July Breakthrough Encounter Day 2 (By Pst Irewole Joe)
July Breakthrough Encounter Day 2 (By Pst Irewole Joe)
For a while, I can step into the 2016 Olympics. For a long time, I wanted to represent India and win an Olympic medal. It was a great experience,” said the talented shooter. Malaysia’s current No. 1 squash player Low Wee Wern wants to forget the past and start afresh. The 28-year-old was once a rising star in the Malaysian squash scene before a career-threatening injury derailed her progress. She is currently ranked 28th in the world. “I am just glad that I am playing again after a long break. I am playing with more freedom and I am feeling very fit. I wanted to take this opportunity to test myself against the best. I will be looking to perform better in the upcoming tournaments,” said Wee Wern, who is currently in 51st position in the PSA rankings. The Malaysian, who was laid low by a shoulder injury for three years, was in control of the match from the very beginning, Če āto piju Če āto piju Če āto piju Če āto piju Če āto piju Če āto piju Če āto piju Če āto piju Če āto piju Če āto piju Če āto piju Blessings, blessings Raga baba raga jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade j jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade jade 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Say with me, my father, my father, concerning me, concerning my neighbor, go to soul, will never be heard. In the mighty name of Jesus, cry to God in the place of prayer, pray it from the depths of your heart, and speak over your today, and speak over your tomorrow. Go to soul, will never be heard in your bones. In the mighty name of Jesus. Go to soul, will never be heard. It will never be heard. It will never be heard. Go to soul, will never be heard in our bones. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. I reject this word. It will not be said concerning me. It will not be said concerning my brother. It will not be said concerning my sister. Is this the way you are going to pray? I heard it from God. Pray it from the depths of your heart. Over this church, it will not be heard. In the name of Jesus, over our father in the Lord, over our mother in the Lord, over members of people of the church, we decree and declare, go to soul, will never be a word that will be heard from us. It will not be heard in our bones. In the mighty name of Jesus. Two more minutes, cry to God. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. 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Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear I speak by God's authority. I speak by God's authority. I speak by God's authority. Cancer, diabetes, heart loss, malaria, skin disease. I join my faith with your faith. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. 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Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your voice. Let the Lord hear your I speak God's words to you. He said we have toyed all the He said we have toyed all the He said we have toyed all the night. He said we have caught night. He said we have caught night. He said we have caught nothing. He said ask thy nothing. He said ask thy nothing. He said ask thy Lord. Let's look at that Luke Lord. Let's look at that Luke Lord. Let's look at that Luke chapter five. Luke chapter chapter five. Luke chapter chapter five. Luke chapter five. from us to Luke five. And saw from us to Luke five. And saw from us to Luke five. And saw three ships standing by the three ships standing by the three ships standing by the lake. But the fishermen were lake. But the fishermen were lake. But the fishermen were going out of them and they were going out of them and they were going out of them and they were washing their necks. And he washing their necks. And he washing their necks. And he entered into one of the sheep entered into one of the sheep entered into one of the sheep which was Simon's and prayed which was Simon's and prayed which was Simon's and prayed him that he would trust out a him that he would trust out a him that he would trust out a little from the land. And he little from the land. And he little from the land. And he sat down and taught the of the of the of the sheep. And when he had sheep. And when he had sheep. And when he had left speaking he said unto Simon left speaking he said unto Simon left speaking he said unto Simon launch us into the deep and let launch us into the deep and let launch us into the deep and let down your net or it drops. And down your net or it drops. And down your net or it drops. And Simon said unto him, master, Simon said unto him, master, Simon said unto him, master, we have tore down nine and we have we have tore down nine and we have we have tore down nine and we have taken nothing. Never a taken nothing. Never a taken nothing. Never a less. Ask thy word and we let down the less. Ask thy word and we let down the And when they had done this, And when they had done this, And when they had done this, they enclosed a great multitude they enclosed a great multitude they enclosed a great multitude of fish and their net break. And of fish and their net break. And of fish and their net break. And they beckoned unto their they beckoned unto their they beckoned unto their partners which were in the other partners which were in the other partners which were in the other sheep that they should come and sheep that they should come and sheep that they should come and help them. And they came, feed help them. And they came, feed help them. And they came, feed the bulls with sheep so that the bulls with sheep so that the bulls with sheep so that the bulls with sheep so that they can come and help them. they can come and help them. they can come and help them. And they came to sing. And they came to sing. And they came to sing. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. Wow, wow, wow. It might not be like the prayers It might not be like the prayers It might not be like the prayers you have been praying since. you have been praying since. you have been praying since. But you will cry unto God this But you will cry unto God this But you will cry unto God this evening. evening. evening. See the problem persists because God has not See the problem persists because God has not See the problem persists because God has not come. come. come. come. come. The only thing they can refer is that your The only thing they can refer is that your The only thing they can refer is that your friend has died because friend has died because friend has died because you refuse to come. you refuse to come. you refuse to come. But at the instance of the coming of But at the instance of the coming of But at the instance of the coming of Jesus, there must Jesus, there must Jesus, there must always be change. always be change. always be change. The toiling continues over the night The toiling continues over the night The toiling continues over the night because Jesus has not come. because Jesus has not come. At that day, the end of the At that day, the end of the At that day, the end of the toiling of a man says, and the toiling of a man says, and the toiling of a man says, and the appearance of Jesus is not only appearance of Jesus is not only appearance of Jesus is not only small that you will get. I join my faith with your I join my faith with your I join my faith with your faith. Maybe you have started faith. Maybe you have started faith. Maybe you have started washing your name. I'm over that situation that you over that situation that you over that situation that you have tried and you have given have tried and you have given have tried and you have given up. If you can ride a big up. If you can ride a big up. If you can ride a big game, before the end of this game, before the end of this game, before the end of this break, I say let Jesus come in break, I say let Jesus come in break, I say let Jesus come in the name of Jesus. Anyone that has gone through Anyone that has gone through Anyone that has gone through the the talent. on to Jesus. on to Jesus. on to Jesus. I'm in Galilee. Jesus appeared into the Jesus appeared into the Jesus appeared into the army and they said whatever he asks army and they said whatever he asks Even though he said this is not Even though he said this is not Even though he said this is not yet my time. my time. my time. But he drew time into But he drew time into But he drew time into himself. I join my faith with your I join my faith with your I join my faith with your I join my faith with your heart. I join my faith with your heart. I join my faith with your heart. I join my faith with your heart. I join my faith with your heart. I join my faith with your heart. I join my faith with your heart. I join my faith with your heart. I join my faith with your heart. I join my faith with your heart. I join my faith with your heart. I join my faith with your heart. I join my faith with your heart. I am I am I speak into your life and I speak into your life and I speak into your life and destiny. I speak to you. I speak destiny. I speak to you. I speak to you. I join my faith with your I join my faith with your I join my faith with your brother. I don't care how brother. I don't care how brother. I don't care how Jesus will appear. But what I Jesus will appear. But what I Jesus will appear. But what I don't know is that God will don't know is that God will don't know is that God will appear. Change your story in the appear. Change your story in the appear. Change your story in the mighty name of Jesus. Come mighty name of Jesus. Come mighty name of Jesus. Come with me my father, my father. I with me my father, my father. I with me my father, my father. I don't know how you will appear. don't know how you will appear. don't know how you will appear. Whatever way you want to Whatever way you want to Whatever way you want to appear. Please succeed my appear. Please succeed my appear. Please succeed my expectation. In the mighty name expectation. In the mighty name expectation. In the mighty name of Jesus. Try to God in the of Jesus. Try to God in the We will pray it. We will see We will pray it. We will see We will pray it. We will see pray it again. pray it again. pray it again. A father in the law. a father in the law. a father in the law. You often come to the You often come to the You often come to the divine encounter. the Lazarus Obama It can never be anywhere and the It can never be anywhere and the It can never be anywhere and the situation remains the same. Even Mary, the one that gave Even Mary, the one that gave Even Mary, the one that gave birth to him knew. He said forget scarcity. He He said forget scarcity. He He said forget scarcity. He said whatever it takes you to do. said whatever it takes you to do. said