Meditation - Anapana Sati/mindful breathwork.
Meditation - Anapana Sati/mindful breathwork.
The technique for meditation is called Ana Pana Sati, focusing on the breath. Relax your body, close your eyes, and clasp your fingers. Take deep breaths to release stress and negativity. Bring awareness to your body and then focus on your breath, observing it without judgment. Align yourself with universal consciousness and let go of limitations. Let emotions flow through you without judgment. Feel love, positivity, and joy in your heart. Be grateful for yourself, family, friends, and hardships that make you stronger. Feel love flowing through every part of your body. Affirm positive qualities and beliefs about yourself. Send love to others facing hardships. Feel gratitude, humility, and joy. Remember your true self. Open your eyes with a smile. The technique that we will use in meditation or for meditation is Ana Pana Sati given by Gautam Buddha. Ana is your incoming breath, Apana is your outgoing breath and Sati is mindfulness. So mindfulness of your incoming and outgoing breath. Relax your body completely, close your eyes, clasp your fingers and put your hands in your lap, legs cross-legged or ankle on ankle. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, feel all the stress, anxiety, negativity leaving you. Take another deep breath and as you exhale, just feel relaxed, lightness inside you in your heart setting in and you getting more relaxed. Say to yourself, I am grateful to find this time. I am going to sit in this journey and enjoy everything that comes along the way. Now bring your attention to your feet. Relax your feet, legs, your stomach, back, your spine, chest. Relax your arms, your neck muscles, face muscles, top of your head, back of your head. Relax your body completely, bringing it to a state of stillness. As you get ready to focus on the technique. Now bring your awareness to your breath, to your nostrils and focus on breath going in and out. Just plainly observing it as a witness. Being in the present moment, not running into the past or focusing on the future. Just completely surrendering to it, being with it. No judgment, no reaction. Purely observe as a witness as it goes in and out as if you are witnessing a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Just observing. Think of yourself as pure consciousness, awareness, aligning yourself with the universal consciousness, supreme consciousness, the infinite field of possibilities. Where you are contributing to the sum of whole, where you are contributing to the collective energy of love, creativity and intelligence. Moving with it, resonating with it and becoming one with it. You are the universal consciousness now. So move beyond any boundaries, beliefs, limitations of your mind. Drop it all and let all your negativity, stress, anxiety dissolve in this powerful energy of love. Feel yourself being hugged by this benevolent energy of all that is. Bring your awareness back to your breath. If you're, if you wander off, if any thoughts come, bring your awareness to your breath, helping you create this stillness of mind, empty mind with no thoughts. Working patiently and persistently. Open up your body, letting any tension flow through you. Let go of any emotion you're holding on tightly anywhere in your body. Without any labels, without any judgment, let it process through you like a river. Just observe. As you feel lighter, as you feel calm. Relax your body completely. Now bring both your hands to the center of your chest. And take a deep breath and feel this energy of love, positivity and joy going to your heart to your sacred center of feelings, creativity. Feelings are important. We honor them. No judgment, no labels. Feeling deeply inside us, this energy of love. Feeling grateful for ourselves, our body, our health, our family, our friends, hardships in our life. These help us to show us our greatness and help us become a better version of ourselves. Be proud of who you are. Feel every cell of your body vibrating with love with this energy of love as it flows to each and every part of your body. Feel your heart expanding to more love, to more life, more joy. Be grateful for your family, friends, to Mother Nature, Mother Earth. Send your love to all living beings facing hardships in life. Take a deep breath and feel all this love, joy, gratitude, humility setting inside you. Say to yourself, I am a powerful soul. I am fearless. I am limitless. I am eternal. I have a very sharp mind. I finish all my assignments on time. I ace all my tests. My teachers love me. My friends love me. I help my friends with homework. I always respect myself. I always honor myself. I believe in myself. I focus on solutions over problems. And now gently bring your palms to your eyes and feel all this energy going inside you. Notice how you feel at this time. Always remember this true self of yours. Now gently rub your eyes and open your eyes with a beautiful smile. Thank you.