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Chompy and The Girls Episode 0 test

Chompy and The Girls Episode 0 test

Steven and MarindaSteven and Marinda



Marinda and Steven talk you through Chompy and The Girls. Test episode.

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Steven and Marinda discuss the movie "Chompy and the Girls" directed by Scott Braband. They both agree that despite being a low-budget movie, it was better than expected. The movie follows a young girl named Jackson who is struggling with addiction and a strained relationship with her mother. It starts with a failed suicide attempt that is portrayed in a comedic way. Jackson discovers that she has a father she has never met and they decide to meet up. During their meeting, they witness a strange creature named Chompy swallow a girl whole. They run away in fear and later seek help from a friend who is knowledgeable in the occult. They attend a party and eventually confront Chompy, who turns out to be a creature that can transform people into young girls. The movie ends with a cliffhanger as they try to communicate with Chompy. Okay, what's up? I'm Steven. You are? Marinda. Marinda. And we watch 2021's Chompy and the Girls, directed by Scott Braband. Oh boy. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. We're just going to talk about it. It's kind of a run-through. Tell you what you think about it, and give it our own rating, and then predict what IMDb gives it. Sound like a plan? Sure. Okay. You want to go first? No. You took a bunch of notes. Let's let you start. So, I can't remember where I first heard about this movie. I feel like I either saw it on Facebook, somebody posted it, or I just came across it on YouTube, and it seemed like a ridiculous movie. And it was. And it was. It is probably low budget. But some form of budget. But some form of budget. They had some green screen effects, if you want to call it that. Hey, so. I mean, it wasn't a bad movie. No, it wasn't. Even for a low budget movie, it was a better low budget movie. Yeah. You know, there's some that really suck, and I didn't think this one did. So, the premise is basically a girl, a young girl, in her early 20s. 24, I think. Struggling with life, bad relationship with her mom. Addiction issues. Addiction issues. Doesn't, hasn't met her dad, or her dad doesn't know she exists. Yeah. And starts off with a failed suicide attempt. Yeah. Basically, with a, hanging herself from a ceiling fan. And. It's interesting, because like, this was listed as horror. Yeah. Comma comedy, not like horror comedy, but horror comma comedy. Yeah. And that scene, they do make it comedic. Like when she gets up on the, or she tries to get up on the chair, but it's a rolling chair, and she like falls off the first time. Right. I don't know. Interesting choice to open with. Yeah. A somewhat funny, goofball. Yeah. Failed suicide attempt. Yeah, haphazard attempt. Well, I mean, I guess a tried and true attempt is just the ceiling fan broke. And then you can tell when she's on her phone, trying to call like a friend or something, air quotes. Mm-hmm. And a dealer. But even the dealer's like. We're not friends, dude. I'm not going to hang out. Right. Do you want to buy something or no? And she doesn't have any money to buy anything. And so, we go from there to cut to the character that's going to play her dad, Sam, and his current wife. And he just seems to kind of, I guess you could say dorkish. Works at Logitech. Mm-hmm. Logitech. And just ordered a pair of snake boots. And gets a random text out of nowhere from Jackson, the girl, saying, hey, I'm your daughter. Yeah. Do you want to meet? And so, they go to meet. They're just having a conversation in a park. And in the background, you see a girl walked by, a young girl. In a hot pink jacket. A hot pink jacket. And then a man in a gray suit, red. Red? Red. Top. But it's like cut low in the chest. Yeah, it's for sure a tank top. Yeah, yeah. And flip flops, I'm pretty sure. Yeah. And large framed, dark glasses. Dark framed glasses. Nice. Thanks. And his mouth opens wide. And basically becomes his chest also. When I say wide, I mean like down to his belly button. Uh-huh. And swallows this girl whole. Well, I was sad they didn't do this particular thing more. Because when you see him swallow her, he just kind of bends in half. Because she's short. Yeah. So, he just like lowers his stomach mouth. And bends over. And then kind of picks her up. And she's got her feet all sticking out. Just scoops her up. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And they notice this, Jackson and her dad, Sam. And they're like, what the fuck? And the thing, which later is called Chompy. Yeah. Yeah, they dubbed Chompy, which later it tells them its name is Talon. Uh-huh. But we'll get to that. Focuses its attention on them and starts walking their way. And they freak out and run. His signature walk. Yes. With the dead there and hands. Slightly bent forward. Slightly bent forward. Like they're walking in the wind. Hands pretty much straight by your side. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. So, that's basically the setup. And so, like in most movies, horror movies, then you have a learning time where she decides, hey, let's go find my friend at this party who he's knowledgeable in the occult. Well, yeah, we're skipping a little bit. Yeah. Because they leave and go their separate ways. Yes. And he comes home to his mean wife, Deborah. Mean at the time. Yeah. She kind of loosens up a little bit. Right. But she had previously been very nice. Ball buster. Yeah, yeah. So, he comes home to her and like throws up in the sink about everything that's happened. And then Jackson shows up and pulls a fucking knife, basically, and forces him to come with her to figure out what's happening after Deborah sees Chompy running down the street towards their house. And Chompy went to Jackson's apartment or whatever. Oh, yeah. He does that first. Yeah. That's why she comes to get him. Yeah. So, they go to their friend's party, Lotus, or he's at this party. Yeah. And the party is a chapel party, what they call it. And the purpose of that is that they label it like religious so they can get away or get by with the cops. Yeah. Because it's considered like a religious gathering. But it's somebody's house. I guess it used to be a chapel. Maybe. I don't know. It's a party I wouldn't want to go to because it seemed very bad energy. Yeah. Uh-huh. It seemed like lots of drugs. Everybody was weird in a not fun way. Right. All kinds of drugs mixed with religion, which to me doesn't sound like fun. I don't know that they were any kind of religious. I'm just saying they labeled everything. Like all the drinks were labeled stuff. One guy was dressed like Jesus. I think that was just like satirical. It was. I'm saying. I wouldn't want to go to that satirical party. Oh, okay, okay. It just seems, I don't know, crisscrossed the right word? I don't think so. Probably not. I don't know. Anyway, so they go there. Lotus is all fucked up. Uh-huh. Then he sees somebody roofie a girl and he drinks the drink. Yeah. He's worthless. Yeah. From the beginning. Either way, they gather him up and go to his house. Uh-huh. Because he has the books. Yeah. He's the occult weird expert. Uh-huh. Yeah. They go there and do that. He's fucked up, so they lay him down. When Jackson comes out of the room, they find a girl on the way. They see the little girl and they're like, what? I thought she got eight. Yeah. They load her up because they're going to save her not knowing. Well, I think Sam wants to save her. Yeah. Jackson is hella suspicious. Yeah. He's trying to interrogate her. Yeah, because she's talking gibberish, the little girl is. Yeah, I went to see The Banana Man. Yeah, yeah. They said, where were you at earlier? I was at a lot of places. First, she says, I was at a lot of places. She goes, where? She's like, I don't know. Yeah. I was at a movie. The Banana Man, Strawberry Jerry. Yeah. Yeah. Ridonculous. Right. They pick her up. They go to Lois's. They go to Lois's. He passes out. She walks out of the room to where Sam and the little girl are supposed to be. And she's like over him. He's passed out on the floor, Sam is. And she's like over his head, like soul-sucking. Yeah, you don't really get to see what's happening. You just are left to assume. Due to budget. Yeah. Or lack thereof. They saved all of that for the mouth, stomach. Mouth exposition. In the portal. Yeah. Yeah. Bodily, inter-dimensional exposition. Sure. Has to come. And so she runs off. Jackson scares the little girl off. And she's able to revive Sam, her dad. And when he wakes up, they don't reveal it at first. No. And before we get to that. I think there's some stuff before that. Well, I don't know why I thought it was so funny. Because she was like real upset when she thought he was dead. And then he comes back. Yeah. And she's like, oh, my God. Let me get you some water. And she goes to the sink. She fills up a cup of water. And then she fucking chugs it. Right. And then she fills it up again and still doesn't give it to him. Yeah. And then she chugs the cup in the sink. And then. He goes to get up. And he fucking immediately falls over. He falls in his snake boots that he ordered. Yeah. Okay. So he's in pajamas. Yeah. He's in like a normal shirt, t-shirt with pajama pants and these fucking new snake skin boots. Yeah. He's