Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Diane went to the dentist and discovered a tumor in the roof of her mouth. The doctor confirmed it was cancer and recommended radiation and chemotherapy. Diane chose to have surgery despite the risks. She ended up in the hospital for five days due to complications and had to use a feeding tube. She eventually recovered and received support from her spiritual community. So this is July 21st and 3 o'clock in the afternoon, so it's our second session of the day. And we're here with Kathy Smith and Diane Watson-Prophet. Diane Watson-Prophet. Okay, so Diane, I want to hear about what happened when you went to the dentist. Okay, well, I actually had to drop off one of the young girls. It's a dentist with doctors as well, it's in the same building. And when I went to take her for her appointment, I just felt in my heart, make a dentist appointment. So, I did. And when I went in, they did an examination, they took the x-rays, and then they said, well, you're going to need a cleaning and, you know, whatever else I needed. And so they scheduled me for a cleanup, because first they do the cleaning. So, I went in, and it was an African-American dentist, very, very precious. And he said, when you came in the last time, this was not there, and you need to see a specialist. Wow. So it was like a bump or something? It was a, yeah, it was a... Was it small? It was like a tumor. It was a tumor. In the back of your mouth? In the roof of my mouth. In the roof of that thigh? Yeah. The right thigh? Uh-huh. Okay. And he said, I want you to make an appointment. Did you feel it before he pointed it out? I noticed a little something, but I just didn't pay attention, you know? Yeah. And then, so he gave me a number, and I called, and he says, you need to get in as soon as possible. And so I called, and there was no opening. So he said, if there's a problem, you call me, because they said maybe like in three months. And I called him, and I told him, you know, they told me like in three months, and he said it was early. And he said, let me make some phone calls. He got me in immediately. Wow. And then he said, he also said, I'd like you to keep a follow-up. Let me know what's happening. If there's any problem, let me know. It was very precious. So then I went for that appointment, and I kind of already knew. Uh-huh. Yeah, I knew. But I had perfect peace. And then when the doctor came in, they said we need to get a, what's it when they take a piece of it? Biopsy. Biopsy. And I said, is it because you think it's cancer? And he said, yeah. Wow. So I said, don't worry. I'm okay. Because God is with me. Yeah. And, um. So was that painful, the biopsy? Yes. Very. So they go in, and they clip something off? Yes. But do they, do they have to get pain, pain sedatives? Uh. Local? I don't remember, but I remember it was painful. Wow. So then they got the, they got it, and then. How long did that take? Uh, I think it took three weeks. No, I mean, how long did that take, five weeks of work? Uh, he said I did very well. He said, I'm really impressed how you could keep your mouth open for that period of time. Oh. And he was impressed. Yeah. So then, um, I came in, and then I went to the appointment, and they said it's cancer, and it's a very aggressive cancer. And, uh, and it moves very quickly. So, uh, he said, uh, uh, there's a procedure. They, uh, they wanted me to see, uh, where you get radiation and you get, uh, chemo. And they wanted me to see this doctor, because it's kind of, you have to go, even if I wasn't going to get the treatment, I still needed to kind of, you work together with the staff. But it was really beautiful, because every time I went in, the presence of God would just fill the room. Before you know it, the doctors were all coming in, and they were like, God was there. Wow. They felt it. They could feel it. Yeah. And then, uh, so, uh, I had to do an MRI, had to do, uh, a scan, uh, then they, they scheduled me, and I didn't have a lot of time, but they said, this is the date, and that we're going to do the surgery on you. You may not be able to speak, uh, uh, you may lose some of your vocals. You may, you know, there was some, uh, possibilities of damage that I would have to, you know, Did they talk about paralysis? No. Uh-uh. Okay. So then, um, after that, uh, I had to decide if I was going to have the surgery, because I knew a pastor that had breast cancer, and she didn't want to get checked, and she didn't want to go through the procedure, and she ended up dying. And they said, they'll, uh, if I die, just pray me back to life, because I'm trusting in