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cover of Toxic Masculinity 20240605
Toxic Masculinity 20240605

Toxic Masculinity 20240605


Per usual, our blind bourbon tasting and cigar chat leads into a discussion about toxic masculinity.

PodcastCigarBourbonMenmanMasculinityTraditional ValuesAlpha Male


A group of friends is discussing a bottle of bourbon called 60 Men. They describe its taste, price, and origins. They rate it around a 6 or 7 out of 10 and mention that it would be a good beginner bourbon. They also talk about the cigars they are smoking and how they pair with the bourbon. Overall, they find the bourbon to be a decent drink but not their favorite. Hey everybody, welcome to another episode of the smoke show today To my left we have Kalik. We have Jerry. We have Hickey. We have Jared and myself the mayor We've got a pretty good episode for y'all today. This one's gonna be uh It's gonna be a little risky a little controversy into it. So I think it's gonna be a good one I think everybody's excited about it talk a little bit more serious But before we get into that like always what we do is we'll do our blind tasting we want to get into that first I think mr. Hickey brought us a bottle this time. This looks pretty good. I'm excited about it Won't you tell us about it? So I went in I thought about our topic for tonight and figured I'm gonna find something that I can Somehow tie into the topic a little bit just by the name of it And I wandered around till I saw one that kind of jumped out a little bit. So Let me try it. It's a little different than we've had So the price points a little lower than we've had to pass well since we've done this so it's only about a $32 bottle It's a 94 rated bourbon them So that threw me off like that's the price and rating didn't really go together, but we're gonna give it an L Love this milk. Yeah, boys Hey, we got to make sure we have Chris on the board. Oh, he's gonna be drinking with us. I apologize Chris Sorry, I didn't mean to leave you know, that is the smoke sword, Jamie It's got a good flavor to it It's smooth on me 74% Wow It's got a good color It's got a good color It's got a good smell It's good It's very light Much lighter than I thought it would be I wonder what it's aged at It is aged At 4 years? It's young, it's more than that It's uh I think it's at 5 years? I'm trying to find that actually Now I'm just going Chris is over there throwing up a 5 It actually doesn't say It's a young one, I think it's probably like 3 to 5 years in that range somewhere It's got that sweetness of being a young bourbon But there's like no edge to it at all It's not bad It's a little more nasal than what we had last week, then it tapers off really quickly It's a super easy drinker It's a super easy drinker Yeah I would probably, I would definitely have this on the rocks It sits on your tongue for a long time Yeah it's got a It has a bite to it that sits It's just that young, it's almost like that Almost like that corn syrupy taste to younger bourbons, it's got that going for it What it tastes like to me is a craft bourbon Like you get a lot of these craft distillers out there And they can't age it as long as some of the big boys can So it has Yeah, it's a young taste They only go a year or two Cause they can't, they just can't afford to sit on Have it aging for 7 to 9 You know, all that time So I will say, so it's from Texas It's not yours and brothers No, so it is Distilled and bottled in Texas It is Texas through and through Everything about the bourbon and their message Everything is Texas Dig dig Now remember, Texas has a whorehouse Texas has a whorehouse So what do you got, it's a little one So personally, I wouldn't rate this as high as I would probably give this one a 7, 7 and a half It's an easy drinker I mean, it's an easy drinker It's young, it's boutique-y It's like you said, it's definitely a Smaller town, smaller time distiller Go around Rating 5 5.5 I'd give it about a 6 It's just an easy drinker to me, I feel like I'd rate this higher Not because it's Really a great bourbon, but this is that one Hot outside, I don't want to drink Something that's going to be heavy There's no alcohol taste to this Compared to other ones, it's a much sweeter Easier drink I would say this is a good beginner bourbon If you're getting into whiskeys and bourbons I'd go with this Or something on par with it I would say this is not pairing well with this It's not pairing well with mine But I brought a sweeter stick Because I was a little worried about what was going to happen So the next stick was going to balance it out But, what do you think Jared? I was going to go high west But the texas kind of turned me off on it See, high west Has that kind of alcohol bite This just doesn't have it High west is aged a little longer Almost all the high west are aged in something No, this doesn't slap you in the face It doesn't, it's smoother than that I feel like this is that one You can sit on a porch after a moment along Throw a couple ice cubes in there Oh man, after my third sip I'm kind of not enjoying it as much as I would have It's not one of our better picks I picked it purely for the name and the story on it I think it definitely needs at least one or two ice cubes It matches it's price point Yeah, that's what I was saying earlier I felt like I could cut it I feel like some bourbons you get what you pay for And this is that But again, I think it's a good intro This has a 94 rating? It's got a 94 rating Wow You don't simply see 94 rated bourbons At a $30 price point No, but it does have some complexity to it It's not just a simple Bop In your face The taster rating says It's our premium straight bourbon whiskey Well rounded, medium body with traces of caramel and dried fruit Along with hint of vanilla Rich honey amber color and a smooth peppery finish I get none of the peppery I'm tasting pepper That's why I was like it's not going good with this It's not Made in charred oak barrels New charred oak barrels Which would be virgin oak Aromas of toasted oak, faint vanilla And