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Podcast 7

Podcast 7

Sam StrandellSam Strandell



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The podcast discusses the importance of nutrition and sleep in relation to physical performance and recovery. The host emphasizes the need to eat the right foods, particularly after workouts, to provide the body with necessary energy and nutrients. Water is also highlighted as a crucial component for hydration and muscle function. Adequate sleep is stressed as it allows the body to rest and recover, reducing the risk of injury. The host also briefly mentions the process of publishing the podcast, using software like Audacity for editing and sharing the episodes on a platform called audio.com. The host concludes by mentioning upcoming episodes on favorite football positions and the reasons why they play football. Hello, and welcome back to podcast number seven of the Sam Schrandell show. I'm grateful to have another podcast and today we're gonna be talking about nutrition and all the stuff that we put into our body and eating and like how close we follow our nutrition and then sleep, how big of a factor sleep plays in not just the recovery, but also getting ready to perform in our, in our daily life for sports and everything like that. So yeah, let's get let's jump in and oh, and I'm also gonna be describing the process of publishing these podcasts, which has been pretty cool. So first, we're gonna get into nutrition and eating. So of course, as you may guess, nutrition is probably one of the biggest components of our daily life, not just football, but every day. I remember seeing stuff like back if you want abs, you just got abs are made in the kitchen. And that's just like one funny thing that it actually is true. People used to say as a joke, and now it's a true thing. Like if you want abs, they're made in the kitchen. But core work also goes and then it correlates with that, but like nutrition can give you muscles and it can take away muscles. If you're not giving your body enough, like carbs or like energy, protein, all that good stuff and don't expect to be doing good on the next day, especially the next day where we expect to be building muscle because you probably won't be. Our body needs like energy for everything. When we work out and we do physical activity, we're losing carbs or we're losing stuff that we're using it. We're not losing it, but we're using it to in those activities and when we don't give it that stuff, then we're not only making ourselves worse, but we're taking away some good stuff that we could possibly have. So I mean, that's just a big component. For us, for our football team, one of the things that we like to do or that we have done for us during the season is they give us lunch three out of the five days, three of the five practice days and we have Monday off, so that's fine. But Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, they give us lunch and Friday is usually a travel day. So we don't really get the food then, but like in those meals, it's a lot of meat, protein that is good for you, healthy meat and then vegetables, fruit, salad, milk, water. It's just what our body needs and they have a large supply of it. So I mean, if you don't eat it or I mean, if you're like very hungry and you need a lot of food, you can take as much as you want and if you have class, you can take it to go or if you have class right after practice, you can go to class and then go to eat. But that's probably not the best because we're advised to eat within like 45 minutes of a workout because that's like the prime time to replenish and refuel. And then, so yeah, eating is probably the biggest thing and giving yourself the right food and all that, that's a huge component. And then, like drinking, like that's another huge component because water is like, it's just such a great tool because water, it gives your muscles like the right tools that it needs. Because I remember back in the fall, I probably wasn't drinking enough during fall camp and that led to like some tightness and injuries and that didn't help me that greatest. But you need water and you need to stay hydrated because if you don't stay hydrated, then you're going to cramp up during practice or you're going to like pass out. Like you're not going to be able to complete practice without water, you need water. So that's a huge component. It's something that people like our coaches, they talk about all the time is like refueling with water and food and all that good stuff. But it really is just like probably like some of the biggest components that no one really talks about that much because especially when you're working out, like even during the season you need the food. But working out, if you really want to build muscle and like get bigger, faster, stronger, all that good jazz, you got to eat the right food and quickly right after workouts to give your body back what it lost. And sleeping. Sleeping is another huge component because not only does it like, you're just, you're tired, you need a rest, but it also gives your body a break. Especially during the fall, during the season. It's long days, your practice, lunch, class, meetings, homework, and then you're right back to bed for the next day and it's just long and it's continuous. It's continuous and you really don't get much of a break. So you got to make sure you get the right amount of rest and sleep because if you don't, you're depriving your body and you're not going to be able to like be ready. Getting not enough rest is like giving yourself more of an opportunity to get injured. And like, just like an easier sense to put it like, if you don't get enough rest, your muscles are not going to be ready because they're still going to be like tired from yesterday because they weren't recovered. They weren't fully recovered and you're breaking your muscles and you're overusing them. And that's kind of how I injured my right knee is because I overused them a long time ago. Not this fall, but the fall before that. I kind of played through the injury for a long time and then eventually it took over like it's, I needed surgery, that's why I had to get done this winter. So that was quite unfortunate and so that's what happens when you don't, first of all, give your body a break or rest it. And like right now, right here I got water with me and I'm getting like, I just keep it with me throughout the entire day because I need it. It's just, I have to have it or else I'm going to get like cramps or just get injured and all that jazz. I mean, it's just, it's one of those things that just flies under the radar that people don't really ever talk about because it's not one of those main things, like I don't know why people don't, but like it's something that's trying to get more to light now, but it used to never be talked about. It was always just like workout, just workout, workout, workout pretty much. Like you never really talked about food. I mean, food is a big thing, but like it never really came to light until this year when I started going to college and