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The Resources of the Spirit 2

The Resources of the Spirit 2

Springs Gate ChapelSprings Gate Chapel



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The transcription is a religious sermon about the importance of the spirit in guiding and understanding God's word. The speaker emphasizes the value of the spirit over physical attributes and education. The sermon also mentions the story of Job and how his friends' judgments were flawed because they relied on their age and wisdom instead of the spirit. The speaker then introduces the book of Ezekiel and how Ezekiel's experience changed his occupation from being a priest. the Lord God Almighty, they will live with wisdom within those days. They will excel, they will take in the precious things, say Amen. So we are going to sing the Holy Words as we normally do and then do our confession, we get into the Word, and after the Word we have a dedication to make. Amen. So what we do when it's time, the Holy Words we sing is like our national anthem. Amen. So please kindly have your Word in your hand and stand on your feet. Holy Word, long preserved, for our walk in this world. Dearest sound, with God's own light, let the ancients' words sing aloud. Words of life, words of hope, give us strength, help us cope. In this world, where we roam, ancients' words will guide us home. Ancients' words have a tune, changing me and changing you. We have come, with open hearts, to learn these ancients' words in heart. Holy Word, of our faith, handed down to this age, came to us to sacrifice, O hear the faithful words of Christ. Holy Word, long preserved, for our walk in this world. Dearest sound, with God's own light, let the ancients' words sing aloud. Changing me, changing you, we have come, with open hearts, to love the ancients' words in heart. Ancients' words have a tune, changing me and changing you. We have come, with open hearts, to know that the ancients' words in heart. Ancients' words have a tune, changing me and changing you. We have come, with open hearts, to know that the ancients' words in heart. Ancients' words have a tune, changing me and changing you. We have come, with open hearts, to know that the ancients' words in heart. We have come, with open hearts, to know that the ancients' words in heart. Let's say a confession now. Heavenly Father, we stand in agreement as your church, that you will fill this place with the spirit of wisdom, understanding, and revelation, in the pursuit of the knowledge of your son Jesus Christ. We are here in acceptance of your good and perfect will for our lives. We are not here for a challenge or entertainment, but we are here for a change and transformation. Our minds are being renewed through the rhythm and the spoken word of God. Our spirits, our souls, our bodies are ready to receive your inspired word to redefine our lives. In Jesus' name, Amen. Now before you take your comfortable seats, take your Bibles, and then open with me. Today we are not going to read the long verse, okay? It was necessary for us to do that, to have the context, so that you know what is being preached about. Ezekiel, chapter 2. We are reading, today we are reading, but since last week we read chapter 1, the rule of chapter 1, and then chapter 2, so I believe that you still have that. But when I start talking about it, you will remember. Amen. So we are reading chapter 2 from verse number 1 to verse number 4. But there will be other couple of scriptures that we will be reading, so I want you to pay attention. Let us go, one go. And he said unto me, son of man, stand upon thy feet, and I will speak unto thee. And the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet. But I heard him that spake unto me. And he said unto me, son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me. They and their fathers have transgressed against me, even unto this very day. For they are impudent children, and stiff necked. I do send thee unto them, and thou shalt say unto them, Thou saith the Lord God. Amen. Now, verse 1, he said unto me, son of man, stand upon thy feet, and I will. Underline the word, if it is a Bible, if it is a iPad or a phone, you can highlight it. I will, which the word I will is futuristic, isn't it? I will speak unto you. And yet he was telling him, stand, and I will speak to you. But at the same time, he was speaking to him. Amen. Let's pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you this morning, in the name of Jesus, for the opportunity once again given to us, to come and to congregate together and to lift up your name on high, and to receive a blessing from above. I thank you that you have made the atmosphere conducive for your word. I also thank you that you have destroyed the works of the evil one in interfering with your word that is coming to your precious people. Bless us today. Let them hear you, and receive the spirit that will be transmitted. We thank you. In Jesus' mighty name I pray. Amen. Please be seated in the presence of the Lord. And as we get into the scripture, let me just give you an introduction. I started last week by saying that when Job had an issue, four of his friends came to Job to console him. But their consolement turned into pain for Job. Now, when they came to Job, they sat down and looked at Job's condition. It took some days before they began to speak to Job. And then they started speaking to Job, giving their opinion, their assessment, their