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Well, welcome everybody to our first podcast. This is the Sick Podcast with Avitan and this is my friend Hybrid. Hybrid, what do you got going on today? What are you doing right now? Are you still ordering food? I'm trying to get breakfast, bro. What are we eating today? Frohoto House. It's like Waffle House in Texas. I think other states have it too, but it's like Waffle House without the crime. So the food isn't as good, you know? No crime. Yeah, there's no crime in Waffle House usually. It's weird how like the breakdown of crime over the top just makes it taste good. Well, I think it's like a risk, you know, a danger versus food reward that gives your body endorphins, you know? Yeah, makes it taste better. It makes it taste better because there's risk to it. Like if you go there and these are risky waffles, not just regular waffles, and the risky part of it, it's like extra flavoring. Not sure I've ever done a risk assessment with my waffles. Well, go to Waffle House. If I had one, I would. Go to Waffle House. We'll be doing risk assessments. Dude, I don't even have, we don't even have an IHOP. We don't got nothing up here. You don't have an IHOP? It's like we hate breakfast, I feel like. At least sit-down breakfast. We got every fast food breakfast you can think of. But yeah. IHOPs can get pretty sketchy. IHOPs can get pretty sketchy depending on where they're at. What do you think happens when you have $3.99 all you can eat pancakes? People are just going to sit there all day and eat pancakes, man. The sign says. I've been to an IHOP that had security before, so. Yeah, so like a VIP. Yeah. Get some extra chocolate chip pancakes. You know what's really came a long way? Denny's. Denny's. Denny's. You don't have a Denny's? We used to. The last one we had was closed. Oh. Yeah, we used to. It closed around COVID because a lot of places up here closed around COVID. COVID kind of screwed that, screwed like the late night diner scene. Yeah, because that's what I always thought of Denny's as. Like I never went to Denny's like during the day. It was always at like three, four o'clock in the morning. Yeah, they're busiest on weekends at night and in the morning, early morning. It's like nothing else. Well, yeah, because, you know, what restaurants are open at two in the morning. So Denny's would be packed. But Denny's came a long way. Denny's, all the buildings used to be ran down and everything. The ones that stayed open in my area got renovated. I don't know how they are all across the U.S., but they got renovated. Their logo changed. The whole, the buildings are a lot nicer. Kind of like Wendy's. You know how Wendy's are in the process of renovating their buildings, their design. Yeah, that's what Denny's did. So they don't look the same as they used to. I'm assuming your one that closed was an old style. Yeah, definitely, you know, the, what's it like, the red with the yellow. They're still red with yellow. Denny's sign. Yeah, but you know, they definitely weren't renovated. Actually, I think they're red and white now. They're red, no, they're red and yellow or red and white. Yeah, me too. But they definitely look more, you know, colors. You're not yellow colorblind, are you? Yellow green. Like I have trouble with yellows and greens. Oh. It's weird, like reds and browns sometimes, like blues and purples. So you would see me as red? What the fuck? Yeah, yeah. Oh my God, man. They won't care. So I just got a cup of coffee. What are you drinking today? I'm drinking coffee. Right now I got water because I'm probably going to get an energy drink or coffee with my breakfast. But you know, it's bad to, you know, bad enough to drink energy drinks as it is, but you should probably have some water first, you know? So I got a sweet life hack if you've ever tried it. Do you like oatmeal? Yeah. Make it with coffee. It sounds disgusting. It's really not. You got to make the right kind. So, you know, if you get like, you know, you got to find the right one. I usually do like a maple. And then, you know, it gives a little bitter coffee taste to it. But you also get a caffeine burst when you're eating it because it soaks up all the coffee. So I pour a strong cup of coffee into the oatmeal. And then, uh, yeah, you use that to make the oatmeal. Yeah. It's my caffeinated life hack. I'm not going to tell you I'm going to try it because I don't think I'm going to try