Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
romans chapter one and verse one he said for a servant of jesus christ for his servant of jesus christ called to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of god according to the promise that he had made through the holy prophet in the holy scriptures concerning jesus christ our lord which was made of the seed of david according to the flesh but declared to be the son of god with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead now there is a very strong message in that scripture but i want us to go back first to the book of acts of the apostles chapter 10 we have already at least read 38 of how god acts of the apostles chapter 10 so amen i believe you are all there i'm waiting for you to get there amen act of the apostles are we there chapter 10 and verse 38 it talks of how god anointed jesus christ of nazareth with the holy ghost and power who went about doing good healing all them that were oppressed of the devil because what god was with him now we've been talking about the fresh oil and the last time i talked about the fresh oil i told you that there is something that god anointed he anointed what the holy ghost and with what and with power for the first one thing about god god is very detailed he doesn't make mistakes if god says holy ghost and power he knows why he says it he doesn't mean power and holy ghost he's that detail you know kenneth i can was there one time that the devil attacked him what he said one day he was preaching and then he fell and broke his bone he broke his bone and then it was so terrible so he was in pain weeping in pain they took him to the hospital and they were on the way to the hospital said the holy spirit told him that he will be healed and that he will understand why and then thereafter the lord jesus christ appeared to him in the hospital but that was where he practically described the structure of jesus that he came physically and pulled the chair and sat beside his bed and told him he said do you know why this can happen to you because you're walking in disobedience i didn't i didn't do it the devil did it the question you'll be asking is why did you allow the devil he said because you're walking in disobedience that i told you to minister that i've called you to be a prophet and a teacher but you are ministering as a teacher and a prophet it doesn't seem to be a problem right but that's the problem this is a major problem he said he took his teaching ministry first before his prophetic ministry he said that's not the call the call is to take the prophetic ministry first before the teaching and that was enough to open the door for the devil to break his bone yes hallelujah and jesus healed him before him it was he and the doctors and nurses came to meet him where is he hallelujah now so that tells you that when god speaks pay attention to his word and that's what has helped me i i don't like missing a detail i like to pay close attention now if something if your life depends on something i think it deserves all your attention am i correct if you were flying a plane and you are told to go six degree due north and you decide to go 6.5 degrees by then you may arrive at gemini instead of going to us isn't this yes it's as serious as that i learned there was a general like that you know in our army those days that they gave map to lose this group and they came out somewhere else hallelujah are we together so you've got to be very careful the bible says of how god is where people make mistakes and they and they pray on letters of prayer how god anointed jesus with the holy ghost and power that is to say the holy ghost comes first then power follows isn't it and jesus too telling his disciples say and you shall receive power when after after the apostle chapter 1 and verse 8 but you shall receive power after that the holy ghost is come upon you and you shall witness this unto me in judiah and in all in jerusalem and in all judiah and in samaria even to the uttermost part of the earth even in the life of jesus we saw how it was how that the holy ghost came upon him in when they were doing the um when he was when he was baptized but nothing was said of power until the end of the 40 days passing the bible says that he then returned in the power of the spirit and the fame of him went abroad praise the lord jesus christ you don't miss it so now i told you of the first anointing which is the anointing with the holy ghost and i said that when he comes the first battle he wants to help you win is the battle of identity identity praise the lord jesus christ because life will ask you who are you and what do you say of yourself it is when you win this battle of identity that you can begin to experience yes the reality of divine sonship for you are what you say you are are we together you are what what you say you are when god said to the children of israel you are my priest go to the land of canaan and occupy it i've given it to you and then they went to spy and came back and they said we are not peaceful we are grasshoppers and they you see like i said last sunday i said don't believe make people to talk stupidly i don't think they are white they came back and said hey we saw the children of anna in them we are like grasshoppers in their eyes and so were we in our own eyes the question i then asked i would have asked them did you interview those children of anakin to know how they saw you as grasshopper because they said we are like grasshoppers in their eyes or before them how did you know did you go there and say hello anakin children how did you look up and praise the lord jesus christ for they came back and received the testimony of satan and the bible says what they have said is what they will experience now who are you and what