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Journey to Self Transformation EP 1

Journey to Self Transformation EP 1

sonali rajputsonali rajput



This is a story about a journey from darkness to the light of knowledge and finding realms of spirituality, this is a journey of self-healing restoring faith, and believing in yourself. A journey to breaking mental barriers and limiting beliefs that can hold us back from reaching our full potential. The story highlights the benevolent spirit of courage and reminds the audience that depression is not the permanent state of life and highlights the power of individual action and the importance of r


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The host, Sonali, shares her story of self-transformation and overcoming depression. She emphasizes the power of self-healing and finding answers within oneself. The story highlights the importance of belief, perseverance, and faith in pursuing goals and passions. Sonali's journey started when she realized she was not happy in her day job and felt trapped in darkness. Through meditation and seeking guidance from a divine power, she found joy, happiness, and peace. She enrolled in an Ayurveda program and started working in a wellness center, which brought her immense happiness. Sonali learned that accepting limits allows us to go beyond them and that anyone can change and become a better version of themselves. The story aims to inspire listeners to be mindful of their mental and emotional states and to find purpose in life. Hello friends, this is your host Sonali, and welcome to my series, Living Your Best Life. Today is my first episode. The title is Journey to Self-Transformation. It is a story about a journey from darkness to the light of knowledge and finding realms of spirituality. This is a journey of self-healing, restoring faith and believing in yourself. This is a journey how to break mental barriers and limiting beliefs and can hold us back and how to reach our full potential. The story highlights the benevolent spirit of courage and reminds the audience that depression is not a permanent state of life and highlights the power of individual action and the importance of realizing your true potential. The story emphasizes the power of self-healing from depression and teaches that the answers to life's big questions can be found in sustaining faith and acting to fulfill your dreams. Finding your happiness and strength takes a tough effort. It takes a tough decision because it affects a large part of your conscious time and affects your emotional health. Realizing the power of hope with meditation manifested gifts of joy and happiness. Curing physiology with holistic healing and healing the soul go hand in hand and reward the positive transformation and open the doors of opportunities. The storyteller decided to put a semicolon instead of a period at every step. A journey. Self-transformation reflects a journey from darkness to the dawn of others life and treating a depression which is a mood disorder that causes a state of sadness and anger that interferes with everyday activities. It conveys the message that how anyone can come out of the dark phase of life and feel better and live a balanced life with the help of meditation, self-reflection, and find the answer within. And that brings a transformation. The story stands on the three pillars, belief, perseverance, and faith. Reflecting determination and encourages viewers to pursue their goals and passions and believe in themselves even when others may doubt them. The purpose of the story is to motivate and encourage the listeners and acquire the strength from within to break the barriers of false self-perception, fears, and shining out of dark clouds of fears and disappointment. The story emphasizes the power of self-healing from depression and teaches that the answers to life's big questions can be found in sustaining faith and acting to fulfill your dreams. Finding your happiness and strength are difficult. The focus of the story tends to inspire others with self-transformation journey that starts from feeling defeated and depressed, then discovering inner strength and achieving the personal goals. I tend to carefully pick this story with a motive to inspire others to become more mindful of the mental and emotional states as life's journey progresses in the world. The theme of the story focuses on the mindfulness of listeners' attention and energy in experiencing the present moment of their lives. It reflects the struggles of life, like working long hours, being career-focused, and excessive use of technology, killing natural impact, and living a life in a box that brings a gloomy life perspective. It conveys the positive message to everyone that hope, faith, perseverance, and resilience, and acting in their own lives, and feeling empowered and motivated, gives strength and courage to overcome any challenge on the way. Realizing the deep values of the present moment is all we have, and how can we nourish them with positivity and faith? So here is the story. Life is a moving, breathing thing. We must be willing to constantly evolve. We must be willing to constantly evolve. Perfection is constant transformation. It is not about being perfect. It is about effort. When you implement that effort, every single day, that's where transformation happens. Our path crosses through our mistakes. We need to recognize them and become unlimited. Each tiny effort builds on the next, so that break by break, magnificent things can be created. It is about inner self-reworking of what you are and what you will be. As Henry Stanley says, what lies behind us what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Hi, my name is Sonali, and this is my story of how I figured out how to do what made me come alive, and transform myself through my inner calling. We all have trials, interpolations, and turning points in life. I believe shaping your life with purpose is a sense of contribution to our self that aligns with your internal calling. When you are in the moment of challenge, and the