it. Well, maybe someone, maybe someone else, maybe someone else will, and they'll give me a second opinion. Yeah. Yeah. In fact, I'm going to need like nine or 10 opinions. Man. Secondary, tertiary, I don't know what you call fourth. Let's just go quadriary. Quadriary. Uh, so as all you guys do not know, currently, uh, we play a lot of World of Warcraft. So currently, I'm a, uh, rest of Druid main, uh, you know, dabble in some other stuff, but I've been playing rest of Druid for, you know, longer than I can remember. Uh, hybrid is a, uh, currently a hybrid is a, uh, currently a Paladin main, uh, on the RET side of things. Yeah. Uh, so when you guys hear, uh, there will be a lot of World of Warcraft talk. Uh, you can see our, our, our raid from last night is playing in the background right now. Uh, so if you ever have any, uh, comments, uh, you know, feel free, you know, and, uh, we'll be streaming these things live too. And, uh, you know, there'll be a link in the description below. All right. So I feel like you're done ordering your food. Uh, what'd you order? I didn't order. I really don't know if I can wait till we're done. It's probably a good idea to be honest. Yeah. All right. Well, let's go ahead and get into some current event topics. You know, um, I was reading this article recently, uh, about, uh, you know, former New England Patriots coach, Bill Belichick, uh, you know, dating a 24 year old, which, you know, it's kind of hard to, to know what to think about this situation. Bill Belichick looks like he's about 106. He doesn't look like a normal, he doesn't look like, how old is he? Uh, I think he's like 70, 73. He looks old as fuck, bro. Um, yeah, dude, he needs a shave and like a trim out his neck vagina, but, uh, yeah, I don't know what to take of this, man. What do you think about it? I don't really have a problem with it personally. I, I think that when people have an issue with age gaps between two consenting adults, I find it interesting because it's always portrayed as the guy getting over. I don't know, but what if it's the chick getting over? She's 24. She knows what it is. She knows what it's about. She's probably getting taken care of, you know? Um, as they say, it takes two to tango. I don't know why he's getting the hit for it. Now, now 74, 74 through 24 is a huge age gap though. Like, which makes me think that it's not a normal relationship. Like, I don't think that's his girlfriend. That's his, that's his sugar baby, you know? Um, but I think when, when you're 74 and you're dating a 24 year old per se, or she's your sugar baby or whatever, um, you hear about other stories of not so famous people losing a lot of money and getting finessed by these, by these, what, what, what people would call babies, but they're not. Some of these women are out here finessing old, old men out of their fucking house and home. I'd say personally, like I don't care about this stuff, but I think it's hilarious. Okay. That becomes a big deal every time. Every time. The best part is what, what other people are saying about it. If you start going into the comments of other people, because you get some like very comical things that people are saying, you either get, I guess there's two approaches. Either people are dead serious or they make fun of it. Right. Yeah. I'm on, I'm on the line of, I don't care, but I'm willing to make fun of it. I'm willing to, I'm willing to assume that she's getting persis and she's also getting penetrated by a wrinkly, a wrinkly penis. So Lolo did say, uh, and I quote bro clapping her cheeks makes losing Brady worth it for him. Right. You know, she's got to clap them cheeks. Apparently. Oh, I mean, look at the photo. She's smiling. Her teeth are white, you know, she's getting them polished daily. You know what I mean? She's happy to be there. Doesn't it almost look like, um, somebody just made that picture. Like he was just sitting there and then they just superimposed her on it. It does. It does. She looks like her. Maybe, maybe like commercial, like perfect. Maybe because she's so much prettier than him. It just is a juxtaposition. So it just looks weird. But yeah, because he, his face looks like a ball sack and her, she's actually kind of pretty. Um, I mean, that's what happens when 174 is once 24. But yeah, I don't really have an issue with it. I think it's funny. I mean, I saw, I think I saw article share was dating someone way younger than her too. Uh, and that shit