dried apricot provide perfect blend Of sweet aroma and balanced palate That's a really complicated way Of describing that I don't get that degree of complexity out of it It's a good mediocre version What is it? It's called 60 Men And it's named after the 60 men That declared independence from Texas When they attempted to secede from the Union Initially So it goes back to 1836 When Texas adopted and declared independence So I figured tonight we're talking toxic masculinity Wow I found it just had men in the title So I was like let's give it a whirl Men, men, men, men Thank you Chris It's a nifty looking bottle Met the Chris standard Kind of a cool looking bottle I'm telling you Chris needs to be our bourbon He does He picks out good stuff Not to say that this wasn't good It's got a taste I don't think I'd get it again I want to try drinking straight bourbon for the first time I think if I had somebody coming from Texas That was going to hang out at the house I would have this and just have it as a showpiece And be like yeah you can drink this I'm not I feel like I got I feel like I got what I paid for You win some you lose some Generally the bourbons I drink are in that 50 to 70 dollar price point This is cheaper than I would normally go But I was like We've been doing good bourbons This is a different one That's awesome I probably wouldn't get it again But if somebody came to me and said I want to try bourbon And I'm usually a Fru-Fru drinker I just can't do the burn of bourbon There's no burn to this at all No it's smooth Check the location You can pull up a chair Alright alright I have to know what you think Of your cigar Jerry I have to know I like them I'm not very far into it but this is the Dark fantastic stick Great smoke It is a little heavier than what this Bourbon is demanding of it Yeah great cigar First time I've ever had one They're good I like them I got me It's a Palencia Alma Fuete This is something I've been wanting to try For a very long time And I was excited when I saw it And it's a very good smoke It's actually It's a special edition I can't remember what year Like an anniversary year But that's what it is It's creamy To be as dark as it is To be with this Colorado wrapper It's actually quite creamy And it's got a very good leather And espresso taste to it And I'm actually enjoying it But that's what I'm saying It's not really pairing with this bourbon Very well It's a heavier smoke Like it's being that medium body You need more The bourbon needs more I'm smoking one of my go-to's It's a Fat Bottled Betty by Druida State It's got a little sweet flavor to it I love it all the time For someone who started Not too long ago smoking cigars It had that Flavor taste as well as a good body Of a cigar So it's one of my favorites This is a Cristal for buying I love it It's good I bought it in a pack At a store I went with my mom It came with four Cristals Favorite Connecticut Made in Connecticut Made in Connecticut Made in Connecticut Made in Connecticut Made in Connecticut Made in Connecticut Made in Connecticut Made in Connecticut Made in Connecticut Made in Connecticut When people see a dark cigar And they think it's going to be very very strong It's going to be crazy smacky in the face A lot of times your darker cigars Can be smoother than your lighter ones I feel like they've got more flavor They don't have that spice note to them So going with I don't typically buy cheap bourbon I got cheap bourbon I don't typically buy bottom of the barrel cigars I went with a cheap cigar this time I got from Hambone Friends of ours It's good cigs Nothing complex about it Straight forward Maduro Decent cigs You can't go wrong with that price point Did not go with this bourbon But I cheated and brought a beer this week Plucked Mud Porter I'm going to go ahead and plug them real quick I don't care what you're smoking It goes with it Holy City makes a good beer So yeah It's a straight forward cigar What are you smoking Chris? We're going to throw Chris on the spot here San Antonio Bourbon That's a good smoke That is a good smoke It's one of my personal favorites It's pretty mild You should have It's got a shortage of cigs laying around here Yeah Somebody's got one somewhere That's what she said I got to ask Jerry Did that pack of Kristoff Did it come with the Kristoff Cameroon? It didn't You're missing a good cigar I hate that you didn't get it It's inexpensive It's like a $8, $9, $10 cigar Man it is so good To me it's one of those People know it but it's underrated It's not as well known as Ashton And the big boys of Libya But man is it a damn good cigar One of those brands has been around a long time But you know Just like how we do iconic brands It kind of loses its luster over time It's one of the popular ones Uh oh Did you tell him? I said what? No It sounds interesting So people know we got chat on location On location Chat on location On location He is here Yeah So how was Boone? It was nice Man Did you see Daniel I did not see Daniel Daniel Daniel Daniel Boone Daniel Boone Hey he fits into our topic tonight Daniel Boone Daniel So to kind of go back As the mayor put earlier We're going to be going into a topic that's a little controversial With the times right now But I think it's a pertinent topic People like to use the phrase toxic masculinity A lot so we figured we'd Have a little discussion about what that is So I guess Jerry I think you got a recording For this one we kind of Prepped it a little bit by going out and Listening on other people's Opinions and commentary And we kind of offer on top of that So what you got Yeah roll into it I mean we're talking about toxic masculinity I think we need to kind of explain what Toxic masculinity is And what people think it is And roll into it Let it get out there what we're talking about I do want to start in on a Joe Rogan take on it And I will say that His definition of it As far as my analytical Opinion of it And you're going to get 4 or 5 sides of toxic masculinity Such a broad topic Such a broad topic Everyone has their own say and opinion And I think