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Whitley wants to get hypnotized to remember his encounters with aliens. He finds a hypnotist with a Ph.D. in psychology and hypnosis. During the hypnosis, Whitley relives the moment of getting probed. He also remembers being with his family and others while being hypnotized. He speculates that aliens are like fairies and talks about losing time. He wants to be the ambassador for the aliens but can't communicate with them when not hypnotized. They also hypnotize Whitley's wife and son, who confirm similar experiences. The narrator is skeptical of the story's credibility. The good thing is that the first half of the story is creepy. All right, let's try this. My nose. So after this, Whitley wants to get hypnotized, and he's like, I want to get hypnotized, but I don't want you to do it, bud. I need somebody with a Ph.D. And Bud's like, there's no such thing as Ph.D.s on hypnosis. He's like, I don't care. Find me someone. So they find this guy, his name is Donald Klein, and he has a Ph.D. in psychology, and I think something else. He has a Ph.D. in psychology and hypnosis, so you know he's legit. And Don puts him in this hypnosis, and he kind of does this thing. They relive the moment, and Don puts him in hypnosis, and they relive the moment Whitley gets the probe in his brain. He gets the incision, and he gets the probe up his butt. And then at the end of this, and then at the end when they were wrapping everything up, he remembers that the aliens told him that he's one of the chosen ones, and that's when Don starts to question him. He's like, what do you mean like the chosen ones? And he's like, you know, like the chosen ones of the people. And he's like, can you elaborate on that? He's like, well, I don't know what it means, but me and a bunch of people are like the chosen ones. And he's like, well, I don't know what it means, but me and a lot of people are actually the chosen ones. And he's like, who do you mean by like a lot of people? And then from there, they get like a different flashback. Like he goes back when he was 12 years old, and he remembers a time when he was driving home, and he remembers a time when he went to go visit his aunt up in Madison, Wisconsin. And they were going back home, and they were going back home in a train, and he remembers that during that time, like this weird experience happened with him. He says that he remembers that he was hypnotized. He remembers that he was like in this bed, hypnotized, and he looked around, and he saw that his sister was like right next to him. And he also saw there was like a bunch of other people laying across with him. So you have all these people just kind of like laying down as they were like probing him and doing whatever it is that they do. But he also noticed that his dad was also there, but his dad wasn't hypnotized. Like for some reason, his dad like broke the spell or broke the hypnosis, and his dad actually had a confrontation with these aliens. Just like have like his whole family in like this cot, and the others like his whole family just laying down across from him and smiling. So I would imagine I'd be scared too. Like, you know, it's pretty traumatic. But from there, it just kind of like ends. That's all he says. He doesn't really elaborate more. And that's pretty much the last event that he kind of talks about. And that's pretty much the last event he talks about. For the rest of the book, he mainly talks about three things. And the three things are... And for the rest of the book, he talks about like three main things. Like the first one he talks about is kind of like speculation. Like he tries to like make sense to what these things are. He kind of like... He kind of pieces it together that... He kind of pieces it together that back in the day, they had fairies, and these fairies would like abduct people and like take them to like these weird places, and they'd be gone for like days. And he kind of says that aliens are probably fairies and all that stuff. The main... The second thing he talks about mostly... The second thing he talks about mostly is like kind of... The second thing he kind of... The second thing he talks about is kind of like... The second thing he talks about is kind of like how he's just losing time. Like he would sit down for a game of League like at one in the afternoon, and then we get... And then he'd sit down for like a game of League at like one in the afternoon, and then he'd get up, and it's like eight o'clock. And he's like, where did all this time go? Well, he doesn't say it that way, but he says like he would put like a pizza in the oven, and then it would come out, and it'd be like eight o'clock. So he mostly talks about that. And the last part... And the last thing he mostly talks about is... And the last thing he talks about, like the main thing... And the last kind of like thing he... And the last main thing that he talks about is kind of how he wants to be like the ambassador for these aliens. And he really wants to talk to these aliens, but when he's not hypnotized. Like he... Like he wants to make it a mission... Like he wants to have contact with these... Like he wants to have contact with these aliens when he's not hypnotized. So he just like wants to go up to talk to them, but obviously that's never going to happen. Every single time these aliens show up, they're always... Every single time these aliens show up, they're always going to put him in hypnosis, and they're always going to just like drag him and do whatever. They're never going to like actually talk to him. And those are like the three main parts on the... And those are kind of like the three main parts. A lot of people say that this is like the worst part of the book, like because, you know... A lot of people... A lot of people say that this is probably like the worst part of the book, and I agree because he's just kind of putting out theories, like... And don't get me wrong, like, you know, you could put theories out there, but it just doesn't fit... It just doesn't fit with like the first half of the story, where you're kind of like retelling your story, and then like in the second half, you're... You're putting in like a lot of pseudoscience, so