was just as entertaining to me. Um, dudes out here, well, dudes out here, you know, fucking a 70 year old chick for a PS5 that's on him, you know? Yeah. I mean, I hope he's at least getting, you know, the upgraded version pro. Nope. Nope. Just, just the PS5, bro. He's just getting the one with the digital copy. He doesn't even have the disc drive. You know how old she is, bro? He might be getting a regular Nintendo, bro. Like, like she may still think that's current. Like she may just get him a, you know, like a mint condition. Well, I mean, it'd be worth some money. A lot more than are they earn? Are Nintendo's worth money? How much are in attendance for Nintendo? What's it called? NES Nintendo entertainment system. Uh, $124 on eBay, 160 on Amazon. You made it seem like it'd be like a thousand dollars, bro. Oh, they definitely are. Oh, oh, billions, billions. Nah, Walmart has it for 284. Well, that looks like a, like a remake, not the original. You know what? I don't understand it. Like I never do this is that, you know, I just Googled Nintendo entertainment system and it says the third generation home game console from Nintendo. Yeah. So it's like, well, it's the first and second generation or was that Nintendo? I have no clue. I thought it was the first. That's what I thought. I know that there were some systems that predate it, but I didn't think there were more than from Nintendo, right? Nintendo systems, maybe the Japanese version, 1983. 1983. No, NES was the first according to, oh, it says it was released in Japan as the family computer Famicom in 1983. Later in North American, Europe, Australia in the mid nineties. NES is an 8-bit system that was removable controllers. It, uh, is considered a groundbreaking console and popularized many iconic games. That it did do. If it's one thing you can take from the original Nintendo is that it's a revolutionized gaming. The 8-bit system had some good games on it, man. Yeah. I think the regular Nintendo, we call it regular Nintendo, uh, was, it was pretty good. I think that N64, um, Super Nintendo and N64 kind of solidified it more. Um, I don't think most people were gamers when Nintendo came out, NES, but by the time Super Nintendo and PlayStation came out, being a gamer was a thing. Oh yeah. So I would say Nintendo started it, but I would say PlayStation and N64, uh, revolutionized it to where you could talk to someone and there's a good chance a decent amount out of 10 people would be a gamer. Yeah. Well, I think too, like it might even go back a little further. It was, it was Super Nintendo and, uh, the second Genesis. Uh, there's a pivotal point that happened. Uh, they kind of changed it when everybody wanted one and everybody needed it to play one game and that was Mortal Kombat. Yeah. When Mortal Kombat came out, uh, it changed the want for everything because everybody needed it. It was funny too, cause I had both on Genesis and on the Super Nintendo. You can only get blood on one of them. It's funny. Like, and you had to put a code in to get the blood. It's like originally these games were made, so no blood was happening. It was spitting off gray stuff in the background. What's this for Sega? Yes. Sega had a blood code. Uh, Super Nintendo did not. I did play, uh, I didn't play Mortal Kombat one. Yeah. Well, I don't think I had Street Fighter and then I had Killer Instinct. Yeah. I think Mortal Kombat two was the bigger. That was the prize. And then I, right. And then I've had Mortal Kombat two. Yeah. Personally, my favorite one on the Super Nintendo was Mortal Kombat four, which is, uh, amazing. And it started bringing the robot characters, which I was a big fan of the robot characters. I stopped playing after, uh, I think it was three. Um, I was never a big Mortal Kombat person. I was a big Tekken person back in the day for PlayStation. Yeah. I was a, I was a fan of, I was a fan of Tekken. I liked the 3d. Um, I like that how smooth Tekken was with its 3d as compared to when Mortal Kombat finally did start implementing 3d. I still think Mortal Kombat 3d is clunky. Um, as compared to Tekken, I haven't played a recent Tekken game, but knowing that Tekken was doing good in the 3d department back in 2000 and something early 2000s versus Mortal Kombat still being 2d. Personally, if you go back and look at, uh, I don't know if you had a Dreamcast. No, I didn't. But, uh, Soul Calibur released on the Dreamcast. I did like Soul Calibur. I played