looking fresh. Yeah. And he falls over and he realizes there's something wrong with his leg. And so he takes his boot off. And it is the foot of an eight or nine-year-old girl. Apparently. However old the girl is in the pink jacket. And so you can kind of gather that whatever she was doing was turning him, slowly turning him into her. It was just unfinished because she was interrupted. Right. Well, so at first, before, because we know that because we get further explanation later. Yes. But at first, to me, it seemed like it was just kind of, well, I guess that doesn't make sense. Because I was going to say sucking the life out of him. But that one, then he would appear older. Yeah. Younger. I don't know. So. I have a fun, funny freak out about the baby foot. She reads one of. That's right. She reads the book. Yeah. She does that before she comes out and catches her doing that. Right. And she sees one of the monsters, if you will, that's in the book. R-I-X-E-L-L-A. And so I kind of thought maybe that's what they were calling. Because they're looking for a big mouth monster, they think. And so I thought that's what Chompy was going to be, was the Rixella. But that's not the case. So then you go through what we just said with everything. And Sam, the dad's like, we need to talk to Chompy. Because she goes to run outside the door where the girl went. She opens up the door and then she closes it. And she's like, you're lucky, I was about to leave. And he goes, what is it, Chompy? And she's like, yeah. And so they go outside and he just decides to talk to Chompy. Yeah, Sam goes into dad mode. And he's like, listen, we can talk this out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You've got a big mouth, use it to speak. Yeah, so they're in the garage. They're asking Chompy questions, but he's not saying anything. And his mouth is normal at first. But then the more questions they ask him, like, his mouth gets all big. And he's pointing, like, come in. Well, so he stops because Sam's going off and, like, telling the story about that girl, the little girl, Birch. And that's when Chompy stops. And then his mouth gets real big. And then he gets on his knees and starts gesturing to his mouth for them to climb in. Yes. And they do. And they do. Yeah. And all of a sudden they're inside, like, an in-between place, like another dimension to where Chompy can speak. Yeah, in galaxy green screen. Yeah, which is purple. Yeah. Kind of starry galaxy-ish. Well, the first time, this time, it's, like, pink-purple. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And the second time it's, like, purple-blue, whatever. I don't know. And Chompy is, like, you don't see him because you're inside of him. Voiceover. He's narrating. And he sounds like he's from Transylvania or some Eastern European country to me. But fairly well-spoken. Yes. My name is Talon. And I'm here to fucking save the world. Yeah, I'm here to save the world. Everything's going to be fine. I just had to take you in here to talk to you and tell you what's up because I can't speak in my human form. But I'll spit you out. And you can rest easy knowing I'm going to save the world from this interdimensional parasite that's trying to assimilate your entire human race into a nine-year-old girl. Make your world look like it. Yeah. So it's going to copy. It's going to eat people, quote, unquote, and make them look like itself, which at this point is the little girl. Right. So Chompy can take them into his galaxy tummy mouth and heal them and spit them back out. Yeah. So don't worry. He's got this. Y'all are chill. So that's one thing that wasn't explained that I was wondering. So how did the little girl get infected? Is this just a thing that just floats around and latches onto something and then starts assimilating? Like they didn't explain that? You know, they created the opportunity to tell us that with the book. Yes. And with Jackson apparently reading the book. Yeah. And then coming back to give that information to Sam. Right. But there was no talk about how it happened, why it happened. Yeah. We don't know. Yeah. And so we're like, okay. So they exit out the mouth and bid their adieu to Chompy. It's like, well, this is going to take care of itself. Yeah. Everybody's all smiles. I can't wait to go to bed. That's such good news. Glad I don't have to deal with this. This whole time, Deborah, who is Sam's current wife, has been searching for them because now she's worried. She wants to know that her husband's safe and everything. So when Chompy exits the garage, she's not paying attention, pulling up to where their location is. Yeah, she's looking. So Sam sent her their location earlier. Yeah. She's looking down at her