The speaker is discussing the power and possibilities of relationships. They emphasize that God cherishes relationships and created humans in His image and likeness. They mention the importance of love and how God breathed life into humans. They also discuss different types of relationships, such as family, friendship, romantic, sexual, workplace, and institutional relationships. They highlight the benefits of positive relationships, including access to information and intercession. The speaker then shifts to discussing toxic relationships, which they define as poisonous and harmful connections. They emphasize the importance of truth and warn against forming inappropriate relationships with unbelievers. They stress the need to separate from toxic relationships and align with the knowledge and truth of Christ. The power of possibilities of relationship, realities of it. And we are able to consider several things which I may not have time to go over this morning. If you missed last Sunday first service or second service, just go to either YouTube page or Facebook page of the church. You will find the details there. But it is lovely you need to go and check it out. It will greatly bless your life. So we are taking part two of that topic this morning. The power and possibilities of relationship. Now the God who made us, like I said last Sunday, is a God who cherish relationship so powerfully to the point that even though He is God Almighty, He has to ensure that even with us who is man, He has to come down to relate with us. Number one, He gave us the privilege of being like Him in image and likeness. Number two, He gave us the privilege of being actively involved in making us as well. All other things that God made, He simply called them forth. But when it was time to make man, He got physically involved more than you and I. So we are a product of God's hand. A product of God's hand. A product of His heart. A product of His heart when He said let us make man in our image. A product of God's hand when He stood down and formed us. We are also a product of God's heart of love. Heart of love. It takes love to stoop down to help somebody. It takes love for the highest person to come down to be able to do something. Number four, we are a product of love in the sense that He shared with us the breath that was in Him. The reason why we became a living soul. God did not share His breath with animals. After making animals, He didn't breathe on them. When He made nature, He didn't breathe on nature. When He made plants, He didn't breathe on plants. But when He made man, He breathed into man. So that tells you of the qualities that we have. And then number five, He gave us the power to reign in dominion like Him. To be in charge like Him. He didn't give animals any power of dominion. Actually, every other thing He made, He gave them the command to be subjected to you and I. So you see that God has you in mind. And that is why also, He wants you to also be somebody who would also be able to relate. The word relationship is a way in which two or more people or things are connected. So relationship is a power of connection. It's also a power of interpersonal mingleness. Emotional. When we talk of relationship, emotion is involved. Closeness is involved. Intimacy is involved. And then we looked at several levels of relationship that we cannot but find in our life. Family relationship. That was where we were conceived. Each person born into a family has a level of compassion and love that they are welcome into. That is why anybody born into a dysfunctional family always have issues with psychological balancing, emotional balancing and the rest. So that is why God, even though you have gone through that, you are now in Christ. You are now coming to the family of Christ where you now enjoy this balancing of relationship. There is friendship. There is friendship. There is acquaintances. There is romantic relationship. And then there is sexual relationship. These two now, sexual relationship, romantic relationship is meant to be embedded in the family which has to do with the immediate family you are married to. But then you find those who misuse it. Who have romantic relationship with somebody whom they are emotionally connected to. And still have sexual relationship with somebody who is just casual and the rest like that. Maybe for monetary reasons or just for the fleet of it. And these things lead to a compromised life and a complicated life. There is workplace relationship which is called acquaintances. And there is institutional relationship which also happens from time to time. So we are looking at this particular and several things were shared that last Sunday. I looked a little about the benefits of relationship. I mentioned it is a privilege. It gives access to information. It privileges information. David could have been killed by Saul if not because he had access to privileged information from the son of the one who wanted to kill him. Love would have been destroyed in Sodom if Abraham did not have access to the information that Sodom was subjected to destruction. And then intercession to praise. That tells you something. Each time anybody intercede on your life is because of access to information about your life. I pray for you this morning that the benefits of relationship that are positive. God will help you to be able to imbibe in your life in the mighty name of Jesus. Can your aim be better than that? I have seen people who had unhealthy mental health because of faulty relationships. And there are several persons who have good mental health because of positive healthy relationship as well. That also happens in life. My prayer is that the Lord will help you and I in being able to maintain the right aspect of relationship. So that our life will reflect a healthy balance in the name of Jesus Christ. I said last Sunday that today we want to look a bit more deeply into a subtopic under this. But we are looking deeply into toxic relationship. Toxic relationship. Now, follow me. The Bible says in 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse number 4. 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse number 4. I believe you are right. Please take up all these points. You need this information. Don't just come to church and listen. Come to listen and write. Listen and write to document. You may need to use your iPad, use your phone, your notepad. Ensure you put it down, information. Salmon time is teaching time. You need details. 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 4. It says, He wants all people to be saved and to learn the truth. So, the level of truth available to you will determine the level of safety in life. The level of safety in life. So God wants you all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth. That means there is also the knowledge of life. Knowledge of life. Now, many people have been into toxic relationship because of lies that they were open to. Why? Because at the basis of their life, there is no truth that would have negated those lives. And then they find themselves falling prey, falling to those traps of toxic interactions and relationships. So, that is why you need it. So, oftentimes your salvation may be a child of God. And you are void of truth concerning healthy relationships. You will likely find yourself falling in errors and errors and errors and errors again and again. That is why you need this revelation, this truth. 2 Corinthians chapter number 6. I read verse 14. 