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life is a kind of struggle

life is a kind of struggle

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Ramadan is starting a podcast to discuss personal development and finding one's true potential in life. He will share real-world stories and quotes to reach like-minded individuals. He believes that having a clear vision of what you want in life and practicing self-discipline are key to happiness. He emphasizes the importance of not comparing oneself to others and focusing on personal strengths and weaknesses. Hello everyone. My name is Ramadan. Welcome to my podcast channel. Today I will record the first episode of my podcast channel. The reason I record this podcast is to deliver my thoughts, to deliver my ideas about every aspect of life. And then I would like to first introduce myself. My name is Ramadan. I live in Turkey. I live with my family. And I decided to take this podcast channel to discuss about some topics. I hope you will enjoy and listen to this podcast. I actually need to tell this, need to tell this, that the main topics of this podcast is, how can I say, the personal improvements, the personal development. I'm going to emphasize on how can someone else, how can someone can change the circumstances in their life. How can someone else can find the real potential in a life. And the other topics will be circled around it. By discussing these topics, I will also mention, I will also mention real world stories or quotes given by famous persons, famous or famous persons in life. But the reason I choose these topics is to reach a person who has the same vision about life, who actually has similar vision, similar point of view about many aspects of life with me. Actually, I want to tell this, that the other reason I, the other reason to record this podcast is the only chance I have, the only chance I have to speak about, to speak my, to speak my thoughts and ideas that is actually, that is actually inside of my brain. I don't have a chance to, I don't have, I don't have a chance to speak these topics, to deliver my thoughts to a real world person outside. So I think, so I think that recording a podcast is a, recording a podcast is a chance to reveal, is a chance to present my ideas, to deliver my, to deliver my ideas about many different topics. As I said, the main topics I will emphasize, the main topics I will emphasize in this podcast is related to personal development. I would like to talk about, I generally, I generally would like to talk about how can someone, how can someone can build, can build their self-discipline. In other words, how we can reach our real potentials in an activity, in a profession or something that we designate a point, something that we designate a target. In this, in this topic, I will, I will also talk about, I will approach this topic in different points of views. Actually, before getting dive into, getting dive into topics, I want to, I want to tell this, that I want to tell this, I want to tell that I actually, I actually did research about, I actually did detailed research on internet about how to be, how to be more productive, how, how to live, how to live life happier or how to create your self-discipline on life. And then I would like to talk about, I would like to present my ideas, I would like to share my ideas with different people on this podcast channel. The first thing I want to say is that if I was asked to answer that what is the real definition of being happy, I would definitely answer that being happy, the first rule of living happy is having a clear mind, having a clear mindset of what you want in your life. In other words, if you know, if you know, if you clearly know, if you clearly know that what you want in your life, what exactly you want in your life, you are, you have the first rule to be, to live happier in your life. In contrary, if you don't know what you exactly want in your life, if you don't, if you, if you don't know how to position yourself, how to position yourself in terms of time, in terms of people in your life, if you don't have a clear vision about which things make you happier in your life, then as you, as you don't have a clear vision, you will not, you can't have, actually, how can I say that, you can't have strictly, you don't have a mindset of living happier. In other words, you can't, you can't determine which activities, which persons, which time, actually which purposes in your life can make you, can make you happier. In other words, actually, being able to know what exactly you want in your life keeps your life steady. In contrast, your life cannot be, your life can be unsteady if you don't know what exactly you want in your life. Which activities, which things, which purposes in your life can make you, can give your life a meaning. In the sense of being happy, in the sense of living happy in life, I would also like to say that if I also was asked that what is the real definition of living happy, I would also answer that the second rule of living happy is to have a self-discipline. If you have a self-discipline in your life, that means you can control your life circle, you can control your life routine, and you have an authority, you have actual authority in your life to perform which activities you do. In other words, without having a self-discipline, you can actually, you don't have a clear mindset of doing. Actually, in other words, if you don't have, without having a self-discipline, you will be completely disrupted, you will be completely disrupted by the routines in life, by everything you will encounter in life. So, having self-discipline is the second rule of living happy. Then, I would also like to, I would also like to indicate something. I also want to tell something which I believe is important. Living happier is not related with the comparison between other persons. That means there is no reason to compare your life with others. If you compare yourself, your life, if you compare your position, if you compare your situation in your life with others, actually, you can't build your clear mindset of living happier. Because everyone in this life has its own strengths and weaknesses. Everyone in this life, everyone in this world has their own tests, has their own actually struggling in their life. Actually, I strongly, I'm going to tell this motto, I'm going to tell this motto frequently in this podcast channel. That motto is, life is a struggle and everyone has their own struggle. Actually, so, in terms of this principle, you can't compare, you can't make a comparison between your life and the life of others. Actually, everyone is likely to aspire to other people's lives. How can I say that? Everyone wants to live like those who are famous, who are stars, pop stars, or who are famous football players, or everyone else. But, I need to tell this, I need to share my idea about this. You can't exactly know whether you will be happy or not if you live your life just like football players or music stars. In the sense of living happier in life, I also want to discuss a topic. I also want to indicate this issue that I believe is most important. That you can't make a comparison between your life and the life of others. All I want to say is that everyone has their own weakness or everyone has their own strength and weakness positions in their life. So, don't make a comparison between your own weaknesses, between your own strengths and the ones that others have. So, you must focus on your own strength and weaknesses, your own scenario in your life. Which I believe that gives you a clear vision of living happier in your life. So, the third rule of living happier is avoiding to make a comparison between you and others.

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