Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The first episode of a podcast starts with a discussion about various topics. They talk about Apple Vision Pro, Google Lens, and the practicality of wearing VR goggles in public. They also mention the Super Bowl, Kanye West's new album, and a recent interview with Putin and Tucker Carlson. They briefly touch on the situation in Ukraine and the corruption within the country. They end by discussing the economy and interest rates. All right guys, welcome to the first episode of the podcast. I'm Ruben. I'm Nathan. Okay. All right. So, how was your week, Ruben? It was great, Nathan. How about you? Pretty good week. So, Super Bowl tomorrow? Yep. You ready? I'm ready. I'm ready. Okay. First up on our agenda, Apple Vision Pro. What do you think about it, Nathan? I think it's kind of funny, bro. Like, have you seen the early one that Google made, the Google Lens or something? I think I know what you're talking about. The ones that look like real glasses? Let me take a look at it real quick. Here, I'll pull it up. Google Lens? Yeah, Google Lens or Google Glass or something. Yeah, yeah. This is what it was. Oh, yeah. It's really small. Yeah, but compare that to, imagine going in public and you're wearing some big VR on yourself. You're going to look like an idiot, bro. It's a lot more practical, the Google one. But with the Apple Vision Pro, I saw this video on Instagram a couple days ago. This dude was taking a poop, right? And so, he just had like, you know how you can make a scenery around you? Oh, yeah. That was sick, bro. Imagine a scenery around you while you're pooping, some calm, serene noises. How does that work? Can you like, it can use your own photos for a panoramic view? Or is it a default? I think it might be pre-loaded. I don't know. Okay. Because they have to track the whole area, right, to get it. Yeah. That's pretty cool. Yeah. So, it's starting off, I think like the starting price for it is $3,500. Yeah. That's insane. Yeah, bro. You see him, what's his face? I don't know, one of the rappers, Quavo. Yeah. He bought like his little... For passing a trigonomic test, right? Yeah, yeah. Like, bro, I want an Apple Vision Pro for passing my trigonometry test. Yeah, that's insane. You think it's worth the price? $3,500? $3,500 is insane for a pair of VR goggles. I think that the price will eventually go down. I think it's a cool idea, though. Yeah. I think it's definitely worth it if you have that kind of money, you know? Because it just makes everything so much easier. Think about it like you're shopping at Walmart, right? Your wife tells you a whole list of things you need to buy. You don't remember anything, right? Instead of having to pull out your phone every two seconds, you just have it put up on the side. But I feel like it's going to take a while for society to accept someone walking into a store with big goggles on as normal, you know? I mean, I think eventually we can get it to look more like some Tony Stark-type glasses. Yeah, they might have to trim it down a little bit. Tap your normal-looking glasses twice, and then you have Jarvis on the side. Exactly. Anyways, anyways. Super Bowl this weekend, who you got? I'm not really rooting for anyone in particular. What about you? I got 49ers. I was telling you before, you know, my heart says 49ers, but my parlay says Chiefs. Okay. So, what you doing? You going to go to a party? I'm going to Johan John's house. Yeah, Johan John, if you're listening to this, we want you on the podcast. And Mohit Damodaran. Yep. So, what you bringing to your house? So, I'm bringing the drinks, like, I don't know, soda, Sprite, Santa, whatever Mohit wants, you know. What about you? So, I'm going to my girlfriend's house, and I'm probably going to just bring some snacks. So, oh, speaking of like, speaking of snacks, you see Kanye, you know, he dropped the album. That was a pretty good snack, I'm not going to lie. Good way to open up my weekend. So, I got to say, Kanye, genius, bro. Like, maybe he's not that smart in like a social sense, but bro, this dude's musical genius is insane. That album, 10 out of 10. Yeah, so I haven't fully listened to it. I listened to like the first part, which you wanted to drive here. But, do the songs, like, are the later songs better than the beginning songs of the album? I thought the beginning songs were pretty good. They were like, it kind of went like off and on. Like, there were some songs I didn't like, but I think for the most part, they're pretty good. Yeah, I thought they had like a good rhythm to them, all the songs. I think it's, what, since it's only February, so I don't know, maybe some better albums will come along throughout the year. But, I think