GPS or whatever, trying to make sure she's at the right house. Yeah. And she runs his ass over. Runs over Chompy. His mouth agape. Agape, yes. Yeah. His mouth down to his pants. So the thing that was going to save the world is now run over. Mm-hmm. And I guess this thing has the power to travel through different dimensions and or the galaxy and beat Brickzilla, save the world, but fucking Prius can't take that. No. Can't defeat that. One, it seems like his human form is not ideal and definitely not fully functional since he can't speak. Right. Either. So yeah, definitely the Prius is a weakness. Yeah. Okay, so Deb gets out and she is part of the situation now. They just put Chompy in Lotus' house with him passed out. Mm-hmm. And they're like, well, now we got to figure out how to do this ourselves. Meanwhile, trying to incorporate Debra into the plan, and they decide to do this by going to Pete's Pancakes, which is apparently like a 24-hour breakfast place. Maybe. Yeah. Which again, with this choice, I don't understand. Mm-hmm. I feel like the only thing that was furthered by this was the reveal or whatever, the confession that Sam probably wants a divorce. Yes. Everything else that happens to me seems so pointless and weird. At this point, too, did they expose Jackson's drug addiction, or was that later? Later. Okay. Well. They did expose that she's kind of cunty to restaurant help. Yeah, she's kind of cunty in general, I think, is the takeaway. Well, no, because Sam catches her doing a bump of something. That was when they first go to Lotus'. Yeah. So before this, he has seen her do drugs. Yeah. But I don't think they talk about that. Yeah. She's like. . . Yeah, it's just back and forth between Debra and Sam pretty much, right? And then Jackson's just saying, we need a plan. Yeah, we need a plan. And I'm going to pour syrup on the table until we come up with a plan. Yeah, she's just being stupid. Yeah. And then they order food, and then she pours the syrup on the table and lights a cigarette. In 2021. Yeah, and the little Mormon waitress is like, you can't smoke in here. Why would you pour syrup on the table? Yeah, now I have to clean that up. Yeah, and instead of staying to help or even apologizing, they're just like, all right, let's fucking get out of here. Yeah. And so they leave. With nothing accomplished. With nothing accomplished. No plan. No nothing. And they go to Jackson's apartment. Yes. For why I can't remember. Oh, no. They leave because Sam's like, they're near. There's one near. Oh, yeah, he can feel it in his baby foot. He gets a tingling in his baby foot. Yeah. Yeah. And so they leave, and he's telling them, go here, like turn here. And so they turn a corner, and there's like four of these little girls in pink jackets. Yes. Standing there. And he's like, well, maybe we should just try to talk to them, because that's what we did with Chompy, and we learned information from that. So maybe we should just talk to one of them. So they get out of the car, and like all the pink jacket little girls go to flee. And so Jackson's like, grab one. And so they basically grab a little girl, her and Sam, her dad. No, Sam stays in the car. That's right, because he's baby foot. Her and Debra. Her and Debra. This little girl. Put her in the trunk, and then they look up, and there's a bystander who just witnessed them. And has his phone out and ready. Yes. And Jackson semi-attacks him and starts acting crazy and takes the phone and tells him to run away. Yes. And so he does. And then they go to Jackson's apartment. We'll call it apartment. Yes. And out of the woodwork comes little girls. And meanwhile, Lotus is waking up, getting some more issues, looks down, sees dead Chompy in the floor. Mouth still a cave. Mouth still a cave. And Jackson calls Lotus and is like, get over here, like load Chompy up to the trunk. Put him in the trunk and get on over here. Reluctantly, he does so. And so when he pulls up, he won't get out of the car. He's like, no, y'all need to come outside. And so their plan is to feed the girls into Chompy's dead mouth because maybe the portal's still open. Right. Yeah. And during this time, they're talking, Jackson and Sam, her dad, and they just happen to look up, and Sam's like, where's Debra? And so they go outside the room they were in, and there's a little Ritzella, soul-sucking Debra, fought her off. They're punching little girls left and right. And Jackson grabs one and goes out into the garage. Are they in the garage or backyard? I think it's backyard. He ends up being in the backyard, right? That's where the car was. Yeah, it's in the backyard. Yeah, yeah. And goes to stuff one in the mouth, and she goes in, too. Yes. Cuts back to