it's a very interesting topic today I'm excited about it I mean you could talk about it forever So let's get into it With this Joe Rogan take You can't be weak And in this country Being weak is thought of as a virtue Jim Peterson has a really interesting way of looking at this And he said it to me once And it made a lot of sense He said people think that you should be Weak and you should be Docile and then you should be A pacifist He goes no you should be a monster He said you should be ruthlessly ambitious And then learn how to control it And it's that old expression It's better to be a warrior in a garden Than a gardener in a war I love that take On toxic masculinity That's strong A lot of people will say that Masculinity within itself is toxic But that's when the big old males out there And the feminists I want to start off with one What's your opinion on that On that short How you feel about it What does toxic masculinity mean to you How do you view it How does it protect you in your world Have you been betrayed As having toxic masculinity At all Give me some experiences How you feel on the topic Who wants to open up the forum I'll open it up Thank you Andrew I know you're very opinionated about it I can't believe I just got to get that out there I'm like Andrew The man I don't think it exists I think when a man Asserts himself as being a leader Strong, courageous Ambitious A lot of times it's viewed as Toxic masculinity Especially when it gets into traditional roles Of what men and women do Or are This is strictly my opinion I think you know Once you get into different terms Like from a psychology point of view And different things like that Women who may not have had good experiences with men It just comes down to Trying to term Masculinity as Just not being good As negative You know you get a lot of women who mail bash I think when men are just trying to do what they normally do Within society You can easily be considered Or labeled as toxic And you're just doing what you're supposed to be doing Because then you're going to have the flip side We're not even going to talk about some other clips That I've heard earlier Women love men Who exhume masculinity Alright So when you do that You've got other women Like he's not in touch with his emotions No I agree, I like your take on that Because I think Toxic masculinity is overreached I think it ends at toxic You know masculinity inherently Isn't toxic There's a role for men We talked earlier People view Codependence as bad But I feel like if you're in a successful marriage You're codependent with your wife Absolutely When you get to people outside They're like well you're making your wife be submissive You're making your wife this I'm not making my wife do anything You know it's not toxic That's a functional marriage You know when you get into that kind of stuff And all of us have relationships That have been good and bad throughout the years But when you look at what Most women claim to want And then when they get it They get pissed off about having it You know like This mentality of I want the guy that can do this I want the guy that can do that But if they're capable of that They have to learn to control that What Joe Rogan describes to me isn't toxic It's just masculinity It is what it is You know if you're a person that You know if you're capable of violence And you control it you're peaceful And I think toxic masculinity Is the same boat where it's like The people Toxic is when you're capable of violence And can't control it That's not a masculinity issue That's just abusive And I don't think that's a masculinity issue Misogyny and misandry are the same damn thing It's just whether a guy does it Or a girl does it You know toxic is toxic It's not a masculinity issue It's just a toxic issue I also want to put a flip on that I'm not sure what everyone's Examples of Parents and people being in long term relationships But I think all of us here Have been in long term relationships And we have our normal roles That men would do and women do And the more you're in that long term relationship Especially if it's a good relationship My wife Is a partner She can do whatever she needs to do And I want her to feel Secure in whatever she needs to do Within our relationship And the more she feels empowered And my partner and my equal At least that was my example And my role models and my parents They were equal, they both contributed Now some people They want the man to dominate Or people see the man dominating And he's just controlling I don't agree with that being controlling Both are partners And the more Women feel like they're equal partners The better the relationship is going to be As long as you can come in and say This is how I feel on certain things And I'm not going to budge And this is what I think we should do So just putting your foot down I mean I agree with that in a sense Because I feel like With my marriage I don't control my wife My wife has the freedom to do Whatever she wants If she wants to go out for the weekend or whatever Go out for a night She's like hey I'm going out tonight Will you watch the kids I'm like yes I don't even ask questions I mean it's straight up That's my responsibility as a husband and a father And I can do the same thing to her But now when she was pregnant She wanted to go She was like six months pregnant And she wanted to go somewhere I'm being protective You know it's like one of these things It's like you're six months, seven months pregnant You can't do that It's not controlling her But I'm looking out for her And for the child And she was using emotion She was excited to go Because it was something going on Like a concert or something I'm like baby you're not flying out to Arizona You're seven months pregnant Six months pregnant I'm not controlling I'm being protective And that's my responsibility as your husband Is to be a protector And I put my foot down But any other time she wants to do something Of course, go do it, have fun We were part of a community group in our church A while back And I remember one of