judgment of the condition of Job. Now, they will speak, and then Job will also reply. They will speak, and then Job will also reply. They did that from chapter 1, chapter 2, 3, all the way until you get into the 30th chapter. And while they were doing all these, there were four of them that came. But the youngest among them was Elihu. Elihu was the youngest among them. The other three were elders, aged. So Elihu became quiet while these men were speaking to Job. But at certain points in their conversation and interaction with Job, Elihu also began to speak. He interrupted and said, I decided not to speak because I said, let years speak and let age teach wisdom. So I gave you, my elders, the opportunity to speak because I am the youngest among you. Not because my ideas are the youngest, not because my ideas are least, but because I am the least and I am the youngest, I decided that let me allow the old people, those who have matured in terms of age and in terms of wisdom, so he supposed, let them speak. But he said, I have discovered something. You have disappointed me in your assessment, in your prognosis of Job's condition. You have failed in your judgment in assessing why Job is in this condition. And the reason why you have failed is because you are dependent upon the years that you have lived. You are dependent upon your age. But then he made the discovery and said, but there is a spirit in man. And the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. You have used your age to speak and you have failed. Because you did not take advantage of the spirit that you have. And so your judgment of Job's condition was flawed. And that is why he said, I have decided or I have determined that wisdom is not given to those who are old. And so he made mention of something that is a resource that God has given to us. I said to you that if God wants to bless a place, He blesses a place by investing certain things within that place. You go to other countries, God has invested certain resources or natural minerals. That is His way of blessing that territory. So if God wants to bless a place, He invests in that place. If God wants to bless you, God must also invest in you. But what is the investment that God puts in you so that we can say that this person is blessed? Your value is not determined by anything but by your spirit. It is your spirit that determines your value. That is why when a man lost the value of his spirit, God came and said that you have been weighed on a scale and you have been found wanting. There is a way that God weighs your spirit. Is your spirit valuable enough? You will see a person's value based upon what the person has been able to accomplish. And that accomplishment is not based upon the person's natural talents. It is based upon the person's spiritual value. God is God and we are able to say that God is supreme. God is powerful and all glorious. And how do we make that assessment? We are able to make that assessment by the physical things that He has created. So God being a spirit created the physical things. And so by the physical things that God has created, we are able to assess the power of His spirit and the value of His spirit. Your value will be assessed by your spirit. Amen. So if you are to look at how resourceful a person is, you have to look at the spiritual state of that person. Elihu said, you depended upon your education. You depended upon your natural wisdom. And so you failed. But there is a spirit in man. Testament says there is a spirit in man. And the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them. Somebody say them. Understanding. So what happens is that if God wants to communicate with you, God, there is suchness within you is the spirit, not the flesh. There is a portion of God in you. And it is that portion of God that is in you that hears God when God talks. When God speaks or when there is a conference call between God and you, there is one part of you that doesn't know whatever is being said. And there is one part of you that knows whatever is being said. The part that doesn't hear anything is your flesh, the physical man. But the part that hears God is the spirit man. The problem with us is that we are not able to be in tune with the spirit man. We become so focused in the physical man that even when the spirit is speaking, we can't even hear. And so today, we are here to find out how does God invest in us. Amen. If God is to bless you, how does he do it? We talk about God bless me, God bless me, God bless me. What I am teaching today will help or determine your economical future from today. Are you here? Oh, are you here? Alright. So we are going to see something. Now when you come to the book of Ezekiel, because I said a lot last week so I don't want to repeat myself. Ezekiel was a priest in chapter 1 and chapter 2. Ezekiel is called a priest. But there is something that happened to Ezekiel that changed his occupation or his profession. That elevated him from where he was to a different place. Because Ezekiel cannot be a priest after such an experience. And so in chapter 2, we see him saying to us, And he said unto me, Son of man, stand upon thy feet. And so when God came and said stand upon thy feet, the posture of Ezekiel was on the floor. That was where Ezekiel was. But there is something that happened that made him fall. And so in my message, I will be going to chapter 1 and then chapter 2 and to show you some things. Amen. He said, stand upon thy