do you say of yourself now who you are have been defined he's at all by at least three things number one your experience number two the testimonies of men number three the traditions of men together number one your experience by your five senses number two the testimonies of men number three the traditions of men the reason why you kick your leg against a stone and you begin to speak in tongues and see the blood of jesus the reason why you encounter cobweb while walking on the road and you begin to imagine maybe you will take three days fasting and prayer one pastor once said that if you notice that cobwebs are always you know you know crossing your face turning your hand you know you need like three days fasting and prayer because which is a wizard to use cobweb to fight somebody and make the person not to progress and i know many christians that pray that prayer and i think some of you are still with that go and repent go and repent go and repent hallelujah cobweb is cobweb and nothing more and nothing more nothing more but why don't you think about it that cobweb is easily broken isn't it at the end of the time you break her now isn't it just break it that's okay just as if really it is what is that your progress other things just as you tied my progress with cobweb and i broke it therefore my progress is released and move on with life why are you shouting why are you not eating or doing the three days to fight cobweb pity for you instead sorry for you fasting and prayer going to watch me go it's unnecessary you bounce listen the chain is not the cobweb the chain is in your heart which is hello i will not tell you what i've not experienced i was there i too used to think cobweb was a demonic chain you get that and as long as i thought it so i was having it so but when i took grief from that thought i'm not like i can feel it cobweb says you notice if you think about it too much that's why everything will look like cobweb everywhere you go am i correct yes yes it's true it's true buying what is not by training just on the words of the lord i was there the enemy was tossing me up and down i will do seven days very fast serious person this time i'll come on press my place how many of you have explained that today they call into which i want to sound you cannot stand up is that good after you have done long fasting and bg's imagine i did seven days bg's and i went to go and sleep let me wake up now if you don't wake up i did it for myself so after all the fire that i've gathered why are you still praising me but i later learned that that was i was my problem is praise the lord because what you say of yourself is what you receive listen what i'm doing i'm conducting serious deliverance many many things that i need to pass to shall fire fire fire deliverance serious deliverance listen the the greatest deliverance how did the bible say jesus to conduct deliverance go to the book of isaiah isaiah chapter 61 church wait for me best one once you go the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord has anointed me to do what to preach good tidings to the poor yes he has sent me to heal the broken and said now read aloud the next word what to announce to whom to the captive that what hallelujah amen them that are bound how do you tell them please by announcement the greatest deliverance is preached not conducted so i'm i'm doing serious deliverance now hallelujah i i was there amen satan was protecting me by all this knowledge until i realized these things that if i stop to the testimony of god it will become my reality and i began to i told satan you just hold on and they come this fight we shall come back to fight see you're late and i went to god to learn his word when i was done learning and internalizing his word the devil did not win you see you are fighting the devil because you agreed to a rematch do you understand now amen you are problems because you agreed with the devil for a rematch jesus gave him resounding beating and took resounding victory and gave it to you on a flat out road it announced jesus don't go now let's come and do a rematch you know that one was you know that one was a home let's do a rematch you know we did home that time let's come and play with you to go better bring with satan that's not foolishness all you need to do is to do like mayweather don't carry the best among yourself i don't win i don't win i that's what you should be doing that's what you should be don't ever agree with satan for a rematch when you agree with him for a rematch for a fight he goes where to i'm telling you hallelujah you don't you don't go to the ring with satan no just stand on your ground of pain all you need to do is the word that's what it will soon expire he doesn't have what it takes to outlast you no it is not in him listen to me the person that created him said if you start he will roll his attacks have expired days he cannot stay he cannot he can't resist he can't survive the environment of things it's like someone entered inside water and say i can stay there for two years impossible the environment of faith chokes him without you having to do anything he will die all wrong great god just stand in the environment of faith and love he is one he doesn't understand love he he just does not understand it if you want to get sick and confused just walk in love he's very confused all he will not be doing is to try to invite you to the place of hatred and wickedness keep inviting you thank you to come and invite you to that place just tell him i refuse to hate once you keep refusing to hate and you keep standing in love the enemy is very confused if he becomes woke up his blood pressure will begin to rise yes very frustrated human being like that and then you just turn in sick he will expire within time with lord