God, and, and some people, they kind of look down on you, like, oh, you have cancer, uh, you have unforgiveness, uh, you know, they're going to take you through this prayer that's going to take you through, you know, because you got cancer. So, there's a really problem in the body of Christ where we don't have compassion for people, and we judge them, and we condemn them. Right. And so, I had every view you could probably think of, you know, and, uh, Jamie, he really, you know, he knew that there was, could be very bad side effects, and he wasn't too for the surgery, and, um, and, uh, then my, my spiritual kids crying that you need to get the surgery, you know, it's just, there was a lot going on. Right. And then a sister that's a, a minister that's had, she's called a miracle woman, she's had cancer three times, she's had 53 surgeries, uh, she fell off a cliff, her whole family died, her mother, her father, her sister, her nieces, her own three children, her pastor, which was driving, and her son. In Mexico? Yeah. They, in Mexico, they went, lost brake and went down the cliff, and she was the only survivor. Her name was Estela Plata, uh, we do ministry together, she's called a miracle woman, she's had over 50 some surgeries, uh, she's had a book that's called Triumphing Over Pain, and, um, she, when she heard about it, she said, God told her, you get on that plane and you go be with Sister Diane. She flew from Houston, Texas, and, uh, she was just, uh, such a blessing, and different people came just to be there with me. Pastor? Uh, no, not, they couldn't be there in the surgery, but they came before and was there after. So, she came and they were praying for me, Jamie was having a very difficult time, he really didn't want me to get a surgery, um, I had to make a choice, and I heard the Lord say, this is for my glory. So, I said, I'm having the surgery, and then Jamie said, are you sure you're having the surgery? Why didn't Jamie want you to have the surgery? I don't, I decided, I decided. Losing your voice, etc. But the alternative is anorexic cancer. Exactly. There's no choice. Yeah, so, so then, um, uh, that morning, he wakes up and he says, cause he was crying and crying, and he wakes up and he says, the Lord told me, it's for his glory. Oh, the Lord told the same thing. Yeah, so I actually got a picture of Jesus in a surgery table, behind the doctor, and I personally gave it to the doctor. Oh, that was bad. Yeah, and it was the time of COVID, so nobody could go with me. They just dropped me off. So then, um, I went in. So you handed it to the doctor. I handed it to the doctor, yeah. And he said, thank you, and he even tells me to this day that he still has that picture. And then, um, I just had a lot of peace. Just a real strong peace. And then, um, I was supposed to be an in and out patient. Can you believe that? They do it and then you're out. Wow. Um, but, um, when they, they have like seven doctors there. Oh yeah. It's a very, they say that the surgery is not a little surgery. Right. Yeah, because that's the whole blood vessel for us there. Anyways, I began to bleed. And I bled a lot. And I ended up five days in the hospital because, but the Lord used me to pray for people. Oh my gosh. And, uh, I was there and it is a painful, uh, with a lot of pain. When you get out of the anesthesia, you're in pain. And, um, they had me, um, they had to put a feeding tube on me because I could not eat. Uh, and I had, uh, bled so much that I was vomiting a lot of blood, just a lot of blood. And I didn't have any communication with Jamie because I didn't bring my phone because I thought I was getting out. And I ended up being there and then I couldn't even get up. So they had me on a bedpan. And then I knew that I wasn't getting out of the hospital unless I could eat. Right. If I didn't eat, I was staying there and they weren't letting me out till I could start eating food. I get that. So, uh, I remember I felt a strength within my spirit. And I looked at the nurse and I said, can I walk to the bathroom? Because they had to put bedpans on me. I couldn't get up. And she said, I'll teach you how to unhook the machine and carry the machine with you. And she did. And from that time on, I began to excel. And then I began, I prayed for her. There was other people I prayed for. The nurse just began to weep. The Lord touched her. Jamie was able to get a phone to me through talking to the nurse. And then I was able to communicate. And then it was, it seemed a lot better because you could feel more spiritual support, you know. And you were able to talk even though it was food at risk? I was able to talk, you