feet and I will speak. And yet when God said to him stand and I will speak, God was still speaking. So what kind of message was intended for him when he should stand? Well, God is saying to him that there is a kind of message that only belongs to those who are standing. Yes, you can hear me, but that's how far I can say things. I want you to stand. Secondly, Ezekiel was having a vision. It was like a dream or a vision or a trance, whatever way you may call it. But God wants to educate the man to understand that I just don't want you to have an experience of my interaction only when you are asleep. I want you to be able to stand and to know that this conversation, this interaction is beyond the state of a dream. There are different states in life. When you sleep, you are in a different state of being. When you are awake, you are in a different state of being. These are states that we are, and there are many people, the only states that they can be in in order to see spiritual things and to hear God is when they are asleep. Because sleep gives you a different state of being. And so when they are asleep, they are able to experience things. They are able to see spiritual things. They are able to hear. But when they wake up, that same experience cannot be transferred into this state of being. And so God wanted the prophet to be able to be balanced in a way that the prophet, not only should the prophet sleep in order to hear God, but the prophet must also be awake and still have an experience with God. Can you hear God when you are awake, driving, doing what you are doing, and still be able to see and to hear when God is communicating with you? Because you don't have to only sleep to dream. You can still be awake and still be dreaming. And still be hearing God. And still be interacting with God. He wants to bring and elevate the status of this man. That there is a possibility that you can be balanced and still be in the realms of the spirit and in the realms of the flesh at the same time. So that you can hear the transactions that are going on in the spiritual realm and be able not to be off balance and still be able to do what you are doing naturally whilst at the same time you are hearing and communicating with God without you being asleep. So stand on your feet and let me speak to you. Come out of that state and be in a different state and still hear me. And still communicate with me. What state of being are you comfortable in? So some people are always waiting to go to bed. See in your dream you can fly, don't you? You can do incredible things. But it is difficult for you to transport that experience from that state of being into this state of being when you are awake. Because when you are awake and I said with you last week that you should endeavor and move to a state where you can still have an experience in a dream state. And still be in a wake state and still be able to have that same experience. So God says stand. I want you to stand up from your state of being and be in a different state of being and still communicate with me. Because it is in that state that I have some things to share with you. Now, hear this. I don't know how to put it that will not make it difficult. Let me put it this way. When he said stand and I will speak to you. And look at verse two. And the spirit entered into me. What entered into him? What entered into him? I can't hear. What entered into him? So a spirit entered into him when God spoke. Keep that in mind. What entered into him was not a statement. What entered into him was not drama. What entered into him was a spirit when God spoke. And when the spirit entered into him, what happened? It is the spirit that entered into him that made him to stand. So it is a spirit. Now, you may be quick to say that it is the spirit of Ezekiel. It is not the spirit of Ezekiel because Ezekiel's spirit was already in him. But this spirit entered into him. Now, it may sound a little bit. Let me put it this way. How do I go about it? Read it to you. But this is Bible. We are studying Bible. Amen. So when God spoke and the spirit entered into me. Let's go to verse two of chapter two. And the spirit. Somebody say the spirit. Entered into me when he speak. So the spirit came as a result of him speaking. Entered into me and set me. Who set me? Oh, who set me? So the spirit set me upon my feet. The spirit of Ezekiel was not the one that set him because he was already on the ground. Your spirit is already defeated. You are in the state that you are in because of the incapability of your spirit to keep you on your feet. But if you want to change. If you want a transformation. If you want a blessing. Then God is showing you the process. Or the prophet was honest enough to show you how everything happened. He didn't keep it as a secret. He is now telling you what happened to him that changed him. Ezekiel knew that it is not by my academic standard. Not my education. But something happened. Just like Elihu said. There is a spirit in man. So when he spoke a spirit entered into me and set me upon my feet. And I heard him that speak unto me. Does it mean that he did not hear when God spoke first? Now watch the verse. Follow up at this very carefully. And the spirit entered into me when he spoke unto me. And the spirit that entered into me set me upon my feet. And I heard him. It doesn't mean that he didn't hear him before. But this hearing is different. Tell somebody this hearing is different. Now if any