i don't think this is a actually situation no so hopefully he beats the allegations spartan is dyke out for the year like he was squashed none of his sentence has been commuted right so but apparently he's working with the hcs now to optimize the pcs that they all play on so you see that he did um he started offering pc optimizations for 50 dollars yeah some people people took the piss was like oh he's just doing anything it's a joke thing it's like no it's that he was like you know this is serious here because i've lost my livelihood like i thought to stream and do this this is it this is all i've got and i've got a house and i've got a family and dogs and whatever else to keep up like i have to do this this isn't a joke yeah it seems like a joke thing that a guy clearly has an has a has a like a mind for pcs and optimization they can know what they're talking about definitely especially when the hcs originally was getting him to help optimize pcs yeah exactly like this is this is the thing man like you know the guy clearly doing um i find it strange that the hcs would go into business with him in effect but then also at the same time like you know it is what it is in a it's like they can do whatever they do and however they're using weird man like they just do freaking weird like all the time okay i'm sad that it's saying it and then they picked up spotty after they just banned him for the rest of the year yeah it's a bit couple of weird decisions here and there like very weird very weird but you know it is what it is um right so let's get into it eu open series june 16th uh absolutely no surprises here quadrant and into the breach barred everyone on their way to the winners finals where quadrant b into the breach 3-1 then dropped down to the lower finals played pharmaceutical which now you see like this is the other thing right because obviously with shan't being banned meant that that team couldn't play yeah there was also another team that didn't play the i7 team because something something went wrong with that so the the like three and four team in the region just didn't play this week okay like which meant that you know pharmaceutical get to play into the breach in when uh loser finals uh pharmaceutical which is uh i'm 99 sure of who this is but i know i was completely correct it was clonely eddie sticker and the eu halo goat baxter and they got three out swept um and then into the breach go into the grand finals against quadrant and they lose 3-1 so quadrant going back to back uh not really surprising there i feel like quadrant are definitely the better team into the breach i think they're working through a couple of internal issues in terms of how they want to approach the game um so the australia anz which looks like it had about seven teams turn on it's like one one two three four five six it had six teams in total um so mind freak they get a first round by and then they they beat bank heist 3-0 and then they play into the beach in the uh winner final which i actually quite like this like all of these games were a best of five i mean as they should be when it's uh you have six teams turning up um yeah but you know i mean i think that's that's good uh so and then they they sweep into the beach and knocking down to the lower bracket um into the beach then beat bank heist 3-0 bank heist who got swept by mind freak in the upper bracket and then they go into the grand finals and they get swept by my freak again so you know a bad weekend if your team had the words into the and then anything that with beach or breach a very bad weekend as it would go so mind freak is scoob meister sways plasma and rice and into the beach is crispy chaos specter and cheesing or cheese i'm not sure what that is because i'm what the name there is because i'm not really that on australian halo because it's on at a ridiculous time in the evening and like i have watched the australian halo like i watched the um in the in the first year obviously they did the regional lands so like there was one in for for all the regions there was one right and the australia one was nuts mate it was absolutely mad like the fans that were there were like proper like properly involved with it um so that was great to see but you know fortunately they don't care about anywhere outside of na right now no sir and they've got london as well i know but like they don't give a fuck uh so moving on to the mx region we had alpha esports battering everyone in their path in the upper bracket um they match against siths in winners round four which would be the winner's final and they beat them three two sending them to the lower bracket and six then sweep fam del barrio to get back into the grand finals where alpha esports beats them three two uh so this is the new locale for esports now because obviously tapping buttons is on native gaming um but alpha esports is drift we wore noble and acid and siths was set stars magico raush and strikey i don't know where johan is like where is johan he must be on one of these teams somewhere surely hmm no idea johan may be taking a week off don't know or maybe he did play and i'm just blind and can't see where he is um so let's get to this complicated section here now so as you know the na opens are running sunday and then thursday um i don't know why that they're doing the split days but here's what it is um so obviously from last week there was the teams which were confirmed to move forward um and there's a lot of teams here so i'm not going to go through all of them but it the bracket basically shut out for sentinels versus cloud nine in the grand finals and sentinels swept cloud nine nice so i mean as i mean i would expect that to be honest with you but you know because that team is the sentinels team is significantly better than the cloud 19 and then on the so this is now june 16th to the 20th this week's um tournament so teams confirmed for sunday in the upper bracket we've got yellow brick road versus pure nice now this is so pure is the old proton gaming roster of tolic druk cherished and last shot yeah and yellow brick road is potentially one of the more interesting rosters that i've seen in because it's eco renegade stellar and trippy now i don't think that's a team i think this is they want to play