know, because I couldn't really open my mouth. So I had, so I started, here I'm diabetic. My sugars are sky high. They're feeding you pudding. You know, they're feeding you, and I can't hardly stomach chocolate, but I knew if I wanted out of that hospital, I had to do it. And don't ask me how I did it, but I did it. And I got out of the hospital. And then I came home, and there was a team of people there waiting for me. The Lord had a nurse from India there. She was giving me my bath. I couldn't take a, you know. Rosalinda, a pastor that has been like a mother to me. I hear you about it. She came, and they were just so good. And then Sister Rostella was there. She's from Houston. And then they were trying to feed me food, but I had to eat food like your mom. You know, pure, and no spice whatsoever because it just burns your mouth. You know, you can imagine. Why? They put a plastic thing. I had a hole where they took. Actually, they ended up taking a lot more out than they expected because by the time medical, the approvals, everything, the cancer had spread. And they had to end up taking. They took some of my bone here. And they had to take and put a plastic thing and cover it with my skin. You know, it's a whole procedure. Wow. So. That's why there was not a doctor. Probably. Oh my God. So anyway. How long was the surgery? Maybe six hours. I'm not sure. And Jamie couldn't be there with you? He couldn't. He couldn't come back to the hospital? No. So he got out. Right. Uh-huh. So then I came home, and then I had to. I couldn't open my mouth. So I couldn't open my mouth to get. It was very difficult. Like how? To get. Like how? Was what? Maybe like. Like that. Uh-huh. I mean, I couldn't get. So you put the thing in your mouth. So. So I really lost a lot of weight because I couldn't hardly stomach either. Or eat. Wow. So anyway. But my spirit was so up. People would come and visit me. And the presence of God was just touching right there. Wow. Just right there. So then when I had my follow-up appointment, I went to the follow-up. How long was that? Probably three weeks. Uh-huh. Two weeks. I'm not sure. Jamie would know all the times and things. Anyways, I went. And this doctor kept coming in and out. In and out. In and out. In and out. Uh-huh. And then she came in, and she said, you're the one. Wow. And she said, I can't imagine you look so good. Wow. She said, the surgery that you had, I, that's why I kept coming in and out. Thinking I had the wrong room. Wow. So I was able to testify. You know, testify to them. And share, you know, that it's God. And the power of prayer. And so I would do that, and I would share that. And then I had to go to therapy to learn to open my mouth. And how did you do that? I had to take sticks. I had to get popsicle sticks. Popsicle sticks. A whole bunch of them. And I had to pry open my mouth. Because I couldn't open my mouth. How many times? They wanted me to do it every two hours. Like just keep putting it. But it was painful, right? Oh, yeah. And then you have to keep it open. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. So I went through therapy. And then when they took the, I guess during the surgery, they have to keep taking specimens. Because they have to make sure there's no cancer. Mm-hmm. So, but when they took it in, all, I guess, they found out that there was cancer very close to where they cut. So then they said, you have to have radiation. And they wanted to give me like 30-some radiation in my mouth, which would have... Burned. Nope, it would have damaged me. I don't know if I could even talk. Yeah. So when the doctor had said that you need, were very concerned, and this thing, you have to move very quickly. And then a couple approached me, and they said, we want to pay for you to go to Oasis. And they gave me a check of like $24,000. And I called the Oasis. And then, for the camera, so where's Oasis? So Oasis is the number one cancer place in all the world that is without chemo. Wow. And people from all over the world go there. And where is this? It's in Tijuana, Mexico. Mm-hmm. And they made arrangements. They called the hospital. I sent all the records. And they said, come. So I went. The doctors prayed with you. They give you IVs, too, like vitamin C. But when you're sitting in the chair, they're doing worship. And they're preaching. And the presence of God is very strong in the hospital. Wow. So we ended up ministering to people, touching people from all over the world. Yeah. So it's a holistic approach to Oasis? Yes. OK. And what is their therapy? What do they do? You know what? Jamie would be good at explaining it. But they