Sam and Debra locked in a bathroom, end of the world. Having the marriage talk. Maybe we should get divorced. How long have you been thinking about it? A while. I don't think we should have gotten married in the first place. Debra, your hand pans down to a baby hand. It's her left hand, so you can see she's got a tiny baby hand, and her wedding ring is slipping off her tiny baby hand. Oh, that was a good one. That was a good, whatever you call it. Symbolism. Yeah, symbolism. I just caught that. I mean, you didn't catch it. I caught it. Right. We pointed that out, and we jump back into Chompy's Dead, into the innards, where the girl, what was her name? Did she have a name? Birch. Birch, that's right. And Jackson and her are having a discussion. Well, and Jackson looks normal, and Birch is like ecstatic-y, has a purple aura around her that's making her look all fuzzy and weird. And she's trying to be brave, I guess, and she's like, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta get out of here. And Jackson won't let it go without getting some answers. Yeah. She goes to, like, touch her and gets, like, some on her hand, and then she kind of realizes, hey, maybe I can take this from the little girl. And the little girl's like, what are you doing, what are you doing? And so she hugs her, and she's like, just give it to me. You don't have to live like this anymore. Yeah. And so all the blackness, static stuff goes on to Jackson, and the little girl just kind of, like, disappears, right? Or goes out of sight, to say the least. Yeah, so when people enter and exit this portal, it's just like a blip, like how they illustrate teleportation a lot in film, like that. Like, they're just there, and then they're not. So she's just gone. Yeah. And she's out of the portal mouth. So then, I can't remember, so then other girls who are other people, because they've eaten other people. Assimilated. Assimilated. Yeah. Who's throwing them in? Is it the dad and Deborah, or is it Lotus? Because somebody's, like, throwing them in, remember? I can only assume it's all three. Right. Or. I can't remember. Well, it probably is Lotus, because it's Lotus and Deborah, because Sam has to go in there, because he shows up as Birch, and then turns when he gets in the portal. Right. Right. Yeah, so all these, while this is happening, or after Jackson takes the static from Birch, little girls start coming in, and they're flipping, changing, showing the people that they ate or assimilated. Mm-hmm. And the last one is her dad. Mm-hmm. Because he was partial. But see, that's another hole, too. Like, Deborah never came in, and she had a baby hand. Well, but we can only just assume that he was fully turned in the time that Sam was in there. When they were knocking on the door, the bathroom door. Yeah, well, like, we don't know. Because did it show who, because the whole time they were in the bathroom, there was somebody pounding on the door. Mm-hmm. Did it ever show who broke in or got in? I mean, it had to have been the girls. I was thinking maybe it was Lotus. I don't know. We don't know. We don't know. We don't know. Somebody's putting… Or we don't remember. Somebody's putting these little girls into… The mouth. This mouth portal. The gaping wall. And then they change back, which is another thing that's not explained. Mm-hmm. We get the quick turnaround with those. Come in, little girl, change into their original form, and are zapped back out real fast. Yes. But then it's an issue with Sam and Jackson. But before we get to that, so Jackson's all black and static with the parasite. Mm-hmm. And Sam comes in and, what, cures her with his love? Because he looks at her like, get off of my daughter. And he fucking yells at it. Yeah. And then it leaves her alone, question mark? Right. Yeah. And then they're hugging. And then he's like, hold on, just jump. Because any and every time they go down in here, the portal is like 10 feet above them in purple sky or whatever. And so they're trying to get out of the mouth, and it's just not working. Until in is thrown the noose. The noose from the beginning. From the beginning that she used to try to suicide herself. Yeah. And it's Lotus on the other end. Mm-hmm. And when it cuts to them, it's like the camera is like you're in the inside of the trunk. And just what's happening, and you're looking at Lotus. And what's probably happening is somebody is laying behind the camera holding onto the rope to make it look taut while he pulls. Mm-hmm. And then he asks for help from Deborah. And so then it's both of them pulling on this rope that kind of goes at a weird angle to the camera. And they pull them out. And when they pull them out, there's no – They're just standing. Yeah, they just kind of jump into the camera frame. Why? Because of budget. Yeah. Because we spent all of our money on the fucking portal mouth. Yeah. Yeah. To put on these little kids. Yeah. And when they come out, also – Oh. What? We missed a part. Which part? We do find out how they go into the mouths. Because when Jackson takes on the parasite, they all turn into Jackson outside. Oh, that's right. And she like asserts herself over it. She's like, you're not going to fucking win. We're not assimilating anybody else. So they jump in themselves. Oh, you're so right. Yeah. If we had an audience right now, they would be yelling at us. They would have been yelling at us for – Five minutes ago. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I remembered. Sorry, y'all. Yeah. Good job. Yeah. You have the best memory out of us for sure and out of most people I've ever met. Good job. So that happens. Yeah. And so when they come out and they get yoinked out of the – Mm-hmm. Out of Talon, there's all the people that have changed back in the backyard like some weird multi-aged backyard party. Yeah. Okay. And – Where everybody's confused and one guy's smoking. That's the only person I understood. I would be him. He's just like, so would I. What the fuck? Yeah. Because you can't tell. And he didn't even look super distressed. No. It's almost like they just went back to doing what they were doing before. Right. Because that one girl was on her phone again. Yeah. And then we see everybody's just kind of milling around and it almost looks like a backyard barbecue. Yeah. And they're – If they weren't leaving the yard. Yeah. I'd be like, where the fuck am I? Like I'm – Right. So – Help. I have no explanation on if they remembered what happened. Right. If they remembered anything when they were assimilated, if they remembered that fucking girl coming up to them. Yeah. Like there's no – but nobody seems super like, where am I? Yeah. Get the fuck out of here. Let's call the cops. Like everybody's just kind of chilling. So I guess the last scene is just them gathered around the trunk of the car. You know, so how are you guys – what are you guys going to do? Meaning to Debra and Sam and she's like, well, I think we're getting a divorce. But they're being – it's funny. It's funny, like basically after they have that conversation in Pete's Pancakes – Oh, that's what they go back to Pete's Pancakes, right? Or do they? It's implied. It's implied. But we don't see it. Yeah. But after they have that first conversation at Pete's Pancakes about divorce, they're much nicer to each other. Right. Like when they're in the bathroom after she's been attacked, they're all like – and it doesn't seem like romantic unless they're just like – clearly they've been together for a long time. Yeah. And that, I guess, that weight having been lifted between them, they're all nice. So when they're telling Jackson, yeah, we're going to get divorced, he's got his arm around her, she's got her head on his shoulder and like kind of nestled into his neck, like, yeah, we're going to get divorced, probably for the best. And that's kind of a trope. Like this isn't the first movie where something like that happens. And to me, I just find it – I don't like it because it's like we have a happy ending, but to me, like divorce isn't – I'm not saying it's not needed sometimes. It's the same in a film where somebody's searching for love and acceptance, and especially from like two parents where one doesn't care about you and then the other one didn't know you existed. And so it leaves me like wanting there to be some sort of working relationship between two people in the movie. And then so you think you have one, but the only way that it's getting better is that they're accepting that they're going to leave each other. And I don't like that. I kind of like it. Like clearly neither of them were happy with one another. If they ended up staying together, like in part two, they're like, yeah, we just needed a soul-sucking Rixella vampire thing and to go inside the mouth of whatever you want to call that that kills it for us to realize that we could be split apart, but we ended up – that made us closer together. That's too much of a trope. Like that's cheesier to me than them just being happy about getting divorced. I like cheese sometimes. Because it's like, yeah, life is too short to spend it with a person who berates you for buying ugly snakeskin boots, you know. Yeah. In her defense, they could have been better snakeskin boots. Yeah, they were awful. Yeah, they were like fakes. They were like fake skin boots. But he was a big dork. Yeah, he was. He seemed like he was having a little bit of a – I don't want to say