this is a really good way to start off the year. You know what, bro? I have a hot take. Okay, let's hear it. I think Jesus is King is better than Yeezus. Okay, well, I have not listened to any of those albums completely. So, I don't know, maybe our listeners are going to have to decide if that's a hot take or if they accept that, you know? Bro, Kanye and that Jesus and Jesus is King arc, bro, like when he was going through that whole, like, you know, he was trying to create, like, make going to church fun again, you know what I mean? Yeah, I do know what you mean. I think that was, like, and he was honestly getting people to go there, you know? Like, he had the Sunday service, you know, they would have like a service. I remember my uncle went to one of his things, like, a couple years ago. That was sick. That's nice. So, you think Kanye has changed for the worse or better ever since those Instagram posts he's been making? Which Instagram posts are you talking about? I don't know if you can see it on here on this podcast, but if you don't know what you're talking about, I guess you can move on. So, what do you think were some important highlights of this week? I think, for the most part, you know, I had some, I had a lot of tests this week, I'm not going to lie. I had some A-Push, some Geometry, or not Geometry, PreCalc. Okay, how did those go for you? Low-key messed up A-Push, I forgot to study for that, but, you know, I think it's fine. I haven't gotten, like, a single bad grade in that class yet, so I'm thinking I'm good. That's good. You have a stacked A-Push class, I heard. I do, it's a pretty fun A-Push class. Rishi Vamuri, A-Push Goat. Shout out to my boy. Atticus G, Top G. Okay, so, what were some, like, key events this week that were, like, nationally, or even, like, globally, a big deal to you that stood out? You see that, what's it called, the interview with Tucker Carlson and Putin? Yeah, I did watch some reviews on it, but I'm not fully caught up with it. Do you mind enlightening me? Yeah, sure. Yeah, so, Putin, you know, obviously he doesn't speak Americanese, so he had a translator, but, you know, in his normal fashion, he's trying to make America look, you know, a little weak. Yeah. Project himself as the bigger man. Yeah, I heard he wanted to just take over Ukraine because it was originally part of, like, the USSR, right? Yeah. So, do you think, he also talked about, like, a treaty with Ukraine, I'm pretty sure. He talked about, like, stopping the fighting. What do you think about that? Do you think he's gonna, if Ukraine agrees, he's gonna go through with it, or it's just gonna be a massive war? I mean, I didn't hear about a treaty or anything, but, you know, I don't think he would offer one. I think he's a very prideful individual. Yeah. Well, he was clearly, um, clearly does not like Zelensky at all. What do you think Zelensky has to say about his situation right now? Well, I think Zelensky more or less, you know, Ukraine doesn't have that strong of a military, you know, that's why there's so many people that are volunteering from, you know, here. Exactly, NATO would be a pretty helpful force to Ukraine, so I feel like Russia might, you know, might not hit Ukraine too hard considering that, you know, the United States has Ukraine's back. What about you? I'm gonna be honest, I don't like the amount of money that the US is pouring into Ukraine. Yeah, me neither. I feel like it could be allocated for better use, you know? Dude, and you know what's the worst part? You know, like, people aren't really addressing the corruption in Ukraine either. Like, you know, obviously, you know, what's happening in Ukraine is horrible. Yeah. You know, you have to address both sides of the coin. Yeah, exactly. I've heard about, like, the corruption. Would you mind, like, going into, like, detail about, like, what corruption you're talking about? There's been a lot of, like, instances of corruption in Ukraine. I remember, like, they had some political corruption. I'm pretty sure they cost, like, the US, like, $2.5 billion because of something. I'm not completely sure. Okay, well, yeah, that makes perfect sense. Oh, here, I just pulled it up. Okay, yeah, let's read this. Some corrupt officials in Ukraine, like, stole $40 million that were meant to, you know, help with the war effort. Oh, wow. Yeah. So how do you think the United States is going to respond to that? Do you think they're just going to sit back and let it slide? Or do you think they're going to have some corrective measures set in place for Ukrainian generals? Well, you know, I don't really want America to get involved in this. I don't think that NATO, I feel like, you know, Russia really trapped Ukraine. Actually, no, the