it. Soul Calibur was in like arcades, right? Um, yeah, yeah. So I would play Soul Calibur then. It was a near perfect game though. Uh, when it released to the Dreamcast and it looked and flowed amazing. Yeah. I never had a Sega console in any of them, but I did like Soul Calibur when I did get the chance to play it. Yeah. I mean, I had a Genesis way back in the day and then all of the ones in between that and the Dreamcast were kind of like, meh. What was the one between the Genesis and the Dreamcast? Uh, Saturn. Saturn. Sega Saturn. Yeah. Um, Saturn, the Sega Saturn, um, had some games that were way ahead of their time. Yeah. It was one of those 32 bit systems that was just kind of like, like it couldn't compete once the N64 and the PlayStation 1 came out. Cause it kind of predates them. Yeah. Uh, but I'm trying to look to see what games were on there. There were a couple games that were really good. It just didn't take off. Like that was, that was the problem with the Saturn. It just didn't. Yeah. Okay. So I like another note. Uh, I got some other stuff that I want to bring up to you. There's been some, uh, questions that have been going off in my head that I really think I need the answers to. Uh, you know, they're kind of personal. Uh, so this is also gonna, you know, let the viewers kind of into, you know, what type of peer, what type, what type of people we are, you know? Oh, some insight, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. Exactly. You know, we need a connection. So first thing I want to know is, uh, what would you do if, uh, you walked into your garage 3am? Uh, you heard a rumble, right? Uh-huh. So what'd you do? You walk out of your garage at 3am and, uh, all you see is a giant kangaroo. What happened? First of all, I'm homeless, so. Well, the viewers didn't know you were homeless, uh, so apparently. No. No, I'm playing. Uh, you know what I'm doing if there's a kangaroo in my garage at any time of the day, let alone 3 in the morning. Getting fought. Take it step by step. Step by step. I'm going to challenge him to a duel like Yu-Gi-Oh. Like, first of all, we're having really big issues if there's a kangaroo in America. Just hopping around. So I probably wouldn't even assume it's a kangaroo. I would assume it's a person. In a kangaroo? In a kangaroo. Yes, yes. Because there's no kangaroos here. Yeah. There's no kangaroos here. So I have to act accordingly. There's no kangaroos here. So I have to act accordingly, right? Well, then you gotta think, is it a furry? You know. I could have my own furry. Yeah, you could have your own. My own. Throw a pokeball at it. Catch it. Capture it. And then put it in my closet. Gotta catch them all. You know. Gotta catch them all. Gotta catch them all. Yeah, I would. What's the difference? See, that's the thing, though. What's the difference between a weird person in your house at 3 in the morning with a kangaroo costume and a furry in your house at 3 in the morning? One takes it off during sex. That's the difference. That's the difference. So furries don't take off the kangaroo costumes during sex? No, that's most of the appeal for them is they do it like stuffed animals. Oh, shit. That sounds kind of fun, actually. I mean, we kicked some people out. Well, I just recently kicked some people out of the guild that were furries, so to speak. So there's been a lot of conversations on this, you know, over the past bunch of months. Oh, I gotcha. I just think it'd be hot, you know? Like, not in a good way. Oh, I was like, oh, did you change your mind? I mean, you mean hot and sweaty, not in a good way, you know? Yeah, I guess it doesn't matter how you say it. You have to put not in a good way after it. I bet it's sticky in there and, like, the outside, you know, the fur is all matted and shit. The lingering smell of, like, nylon or pleather. It's probably pleather on the inside, just to make you mad. I don't know. All of this sounds amazing, actually. Is this person in the kangaroo costume, is it a woman? First thing you know, it's a kangaroo. Back to the subject at hand. This is an actual kangaroo. Oh, it's a real kangaroo. It's a real kangaroo. I'm gonna fight it. Yeah, then I'm gonna fight it. Yeah, I'm gonna fight it. I just, well, I was like, you know, trying to be logical, you know? I mean, do you box it or do you wrestle it? I think boxing it, because I want to assert my dominance, you know? Yeah. I mean. Strap Floyd Mayweather. If you actually