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Our Prayer to Trust God More in 2024

Our Prayer to Trust God More in 2024

Robin AndersonRobin Anderson



Host- Robin Anderson reminds the listener to put their Trust in God... He's a God of Hope, Joy and peace.

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New Generation Christian wants to honor and praise God as the new year begins. Despite challenges in the world and in their own country, they encourage listeners to trust in God's ability to bring them through difficult times. They emphasize the importance of prayer and seeking God's wisdom. They share a story of Jesus calming a storm and urge listeners to trust God with their burdens. They remind listeners of God's faithfulness, His ability to fight their battles, and the authority they have in Christ over the enemy. They share a personal experience of God's protection and emphasize that there is nothing too hard for God to do. This is Robin from New Generation Christian. We want to give God honor and praise. We in the next few hours will be the dying of a new year and God has been gracious to us. He has been merciful. He has been our provider. He has been our protector. This year has been really interesting with the wars going on in different countries and even in our own country we're having challenges in our government, challenges in our communities and neighborhoods, but God is still on the throne. I would like to encourage our listeners this afternoon to let you know that what God did last year, this year, He will do it again in 2024. God is more than able to bring us through the challenges that we're facing and we know a lot of people right now are seeking peace and they're seeking not only in other countries as we have spoken of before, but just in their families, they're seeking peace and they're seeking, they're hoping to reconcile with family members that are isolated. I think it's an appropriate prayer. Reach out to God, come to the throne of grace, bring our supplications, bring our wants, our desires, our needs, not just only pray, but ask God for wisdom how we can make it come to pass. One scripture that really comes to my mind is, for us not to get weary in well-doing. And I know you've heard this before, but some people are actually becoming discouraged. It's like, why should I keep praying or why should I keep asking God for this and for that? You know, our timing is not God's timing. His timing is not our timing. But one thing I remember the old people used to say is He's an on-time God. And we know that this is a faith walk. We walk by faith and not by what we see. So I want to encourage you, whispers, to just hang in there, to keep standing tall, to keep holding to God's unchanging hand. You know, in Isaiah 26, the third to the fourth verse, the Bible said He'll keep us in perfect peace. And sometimes we just don't have the peace that should be in our hearts and minds because we're troubled about many things. The Bible says that He will keep us in perfect peace if we keep our mind state on Him. If we keep our mind state on Him and trust Him, not just, you know, for personal things or things just because that's what we want, that's what we desire to make us happy. We know that this world is not our home. We know that we're just passing through. We know that we are just pilgrims here. And we know that Jesus is soon to come, but I really believe that His coming is nearer than what we think. And you hear me say that all the time. There is hope. Just hang in there. Keep praying. Keep reading God's Word. Praying for salvation in your families. Praying for your healing. Pray for our communities and pray that God will send His Word and God will ignite a fire in the body of Christ that we may go forth, that we may proclaim the good news, that we may have that zeal to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost, that we may exercise our faith, not become wearied and well-doing again, thinking that what we're saying to God, asking and knocking on the door, nothing's going to happen, but we just have to continue to trust God. I'm reminded of the story in Mark 4, verses 35 and 41, where the disciples and Jesus, they were in a boat. He told them that He wanted to go to the other side of the lake. The Bible says that He went to the lower part of the boat and fell asleep. And what happened, a storm, and it was a violent storm, according to the Word of God. I'm sure the disciples, according to the Scripture, yes, they said that they were afraid. What they did is, according to the Word, they went down to where Jesus was and they woke Him up. And He says, and they told Him, don't you care about us, Lord? There's a fierce storm out there and we're about to drown. Our boat is about to go under. The Bible said He arose and then He rebuked the wind and said unto the sea, peace, be still. And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. And He said unto them, why are you so afraid? We could take that story and apply it to our lives, where sometimes we feel like we're going through a very, very, very violent storm in our relationships, in our families, on our job. Maybe you're fighting a disease, maybe you're fighting cancer, or you have a heart problem. And you're probably saying, God, why me? You lost a loved one unexpectedly. Maybe your children are, and maybe they're using drugs or there's alcohol consumption in your family. There's personality disorders, there's mental illness, there's stress and anxiety. And it seems like if you talk to people, just about every family is going through maybe the spirit of homosexuality as a deposited self in your home, and your children or a loved one, and you're troubled. God said, come unto me all those who are wearied and heavy laden and feel like you can't go forward because the weights are so heavy. And He promises, He says, if you give it to me, I'll give you rest. And sometimes that's the hardest thing to do, is to come to Jesus and say, Lord, just take this away. Or you might bring it to Him, but then you end up picking it up again. But God wants us to lay down our heavy loads, lay down our heavy burdens, so that we can go forward and run this race, so that we can be a witness. Yes, we do fear the unknown, we fear