Personal Testimony for final audio presentation project
Personal Testimony for final audio presentation project
The speaker shares their personal journey of coming to know Jesus as their savior. They grew up in a Christian home and understood the concept of sin and the need for a restored relationship with God. At a young age, they believed in Jesus and prayed to ask for forgiveness. As they grew older, they developed a desire to share the gospel with others and pursued their calling as a missionary. They have seen God's faithfulness in leading them and are excited for the future. Today I'm going to share with you guys a little bit about how I came to know Jesus as my personal savior. So I grew up in a Christian home with two parents who loved the Lord. And so I grew up going to church and I grew up knowing about who Jesus was pretty much my whole life. And so when I was about five years old, I went to a Easter service at my aunt's church with my parents. And there I understood the gospel for the first time. So I already understood that I was a sinner. Sin is anything that you think, say, or do that falls short of God's perfect standards. God is perfect and He requires anyone that He is around to be perfect. And because of the things I think or I say or I do, I do not meet that standard. And so I cannot have a relationship with Him. I was not as her years old robbing stores or killing people, but I didn't always obey my parents or I didn't listen to what they said or different things like that. I had told lies. And so I understood that those things made it so I couldn't have a relationship with God. So that night when I was at that service, the pastor shared about how even though we do these bad things and we can't have a relationship with God, he loved us so much that he sent his son to die on the cross after living a perfect life and he died a death that he didn't deserve. And then he rose again three days later so that we could have a restored relationship with God, so that I could have a restored relationship with God. As I was hearing this, I had a lot of questions and I went home with my parents and I asked my mom a lot of questions and I said, I believe this, but what do I do? And she shared with me about how the Bible says, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. And I said, I believe, like I believe that this is true. And so she shared with me how in the book of Acts, when the Philippian jailer comes to Paul and says, how can I be saved? His response is, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. And so I already believed, I already knew that what I had heard was true and I believed that in my heart. And so I asked my mom to help me pray. And so that's what I did. I prayed and told God that I believed that what Jesus did on the cross is true. And I asked him to forgive me of my sins. And that prayer is not what saved me, my believing is. But that prayer was an opportunity for me to tell God that I believed and it was an opportunity for me to ask him to forgive me of my sins. And so that was the night that I got saved. And then I became a follower of Jesus. Now, my life didn't really change a whole lot after that point. I was five years old, but over the years, I continued to learn more about Jesus and I continued to learn what a relationship with him looked like. And I continued to grow in that. And so when I was eight years old, the Lord really showed me how special it was that I got to hear about Jesus dying for my sins. And I learned about how a lot of people don't get to hear that and a lot of people don't have a moment to tell them about that. And so I didn't really know what a missionary was, but I knew that I wanted to be someone that would go and tell other people about Jesus, people who didn't have somebody to tell them. And so in high school, I continued to grow in my relationship with the Lord. And then I went to a Bible college for two years where I learned how to read the Bible and study the Bible and have a better relationship with God. I continued to grow in that. Now, I'm actually getting ready to go and do this thing that God called me to, even at the age of eight. And I get to go to another country in just a few days to spend two years getting to share the gospel with people who don't have somebody to tell them. And so I've seen throughout the years just the Lord be faithful to lead me as I'm obedient to him. And I'm excited to see how that continues to do that. And so that is just a little bit of my story about how I came to know Jesus as my personal Savior and how he's been working my life ever since. Thank you so much for listening.