midlife crisis, but something of the sort, just like – Yeah. This is like his monthly mystery box he was buying for himself to give himself a smile. And she shit all over it. And she's like, snakes had to die for you to get that. Yeah. So, yeah, they decide, I'm hungry. They're hungry. Let's go eat. And Lois was like, I could eat an egg. And Debra's like, I could too. And then we can only assume that they go back to Pete's Pancakes, but I hope not. Yeah, the waitress. For the sake of that little Mormon waitress. Yeah. So that was it. Chompy and the girls. Oh, boy. Oh, boy, was it. I'm glad we watched that. We couldn't decide at first which one we were going to do for this little test run. But I'm glad we watched that. Well, wait. Okay. Hold on. Before we – On TV. We had to have the Sam and Jackson's moment where they hug and cry. It was like, I need help. Yes. Yeah. Which was interesting that we had – For drugs, right? Because she admits that she is addicted to heroin. Yeah, she's a heroin addict. It was coke earlier, she wants to be clear, but that she is addicted to heroin. Yeah. I don't know what medicine I'm supposed to be taking with this film, you know what I mean? Because there's the – everything that's going on with the divorce. And then everything that's going on with Jackson and her addiction and depression. Right. And all of this stuff. And I don't know what my moral lesson coming out of this movie was supposed to be. That's a good question. You know? Trust your heart. And when it comes to a relationship you might be in, don't do drugs. All right. Right? I don't know. I don't know. Yeah. So, other than that, we watched this on TV. One thing we like to do is rate it ourselves out of ten and then try to predict what IMDb does. Do you want to go first? Yeah. What do you give this movie? Choppy and the Girls. Like I said, it wasn't a terrible movie. No. It was a fun, silly watch. I genuinely kind of don't know how I feel about this movie, which I guess would make sense for how I'm about to give it a very middle-of-the-road rating. Yeah. I'll give Chompy and the Girls 5.7 puddles of syrup at Pete's Pancakes out of ten. Nice. And I'm going to guess IMDb is going to have it at a five even. What did you say? Five what? Five seven. And IMDb what? Five. Nice. What about you? I enjoyed the movie also. Like I said, I'm glad we watched it. I didn't say I enjoyed it. Don't put it all for me. What did you say? It wasn't a bad movie? Yeah. It wasn't a bad movie. We had fun. Yeah. We had fun. If I had watched this by myself, I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much. You know what I mean? Right. Yeah. No. Because we had fun because we were joking with each other. Yeah. In our producer acts, man. Yeah. But if I was watching this home alone, I might have turned it off. Right. So. Yeah. It would have at least took a time or two to watch it to get to the end because I would have got distracted at a few parts. It is a movie. That's what I'd say to watch with two or three friends at least. That way you can all laugh at it and go like, what the fuck? But you're going to keep watching it. Yes. Yeah. It's definitely improved by observing fellow watchers reactions and making jokes together. Yeah. It's got an hour and a half. It's like perfect movie length. Yeah. So it has that going for it. What's funny is when we were just kind of running through everything that happened, I was like, man, not that much. Not all that much really happened. I know. I mean, it did, but it didn't. Yeah. We could have summed that up in three or four sentences, honestly. To me, there's multiple things that can make a cheap movie, bad movie, very obvious. The acting can. The camera work, which how the movie looks, you can tell this was on some shitty digital camera or whatever. The sound, all of this stuff. The story, the script. To me, the actors did a good job, I thought. Yeah. They were pretty decent. I was worried at first because they were super awkward in the opening scenes with Sam and Deborah when they're just illustrating their bickering and how downtrodden he is. The acting isn't the best from Deborah specifically. Yeah. I mean, when he first meets Jackson, both of their acting is kind of a bit like, as the movie goes on, I don't know if it's like we get used to it or they get more comfortable. Yeah. But it gets better. Yeah. I personally, my favorite character and actor in the movie was Lotus. Yeah. I liked him. Yeah, he did good. He played- Although over half of it was just him being fucked up. But I think he played it well. Oh yeah. I enjoyed his, because sometimes it's real easy to do a very bad drunk, drugged, overacted. I thought he did pretty decent. Yeah. It was fine. Yeah. I