jesus christ so when you know who you are stand on it stand on it stand on it there is an anointing therefore that it gives you who you are because you can't just know it by anybody telling you people told me from traditions traditional beliefs that if i hit my left leg against the stone now bad luck is in it and it will happen really if i hit my left leg against stone bad luck is to happen until i told myself that i don't i didn't see it in the bible so it does not exist so whether i hit left leg right leg both leg this day is a good day stones don't determine my day neither do my toes do my words determine my day praise the lord jesus christ i want to get another when that thing continued all that i asked myself why did you only go shooting this thing i then asked myself an important question why is it even without reading bible why is it that white man will come from germany us and come to nigeria and what you are calling your god in your shrine they call it akiba and they will now see one of your townsmen to go and steal it they will steal it and they put it in the bag and and if you do not not trouble them i mean instead of troubling people at home defeating people over here what they were telling you where were you the white man that took you and kept you in the museum what did you do to him the man was having coming in jesus and he was looking sickly then i found out that when you don't continue the devil broke his power hallelujah hallelujah we give him too much power by contentment in it one day i was watching then west africa university game was encompassing and various people came i will explain various things behold some people came the only thing they could explain was did you that he has to throw very tall no nobody inside him he just goes tall tall tall tall and be dancing you get that now so they brought it to the campus and they tried to make it through talk they did they are in condition they did you stand up like this and fall down again if you stand up like this and fall down again they kept struggling and struggling he's never stood up see eventually they got tired and they scattered they said i then the religious minister to me he said do you know why he could not stand up say because majority of the people here don't believe in him i went to the other it is the belief of men that empower the devil haven't you noticed that the thing that they say that you do for a feeling you should be very strong in those days but that is no longer very strong have you not been taught to do in your village in those days if you want to do like this with one palm but now that people is power up now with you down not because of pretending make most children no longer believe in him they've forgotten how are we together now yes the traditions of men empower satan are we together that is why you should discontinue now i understand why even when christ has not come the devil could not have a stronghold over israel you know why the lord denied the fact the concept of satan was not in israeli diction even went back in africa to the lord do you understand that i am telling you to stand on what the word of god says if the word of god that you are free it doesn't matter how many things around you keep declaring you are free if the word of god says you are blessed keep saying you are blessed now for you to experience the reality you need to be trained by the spirit that is the essence of the anointing within when the holy ghost is inside you and then he teaches you something about you hallelujah if you stand with it long enough you shall experience the power in that world that's when power falls are we together now if you stood with the word of faith concerning healing long enough the power to manifest that healing will come upon you now the same principle works with the spirit of home i told you that the spirit of home is no longer just for identity but it is for authority so if everything that jesus has purchased for us which is my reality if i now want to transmit that to someone else i may not be doing able to do that until the spirit comes upon me now when the spirit comes upon me are we together i can begin to operate in the demonstrations of the spirit but you know what there is more than just the demonstration of the spirit it is called the demonstration of power praise the lord jesus christ amen now your authority after your identity is clear for you your authority will be declared by the lord hallelujah when the spirit of god comes upon you it is to declare your authority to the world when god in the beginning of jesus ministry if i would say jesus christ is how the jesus god says god i mean jesus he says now that is talking to jesus at my beloved son in whom i am well he stopped there but in chapter of matthew when he spoke again what did he speak he didn't speak to jesus anymore because the issue of identity was deadly he spoke to creation this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased yeah that's authority yeah wind yeah in waves yeah in trees yeah in the dead yeah in demons yeah in men yeah in sickness money yeah him all this yeah him that is why the bible says when people now saw him operating the disciples wonder what manner of man is this that even the wind and the waves why the most are dead yeah hmm hallelujah what that is the most i asked for all creations to hear the song hallelujah all creation know that the person that have the power to command them now is the song hebrews chapter one and prophets one is a god who at sundry time and in diverse manner speak to the father in time past and his father is by the prophet in the time past and in this last day spoken to us by his son who he has made head of all by whom he has made the world hallelujah and in this last day spoke to us by his own who will