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Daisytown_scenes 1-6

Daisytown_scenes 1-6




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Kat is on a train to Daisy Town to find out what happened to her grandfather. She meets a librarian who is from Daisy Town and they travel together. They arrive and everything seems normal and peaceful. They decide to visit the bakery for some cat specialty milk before meeting the mayor. It's Kat here! It's January 5th, 1952, right around the usual time to make New Year's resolutions. My New Year's resolution, as you already know, is to find out what happened to my maternal grandfather who went out west to a small town called Daisy Town. I'm currently on a train from New York to Kansas City, because that's where the letter said I had to go. Sorry to bother you, but I couldn't help but overhear a little of that. Did you say Daisy Town? Oh yeah, that is what I said. Do you know anything about it? Have you been there? I grew up there. Daisy Town is my home. What were you doing in New York City? I was at a bookstore looking for some new additions to the town library. Why were you going to Daisy Town? Just looking for some answers. Oh, well I hope you find what you're looking for. Daisy Town has an answer for everything. And every journey ends there in Daisy Town. Woof! You have a dog? Dear Diary, I took the train to Kansas City, and surprise! I met the Daisy Town librarian. She's super sweet, but strangely, she didn't like my dog Barley, which is weird, but everyone has their quirks. The conductor just announced that we'd be arriving in the next hour. I can't wait! The letter said to take a left, I think, so... Wrong way, dog lover! Follow me! What? Wait up! To get to Daisy Town, we take an old-fashioned handcart driven by one of our elders, Leslie Spencer. What an odd way to travel. It must be really old-fashioned in Daisy Town. Oh look, there it is! Hey Biff, how's your travel? Oh, who's she? Good aft- Good afternoon to you too, Leslie! I don't yet know her name, but she says she's going to Daisy Town, so I brought her with me. My name is Kathleen, but please call me Kat. Oh, we love cats in Daisy Town! Woof! Is that a... dog? So, what brings you to Daisy Town? Just looking for some answers to a few things that have been bothering me for a while. How long have you lived in Daisy Town? Around 50 years. I came with some friends of mine after college. Looks like we're almost at Daisy Town! You're going to love it, Kat. It's perfect. Yes, everything is absolutely normal and wonderful there. Woof! RAAH! It's just a dog. He's perfectly harmless. You senseless creatures. What? I said adorable little munchkins. We're here! I've finally gotten to Daisy Town, and it seems wonderful so far. Riley doesn't like all the cats, and every home has at least one, but they seem harmless. I guess it's just a normal town with normal people. I don't know what I expected. I'm not so sure if anything terrible could happen here. It just seems like a peaceful, jolly place. Would you like to visit the bakery? Get a fresh bottle of milk and a sandwich for the trip to meet the mayor, Eric? Milk? A cat specialty! Can't get anywhere else in the world. It's pretty much almond milk with some caffeine or something similar in it. Oh, right. Yay! On to the bakery!

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