opposite. I think Ukraine kind of trapped Russia with the joining NATO threats. So, you know, I don't think Russia, I think Russia's going to have to watch its tone, you know? Putin was just trying to put on a strong face, you know what I mean? Exactly. Bro might be a black belt in, like, Sambo, but, you know, he can always catch these hands. So where do you think this money that is being sent to Ukraine right now should be allocated? Honestly, you know, our economy is pretty bad. Interest rates are at an all-time high, or not all-time high, but they're pretty high right now. So I think that that could be given to the Fed to help interest rates go down. But, you know, I do have to give it to the Fed. They have brought inflation down to, you know, not a normal rate, but, you know, pretty good rate. And Putin, bro, like, Sambo, dude, Sambo is insane. Like, on another note, like, I know I'm kind of getting off topic, but Sambo, those dudes from Russia, bro, that do Sambo, oh my god, those dudes are insane. Like, but have you seen the amount of Russian, like, these Dagestani fighters that are coming into the UFC? Like, there's so many, and they're so dominant. It's, like, kind of frustrating, you know what I mean? And they all have the same style, kind of. Have you heard of this one dude on Shara, Shara Mago, Shara, Shara Putin or something? No, I haven't. What about him? This dude's from Dagestan. He has one eye. Oh, really? He has one eye. And he's fighting? Shara Putin Magomedov. This dude has one eye. One of his eyes, here, look, let me show you a picture. Yeah, pull him up. This dude, look at this, this eye, completely gone. Like, you remember, I don't know if you know Michael Bisping, who had the fake that he had both, like, function in both eyes. But this dude, he's fighting with one eye, and he's killing it. He's winning a lot? And he doesn't have, like, that boring, you know, wrestling style that, you know, like, a lot of other Dagestanis have had. This dude's killing it. He's a good striker. I haven't seen him on the ground much, but he's a very entertaining, entertaining fighter. And, like, UFC 300's coming up, UFC 299, too. Yeah. Great guards. I'll probably have to come over and watch that with you. Yeah, you will. Okay. You know what I'm hoping for? My favorite fighter in the UFC, Cody Garbrandt, bro. I hope he makes another run for the title against Sean O'Malley. I think Sean O'Malley is a good champion, but, you know, Cody Garbrandt's coming for that belt. Talking about another Sean, you know Sean Strickland? I know you know Sean. I know Sean Strickland. I'm familiar with Sean Strickland. You see him? He fought Sniko this week. He did? Actually? Yeah. How bad did Sniko get beat up? He got beat up pretty bad, you know. A lot of people were making fun of, and, you know, a lot of people said he didn't beat up Sniko as bad as anything. I don't think he was going 100%, obviously. Yeah, Sniko would get folded. Let's be real. Sniko would get folded by... Strickland's a professional fighter. I don't think Sniko... Sniko would get folded by you, bro. Like, he could... Sniko talks a lot. Let's just say that. He does talk a lot. So, I'm kind of going to transition here. So, how do you think stocks have been going this week, especially for some major stocks? My number one prediction for this year has been up. I had ARM stock, which is a... ARM is a software design company. It's a British company, and so they create, like, semiconductors and stuff. And so, I bought it at, like, I'd say maybe around $40. And so, this stock has blown up. I remember when I bought it at maybe, what's it called, $40, as I was saying. Oh, it's at, like, $115 right now. Yeah, earnings report came out pretty recently, I'd say. I think it came out, like, it came out this week, I know that. And it blew up. It went from $70 all the way up to $115, as it is right now. And, you know, I think that's really ushering in the new era of AI and technology. Yeah, speaking of AI and technology stocks, how do you think Nvidia has been doing? Because they actually went up quite a bit in the past few days. So, I was actually going to invest in Nvidia when it was at, like, $680. But I decided to wait a bit and let it, like, fall down. But instead, it actually went up $40 more since then. So, how do you think it's been doing? It's been going up quite a bit. Do you think it's ever going to, you know, settle down underneath the $700 mark so investors could buy then? Or do you think it's just going to keep going up? Honestly, I think that it's going to keep going up. I think they just have so much forward momentum. I think that the AI market, as it stands right now, I'm hoping for a dip so I can get in. I don't have that many