take your blood. But they put something in it that when they put it back in you, they give you certain treatments that it alerts your body to target tumors. Wow. For cancer. OK. Wow. So then I went there. And they gave me – I was on a lot of treatment. And it helped me because I was very weak, too. That's when they asked you to go to the surgeon. Did you go to Oasis? Probably six weeks. OK. And they also do nutrition, right? They probably have no sugar. Yeah. They teach you how to eat, how to have organics, how to limit sugar out of your diet that causes cancer. I have a whole video about it. I'd like to send it to you. Right. But this is key. So sugar fuels the cancer. So they have to eliminate that. And then meat – explain a little bit. They eat very little meat and dairy products. No dairy products. So in a nutshell, you're eating what? Beans? You're eating like quinoa, beans, plant-based. Plant-based. Vegetables. Vegetables. So vegetables first, and then fruits? Certain fruits, but very minimal. Like berries. Uh-huh. OK. OK. OK, so I went through that. And they teach you how to – Yeah, they teach you. They give you classes and everything. And then after that, I went – they wanted to – I went back to the doctor that wanted to give me radiation, and he talked to me. They wanted me to just go and see him. I did. He said, you can have a million cancers right now. You should immediately have come for these treatments. OK. And then he looks at me. Did you tell him what that meant? No. OK. And then I told him. But then he looked at me, and he says, well, wherever your piece is, go with that. Go with that. Oh, that was good. Uh-huh. So did they check you to see – did he check you? OK, so then I had to get MRIs. So he asked you to get MRIs. Did he check you? Who? Rechecking. The radiation doctor. When you came back to the U.S.? No, but he wanted to get an MRI, and he wanted to get scanned. And in that, it showed I was clean. Wow. And then the doctor, even in Mexico, they said, you don't realize the cancer that you have. They said, we're very surprised. Wow. Even the treatments that they had given me, you know. Wow. So he said, and then my doctors, they were just so precious, all the surgeons, because they would all clock in when I would come. It was just like the presence of God would just come. I don't know how to explain, but they would feel such hope. Maybe they saw hope in me because a lot of the patients don't make it. Right. Uh-huh. So then I... So, I'm sorry, where was it that they saw the hope? In the surgeons that took my searches. Oh, wow. Because they recognized you were so positive. I mean, they... They didn't know about anything? Yeah, they didn't. There was a lot of opposition. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Like, they couldn't see that, like many other patients don't make it. So, question, why didn't you tell the radiologists that you had pneumonia? Why didn't you say, doctor, I did get a treatment down in Mexico? Because that type of doctor you can't tell. Okay. Because then they attack you. Right. But the other doctors, I could kind of hint at that. So, Diane, this all happened in December of 2020? Mm-hmm. Were you at the operation? Is that correct? I think so. During COVID. Mm-hmm. COVID started March 2020. No, it was the year after, I think. Okay, and so now it's 2023 in July. Yeah. And have you been rechecked? Okay, so then they checked me and everything, and they recommend that you have, like, a maintenance. Like, the treatment lasts for a year. Okay. So, someone approached me. Okay. And they said, we want to pay for it. And how much was the cost to get it? This one was, like, maybe $11,000. Oh, so when you just went down there, do you remember that? Mm-hmm. And then you were there for a week? Yeah. And what did they do? The same treatment they did for initials? Just the... I just got the vaccine. I didn't get the IV, because I feel strong now. Oh, so they put vaccines into your legs? Into my legs. Does that hurt? They put ice on it, and then... Yeah. So, anyways, then you have to walk. And so the Lord provided, again, for my treatment. Amazing. And it's nothing I went and asked, or... Right. Just the Lord made it. The Lord, so along with what we were talking about earlier, the service of God. Mm-hmm. So not only has He taken care of you for 42 years, or 41 years. Yeah. But He also pays for a very expensive cancer treatment. And I was in the number one in all the world hospital. Hospital. And I, like with my son Benjamin, I felt as if I was leaning on the chest of Jesus. And then with this, I felt like, You're my provider, Lord. Because the Lord