scripture will come close. Or if we can marry a scripture to really explain what Ezekiel is saying. Then John 6, 63. Jesus said it is the spirit that quickens. It is what? The spirit that what? Quickens. And the words that I speak unto you are. Are what? So when the Bible says that he sent his word. What is he sending? Spirit. It is the spirit that quickens. Now I want you to keep that. It is the spirit. It is not capital S. It is what? Small s. It is the spirit that quickens. You will be quick to say that he is talking about your spirit. But if we are to marry this to Ezekiel. Ezekiel had his own spirit. But when God spoke. Another spirit entered him. And that spirit that entered him set him upon. Made him able to stand. Men are able to stand by spirit. Men are able to do the thing that they do by spirit. You may think that the people who are cannot. Who are cannot by chance. There is a spiritual pillar that keeps them standing. People don't become famous. And great in this physical life just by chance. If it is that. Everybody will be great. They may tell you that they don't believe in spiritual things. And here they are lying to you. There are things some of these people they do. There are certain groups that they are part of. That what they do. Spirits entered into them. And they are able to do the things that they do. Ezekiel is showing us. And Jesus had already told us. It is the spirit that quickens. That makes a life. Now hear this. Before we come further. In chapter one. Ezekiel was by the river Sheba. Now mind you. Ezekiel was also a priest. And not only a priest. He was a captive priest. He was a slave. It wasn't only Ezekiel that was a prophet. Or became a prophet. Daniel was also present at those days. But Daniel was in the government working within the system. Of Babylon. And Ezekiel was 450 miles away from where Daniel was. By the river Sheba. The river Sheba is a stream that joins river Euphrates. And so Ezekiel had a vision. And in the vision. Ezekiel said in the vision. I saw something that looks like a whirlwind. Which you will call tornado. Amen. And he said when I saw this whirlwind. Something incredible about this whirlwind. Because when I saw this whirlwind. I saw something that looked like fire. And the fire was enfolding. In other words the fire was consuming everything within itself. And there was a color of amber about this fire. And Ezekiel said as I was looking at this fire. A ball of fire that was just enfolding. Consuming everything within itself. I saw an amazing thing within this fire. I saw a creature. Within this fire. Now these creatures. I saw them and he called them creatures. Keep attention. He called them what? Creatures. He said when I saw these creatures. There is something about them. They look like a personality or a man. They look like a man. But they were not humans. And these creatures were so magnificent. That they have four wings. And for your information. These creatures were not angels. Because angels do not have wings. That's another message. Because if angels had wings. Then God wouldn't tell you that entertain strangers. Because some do entertain strangers. And not knowing they entertain angels. Because if angels had wings. Then there would be no need for people to entertain angels on our way. So get your head out of that religious book. Or that images that you have been having in your rooms with. They have four wings. And then Ezekiel said with the four wings. Two of the wings is stretched upward. And it touches each other. And then two of the wings. They cover themselves. There was something about their personality. So they cover themselves. But Ezekiel said that when I look at them. Even though he could not describe how they look like. Under the wings at the bottom. He saw their feet like a cow's foot. And under the wings at upper level. He saw that looks like the hands of a man. And then Ezekiel said that these creatures have four faces. He said he saw one face that looked like a man. So the face was like a man. But yet just because the face was a man's face. He still did not call it a human being. He still calls it a creature. And then he saw another face. Like a face of an eagle. Then he saw a face. Like a face of an ox. Then he saw a face. Like a face of a lion. And these creatures. Each one of them has four faces. And then he said. There was one thing also that he saw. He said beneath them. I saw something like a wheel. There was like a bigger wheel. And like a smaller wheel. So the smaller wheel is within the bigger wheels. That was under them. And then he said that I saw eyes around the wheel. To give direction to the wheels. Wherever the wheels will go. And so when the creatures move. The wheels move with them. And then he said something that is profound. He said I saw that the spirit of the creator. Is in the wheels. And so where the spirit wants to go. The creator moves. And when the creator moves. The wheels also moves. And Ezekiel was describing this. And Ezekiel said that. As I was looking. These creatures were coming out of the fire. A place where you will not even consider. That life could be there. And yet these creatures were alive. Coming from fire. So in case you want to kill such a creature. You will find out. It is not easy. If the devil wants to kill you. He doesn't know where you are coming from. You are not here by chance. There are some fires that you have come out of. You are a product of heaven. When God came upon the earth. He