could get a kangaroo on the ground, I don't think, I don't think there's much it could do. Um, they're not as nimble as people, but yeah, boxing it is probably way more risky than, like, trying to tackle it into, like, the wall and put it on the ground and handcuff it and then y'all start resisting as you beat it, you know? Yeah. I think boxing is a little bit more risky than that, for sure. But then you get to say, you box the kangaroo in your garage at three in the morning. Yeah, I don't know anybody who's done that. Yeah, right. So. It's quite the accomplishment. Right. The bragging rights, bro. Yeah. If we could set that up for you. I can tell that story in the old folks home, you know, when I'm old. I tell you what, if we get three million likes on this video, we'll make it happen. Dude, I'm trying to get three likes, bro. Trying to get three likes. If we get three million, we might be able to pay for it. We can actually make it happen. And we're back with a little more world news that, you know, we just stumbled across. Hybrid, let me see what you found. We're gonna call this segment Stupid Shit and News. There's a lot of that that goes around. Never ending content, infinite content, bro. Texas court finds Carrie Max Cooke, innocent of 1970, 1977 murder, actually, ending decades long quest for exoneration. It's already going to turn out bad. Carrie Max Cooke is innocent of the 1977 murder of Linda Jo Edwards, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals found citing allegations of misconduct that led to Cooke spending 20 years on death row for a crime he did not commit. Jesus. Only 20 years. What the fuck you mean? Only 20 years. Do they have to pay him for that time? Oh, they'll pay him, but it won't be enough, bro. 20 years of your life is priceless. And he was on death row, dude. And you know he got treated like shit because they thought he killed some woman. Cooke was released from prison in 1997. Okay, at least he hasn't been in prison this whole time. That's good. Oh, because I'd be damned near 50 years. Cooke was released from prison in 1997. And Smith County prosecutors set aside his conviction in 2016, the ruling Wednesday by the state's highest criminal court, formally exonerates him. This case is brittle, but allegations of state misconduct don't surprise me at all. That warrant, and when it comes to solid support for actual innocence, the case contains it all. Damn, so the case said he was, the evidence says he was innocent, and they said, yeah, we don't care. You're guilty, bro. Uncontroverted. Uncontroverted. I've never actually heard that word, uncontroverted, but here we go. Proof of false testimony, admissions of perjury, and new scientific evidence. Cooke, now 68, damn, became an advocate against the death penalty after his release. The ruling ends, as Richardson wrote, Cooke's first conviction was in 1978 and was overturned. So this shit's been overturned like three times, just according to this little ass article. A second trial in 1992, which ended in a mistrial, and a third in 1994, which concluded the rest is blah, blah, blah. Oh, the last part, he's still classified as a murderer, by the way, at the end, he's still classified as a murderer by the Texas justice system. What do you think about that? I mean, it makes sense, right? He was convicted as a murderer, and then they overturned it, so he's obviously still a murderer. This is sarcasm. We accidentally found you a murderer, but we're not going to change it so you're not a murderer. Yeah, he doesn't look bad for 68, for having been in prison for like 30 years, bro. He's obviously in the workout regimen, you know? He's looking toit like a tiger. Wait, what the fuck? Toit. Toit. Toit. I don't think, I'm not going to be referring to other men as tight. No, I didn't say tight, I said toit. What's the difference? The pronunciation. That does not surprise me. So, a lot of times, people don't understand that lawyers, prosecutors, especially police officers, they just want to win the case. They just want to solve the case, because it goes on their accolades, you know, it goes on their list, it goes on their resume. Um, when they apply for other jobs, they get to say, they solved the murder of Lisa Ann Jo, or Linda Jo, sorry. And so sometimes people go through any means necessary to convict people, even tricking them into confession or um, other heinous or not so legal means of getting people to confess to shit. And