provides for the ministry, you know what I mean? Mm-hmm. I think ministry and personal is sometimes a little different. Mm-hmm. Because we don't use ministry money for personal use. Yeah, yeah. But He showed me, even my personal needs, that He was there for me. So, again, back to leaning on Jesus. With Benjamin, so did you feel that, like, Jesus was carrying you through this? Yeah. And you were leaning on Him for it. Yeah. And He received you. And you felt His presence. Yeah. Through it all. And I ministered to a lot of people when I was there. Oh, sure. I was just there, and at 9 o'clock I had a woman knocking at my door to receive counseling, you know? It's like people know there's something. So they knew you were a minister. Yeah, and they were there, and we were praying for people, and it was very beautiful. So, Diane, what's your last check-up? You were clean? My next check-up is when I get back, and on Wednesday I have another MRI. That was a year ago, so every year they check you. Oh, okay. So I have that. Yeah, I have a point on Wednesday when I get home. I'll do that. Okay. But before, I think you had called me before, but after the second... I had the scan. And everything was clear? Yeah. Wow. And that was just a few months ago, right? Oh, I don't know how long. It's been a little bit, I think. Yeah. Maybe six months. Wow. And so how do you feel today? I feel good. Do you feel pain or anything? Mm-mm. I do have, like, my mouth... It's, like, feeling something there all the time. But it's just something that you live with. Yeah. But at least I can speak, and my speech is here, and I can chew, and I can swallow. I have kind of, like, half a throat there, so I have to be careful how much I eat to swallow it. Oh, okay. You have to be careful. Mm-hmm. Oh, okay. You have to be careful swallowing. Mm-hmm. You have to just swallow. Mm-hmm. But your speech is completely spot-on. You don't look like anything. Yeah. There's no trait of any cancer. Visibly swallowed. Yeah. You know, that know you. Yeah. You look exactly the same. So people don't even know, or they don't, you know... I look normal, but I do have some... You just learn to live and be content and thankful for where you're at. Right. So you don't feel pain, but you feel like there's something different about the inside of your mouth. Yeah. Okay. Definitely. Really? Yeah. But you can't, I'm telling you, like, you can't visibly see it or hear it. Well, if I open my mouth and you look in my mouth, you'd probably see it. So it's kind of like a big hole where they cut out? No, they covered the hole with the plastic that's in there. Oh. And the skin that went over it. So that's what you're feeling. Yeah. So if you run your tongue around it... Oh, you can definitely feel it. You can feel it. Okay. Wow, Diane. The faithfulness of God. Yes. That is so powerful. Do you want to say anything else about... I think that's it. Okay. I'm just grateful and I just, you know, a lot of times I just think that God does use doctors and not to feel like you have less faith if you have to go to another doctor where you don't have the faith because a lot of people will say that to you or judge you in that way. So God just, He wanted me to go through this and He's being glorified through it because He manifests Himself and those doctors, they see the miracle of God. Right. So I'm just grateful to those doctors because maybe they don't, they normally say that a lot of times people don't make it through. And I had someone that had the same thing, Jamie's friend, and he got chemo and radiation and I think the radiation killed him. Wow. And what did the Lord say to you originally? It's my glory. What did He say? It's for my glory. And He told Jamie the same thing, the morning of the outburst. Yeah. But what was beautiful was that I had no fear at all at any time. That is a huge miracle. At any time. Because the enemy always tries through trauma to put in it fear, which is such a binder, right? And you just feel, which is such a, you knew God was in control. Wow, bravo. Amen. Should we call her? Yeah. Oh, this is your phone? No. Oh, right. Mimi looked in the room? Yes. Ah, she was getting sleepy. I could tell. Oh. Okay. I think we can shut it off now. I'm going to be bored. I wish I could explain more detail about the treatment and everything. Because I'm going to send it to you. They just did a documentary. Documentary? Yeah. Of this guy that God gave this to. Yeah. Because that needs to be included in the ministry. If it's written, she can just take it after it's done. Thank you. Okay, here. All well done. Trisha, do you get your toe prints done? I don't.