left a part of himself here on earth. And that part is you. So it is not easy for you to be killed just like that. And so Ezekiel was saying that these creatures. And then he said upon them. I saw something that looks like a throne. And a being that sat upon a throne that looks like a man. And to cut everything short. Ezekiel upon all the description. He summarized it and said that it was the glory of God. And so it was not the creatures that made him fall. When he saw the throne he fell. And it was at that time. That the one that sits upon the throne. Who is not going anywhere. And he had been there for ages. Sat unto him. Stand upon your feet. And I will speak to you. And said a spirit entered unto me. Now let me just. Every word in Ezekiel's description of these creatures is very important. In the sense is this. He said that these creatures when they were moving. They move straight. Ezekiel said that they did not turn. If they want to go left. You will see that they are going straight. You will see them turning. But you will see them going straight. Wherever the spirit wants to go. There is a revelation about this. Which I'm going to share with you. And so because they have four faces. When you see them moving in the direction of the face of the man. Or sometimes you can see them moving in the direction of the face of the eagle. Or of the ox. Or of the lion. What does this represent? Or what is the revelation of this? These were creatures. Spiritual beings. And so Ezekiel is revealing to us that there are four natures of this being. Just as you also are a created divine being. If you are to live in this life. With one nature. You will succeed. You will fail. And many of us are failing because we have chosen to live as human beings. Okay. So when I say the face of a man. The direction of the creatures. If they are moving according to the face of a man. Then that means that the condition that they are dealing with is a man's condition. How do I explain that to you? Let me explain that to you this way. Let's say for example you want to do a business. You want to do a project. And that is a human thing to do. So you found a project and you found something that you want to do. So you are looking at that project with the face of a man. But there comes a time before you begin the project. You must also understand that there are natures about you. That you must use that nature to evaluate the project. First you are seeing the project as a man. But you must turn and let the face of an eagle also look at the project. Because eagles can see far enough. Do you have the vision, the understanding to know more about this project that you are about to involve yourself in? Can you see beyond what is needed to be done? Because eagles can see far ahead than humans. Do you have what it takes to envision what this project is about? Then after you have seen through the eyes of an eagle on that project. Then turn and face that project with the face of an ox. Do you have the strength, the fortitude, the capacity to hold on to this project until you get it accomplished? Are you here? You must also then turn and face and look at the project with the face of a lion. And saints, the face of a lion is a face. I won't lie to you. Those of you who have gone to the games or those of you who have gone to the zoo. Even when the lion is in the fence, your faith is not even in the fence. You are so far away from the fence. When you watch these geographical shows and you see these antelopes and these hyenas and everything. You can see them standing and all of a sudden you can see them shaking. And yes, they know that Mr. Lion is in the vicinity. Even though they have not seen the lion, but something tells them that the lion is around. And so you see the animals shaking. Yes, lion. You see, this is an animal whose influence is beyond his structure. So the lion may not be close, but the spirit of the lion is in the vicinity. And all these animals begin to feel it. Do you have what it takes that your spirit can be in the things that you do? Look at what Ezekiel said. He said the wheels, the wheels is not what drives the creatures. What drives the creatures is the spirit. And the spirit of the creature is in the wheels. Do you know what it means? It's your spirit in your house. It's your spirit in your garments. It's your spirit in your car. It's your spirit in your business. These creatures have the ability to transmit their spirits into a thing that is lifeless. They are able to give life to a lifeless being and give momentum and rotation to the wheels by their spirits. It's your spirit in what you do, even naturally. Your natural DNA is everywhere you go. Isn't it? You go to a place and you leave persons of you there. These creatures have a spirit. But not only did they have the spirit, but they were able to transmit the spirit into the wheels beneath them. It wasn't the wheels that drives them. It is the spirit. So where the spirit goes, the creatures goes. And where the creatures goes, the wheels also goes. Understand this. What drives your success is not your education. What drives you should be your spirit. Oh, thank God. You know, have you heard people saying that I am not a selfish person? Have you heard anybody saying that? And you hear them say, I don't like people that are selfish. They present themselves in such unselfish way. Let me put it this way. Okay, so let's see what happens when you are in a very dangerous community. And there