opportunity at the same time, opportunity at the same time, and you're trying to figure out how can I align my life with my internal calling, this is where transformation begins to happen. Turning a few pages back in time, in 2017 in Chicago, when I was bumping into the limits of my day job, I needed to change my game and put my life's Legos together. Working with Microsoft, my job was focused on creating success for the customers, and constant attempts to improve their lives in various technical arenas. On the other side, my internal world was falling apart, and I was stepping towards the dead end. There was a constant calling inside me, and whispering in bold words that this is not what I want. I was fully aware that I was not happy inside, and I'm going towards the depression every single day. Darkness and shallowness were expanding day by day, and I was struggling finding my way out. Because it was affecting me a large part of my conscious time, and emotional health, and my total well-being. The questions were how to be, and who I want to be, who do I want to be, and what kind of life I want to create for myself. In that momentum, one cold evening, after I came back from work, mentally exhausted, looking out from the window. It was sheer cold, the snowflakes were floating in bondly air, and everything looked blue white. The snow was shining on the ground. The snow was shining on the ground. It was beautiful, looking at the shining snow. I was thinking, the heaven must be like this, shiny, divine, but certainly not gray and cold. I touched the window glass, which was stone cold, and I was thinking, my life resonates with the lonely road, and I felt there is a monster hiding in the dark, waiting to swallow all the riches of my precious life. That night kept me awake, with a constant flow of thoughts about how I could get out of this never-ending darkness, and when would I see a ray of light? My own shadow was overwhelmed, and was invading my life, and I was in a constant battle with my first emotions. Somewhere, I was hopeful that it would end, but I was trapped in my own darkness. I was getting multiple health issues, and my doctor had recommended me to consult a counselor, because I could not carry the weight of my own heavy emotional trauma, which was reflecting on my well-being. I had lost my grandfather recently, and I could not bear his separation, because he was a great source of inspiration. I was not able to accept the reality that he had left me forever. I had cherished the best moments of my life with him. He was a divine power for me, and always held me strong with his love and affection. He gave me a strength to face the harsh reality of life. I remember his words, that once he told me, if you ever fall apart, and you cannot carry the weight of your own emotions, then close your eyes, and sit in silence, and ask for help from divine power. And that night, I followed his words, and started meditating and asking for help from divine power. I whispered in my meditation, oh divine power, I seek your guidance, and please take me out of this darkness, and lead me to the light. After 10 minutes in silence, I heard a voice that said, seek within you, and visit me daily at the same time, I will show you the way out. I was scared to open my eyes, with the fear that the voice would disappear, but that was all it had to say. That gave me some relief, and I slept well that night. Next day, those words were whispering all day in my mind. I could not wait to go home and meditate again. When I started meditating, I whispered again the same words, oh divine power, I'm back, show me the way out. After some time, the voice came back and whispered, and it said, I brought your two guests, your companions, who will give your way out. Their names are joy and happiness, you need to be friends with them, and keep them with you always. I continued meditating with my two friends, joy and happiness. After a few days, the voice spoke to me again and said, though you're a regular visitor, I brought you another friend, his name is peace. It will help you to find your way out of your troubles. The next day, I got an email from my Veda school, and the subject line said, life is a combination of body, senses, mind, and recarnating soul. Welcome to the science of life, and learn to live in harmony with nature and the world around you, and recreate yourself. This was the indication of my new journey with my new three friends, joy, happiness, and peace. I immediately enrolled in the program and started learning our Veda. I learned how to align my mind, body, and spirit with emaculated changes in my diet and emotional well-being, and with meditation. I got a job with our Veda Wellness Center in California, and I found myself working in Apothecary, making horrible formulations, and it gave me immense happiness with the thought that this formulation will be healing someone. I felt I was recarnated in another body with different soul and mind. And I learned, once we accept our limits, we go beyond them. No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you have come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself. Most questions have answers if we take the time to ask, what else could this mean? I realized in this world, everything has a place and purpose. Know from this moment on that, if you are experiencing darkness of any kind, there is a core reason for its manifestation in your life. The universe, which for me is God, and all his creation, has its own agenda for your life. Embracing the darkness as a time of inward contemplation, facing your deepest fears, healing, transforming, and preparing for the renewed life. You so deserve it. It is when we fight the unraveling of our life, and in an instant, miss the gift. We are supposed to hold our heads up, move on, stop the dwelling, and just put a smile on our face. With that, I shall continue my journey with my three friends, Joy, Heather, and myself. My three friends, joy, happiness, and peace, and unravelling the realms of eternal calling.

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