shares of Nvidia, but I did buy in October when it was around $400. Oh, nice. So, you've been holding on to it since then? Yeah, so I just got to, you know, I have to get more shares. Okay, so, speaking of, also on the same note as Nvidia, AMD has also been going crazy for me lately. I actually bought a share quite a long time ago, and I've gotten, I think, close to an 80% return on that share. So, do you think it's just going to keep going up, or do you think it might settle down on Nvidia? I think that Nvidia is probably going to keep going up. I think AMD has more of a ceiling. I think they're reaching closer to their ceiling, and I think their floor is a lot higher than it was previously. Excuse me, considering the explosion in the AI market, you know, a lot of people are trying to buy into AI ETFs now. Yeah, it's a great growth market to actually get into. So, I don't know, AMD isn't as big as Nvidia, but it has been performing quite well. I wouldn't say as well as Nvidia, but I do feel like there is room for it to grow. I don't know if it's as much as Nvidia, but, you know, I think the AI market is a really profitable market to get into. It is, it is. On another note, Tesla, Tesla, what is happening? Elon Musk, have you seen that? It's been, I think, yesterday was their only, you know, I think, it's only in the past week that they've made a resurgence, but for the past, like, month. Yeah, they've been dropping. It's been horrible. I remember at the beginning of the year, it was like 200. Well, if Tesla is a pretty big company, I feel like at some point they're going to go up. So, you think now is like the good time to buy? I think it's a decent time to buy right now, right? You know why a bunch of, a lot of the Chinese companies are outpacing Tesla right now? Like, BYD, you know what BYD is? No, I've not heard of them. It's a, it's a Chinese electric car. Electric car? So, a lot of EV sales, they actually beat out Tesla in their EV sales for the first time. Oh, wow. So, they're only found in China or are they found in other parts of the world too? I've not seen a BYD anywhere around here. I think they're expanding. They aren't, I know they aren't available in the US yet, but I'm not sure if they're, I'm pretty sure they would want to expand their market considering that they're beating Tesla out. Yeah, exactly. Also, on the, on the note of electric cars, many car companies like, that are kind of known for like their gas powered cars, they have been starting to make quite a bit more electric cars. So, how do you think those are going to do? Do you think those might outperform Tesla and potentially leave Tesla in the dust? Or, what do you, what do you think about that? I think Tesla, honestly, I feel like, you know, they innovate, they were the innovators for electric cars, you know, like Henry Ford revolutionized the market, like the automotive market, the factory market, you know. But, you know, as we see Ford right now, you know, it's not, it's not that profitable right now. Not as big as other car companies. Not as big as other car companies. It's still an American staple, but, you know, times have been better. They started it, but other companies outgrew them. So, do you think that's going to be the same with like companies such as Honda and Toyota, which are kind of starting to like dabble in the electric car market? First off, I love Japanese cars. Those things are so efficient, you know, they're obviously, you know, some of them are kind of ugly. But, you know, if you're looking from just like a commuter standpoint, they're very efficient cars. They last for years, you know. I haven't seen a Japanese car that breaks down as much as like an American car, like a Range Rover does. I hate Range Rover, let me make that clear. They're like junk buckets. Yeah, and Tesla, I've heard they're also not like, I heard they're pretty cheaply built, right? I'm not sure, but I know that their quality has been going down. I think the reason for their cost being so high nowadays is because not many electric car companies can really outperform them in just the sheer like production of electric cars. But I think now as we start to see some new players in the game, such as Honda and Toyota, I think those prices are going to start to come down and allow for a lot more versatile market. Bro, honestly, I don't want the shift to EV to happen. I don't think there's really that high of a benefit between EV and like gas cars, you know. I think it's the same. I don't think, you know, people should be buying EVs because, you know, it's going to be better for the environment, you know. I think lithium batteries have the same, if not worse, effect on the environment than gas cars. And all I'm saying, have