is the last bus that is coming. And there are 200 people in that place. And the bus can only carry 70 people. Let's see your unselfishness to decide who gets in the bus. Or sometimes when you watch, sometimes you watch videos and you see places where people are getting on trains and buses. You find somebody standing there. You see all of them standing there. First, they are all standing there with the face of a human being. Until the train arrives. Then what face shows up? Ox. That is when you see that woman standing there with just a pan. With a baby at the back. At first, it is the face of a human being. But when the bus arrives, another face shows up. An ox. The power and the energy that she would just push people away. It's not sin. Tell somebody it is not sin. It is another nature. So your problem is that you always want to look at things by the face of a human being. There comes a time that the lion's face must show up. And do you know when the lion's face shows up? It's when you feel like you have been too nice for a long time. Our problem is that we are always looking at situations with the face of a man. And that is why we don't succeed. Tell the prophet that I am sending you among thorns. Among scorpions. Do you think that corruption is going to stop? Do you think that corruption is going to stop? Corruption will never stop. There are certain issues that will never stop. So there comes a moment if you have to know how to live with the different natures that God has given you. With the face of a man, can you sell bread to a widow? You understand? Those that sell stuff. If you are going to look at every situation with the face of a man. And here comes a widow who doesn't have anything. Can you say that take it and go and enjoy? Will you have business left if you are to what? Look at your business and deal with it with a face. One face. Does that make any sense? No. The different natures of a man is in display. Just as these creatures. Whichever face they choose to go. That is the face you see the direction of the creature. You must learn to live by the different natures. Because you are also a divine being. So there comes a time that you must. When a lion is in a place, the spirit of the lion is within everything around him. So even though he is in a cage, you are standing far off from the cage. Do you know why? Because the spirit of the lion is in the cage. So just by your mere presence in the cage you are afraid. And that is how he is able to be the king of the jungle. In this jungle world, in this jungle economy. If you are going to live by the face of a man. You will not survive. Tell somebody you will not survive. That is the problem with many people. You are looking at things, at the economy and the way things are. And you are always seeing it with only one face. There comes a time that you must show them the face of an ox. How strong you are to deal with situations. And there comes a time when your influence must go beyond your personality. When we come next week, maybe. And I will show you something. And what I will show you is this. When Ezekiel said that when he spoke, a spirit entered into me. I will take you to the book of Deuteronomy. And I will also take you to the book. Because Jesus said, it is written, man will not live by bread alone. But by every word. By every word. And you see when you go to that scripture. What is so interesting about that scripture is this. God said that I took you through the wilderness. To humble thee. And to suffer thee to anger first. To know how humble you are. And second, to see whether you will be obedient to my instructions. But then he said that. I have fed thee with manna that your fathers did not even know. So the giving of the manna was not only to feed their hunger. It was also to feed their knowledge. That you will know. He said that I gave you manna that you will know. So there is a hunger that is more than the physical hunger. It is a hunger of knowledge. That you will know that man will not live by bread only. But by every word. Your ability to receive word from God. Will determine the amount of spirit that you receive. You must do an investment of how many spirit you have. Because the amount of spirit you have. Will determine your spiritual enlightenment and your success. And the things that you don't even see them to be spiritual. You have no idea that there is a spiritual component to it. The man was able to break chains. Whatever they put upon him he was able to do it. Not because of the flesh. But because of spirit that that man possesses. And when that spirit was taken out of that man. What happened to him? He couldn't do those things anymore. People are able to do things that are great because of spirit. How much spirit you can receive. So you must train yourself to hear God. Because when God is speaking. What is coming to you are spirits. That are going to change your life. So that's why I told you that the church is an economic center. We come here to receive spirit. And not only that. I will show you next week. The word of God. Was so unique in a way that. When God was speaking to them. When you read. The church chapter 8 verse 3. The verse 4 is what is unique. After he said to them that man will not live by bread alone. But by every word that proceeds out of the mouth. That man lives by. Then in verse 4 he said that. And your raiment waxed not old. And your foot not swollen. All these 40 years. Do you know what was listening to