uncertainty, but God promises that He would be our rock. Our deliverer, our provider, but we just have to trust Him, my brother and my sister. Proverbs 3, 5-6 says, in this very, very familiar scripture, it says, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. And it's very easy for us to get in the way. We pray about something and we feel God is not answering it fast enough, so it's like, okay, God, I'm going to just do it my way. Have faith, give it to Him, and watch Him work it out for you and me. And then that scripture goes on to say, lean not on your own understanding. And again, a lot of times our understanding gets in the way, and we do live in a generation where it's like, I want it now. And so we kind of have that same, and then if it doesn't happen now, it's like, okay, maybe there really isn't a God. Maybe my prayers are just falling upon the rocks. Maybe God really doesn't care. Maybe He really doesn't love me. We know that's the trick of the enemy. We know that His purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy. His purpose is to break up families. His purpose is to make you doubt and fear, just make you want to give up, to cause depression in your lives, make you fear the future. But you know, God wants us to trust Him with all that we have. Okay, so first of all, we're to trust God. Trust Him with everything. Believe His promises. Believe His words. Verse and chapter says, commit your way to the Lord. And again, trust in Him, and He will act. To commit your way to the Lord, it's like sometimes we just want to be in control, right? We think that if we do it our way, that's the best way. But God wants us to give it all to Him. Give Him our dreams, our visions, our children, our family, our challenges. Just bring it to Him and let it go. And He will fight our battles. He's faithful. God is faithful. God is trustworthy. And sometimes we feel like we're in a fight with the enemy, which we are, through people. Just trust God to even fight our battles for us. As a matter of fact, there is a scripture that says, the battle is not ours, but it's the Lord's. We have to totally believe that He will fight our battles and that we are victorious in Him. And even when it comes to spiritual warfare, we don't have to be afraid of that. And we know right now, in this generation, there's a real awareness in the spiritual realm when it comes to demonic activity, witchcraft, curses. People are dibbling and dabbling in things that is ungodly. And that's because there's a spiritual hunger in all of us, which is in us, is really supposed to be given to God. And He's the one that will fill our hearts and fill that need and fill that hunger for something greater than ourselves. But even when the enemy tries to intimidate, we know that when we are in God's presence, that the enemy trembles. We know that there is authority over demons and works of darkness. That it happens in the presence of God. So the God in us, the enemy knows when the Holy Spirit is within us and that God, the Christ, lives in us. And when he sees that, he has to flee because there is authority in the name of Jesus. We know that God is the God of miracles. He's an all-powerful God and that there's nothing too hard for God to do. I remember one incident that happened. One daughter was learning how to... I let her drive us to church on the freeway. The car in front of us, or it was a truck or something, an object dropped from the back of the truck. And it fell in front of the car. And my daughter, being an inexperienced driver, the first thing that she wanted to do was to swerve into another lane to keep from hitting it. And when she did that, the car went into a spin on the freeway. It was a moment that was so surreal. We were just calling on the name of Jesus. All three or four of the girls were in the car. And all we could do was call on the name of Jesus. Lord, we're spinning out of control. There's cars on the freeway coming toward us. And this is the truth. When the car stopped spinning, we looked from the back window. And there were four, because it was like a four-lane highway. All the cars in the lanes had all stopped equally. They all stopped. It wasn't like one was ahead of the other or one was back. They were all in a straight line, stopped. All we could do is like, you know, going forward, they would crash into us because we... It was a freeway. It's much fear and trembling after this incident. We went to the shoulder of the road. And one of the daughters said that when she looked out of the window, she saw angels like holding back the cars. Now, we couldn't say, well, that's not true or what are you talking about or whatever. But all we could do was praise God. That's what she saw in the spiritual realm. She saw angels stop all those cars where they couldn't come in. He advanced any further. And that's the kind of God that loves us and takes care of us. And when we got to church, we gave our testimony, cried, and we thanked the Lord. He proved himself to be a miracle-working God. He proved his power. He proved that he takes care of us. He proved that he loved us. It wasn't our time to leave this earth or to be injured. There is nothing too hard for God to do. He just wants us to trust him. He's a promise keeper. He truths with words. He says he will never leave you or forsake you. And we have to believe that. No matter what we face, we can call upon the name of the Lord. And he's right there. He is right there. Praise the Lord. He is all that we need. Do you believe that? And I'm sure some of you that's listening to this podcast can think of times where you saw the miracle-working power of God in your life and in your situation. And you know what? It's a good thing to share those things. That others may know that there is a reality in serving God. The Bible tells us to trust him in all things. So we are to pour out our hearts to him. For he is our refuge, according to the word of God. Now what is a refuge? A refuge is a place to run for safety amid chaos and confusion. And God knows that sometimes, just in everyday life, we need to run to him as our refuge and our strength. And you know, once we're there, you know, we don't have to just hide out all the time. But he promises that when you come to me, I