you ever heard of V8? Have you ever heard it? Yeah, I have. Well, I do feel like if they do improve on their batteries, that electric cars in the future would be really good for the environment, as you said. But, I don't know, I feel like there should still be an option for a hybrid, you know. Just in case people want to use gas one day instead of relying on electricity. Say someone did charge their car at night, they forgot, you know. They still have the option for gas. I do feel like that should still always be an option, but I do think electric cars are going to be the future. All I'm saying, have you ever heard a Dodge Viper's beautiful V10? Oh my goodness. How about you play for us right now? Alright, let me find it. Like, you can't tell me you hear that and you don't want an electric car. Like, that's beauty. Yeah, that does sound sick. Hopefully electric cars can get the best of both worlds, which sounds kind of impossible. But, you know, might be hope. Maybe some sound system that allows them to replicate. I mean, they have those, they have those. So, I've been meaning to ask you, you know, where do you want to go on vacation this summer? I was low-key thinking, um, Glacier National Park. What do you think about that? I'm down for a nature thing, but you know. Dude, America is so beautiful. Like, you know, we're in the Midwest, so we just see like the disgusting plains of corn, right? But like, you go, like I was in Cali this summer, right? Oh my God, bro. It's beautiful. Like, just driving on the PCH, bro. You know, all the mountains, like, overlooking like the Pacific, bro. It's beautiful. Yeah, Cali's pretty expensive, right? You think that would be a good, like, budget place for, like, people to just go over the summer? Or do you think you need a little bit more money for that, you know? Well, maybe if someone decides to listen to this podcast and give us money. Maybe, you know, some of you viewers out there who are making bank. Josh Lieberman, Johan John, Akash Tomoredi. So, where would you want to go? So, like, kind of a nature place or a place with, like, you know, like a beach? Honestly, bro, I want to go hiking. You know, bro, my dream is to go hunting in Alaska. Moose hunting. Alaska? That'd be pretty. I'd be, like, going back to winter, and I don't want to go back to winter. Maybe not a summer spot, you know what I mean? Yeah. Winter break type thing. Do you think we'd survive in Alaska in winter break? All we need to do is bring the bear mace and leave at home. So, speaking of the cold weather, it spiked. It went to, like, 50 a few days ago, and now it's back down. What do you think about that? I mean, but we being Illinoisans, you know, we're used to this weather. This is, like, shorts weather. Like, I'm burning up right now. So, do you think it's the prime weather to go ice fishing right now? You know, even though the ice is melting, do you think if it gets colder that, you know, we'd have a chance? Because we missed out on it all this winter. You know, there's one of our mutual friends, you remember him? Yeah, I do remember him. I can't recall his name, but, you know, he goes ice fishing quite a lot. Just without us. Yeah, I remember one time, you remember that story he was telling us? Oh, yeah. He knifed a swordfish in the ocean. I don't know why, I don't know. That was crazy. At night. You know, I almost believed him. He knifed a swordfish at night. Yeah. I have to give it to him. I don't know how he came up with that story, but whatever went through his brain to say that. That was a pretty crazy story. Just some messed up stuff with bluegills. Oh, my. You know? Yeah. I remember recalling him swinging it around in figure eights while it was still attached. And, yeah, it was pretty gruesome. Bro, I gotta, I gotta, we gotta get a new rod. We do. Oh, we did find a group rod. Dude, we gotta, I'm trying to find a good catfish spot, you know? Good pike spot, you know? Maybe get a heavy rod, get some 50-pound line on there. Yeah, you know, a guy by the name of Zach Madorski, actually, he caused me to miss my first pike. You know, because he didn't have fast enough reflexes. You know, he could have jumped in the river and pulled out my pike. I remember that. That's Flames River, man. Dude. There's so many, like, unknown places, like, just in the world. Like, it's crazy. That's never been untouched. Never been touched. There's this one place in, um, I don't remember where it is, but it's called the Valley of Headless Men. Have you heard of this story? No, I haven't. Bro, this is insane. So, let me tell you the story. So, there are two gold miners, right? And so, it was in, like, the 1900s, right? So, you know, obviously, you know, early America, not early