they have a snack thing in our weight room. So right after weight, you work out, you can go get some snacks and like a PB&J and chocolate milk to refuel and protein and all that good stuff so that you're ready for the next activity tomorrow or just so you can recover correctly. Another thing that I forgot to mention for sleep is that sleep also wakes you up. I saw a thing the other day that if you eat right before bed, then you're going to use some of that time during that sleep, you're probably going to use some of that time to digest the food. That's going to make you less energized. So you kind of have to eat at the right time before sleep and it should be planned out. Like you got to know when to eat and then when to sleep. It's just, it's something that you got to figure it out on your own and sometimes you might mess up and you might forget and that will lead to injury and you'll find out the hard way. But hopefully you don't and you just know that you got to eat and you got to sleep at the right times and just got to be ready. Now the process of publishing and this isn't too hard for me because, you know, Audacity is a pretty good software that we use and it's a nice little app for editing and all that good jazz, adding music, effects, tools, all the stuff that we can do on Audacity is pretty cool. You can see the volume while you're talking. Like right now I'm looking at my volume and you can see just all the tools are on your screen and then obviously there's mixing that we can do during or like after the podcast. So right now I'm just going to be doing, I'm just talking to Audacity, I'm really not talking to anything else. I'm just talking to Audacity. I'm in a studio-ish kind of room because on campus we don't have much of a studio room but we got study rooms in the Union and in my dorm. So that's what I use primarily for my podcast and that way it's better reverb, it just sounds better in the podcast because, you know, I remember my first couple podcasts, the reverb wasn't that great and you can kind of tell in the podcast and then my instructor told me, you know, just watch out for the reverb because it was on like a fine line of crossing over being bad and not sounding good. So it's just something that I got to work on and like look at and think about when I'm making these podcasts. But yeah, other than that, so after I talk to Audacity, I edit it, I add some tracks, my music tracks and my intro and outro. I listen through it mostly because I just want to see how it sounds. I add some fading and like some here, let me see, fading and then like fade in, fade out, work with like the noise removal and repair, delay and reverb and then you just got to look at the volume and compression if it's not something that like, it's a little soft, you got to amplify it or just compress or do whatever and then the pitch and tempo also got to look good. So that's something I look at and then the EQ and the filters is something that it's another thing to look at just to make sure like the podcast can sound as good as it can and you know, it's a whole process but it's pretty cool tool that we got here with Audacity because it kind of just like, it helps you out and you really just like, you really don't have to do too much of the work. I remember reading our book and how it used to be and how much work it had to be on like different DAWs and all that stuff and like now with the new ones, it's just easier work and it's like easier for the editor and producer and it's easier to like deal with how it sounds. After this, after the editing, I'm going to like share it in my RSS link so my audio.com is what I use and that's where I keep all my podcasts so you can listen to all my podcasts on audio.com. I'll pull it up right now. So I just have like my profile picture, my like banner or whatever behind us, then all my audios is like right here so you can watch my podcast 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and then so that's pretty cool but it's just, it's easier to edit in there because I just, all I got to do on Audacity is press share audio and it just, it gives it to audio.com right away which is really nice because it's just an easier way to get it there. Excuse me a sec. Sorry, that's really just the publishing process. It's not too bad but it definitely works and I like it a lot because of the, just like it's kind of simple, you know. You can use, I use headphones sometimes. When I was calling people or like FaceTiming or Zooming or calling them, it was harder to do it then so I just had to use the right platform and sometimes you just got to try it out, see what works, see what doesn't work and yeah, I mean, it's just, it's, I don't know, it's, it's, I don't know, it's just simple and easy. So yeah, that's kind of the publishing process. Right now, I'll just give you a little heads up. Right now, we're going in the next week is finals week so this is our last week of football so we just got workouts here Monday, Tuesday. Today's Tuesday so on Wednesday, we got off. Thursday is our last day of workouts. Friday, we're off and then we're done. We got the finals week. Just to focus on finals which is pretty nice but this week in the weight room, not really doing much other than like maxing out everything that we had so like Monday, I'm injured right now so I didn't really do any of this but Monday, we, yesterday, we tested our broad jump or we maxed out our broad jump and then we also maxed out on our power clean in the weight room which is like one of the tougher, tougher workouts and then today, we maxed out our vertical jump and then maxed out bench press which I got to do. It was pretty cool but I thought I could have maxed bench more but they, just for safety reasons, they told us to stop which is alright but after that, that's pretty much it. We're not doing much. May, we got the entire month of May off but next week, we're coming, or my next podcast, we're coming back with probably my favorite podcast that we're going to do. It's just talking about like my favorite thing about football, my favorite positions to play, what are the hardest and then go over some of that and then episode eight is going to have a little segment of why we play football. I'll just talk about the reasons why we do it because especially in this environment in college football where everything's tough and like it's really harder, it's not like football as you envision it being in college because college is just like, you envision college football to be fun but sometimes, it's not fun. It's really hard and it makes you question why you do it sometimes and so it's just something that I just want to touch base on before I let us go for our last podcast and so yeah, so be on the lookout for episode eight. I'm excited to share with you guys and thanks again for tuning in to podcast number seven for the Sam Shendell Show. We talked about nutrition, eating, sleeping and then the publishing process so thanks again for tuning in and I'll see you all next time on the Sam Shendell Show. Alright, thank you.

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