God? Not only them. Because it is not man that could do that. There was something else. While God was speaking to them. Their very property and their assets were also listening to God. And it's like there's an anti-agent thing within the word of God. That possess even their very physical things. Anyway, let's do this. Okay. Join your hands. Your ability. When God speaks. It is not just words that are coming to you. The answer that God is giving you. If you have been asking. Then he should bless you. God blesses the place by investing in the place. With natural resources and minerals. God blesses you. Your uniqueness. How much investment of the spirit is into you. How much spirit has been invested in you. Will determine how unique you are. Among your brothers and sisters. Among your friends. When Solomon had an encounter with God. It wasn't just encounter. Now you know. When God was speaking to Solomon. It was spirit. That was entering into him. The man woke up from one state of being to another state of being. And still had the capability to bring what was received in that state of being. Into the next state of being. Spirit of wisdom. Spirit of knowledge. Understanding. Entered into him. He woke up and he displayed that wisdom. That understanding. And everybody knew. It wasn't his encounter with God that made him king. He was king before encountering God. But after encountering God. He became a different unique king. Among all other kings. And there had never been a king like Solomon. In terms of wisdom, understanding and knowledge. It was because of his encounter with God. Who speaks in spirit. Father I pray for your precious people in the name of Jesus. I pray that you will expand your capacity. To learn to hear God. When he speaks. I pray that you will be able to receive when he speaks. And that you will receive the spirit that will raise you up. Stand you upon your feet. To succeed in what you do. To excel in what you do. To be singled out among the thousands. To be unique. Because of a spirit that makes you unique. The spirit of skill, wisdom, knowledge was given to Daniel. And he was unique among all the other wise men in the house of Nebuchadnezzar. May God make you unique in the name of Jesus. May you be elevated. May God give you understanding to know the state of being. And may you rise up not only hear him when you are asleep. But be able to know and to see whilst you are still awake. May God guide you in this journey. And bring the best out of you. Be more than what people expect you to be. Do more than what even your mind tells you that you are capable of doing. Excel above the hindrances that people place in your way. Be what God has made you to be. Rise up from that fallen state. It is not given to man to be controlled by other men. Your nature, your material, it is not given that you will be downshodden for man to decide your fate. When that happens, it is a failure of your spirit. May you be revived. And may you see your way out through the spirit that moves and you move along. And everything about you, may they possess your spirit to move with you. Bring life to where there is no life. Bring strength to where there is no strength. Succeed in Jesus mighty name and the precious things. Say Amen. Put your hands together for the Lord. Amen. Now, look at somebody and say, you have seen the face of a man today or a woman today. In case you see a lion or an eagle or an ox, don't be surprised. Amen. Some of you are too soft. That idea of give it to God, give it to God. That kind of mentality is what has brought many of us to where we are. Everything, well God knows what is best. That is an ignorant speech from an ignorant person. Tell me, what kind of face shows up when somebody comes close to your husband? Oh, tell me, tell me, tell me. Tell me, tell me, tell me. Oh man, what kind of face that shows when somebody comes close to your wife? Isn't you the same person? Now, will you consider it wrong or sin if you are fighting to maintain what is yours? Will you? No. Humans say, hey, and the power. What is that? It's an ox. Oh God almighty, Amen. It's time to dedicate a child, Amen. Long-awaited daughter. I say that when you have a son, you break rules. Amen. When it is about what sons and daughters. So I'm going to call Mr. and Mrs. Boateng. Our own Douglas, Amen. Mr. and Mrs. Boateng to bring their long-awaited daughter. All right, wonderful. As we dedicate the child. May those of you believing for a child, let there be an invitation. Amen. Okay. Put a bow on the head. You face me. They already know your face. Stretch our hands and begin to pray for this family. Pray for this child. As we do this. Lift your voice. Pray for the child as you are praying for your own. Because she is your own. Father, we thank you. We give you the praise and the glory. All right, so let the child have a godmother and a godfather. Can they join us? Oh, you are the godfather? There are two of them. There are five godmothers in you. You are blessed. And is grace. What language is that? God. A gift from God. Grace is also a gift from God. So there are five godmothers. And two godfathers. So what happened to the other three? They don't have any. And your mom and dad, where are they? I want your mom and dad to join us. All right. So let me go back. Godmothers and godfathers. And I want your mom and dad to stand beside you. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. 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