have appointed to be head of all things by whom he has made the world praise the lord jesus christ he said he speaks to us now by whom by his son praise the lord jesus christ god speaks by his son in the days of old he spoke by who by prophet but now he speaks by his son that is his mission in the days of old he speaks by prophet but today he speaks by whom by his son so those of you that are singing lord i want to be another elijah to bring that fire down you are making a mistake those of you that are hoping to be prophets that are praying for to be like elijah you are making a mistake those of you that are praying to be like moses you are making a mistake god has left that dimension the mouthpiece of the lord now are not prophet they are the sons of god amen we are the mouthpiece of god and if i could therefore say that all creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of god they are waiting for who else jesus has gone to heaven who else will be announced to us this is my son because once the son comes he brings creation into the glorious liberty of him that is to say all creation were held bound by corruption that is why money was will answer to corrupt people and may not answer to you who think that you are not corrupt why money is found in the chains of corruption i'm not talking about money as a physical currency now i'm talking about the spirit behind money praise the lord jesus christ for the physical about money is really not the physical money praise the lord the rich don't talk in terms of physical money the people that are really rich don't talk in terms of physical money they don't carry physical money it is transaction is by digits you get that hallelujah so this thing does answer to people who don't have the power to control them but you see because they are held bound by the yoke of bondage to obey the voice of satan that is why someone can go and make and something is making money you get out now are we together no don't just sit down there and say there's a money only answer to values when you send when you sell values and then someone you can have value and nobody's praising your value right are we together you can have value and nobody's praising your value yes you will sit down someone has exactly the same thing you have to offer sitting side by side with you in the same market using the same advertisement method and everybody will be dodging mr a and they're going to be happy i'm not just a situation is it you are we together now yes there is a power that controls our phenomenon the marketplace is not only for intelligence so because they are under the yokes of darkness they are involuntarily answering them but when the son of god will manifest they can decree money come now and he will be it will be freed from the yoke of bonding of corruption and flow towards the just and the righteous some people think i'm joking so that you always having all sufficiency and in all things we are bound unto every good one i don't have time i would have showed you in in the in the in the amplified bible hallelujah are we together now amen do you have it on though are we together so please understand these things that you can speak to anything as a son of god yesterday i was at home and then um you know after i was done with my younger sister's wedding at about 7 p.m it was raining cats and dogs in the evening and then i got home and what my mom was done so she was giving thanks to god that exactly what i prayed isn't it exactly what i he said i prayed to the lord and i asked for thursday and friday for these are the days of the wedding and i said if it must rain it has to rain by 7 p.m when others are talking here hallelujah and that was when the rain started praise the lord jesus christ he said i told god that even if rain will fall i tend to live in i tend to be blue i tend you know and really rain fell in those places saturday for when we're having progress hallelujah it's only said when everybody has gotten home because the elements hear the son of god is is for you to demonstrate power in your life and that is that comes by the spirit within for the second come by the spirit upon and that one is for you to demonstrate the power of god in the life of people to show them that jesus is alive to show them that look eternal life is available you know that is to say the power of jesus is still there jesus did not go anywhere amen and you do that by power hallelujah so after a round of let me tell you this will be telling you before this thing how do you get the spirit to come upon you so that the second dimension of power that follow the spirit upon will come upon you because it is when the spirit is come upon you that you can now also receive the power and be witnessed unto jesus i told you the simple principle directly of getting the spirit come upon you is by killing the spirit and i said you can say in at least three ways that i know number one you serve the spirit by fellowshipping with the holy ghost reminding yourself of the things that god has said about your relationship with him and what god has instructed you to do if you fill your heart with the desire for fulfilling ministry for fulfilling purpose and that becomes the basis for your fellowship you are attracting the spirit upon amen that is where hunger from you know many people mix everything up they say that if you hunger and taste the only thing you will receive the holy spirit and jesus christ said that uh if anyone want hunger and taste let it come unto me and out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water now that now contradicts what the like of uh uh brother huggins will say he will say that you don't need to you don't need to uh carry you just got many people i've taught that hunger and taste is carrying in god's hands