America, you know, Gilded Age America, or Progressive Era America. And so, these dudes, they went to go get gold. And they went to the Nahanni Valley. Where's that? I'm not sure. I just remember it's called the Nahanni Valley. So, anyways, so they were trying to find gold, right? There are only two ways to get into this. You either get in by helicopter, or you get in through this, like, village. So, this place has been mostly untouched. And so, they found, um, they went to go find gold, right? Yeah. And so, they just went missing, right? So, how did they, like, find that there was gold there? Were they, like, tipped off by someone? I don't know. I think it was just, you know, like, you remember the 49ers, Gold Rush, right? Yeah. Yeah. So, I think it was just something like that. And so, you know, they went missing, because no one heard from them, like, you know, did they find gold or whatever. Yeah. And so, they went and investigated the valley, and they found both of them, like, their bodies were without heads. Their bodies were decapitated, and they couldn't find their heads. And this happened, like, I think there were, like, 40 other instances of this. In the same location? Same location. 40 others. So, 40 other people were decapitated in this valley. Yeah, it's, like, insane. So, it's not, like, a fairly popular spot. It's just the people who go there just get killed, right? Yeah. I hope someone goes and tries to make, like, an exploration of it, you know, without trying. Yeah, they could send the U.S. Army there, you know, search for oil. Maybe, maybe it was just a massive muskie, you know. Maybe. Massive muskie in the river while they were panning for gold? Who knows, who knows. But, you know, headless men, headless men. Yeah, I feel like, I feel like there's someone who probably lives in that area. Maybe part of the village? Maybe, maybe. I think it's in Canada, I'm pretty sure. So, I think it wouldn't be, like, a... So, what have the police done to, like, from the situation? They haven't. You know, they just, people go missing, and they find headless bodies, you know. It's crazy. Yeah, so, you know, on another note, because, you know, I can't really expound on my headless man valley thing. So, you know, we've been fishing for a little while. Yeah. So, what do you think is our craziest story from fishing? Our craziest story? Um, I mean, I think the most, like, impressive thing, like, impressive in a bad way is that the time we went to, the time we went to Independence Grove, and we caught absolutely nothing, you know. We had four people on that boat. Let's be honest, the real reason why we didn't catch anything was because when we were fishing, we were playing music on the boat, and we kept moving because everyone wanted to throw the anchor in. Yeah, and everyone wanted to drive the boat. That was fun. I think we should do it again. Yeah. I mean, I just think, like, how lucky we were to get, like, the electric boat, because we were supposed to go in... Yeah, we were supposed to row. ...with a rower, and that would not have been fun at all. Because our, remember our engine died, and we had to row it back? Oh, it did? Yeah. I remember that me and Advit and Joseph were rowing back. Oh, yeah, I do remember that. That was pretty fun. Let's do that again. So I heard when you went alone to Independence Grove, you caught a pretty good-sized bass, right? It was a pretty, I'd say it was, like, a maybe five-pounder. Pretty decent, pretty decent. You know, I think it depends on the day, you know. We went on kind of a gloomy day. It was kind of cold. I think the fish weren't as active. So do you think that if we go on, like, a good day and actually lock in and we fish, we'll catch some nice-sized fish? Yeah, man, have you, like, you know, there's a lot of stuff to catch there. You know, there's bass, there's pike, there's smallmouth. I heard there's musky in there, and some nice-sized channel cats. Yeah, but, you know, channel cats, you know, that's not really, like, I would rather be on the shore and fish for channel. Exactly. You know, like, you know that one, like, you know that one spot near, you know, our carp spot, bro? I want to hit that. Yeah, that's a crazy spot. Do you think their numbers got even higher since last year? Yeah, do you remember how big those carp were, too? Yeah, I do. And we got that one, we got that rod, remember? Yeah, from that spot. So there were clearly people there before us. Yeah. I guess it's just not a really well-visited spot. But I think we should definitely hit it. And since chumming is illegal in Illinois, we should maybe, like, go out and chum that area. I mean, are the game wardens really going to know, even if it was illegal? Yeah, so... You know what