but their actual teams aren't playing because obviously faze didn't play in this ssg didn't play and neither did optic yeah but dies dies some squad okay like that is that is some team like in fact they um to get there they three one complexity the new look complexity all right so that that'll be a big match up early on the uh on the sunday and then we also have oh no sorry on the sunday on the thursday we also have rebellion versus sentinels rebellion which is obviously mental suppressed soul snipe suppressed soul snipe and cycle sentinels boo boo lethal precision and falcao's so i think that'll be another good match up and moving on to the lower bracket we have native gaming versus kraken which is a new look native gaming with guilty barcode apg and the mx goat tapping buttons uh and then kraken is leader nest collective yaksen and gun collection this is a very interesting team as well because because gunny's on there bro like you know i mean i like this team like you know i mean i think this actually could be the best and like the most established team that gun collection's been on bro just to see where he comes everything complexion just vibes as well man like his streams are great you know i mean you see him absolutely slamming people in the octagon for eight hours and then going like four hours of matchmaking right my guy my guy stays ready so he doesn't have to get ready um i mean he does like you know i mean he's that octagon bro like i bet when he comes deep at night he just he is in the octagon just sees octagon yeah it wasn't surprising um and then so we also have incognito versus reversal percy um i think this incognito roster is really interesting right because you've got descendant shout out didn't shake my hand at london king nick i was about to say something like that but i'm i'm just not gonna say it money and collect right not as a team that is going to g slide into your face repeatedly yeah and then you'll average king nick and reversal percy is common mortally haynes and super cc so i think that's you know i mean i think the teams that are in here where they're pretty they've got can't lie bro um and we have complexity versus ascending baseline complexity is so so complexity now playing with a different form than they were last week right and this surprised me but also didn't surprise me to see this this this fourth name on her if this is the roster going forward right so complexity is ryan oob rain huss and breaking shot i'm breaking shot now i don't know if you know who breaking shot is but he's been getting a lot of attention lately i can't say i do know a lot of people saying he might be next up okay so if that is their squad solidified going into the next event that's fantastic for breaking shot it's a big opportunity you know i mean and yeah if it works out ryan oob has done it again because he spotted a young up-and-coming player put him on developed him and you know i mean we'll see what happens from that like because ryan oob's teamed with literally everyone at this point i suppose yeah my mom's team a lot of people i mean he's been around for like since dinosaurs stalked the earth basically i feel like ryan oob has probably forgotten more about how to play halo than most people will ever learn but he definitely has an eye for talent you know i mean yeah 100 percent and an ascending baseline is sylvanic avusi onvore and ivernized um i don't really have much of an opinion about that team i can't you uh and then mostly because i don't really i'm not really so i can't really say much about um and then the final two teams confirmed for thursday are so this is the last you know obviously these are lower bracket teams um we have cloud nine which is tusk sab suspector and septify and they're playing something cool which is rammy piggy diagram and the goat king j let's call king j let's go king j it's nice to see you back man um so something called winning it all to be honest with you based on the fact that king j is on the roster wanna king j we do love king j i saw a clip the other day right it was like disgusting clips ever in halo infinite compilation or something right and like king j was getting world star that was just like oh my god my bro my boy trying to massacre it like oh my days someone get him get king j some help bro like stop leaving him one-on-one against these absolute demons and they've got sniper rifles in their hands help weimar i think king j and complexion might be like i think that i think that'd work really well together i can't lie yeah the vibe would be insane they might not win anything but like it'd be fucking funny listen to all the co-streams right yeah that'd be sick um yeah i think that is i think that's about everything for the halo um uh did you one thing i don't you've not mentioned the women of halo over the weekend oh yeah of course how could i forget that um the women of halo and the complexity with complexity i i i mean i can't lie to you bro i i didn't really watch it i watched a little bit here and there but like i was fully on my lost dgen shit yeah um i like i like i like the the the layout and the idea i loved the format like i thought the format was amazing like a draft tournament with an established pro player like you know what i mean um i did really like that i liked it for a couple of reasons right i can't lie right like obviously it you know brings eyes to what's going on because of the pro players are there yeah i think also it's it's really good to like have those caliber of people or like those like players mixing in with like the wider halo community like the wider competitive community which um you know obviously like it's an amazing learning experience for anyone that was on that team um and an amazing experience as well for probably for the pro players who would never normally get the opportunity to connect with the community or a different part of the community in such a way like you know i mean um yeah and i you know i think it lends like quite a lot of credibility to women of halo i can't lie oh the whole thing like i think it lends quite a lot of like credibility to women of halo you know yeah definitely it gives them the space and the exposure that they should have and they are calling out for because there is