will give you the strength that you need to go back and to be a blessing, to go back and to accomplish what you set out to do. That you will have the wisdom to go forward. That you will have the blessings that will make your journey successful. So we just have to believe God. He's there for us if we need him. But he also will give us the strength to keep going forward. Amen. Now, if you are sick in your body, sick in your soul, your mind, maybe you have a broken heart, God's promise is to heal you and to make you whole again. And you know, that's the reason why Jesus came. He came to fulfill the plan of salvation. That we may have a right to the tree of life, eternal life. To be reconciled to his father, to become a child of God. That's why he came. And all we have to do is confess our sins and say, yes, Lord, I believe. And I want to be your child. I repent. And please forgive me, Lord. That's all he's asking for us to do. So simple. But yes, he will not only heal your soul. But if you are sick in your mind, if you are mentally ill or you have anxiety and distress and fear of sickness, God can heal that as well. He can make you whole again. And then, of course, the scripture says that if you are heavy laden with burdens, and we talked a little bit about that earlier. The weight of life is on your shoulders. Or you feel like you just can't go on because there's just too much to carry. His son Jesus says, come to me, all who are carrying a heavy burden. And I will give you relief. I will give you rest. I will give you comfort. I will give you strength to make it through. If you are overwhelmed, maybe you're struggling with substance abuse or alcoholism, maybe self-abuse, or you have a tendency to abuse others, take it to Jesus. And not only that, get help that you need. I really believe that God works in partnership with physicians and psychiatrists where they can help you along those lines. Jesus is the answer, the bottom line. Jesus is the answer for the world today. And that song says, there's no one else. No one else. There's self-remedy books. Or people say that they're the answer to this world's problem. But you know what? But you know what? Jesus is the only answer. Your Psalms 28 and 7 says, the Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in Him. He helps me. My heart leaps for joy. And with my song, I praise Him. So if you're needing joy in your life, you're needing peace and contentment in your life, you're needing strength, you're needing protection, come to Jesus. Come to Jesus and trust Him with all that you have. Give Him a chance. You do that, your burdens will lift. The Bible says your heart will leap for joy. And you'll have a song in your heart. Joshua 1 and 9 says, have I not commanded you? So this is a command from God for us to be strong in Him and to be courageous, to not be fearful and dismayed or discouraged. Because God's promise is to be with you wherever you go. He's with you no matter what you face. You are strong in Him. And you have victory in Him. So going into this new year, I want to pray with you. Just to let you know that He'll take you by the hand and He will make you His son, His daughter. And that's the greatest, greatest gift or the greatest way to start off the new year is to give your heart to Jesus. To pray and ask God to give you the knowledge that you need and to give you the desire to want to pray more and to read His Word more. And to connect with like-minded people. To find a fellowship. That's so very important. So I think it's a good New Year's resolution to just want to know God in a better way. To hunger and thirst for righteousness. And in my spirit, I would love to see revival in the body of Christ. But I'll ask by prayer that the Lord will pray, that the Lord will share our prayer. And bring us together of one mind and one heart and one purpose. In this last and evil generation that people can be saved and delivered from whatever they're going through in their lives. God is able. We have to believe it. We have to share the good news that Jesus cares and that Jesus loves them. So we're going to pray right now. Lord, we thank you, dear God, for this opportunity. We thank you, dear God, for blessing us, Lord. Even though our voice is a little raspy, dear God, from laryngitis, Lord. God, we trust you, Lord, that we will say something to my sister or my brother or a member of their family, their loved one, that hear this podcast. And that they will know that their lives could be different. That their lives could have a purpose. That they could know the joy of the Lord in their hearts and peace in their mind. And when the spirit of confusion comes down, you're there to calm the storm, to bring peace and joy. Father, we ask you to bless people everywhere, Lord. Father, those who had a rough 2023, let them seek your face. Help them to want to know you, dear God. Lord, help them to have a desire to the man or woman that you're calling them to be in this last and evil generation. Lord, we ask you, God, to reconcile families. We're asking that you will heal bodies. We're asking that you will lift up hung down heads, dear God, those who are feeling depressed. Those who are feeling the spirit of hopelessness. Lord, in the name of Jesus, we bring all these situations to you. We thank you, dear God, for loving us. We thank you for your care. We thank you, dear God, that you are our place of refuge. You are our rock. You are our stability. You are our joy. And we thank you, dear God, for that. Help us to trust you more. Reveal yourself even more to us in a very, very real way. In the name of Jesus, keep our children safe. Surround them with the angels. In Jesus' name, let this be a year of great joy and peace in our lives, in our families, in the church. Lord, send revival. Send the latter rain to the body of Christ. In the name of Jesus, Lord, we know that where the spirit of the Lord is, there will be miracles. There will be deliverance. There will be salvation. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Amen. We want to say Happy New Year, and may God bless you. If you need prayer, please contact us. If you have something to say, I promise we'll listen. Thank you. Thank you. Amen.

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