my craziest story is? Me and, you know, two of our friends, we were fishing, right? And so we were down by BG Fitness Center, and so, bro... By Green Lake. By Green Lake, yeah. And so we were fishing, right? And so we were, like, I was just trying to get in my groove, you know what I mean? Find my stroke game. And so I threw my rod into the, like, my line into the thing, trying to catch some bluegill by the... Bluegill? You were aiming for bluegill there, or bass? Some bluegill, you know, just to get my feel. Oh, yeah, yeah. Feel for the game, you know? And so I threw, like, a little piece of corn, right? So all these bluegill came, and, like, they were being really, like, crafty. You know, they were ripping it off the hook. And then I threw another piece in, and then I see this gigantic, like, silhouette just in the water, and it's, like, coming up towards the corn, right? Wow. So I'm like, what is that, right? Because it's coming up, like, look, like, it's coming up, it's, like, right by my line. Right underneath it. And it's, like, just ripping off the corn. Oh, okay. And so it was really big, so I was like, yo, what is this? So it took corn off your hook? Yeah. You didn't really set the hook when you saw it? No, I didn't know what it was. It didn't look like a fish. Okay. So then, like, I was, like, I told, like, both of our friends that were there. I was like, yo, come over here, like, there's something gigantic in the water, right? Yeah. And so, like, we put on a bigger hook. We put on, like, maybe, like, a catfish hook, and we put a piece of sausage on from, like, when we were catfishing. And this, we see it, it's this gigantic, like, probably, like, a 50-pound snapping turtle, right? Oh, wow. And so, we're, like... Was it actually 50 pounds? Was it that big? It was huge. So... How big was it? How many feet in diameter, do you think? It was probably, like, ten, not ten feet. That would be crazy. It was probably, like, maybe, like, two feet. In diameter? Maybe, like, this big. That's insane. If you can see, oh, in diameter, it was probably, like, this big. You know, I know you can't see my hands right now, but this is, like, three feet. Yeah, that's, like, that whole forearm right there. Yeah. Yeah, easily. So, yeah, it was a pretty big turtle. So, we decided to, you know, put some sausage in the water, try to catch the thing, right? Yep. So, first time we throw in the sausage, it rips it off, like, doesn't even, like, the hook doesn't even catch on. So, we switched the hook because, obviously, you know, the problem is the hook. You used a circle hook? No, so we used a treble hook, actually. Oh, yeah, those always. So, the first problem we had was that, you know, the sausage wasn't staying on. So, we figured out a way to keep the sausage on. And then, so, we hooked it, right? And this was the first time we hooked it. We, like, set the hook properly, perfectly. And so, right next to, like, where we were fishing, there's, like, a little, like, beach area. So, we were trying to pull it onto shore, right? Because, you know, we're not trying to hurt the thing. We just want to catch it, right? Were you scared of your rod snapping? I honestly was because, as I set the hook, I felt how strong this animal was, bro. Like, the thing, like, I had to put a lot of force into it to set the hook and drag it. Because I had to drag it all the way to the other side of, like, the port, right? So, I was dragging it, and my line snapped. So, that's one treble hook gone. Like, just in the water. So, what, was it still stuck in his mouth? I don't think it was still stuck in his mouth. I think it fell out because the line, like, I think the line snapped. I don't think it was that deeply set in. So, then, our next one, I had another treble hook. So, next one, you know, same thing. Set the hook. Dragged it. This time, perfectly set. Perfectly set hook. You know, we have it, literally, like, we can taste it. And so, we're pulling it onto the shore. It's the same turtle. Same turtle. As we pull it onto the shore, it rips. Like, it turns its head, and it rips off the line. And so, you know, I only had 10-pound test on my line, right? Because I thought, you know, I was just going to catch some bluegills. Yeah, that just shows the power. I've never had any fish come close to even seeing my line. And I only used 12-pound line. And so, some, like, random, like, little fish. Like, another, like, random, like, little small snapping turtle came out of nowhere. Because we were trying to catch the turtle again, right? Like, obviously. It came up. It bit our little sausage. Yeah. So, you used three treble hooks for this whole experience. Yeah. It was a pretty expensive trip. But we caught this small little snapping