sometimes the person actually didn't do it. I mean, it's funny because when I was a correctional officer, everybody said they didn't do it. 90% of inmates said, I'm innocent. You guys don't understand. I'm innocent. And you're like, yeah. I remember one time I was like, oh, you motherfuckers aren't innocent. Some of y'all did this shit. But yeah, that's super fucked up. About your question, did they pay him? They probably did. You probably got only like a couple million, a million. And, and that's a lot, but not a lot, right? Yeah. I wouldn't want to sacrifice 20 years in prison for $2 million. Give or take, right. Personally, um, I'd rather have my life. Yeah, I doubt, I doubt he got like a, the hugest lawsuit ever where, you know, where he got millions and millions of dollars. It's definitely gotta be something to come back to the state though, because, you know, you lose 20 years of your life for no reason. Because they just felt like convicting you. Even more, bro. He had one of those cases that just looked like he did it. He's 68 and he's still, you know, there's sometimes where you see a mugshot and you're like, he looked like he did it. This motherfucker looks guilty in their mugshot. He didn't even really look like that. Uh, but. At the end of the day, it goes to show you how fucked up our justice system can be sometimes. And a lot of times we add to it. Our own stupidity is what does it. Oh, for sure. You had a, you had an article. Oh, yes, I do actually bring it up over here. So this is kind of claiming to be the world's dumbest criminal. Apparently, there's a woman who called the police on herself as she was trying to steal a car. And why the fuck would she did that? She do that. So she broke into a car dealership with the intent to take a vehicle during while she was doing this. She decided that was a good idea to call the police and report that this was happening. I'm just going to go off on a limb and say either she was trying to go to jail or she should have gone to jail. On a limb and say, uh, either she was trying to go to jail or she's off a rocker. Because, like, why would you do that? You know, I don't condone, you know, people stealing, you know, I'm against it. But, you know, why? Why are you being ethical and not ethical at the same time? I don't, I don't condone people stealing. But if you are going to steal, you should be good at it. And part of being good at it is like step one, do not do not call the police on yourself. That's probably step one and being good at stealing. It's kind of like those stories where people go to go to steal and they get stuck and they have to call the police or the fire department to get them out of like a chimney or out of like a fence or something that they got stuck when they're trying to steal. That's what I thought the story was going to be. But apparently it doesn't seem that to be the case. So she just got stuck. I mean, she just was like, felt guilty midway through. It's like, guys, apparently this is what happened. So she said she was participating in a game of black ops to steal a car and was hoping that telling deputies in advance would make the carjacking legal. Because that's, you know, because that makes sense in people's heads, apparently. So it says, luckily, the police arrived in time before she stole the car, meaning she avoided being charged with a grand theft auto. So it worked out. Yeah. A little bit. Yeah. So she just got hit. Because she didn't steal the car. She didn't steal the car. Yeah. But I mean, she got hit. So if I, hello? 9-1-1? Yes, sir. What's your emergency? I'm going to rob Walmart at gunpoint right now. If I show up and the police are already there waiting on me, is it attempted robbery? Did they just handcuff me and tell me to go? Like, I haven't done a crime yet. Is it a threat? That would be a threat, I guess. Yeah, I don't know if it's a threat, but. I feel like a good lawyer could get you out of that. Which I don't have one. But I feel like a good lawyer can get you out of that. All right, everybody. We are done with the podcast for today. We had a lot of fun. Well, at least I had fun. Hybrid, did you have fun? Yeah. I'm a hostage, so I have to say yeah, but yeah. I mean, that's what happens. Don't look out your window. We're going to have a lot of content coming to you guys over the next couple weeks, so be safe and tune in. We'll see you soon.

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