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Final Podcast

Rodolfo Elizondo-Alcala



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South Africa is expected to receive a significant amount of foreign aid from the US. The Johannesburg Department of Health has discovered a new disease and is working on identifying the man who escaped from the hospital. The Corps of Soldiers is preparing to remove prams from the district. The Supreme Court cases are having an impact on how the country deals with immigrants. The summer months in Johannesburg are extremely hot, with temperatures reaching 90 degrees Celsius. Stay safe and hydrated. UCLA is studying the anatomy and planets of the prams, who are believed to have come from another planet. The prams have unique appearances and can reproduce asexually. They can survive on Earth and have advanced technology. Further study of the prams could provide valuable information. Live from my house news in Johannesburg, I'm Rudy Rizondo. South Africa looks closer to receiving a significant U.S. foreign aid. President Biden told his reports that the U.S. is on track to approve a $95 billion package in coming days to support the current situation and to take the spaceship away from the city. The African government is on a political recess to take over the financial aid from the foreign countries. The House Speaker is furious towards hard-line conservatives trying to push the promise away without their consent. Many other governments seem to try to intervene with the discussion if it's more your right to push this promise away. In another discussion, the Johannesburg Department of Health just discovered a new disease this past week from a man named Wikus, which just escaped from the hospital. New information to identify the man and how to be protected from the disease. Tonight we're getting our closest look at the poor situation of the shelter for prams and the out-of-country prams attacking soldiers and resistance. The Corps of Soldiers today prepared for the formidable job of displacing prams out of the district. Tonight, certain company members took out the shelter of the prams in another district While the Alien Removal Act has been taking effect already, Supreme Court cases like to have major effects on how the country deals with especial immigrants. Given that many cities and jurisdictions look sufficient housing or shelter sites for homeless persons is incarcerated for Johannesburg. Of course, more liberal justices jump right away at keeping biological discrimination, offering living things because they are from a different planet. Many justices argue that racism comes a long way in Johannesburg, with the separation and colonization. We're repeating history. The prams should be permitted to live and in a better human condition. We should stop hitting on people just because they don't speak the same language or physical attributes and more. Summer months in Johannesburg come off quicker, with the endangered heat and contamination from the spaceships. The local cities are hitting 90 degrees Celsius, an ultimate high. The forecast of this 2024 summer seems to be a new record. While this seems like a recent temperature, the earth's sun humidity changes in every location. Ninety degrees is not the same from KwaZulu-India not to South Africa. People in the last week have passed away and lost their lives by the heat and waves. Stay safe, do not leave home if you don't need to, and stay hydrated, especially for the children. In other news, I have with me the UCLA report studying the anatomy and the planets the prams come from. Some time ago, no one knew what a spaceship like Johannesburg. During the spacecraft, we found planets of prams trying to come back to their planet. We might see planets far away from the galaxy. These prams have an unique appearance, and their ability to reproduce asexually opens the theory that these prams flew from the United Lands to conquer new territory. Unfortunately for them, and with the dangers of space travel, they landed on earth with low fuel and resources, and were forced to leave here after their dire conditions. After this, we don't know the fate ahead of humans and the species from Johannesburg, but that still opens more questions about the planet. With the prams' biology, we can know more information about them and their living conditions in their home planet. The prams can freely live on planet earth. They can breathe air and survive the earth's temperature, meaning that prams should live on a planet similar to humans. Other physical qualities include their insect appearance, which assimilates one of the cockroaches or crickets. We can conclude that they are an evolution from extraterrestrial insects that, like humans, evolved over a long period. Instead of mammals surviving, the insects adapted to their pram's planet. Other physical qualities are their understanding of human language. The prams are brilliant, there is no doubt of that. They are so bright that humans can understand or use their technology. They can travel over space and have a better army from their guns and machines. They invented a mechanism that only prams in the E.A. can use, probably from the war against other species and different battle tactics. There is a lot more information and technology we can use if we study these prams more closely. That's all I have to say, thank you for listening, and have a great day.

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