it's kind of like weird. Like it doesn't really blend that well, and it's hard to like describe it unless you actually read it, but that's kind of like the main thing. Although... But for the last part of the story, and this is the part I found interesting, is that he kind of like... But for the last part of the story, and I find this part interesting... But for the last part of the story, and I do kind of find this part interesting, is that they put the wife under hypnosis. They put... Like she... And for the... And for the last part of the... And for the last part of the story, they put the wife under hypnosis, so Whitley was married. I never really mentioned it, but Whitley's married to like this wife, and for the most part, she's kind of like... Like she doesn't believe in anything. Like she doesn't think anything is happening, but they put her under hypnosis, and they kind of like explain why she's the way she is, or like why she doesn't believe Whitley, and the main... And the main thing about... And the main thing she says is that she actually does notice that Whitley's kind of like gone, and he gets taken, but the reason she never said anything is because she's there for like moral support, and she feels that if she like... And she feels that if she ever like... And she feels if she ever like corroborated the story, like it would make Whitley insane, because he'd know that people were abducting him, so like in a way, like... The book makes... The book makes it... The book makes it seem like she's doing it like for a noble cause. She's doing it so that Whitley doesn't go insane, but when I was reading it, it felt more like she was just gaslighting them, like she was just planted there, so that he never finds out that she was... He was getting abducted. But I thought that part was interesting, and they also interviewed the son for a little bit, and the son kind of like says the same thing. He keeps on getting abducted. And they also interviewed the son, and they also interviewed the son, although like the son doesn't really go under hypnosis, like they said they're gonna wait till he's 18, but... But the main thing about the son is that... But the main thing about the son is that he kind of like tells them like these dreams that he's having, and the main takeaway for that part is that he also... And the main takeaway for that part is that he's also getting abducted, and he describes like the aliens like to a tee, like he talks about like the short ones that are like three foot tall, and he talks about like the tall ones. So, and that's pretty much the base, and that's kind of like the... And that's like the main point of like Whitley's son's story, so... Now for the main... Now for the main part, like do we actually believe it? Is it good? Hmm, what do I want to... How do I want to start this off? Now, do I actually believe it? Probably not. Now, do I actually believe it? Like, is it real? Like, could it possibly... Like, could it be possible he's telling the truth? I don't think so, honestly. I think... I think... I don't think so, honestly. I think the story is just like too fantastical, like... I think the story is too fantastical. Like, I think the story has like... Like, I think that a story... Like, I think the story has like a lot of... Like, I think the story has like a lot of like... Like, I think the story can easily... So, the story can easily... So, the story can easily be proven wrong, and... So, the story is like a little too fantastical, like... Like... So, the story is a little too fantastical that it can easily be proven, like, wrong. So, the story... So, the story is actually too... So, the story, for me at least, is like too fantastical, like... Too many things are going on, like we know, like... I don't know, it's hard to describe, like... So, for me, I feel like the story is too fantastical, and it can easily be disproven. So, I think the main thing... So, for me, the main thing is that the story is like too fantastical. Well, first, I want to talk about the good things. Like, what's the good things about this book? So, the good thing is that the story is actually pretty good. Like, I think, like, the first half of the story is actually pretty creepy. It's not until, like, after they do the hypnosis... It's not after we find out that... It's not after we find out that... So, I think the book is actually pretty good. It's pretty well-written, and I think it's pretty... It's pretty creepy from the beginning, all the way up to when you find out that he's being abducted since he was, like, 12. And I think, like, that part is, standalone, is, like, really good. It's not until, like, the second part where it's kind of, like, falls apart. Like, it makes it less believable. Like, he tries to bring in this... Like, he tries to bring in all this evidence and, like, saying how he corroborated, like, the story with everybody he knew. But it kind of reads like pseudoscience, so it definitely doesn't... So, it definitely doesn't, like... So, it definitely doesn't, like, feel like he actually did the research. Like, it feels, like, more like he's telling a story. But there's, like, another reason why I don't think it's real. But there's another reason why it's definitely not real. But there's another reason why I don't think it's real, and the main reason is that he has the evidence in his head. So, in the book, remember, like I said, he has a probe in his brain, and he says that he got it tested, and he... And the main reason why I don't believe it is because he actually has evidence, and he claims he has evidence in his brain. Because remember, he has that... Because remember... Because remember, he has that brain in his head. Because remember, he has that neural link in his brain. So, you could easily just prove it just by showing it to someone. And he claims to have, like, done all these... And he claims to have done all these tests to, like, prove that he has a chip in his head, but for some reason, no one's really talking about it, which is kind of weird. Do I just say it again? Now, do I believe it's real? Is it all real? Probably not. And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... And I have... 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