waiting for the holy ghost for like 21 days before the holy ghost comes no he says you can receive holy ghost immediately right and so that seems to contradict themselves but let me put it in perspective you've received the holy spirit it's in you as soon as you give your life to christ amen but there is a place for hunger what is it for i want to reach the world hallelujah i desire to win souls i desire to reflect the light of the presence and the power of god i'm not satisfied that i'm winning just one word amen this environment must know that leaves and you are bonding in your heart with the bonding of lost souls and your heart is filled with desire to fulfill the divine purpose you are you are eating up by the zeal of the house of god you are attracting the anointing i wish to get another that is where the hunger comes in in a dry and wet land where no water is my heart is searching for you as i have seen you in the sanctuary we heard your power and glory because my lips will glorify you i will praise you as long as i live praise the lord jesus christ the desire to fulfill his purpose and the consecration unto him it was when the disciples consecrated themselves unto the lord and their desire was one after they have been flogged the bible said they came back to their own and lifted up their heart voice and said oh lord why do the heathen rage at the people of the earth imagine a great thing it is indeed they have plotted against the lord and against anointing times chapter four of the book of acts now when he says that but stretch forth your hand oh god in the name of your holy child jesus hallelujah therefore and when they are praying the place where the world was shaking and they were all feeling with the holy ghost and the priesthood of god with goodness i wish you get another now that is it that is where the desire comes in now when the spirit comes upon you like that you now want to enter into the realm of power you have to proceed beyond just receiving the holy ghost you have to proceed to the point where the power comes proceeding to the point where the power comes is to just continue in effectual family prayer before now i used to think that effectual family prayer is you know heartfelt continuous prayer for what you want for that book prayer for lost souls you get that now heartfelt continuous prayer for power heartfelt continuous prayer for the anointing no it doesn't have to be whatever prayer you are praying when it is heartfelt and continue you are at that same time praise the lord in as much as you pray in the spirit continuous prayer of worship brings so much power so oh is i'm not saying you just like you are like this looking like you are waiting for rapture but you get on that i mean totally because you are so much lost in the spirit no longer hearing noise you get that i'm not shouting okay you get so engrossed in the realm of divine meditation that the noise of the matter i mean physical noise you just think the wind it's as if you are in another realm all together yes yes as if you are in another realm all together you are not hearing anybody anymore the noise of your soul is quiet the noise of your spirit is quiet it is you at that point even the hair on your body standing on its end everything about you you get good lord that is heartfelt continuous prayer if you could sustain that for a period of time will you come up with that amen that was what jesus did every night he said when the father continued all night then it will just come down and there is no difference between water and land he does walk from the shore into the sea and kept walking that is why you will walk into where the people are gathered to harm you and they are not able to do anything that is why you will lay hands on the sea and they will get to you that's it continuous prayer that is how you will break the backbone of corruption in your office heartfelt continuous prayer you see if you go with your intelligence to fight corruption corruption will fight back and leave you are we together but when you go in the anointing of the holy ghost when you go in the anointing of the holy ghost after heartfelt continuous prayer one word can recalibrate the whole office one word are we together one word can recalibrate the whole environment people will not know how to do it but when you step into it there will be solutions you go with presence you go with anointing you speak a word and the word answer yes because you are dealing with the lord that we said concerning some people they are told you say these are the men that turn the world upside down yes but again that they took notice of them that even though that they were on lending but they took notice of them that they are dealing with jesus they are dealing with jesus they do not have faith continue present i challenge you until the movement of heartfelt continuous prayer i challenge you to stay up up your heart until the spirit come upon you from the land i told you that there are a few things i'll let you do one of them another way is by laying on of hands when someone that has already set up his own lay hands on you and you are available by faith you are to receive by faith the spirit comes from within you and come upon you are we together now unfortunately people receive the holy ghost but they they just go home like that they don't stay up the power they receive the holy ghost they don't stay up out sometimes we let some people i will tell them that the heathen anointing is upon you they're just not there that's okay sir and they don't do anything about it the alien anointing can be latent in them but never achieving anything together you have to by that prophecy engage heartfelt continuous prayer you will see results in jesus name i rise to your feet let us pray thank you jesus for you