the guys saying That he was grounds insecurity And I think in my family I'm grounds insecurity If something happens I'm grounds insecurity in our house I don't expect my wife to go out And do major maintenance on vehicles I don't expect my wife to go out And do the stereotypical male role in a relationship I'm not going to let my wife do that I'm not saying women can't do that I'm not saying women shouldn't do that necessarily But we're equals But we have our roles She shouldn't be expected Exactly So that's not toxic That's just a functional relationship And I remember when When my wife and I were engaged I had my future in-laws At our house And we got to talking about Marriages and all that kind of stuff And my grandmother, who was a very opinionated person Particularly after a glass or six of wine They were talking about Causes for divorce And my grandmother told my future mother-in-law That the reason for divorce Is women not knowing their place And hearing that I was like, wow If I had said that This engagement is over But at the same time My wife and I are in the same boat I expect her to fill her role She expects me to fill my role From that aspect We're equals That's functional I feel like people have forgotten their roles Oh yeah The lines have been so Obscured by Sexual movement In the 60's Women in the Workforce and what's expected As far as The man being the provider Chivalry Just so many things have just been diluted And perverted It's hard to figure out where we came from And where we're supposed to be at We knew what we were accustomed to Growing up in the 70's, 80's, 90's And what it was in the 60's When all of this happened Prior to that, we're at a loss We don't know where it is It was an old school way of doing things And you go back 100 years There was no toxic masculinity It was just the way things were And things flowed, things went It was just masculinity And most of us here have daughters And when it comes to our daughters We want a guy in the future Or current To respect them and treat them accordingly And I don't And I don't want my daughters And I don't want my daughters Necessarily, I'm not saying that They can't have a relationship With a man But I don't want you to necessarily depend on him If he's not doing what he needs to be doing You go do what you need to do And if you need to get out of that relationship That's fine too But I definitely want my daughters To be able to stand for themselves Do what they need to do And logically think through Is this good for me, this relationship or not I don't need to be in a toxic relationship Again, that's not toxic masculinity It's just toxic You know, when I think of toxic masculinity I know we bring up relationships That's more like To me All guys are taking roles in relationships But when I think about toxic When I think of masculinity, period I think about the hierarchical structure Of the world, societal structure In relationships, it's a man and a woman In traditional marriage, of course you have roles I'm talking about Men built the world I'm sorry lady, men built the world Men conquered countries We conquered empires We conquered civilizations We're responsible for the roads We're responsible for the streets We are responsible for the world The female living And without masculinity, none of that would have happened It's funny to me When it comes to equal rights Women usually fight for For me, black college jobs They want to be in the office They want to be lawyers They want to be doctors That's fine, but the problem I have With the movement With the femininity movement Feminism and all that Who's fighting to be a bricklayer Who's fighting to be a structural engineer Who's fighting to lay pipe Who's fighting to be infrastructure Like you said, who's fighting to lay pipe If it's going to take the liability for what it does Who's fighting to be a plumber And then just some jobs women can't do As efficiently as men Because of the physical nature of it If you say that to most women nowadays They would say that you are toxic If you would say that And don't get me wrong And this might be another thing I'm not trying to obscure the lines You got the LGBT community, right Alright, you know That is something that's Causing the lines to be blurred I'm not saying these people, I'm not against them I want them to have their rights To do whatever they need to do as well But it's probably the same movement It is the same movement It's the same struggle However you want to view it At the end of the day There's I hate saying gender roles There are gender roles It's a reality of a situation Like you said Men did the physical labor That built the world I'm not saying no woman can do it I'm saying when you take Joe Blow Dude and Jane Doe Chick Jane Doe Chick can't do the role Of Joe Blow Dude They can't But on the flip side When it comes to raising kids When it comes to tending to a household Guys don't do that well We don't have the emotional capacity Women are more nurturing Our patience is thin Men are result driven We need to see results Where women, they're not I'm not saying there's not women out there Who are result driven But men, almost every man Is a result driven person And that's how we focus If we're not getting results We get frustrated So Um So um Now I lost my train of thought Could somebody I'll give you a way It's been given to me And I've heard this from two different Sources throughout my life Men take risks And do what needs to be done You know because they look at the risk Reward type thing Women like security It goes back to that protector and that nurturing For instance, I'm a teacher And I come down there with A male point of view in the real world This is what you gotta do But women are no more nurturing And they're like well he may not She may not have done this But they grew in this But that's not what's gonna get it done You know But it's true This is a thought that's ran through My mind so much It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true It's true 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