turtle. And I got to say, I think unhooking it was the most scary thing of our lives. Because, you know, things can take off your finger in a bite, bro. Yeah. Be careful. So, we were just trying to pull out the treble hook. You know, we were trying to figure out a way to get the thing to stop moving. Because it had pretty sharp claws. You know, we tried to pick it up, and then it scratched one of us. I think holding it in the back is the perfect way to go at it. Because it can't reach its head all the way around. Yeah, man. It was crazy. So, actually, one of the friends we went fishing with, me and him had a similar story. It wasn't with a snaphead. It was with a bird. So, over the summer, me and him were just biking to the gym. Pretty sure we were going to meet you there. I think we were going to meet you there. Yeah. So, yeah, we were on our way. We had just left. No, no. It was on the way back from the gym. No, no. It was on the way there. Oh. I just left my house, and me and him were on the way to the gym. So, we see on the side of the path we're biking on, I see a tiny little chicken. It's like a chick from the corner of my eye. Yeah. So, I'm biking fast, and I see it in the corner of my eye. I'm like, wait a minute. Did I see what I saw correctly, right? So, me and my friend, we keep going. But then I stop. I'm like, wait. I'm going to have to go back and look at this. So, I turn around, and it's a tiny, tiny baby bird. So, it was just like, I don't know. It was definitely not fully grown. It was really small. But it was also, I'm pretty sure it was a sparrow. So, they don't grow very big anyway. Yeah. They're pretty small. So, I'm like, okay, this is crazy. Why is it just standing here on the side of this path? So, I get closer to it, and it tries to fly away. So, it flaps its wings, but then it ends up falling right back down into the grass. So, I'm like, okay. Let's try to pick up this bird. Yeah. Okay? Because that would be sick. So, my friend, actually, he happened to have a towel with him. Okay? So, it was not a big towel. It was just a towel he took to the gym. Right? Just like a little, tiny towel. So, we see this bird that obviously is going to try to fly away whenever we get close to it. So, we took this towel, and we threw it right on top of this bird. Like, covered it. Okay? And right now, it's by this fence. Okay? By one of my neighbor's houses. So, it can't go back. It's basically stuck between us. It's backed up into this wall. We throw a towel over it. It can't see. It can't fly out. Because this towel probably weighed more than the bird. So, it's stuck in there. So, we slowly take our hands. We put it on top of the towel. We go around it. And we pick up this bird. And it was really sick. Because this bird was just, it was like, it was like tweeting, you know. It was making sounds, trying to get out. But we just held it. And then we just held it for a little bit. And he stopped making noises. And he was like, just comfortable with us. So, then after a bit, we're like, okay. We gotta let this bird go. So, we put him down. And then he tried to fly away. It didn't work. So, we tried to pick him up again. Trying to let him go. And he actually, second time, he actually got away. He didn't go too far. He didn't go too far. I think he must have stopped somewhere. But he was, I think he was safe. Because he went by like a nearby tree. So, I think, I hope he's doing fine. But, yeah. It was a cool little experience. But I think we should really go back to that snapping turtle spot over the summer. Because I really would like to see. Yeah, man. It's probably in the same place too. Yeah, how big that snapping turtle is. You know. Yeah. A nice size snapping turtle. Another one of our friends. Bajaj. Sectionals. He's at sectionals right now for wrestling. Yeah. With a beast. Yeah. How was wrestling for you? You know, just in your experience. It was fun. I just felt like I didn't have the time for it. You know. But, you know, hats off to Bajaj for, you know, getting to sectionals. That's a great accomplishment. You know. I wouldn't have been able to do it. Well, Bajaj is a different monster, you know. Different breed. Different breed. That is not the cloth from which he is torn. You know what I mean? Exactly. Leon Edwards. Okay, so I think that will be it for our episode. Yeah, I think it will. So, we're going to have a guest on next time, right? Hopefully, Johan and Mohit. If not. Hopefully. I got a couple other guys lined up. Yeah, we have a pretty good schedule until, I think, maybe episode 5 or 6. Yeah. So, if any of you guys want to be on our next episodes, you know where to find us. I'm Ruben Lobo. This is Nathan Schroeder. I guess we'll see you guys in episode 2. Bye.