whatever it takes you to do. He said just do it. I speak He said whatever it takes you to do. He said just do it. I speak He said whatever it takes you to do. He said just do it. I speak into your life. into your life. On the day of Pentecost, he appeared in the On the day of Pentecost, he appeared in the On the day of Pentecost, he appeared in the mighty Russian wind. mighty Russian wind. mighty Russian wind. The Bible said he appeared like a fire The Bible said he appeared like a fire The Bible said he appeared like a fire and he said the fire was and he said the fire was and he said the fire was not consumed. See, I join my faith not consumed. See, I join my faith not consumed. See, I join my faith with your faith. I don't know how with your faith. I don't know how with your faith. I don't know how you want to call. I want to say you want to call. I want to say you want to call. I want to say I join my faith with your faith. I join my faith with your faith. I join my faith with your faith. Is that one thing that is sure? Is that one thing that is sure? Is that one thing that is sure? Is that I want a change of story? Is that I want a change of story? Is that I want a change of story? I prophesy to your life. I don't I prophesy to your life. I don't I prophesy to your life. I don't know. I decree and declare. know. I decree and declare. know. I decree and declare. Surely as the law leads, and the Surely as the law leads, and the Surely as the law leads, and the spirit leads, over that spirit leads, over that spirit leads, over that challenge, over your family, over challenge, over your family, over challenge, over your family, over your academics, over the your academics, over the your academics, over the sickness in your body, over your sickness in your body, over your sickness in your body, over your ministry. Today, today, I ministry. Today, today, I ministry. Today, today, I shall let Jesus come in the mighty shall let Jesus come in the mighty I join my faith with your I join my faith with your I join my faith with your faith. As many as the son of my As many as the son of my As many as the son of my Lord. You are not lazy. But life is Lord. You are not lazy. But life is Lord. You are not lazy. But life is not easy. You are not not easy. You are not not easy. You are not lazy. But life is not easy. You are not lazy. But life is not easy. You are not lazy. But life is not lazy. But life is not easy. You are not lazy. But life is not lazy. But life is not easy. You are not lazy. But life is not easy. lazy. But life is not easy. You are not lazy. But life is not I want to go to law school now. I want to go to law school now. I want to go to law school now. Is it easy to go to school? Or Is it easy to go to school? Or Is it easy to go to school? Or you return? There is nothing out you return? There is nothing out you return? There is nothing out of it. I join my faith with of it. I join my faith with of it. I join my faith with your faith. I decree and declare. your faith. I decree and declare. your faith. I decree and declare. Slowly as the Lord lives. And Slowly as the Lord lives. And Slowly as the Lord lives. And the Spirit lives. the Spirit lives. And the Spirit lives. Every challenge of your Every challenge of your every challenge of your life. I don't know how you will call. life. I don't know how you will call. life. I don't know how you will call. I say let Jesus come today I say let Jesus come today I say let Jesus come today in the mighty name of Jesus. One said. I have many soldiers One said. I have many soldiers One said. I have many soldiers around me. He said I command and around me. He said I command and around me. He said I command and they come. He said you don't they come. He said you don't they come. He said you don't have to come. They speak a word. have to come. They speak a word. have to come. They speak a word. Another one said no. What I Another one said no. What I Another one said no. What I desire is that you come desire is that you come desire is that you come personally by the laying of personally by the laying of personally by the laying of hands. I don't know how you hands. I don't know how you hands. I don't know how you want him to call. But again I want him to call. But again I want him to call. But again I join my faith with your faith. join my faith with your faith. join my faith with your faith. Boya if I work on it. Boya if I work on it. I don't care the way God wants I don't care the way God wants I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't even say it with your I don't even say it with your I don't even say it with your face. I don't care the way God face. I don't care the way God face. I don't care the way God wants to appear. wants to appear. wants to appear. Maybe you want to appear as a Maybe you want to appear as a Maybe you want to appear as a sheep. Maybe you want to appear sheep. Maybe you want to appear as a sheep. Maybe you want to appear as a liar. I stand on the liar. I stand on the liar. I stand on the authority of gospel. I declare and authority of gospel. I declare and authority of gospel. I declare and declare. In the name of the declare. In the name of the I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. 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I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear. I don't care the way God wants to appear.