thought probably Jackson made it for me. He was good. Even though some of her stuff was kind of cheesy, but I think that was due to the writing. That's the script. Yeah. She's just playing the hand she was dealt. Yeah. She worked with what she had. So with everything, it has its flaws. It has its lack of budget. But I think the people making it was like Jackson interacting. They were playing the hand they were dealt and trying to make their money go as far as they could. So for all that, oh man, you're at 5'7". I want to go, I'm just going to go one higher, because I think I'll enjoy it more than you did. But it's still kind of low. When it's like, I like low budget stuff. I'm fine with that. Yeah. For me, the story, as somebody who loves dumb shit like that, interdimensional parasite nonsense, and I know it's also like comedy. Yeah. So I know it was supposed to be silly. It was just a little too, the concept in general of the entire story was just a little too silly. But then we're trying to put in some serious messaging, question mark, with all of the divorce stuff and the drug addiction stuff. I'm just like, I don't know what to make of it. I don't let you know. Yeah. I don't know what I'm supposed to take away from this film. Yeah. So, mine's a 5.8. Bedroom, salt shakers filled with heroin slash cocaine. Sparkles. Of course, they throw that on the little girl, right? Yeah, and she passes out. Yeah. So, heroin question mark. Yeah, yeah. But here's what I was going to say too. I don't know why is it in a salt shaker. I was so confused. I mean, you could ask Hunter S. Thompson and Fear and Loathing. Does he keep it in a salt shaker? Yeah, the first scene in the briefcase. It's been a long time since I watched that. Yeah, a salt shaker full of cocaine. But she takes it, she like pours it into a little baggie, like the tiniest bit. It wasn't that when she's at her house? Yeah. So she has drugs? Yeah. Because she was looking to smoke with her dealer at the beginning like she didn't have no money. I think she just wanted to hang out because she tried to kill herself. Right, right, right. And then she calls Lotus. He doesn't answer. Yeah. She calls her mom, who also should have just not answered because she picks up the phone and goes, I can't talk right now. And then so she calls her dealer. Yeah. Or who we find out in the midst of the conversation is her dealer. Yeah. And he's like, are you trying to buy something? And she's like, no, no, no, I just want to hang out. Tony. I think she just didn't want to be alone. Yeah. She didn't want to be alone. She was sad. You're right. And she didn't want to be alone, which is why she ended up finally after 24 years reaching out to her dad. Yeah. When we talk about like low budget stuff, here's another reason why, even though if I liked it, I'm going to keep it low is because, and this is like what I'm about to mention is like upper echelon horror, but you can be low budget and be chompy and the girls, or you can be low budget and be one that we watched the other day, rewatch Evil Dead. Yeah. So it just depends. There's lots of variables that go on there. Yeah. Um, what is your guess for what IMDb is going to have that before you look it up? Cause I see that's what you're doing. I'm going to say that IMDb is going to be lower than both of us. Um, what did you say they were going to be? Five. 4.8. Okay. This is what I predict, chomping the girls from 2021 hour and 29 minutes. 5.4. Interesting. Yeah. Interesting. Usually it seems cause we do this a lot just after we watch movies and it seems like IMDb is almost always lower than what we rate it as. Yeah. And I didn't feel like I was being generous with my 5.7. Right. There's no meta score on this one. There's just some critic reviews. So I'll just go through a couple. See if you can find old Owen Gleiberman. See if you've watched this one. This one's going to be tough cause it's just... That was a smash. Yeah. Read that one. This is something we have prepared. Yeah. Dead air, dead air, dead air. That's fine. That's fine on this one. Every one I click on goes to some weird shit. And it seems like they're mostly foreign. Yeah. I mean I can't imagine a ton of people have seen this film. And maybe if they have, they probably haven't gone on to IMDb and written a thoughtful review about it cause I don't know that I would. Yeah. All these seem like walkthroughs. Yeah. Like what we're doing. Yeah. So anyway, I thought it was fun for the first one of these. We'll see how this goes and come up with another one hopefully in the near future. Sure. Thanks for joining me. Yeah. Got anything else to say? Nope. All right. Ciao ciao.

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