like gaming itself is quite a male-dominated um hobby and lifestyle and when women are women are clear are in the space they just need that that opportunity in the platform to be like we're here like yeah exactly like a lot of the fucking women on that hill on that hill would would fire men again later oh yeah i mean like what there's two people that we know from the playlist that played in that tournament yes and there was a lot of people on those teams because like we were having a conversation and then i sent you back like a message and it was like this is a really good team because of this this is a really good team because of that this is an interesting one this is like a dark like this is really good you know i mean because the caliber of players that were involved in this was insane yeah you know i mean like it literally was just insane levels of talent across the board like um and that was i and to be honest with you that was before you even added in like the pro players oh yeah 100 you know i mean um i'll give a quick i'll give you the top the top uh top 30 teams that want it yeah go on um so third you had tempest which was tolic minx minxy airborne vanessa and valency possibly i apologize if i'm pronouncing it all wrong where are you reading this from bro the complexity halo go on complexity halo on twitter and it's in their media all right um second was awuga which was rhinoob oh f**k me zeb jp lethal vixen belary and then first was nova which was piggy mislet car fortune cookie and sport uh so and before you f**king yeah i don't care that's fine that is totally fine because we already know i get five by the english language on a daily so i don't know why we're going to f**king pretend like this is just not normal and uh you know i mean i've got an issue with how i say things and how i pronounce things one v will be uncalled f**king i'm just saying why does it have to be called bro because we both know i think i'm better on call than halo wait for those x to find one v one bro i'll separate the men from the boys now you're getting shot on her oh really yeah okay you're only able to do what you do because i'm there to help out and pick up the pieces okay so like i mean i do that in every game that i play unless it's because you get lower lobbies though is it there's no lobbies in a game that has no sps ah that's what they say though but come on now we all know all right so i am just a goat on the sticks is what you're saying no dog s**t okay dog s**t lad had to steal a pro's name just to be relevant but do you mean to be relevant yes but no but yeah shout out um shout out the competitors um i would really like to see something like that be done again i can't like i would really like to see that done again um you know whether it's uh maybe like a two's format or something like that where you have like a pro player and then a woman of halo or it's you know like this or if it's uh you know if it's uh fours or if it's i'm f**k it man like even like a btb lobby or something like that like i think that would still be really fun to watch or like griff ball or something you know what i mean like there's so many different things that they could they could do with this format like and this idea that they've got um because i feel like you know they've proven that they can they've proven multiple times that they can execute in a you know an online event at a high level definitely this this with you know these players operating at the level that would be required to produce such a good event you know i mean i think you know just like i said before it just lends a lot of credibility to what they're trying to do um i think everyone should just check them out you know what i mean yes sir go over there f**king chill out enjoy the vibes like don't say anything f**king stupid like i've heard certain people say in the past directly to people's faces at hts london it costs nothing to be a knobhead to not be a knobhead yeah exactly it's not hard to not be a knobhead and it's not hard it's not it's not f**king hard just to be nice because it's really not f**king hard i might get that as a tattoo somewhere bro it's not hard to not be a knobhead they put on like just the base of your spine the base of my spine like a tramp stamp no yeah a tramp stamp can you imagine bro can you imagine bro like oh my days no man that's not that's not that's not that would not be a good look i'll pay for it feel i'd be very popular down canal street i'll pay for it no absolutely not now well how many well how many how many what odds on now i'm just being no here's no we won't because he's back there odds on he would do odds on he's like i'll give you like 12 12 get get it he goes no i'm not doing it not doing it no i'm not doing okay all right you're ready odds on infinity there you go you're so you're so f**king duller you're you're just boring i don't even give me like 100 but come on no that's way too way too like f**king high of a chance i'll have to do it bollocks 100 right so the it's not hard not to be a knobhead i tell you idea is officially scrapped i might get it put on a t-shirt and stuff no it's happening you do it then bro you want to see how bad you do i don't want to see it i don't need to send me a video stamp are you sure bro but you seem really fixated on this idea bro i just want you to have it you know i mean just be funny to have it no i don't want to see it like you keep it to yourself it's nothing oh f**king hell bro i believe that is a pod i mean it could have been a pod like 10 minutes ago i'm not gonna lie to you no we need to include that final uh yeah we did final conversation though thank you very much oh f**k me man yeah in summary right shout out with a halo f**k optic oh uh i have some breaking news eight minutes ago uh accuracy will be returning to rocker that is now confirmed in place of spark so just finish it off there thank you very thank you very much everybody for listening um any feedback any questions anything you want us to talk about let us know team a pod on x you can message us individually through all the on the discord channels but obviously where the links come from but until then until next week we'll catch you in a little bit

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