2 Corinthians chapter number 6. I read verse 14. It says, Stop forming inappropriate relationships with unbelievers. Or, Stop forming toxic relationships with unbelievers. Can right and wrong be partners? Can right and wrong be partners? Can light have anything in common with darkness? Can Christ agree with the devil? Can a believer share life with an unbeliever? Can God's temple contain false gods? Clearly, we are the temple of the living God. As God says, I will live and walk among them. I will be their God and they will be my people. I will be their God and they will be my people. The Lord says, Get away from unbelievers. Separate yourself from them. Have nothing to do with anything unclean. Then, I will welcome you. The Lord Almighty says, I will be your father and you will be my sons and daughters. It says, Believer, Unbeliever. That tells you that the believer is holding on to the truth that has to do with Christ. The unbeliever also believes in something but not in what you believe. Is somebody following me? Is somebody following me? You believe in Christ. He believes in another God. You believe in righteousness. He believes in unrighteousness. You believe in Jesus as his way to God. The way of the light and truth and life. He does not believe that. That same person is not part of your family. Part of your acquaintances. Part of your group of friends. Part of either of all the aligned group of people you find around yourself. Now, because you don't share the same belief when it comes to relationships. Then, that fellow should not be your counselor. Should never be your advisor. Should not be somebody you don't want to get intimate with. All because he is in your circle. Somebody can be in your circle and not share the same faith. The same trust. The same belief system with you. That he is in your circle does not mean so. Somebody can be sitting beside you now. We attend the same church. But as I am speaking on talking relationship now. He is saying, Pastor Kola is saying his own. And when you now sit down to share. He starts saying something contrary to the truth that is coming from this movement. And you are telling him, but that is not what we were taught. He is saying, no, that is his own. And that is now the fellow you now want to choose to spend the rest of your life. Because building connects together. The Bible is saying, what must connect you is the same knowledge and truth. Not building. Not building. Not uniform. Not placement. In the same place where you find light here now. When we switch off all this light, if it is dark, you will find darkness. Is that not so? But when we switch on light, what happens? Darkness disappears. So there is a possibility that there is somebody close to you who does not share the same faith with you. He should not share the same light and direction with you. Are you listening to me? That somebody bears the same family name with you does not mean they must have access to every detail of your life. You must understand that. It helps you to be able to align and go on in life. Now the word toxic, from dictionary meaning, means poison. Means poison. Means poison. Means poison. And again the word relationship has to do with connection or association. When we now say toxic relationship, we are meaning, we are talking of joining them together. It means a condition of being poisoned by a particular connection or association. So when we say toxic relationship, we are talking of being poisoned as a result of a particular connection or association. So your association can pollute you. Your association can contaminate you. Your association can also make you fresh. I have had to delete some people from my life because we did not share the same faith. The same ritual standard. Imagine a Christian, a worker, a minister, that were in the same church together. I am referring to me now. Me and your pastor. They were two. We were all single. A certain day came, they began to tell me, Pastor Faye, there is nothing wrong in having sex with a fellow you are going to marry. I said, what did you say? But that is not what we were taught. That is not what we shared before. Why now? He said, we are matured. Ah, I don't want that kind of maturity. I moved away. I moved away. And that contamination brought them down before God. As a matter of fact, if they are sustained that ritual standard, they should not be less than the level I am now today. Because there was a certain level of grace that God put on the three of us at that time that we were just rising. So, any toxic nature of any information you have will lead to poisoning of your life. I am praying for you this morning. That whatever the devil has been using to haunt you psychologically, physically, emotionally, that is toxic in nature. Be it information or wrong attitude of life, the Lord will break the yoke in the name of Jesus. Your image can be better than that. Your image can be better than that. Our relationship are in the chaos of our life. The people we spend most of our time with have an incredible influence on who we become. The people you share consistent time with have an incredible influence on who you become. On who you become. Not just on who you are, on who you become. Even if you don't take what they say, but you are constantly sitting with them. Listening to them. Faith comes by hearing. Hello? Faith comes by hearing. As faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, faith also comes by hearing and hearing the word of men. That you spend time with. That you spend time with. My prayer for you this morning is that the Lord will have His way in your life in the name of Jesus. Now there are some natures of that word toxin or poison. Now biologists and the rest, they say that toxins are abrasive. Abrasive, that is, it can wear something away. The knowledge of truth you have, once you are subjected to toxic information, it will wear it out gradually. Number two, toxins are corrosive. That is, it can melt something away. It can melt truth away in you. Melt righteousness away in you. So if the relationship is healthy, everything is healthy, the fruit will be productive. The fruit will be progressed. Now another word for progress is that you will go higher in life. Another word for productivity is that it will be fruitful. Another word for prosperity is that you will have growth. But when the relationship is toxic, then number one, there will be degradation. You will reduce. Instead of going up, you will be going down. Number two, there will be deflection. You will be going to a lower level of self-esteem, of value. So a toxic relationship destroys your value. Now very quickly, what do I point out to? What do I look for in somebody who is toxic in nature? I'm looking at who to marry. What do I pay attention to in the life of that fellow? I'm looking for people to relate to, to have as friends. What do I see in them that can make me know that this person will drag me down, will deflate me, will reduce my value? Number one, any person who refuses to submit to God is toxic for your life. Number two, any person with a dysfunctional relationship, dysfunctional life, is toxic in nature. And I find several people whose lives are not in order, who is looking for another fellow as a healing point. That I know, if I marry, all these things will be right. No, you need healing before you get married. You need healing to be able to sustain interacting with somebody else. Number three, a life controlled by anger and fear. Anybody controlled by anger and fear, they are always destructive in nature. They lack progress. Anybody controlled by fear will only be able to turn ideas to creativity. Anybody controlled by anger consistently, they are always destructive. Now, when you now find somebody who combines anger and fear, they lack passion for progress in life. Number two, they are easily prone to being jealous of somebody else who is close to them, who is humble and has the fear of God for progress. And such a fellow as destructive. It was out of anger that pain killed a man. That pain killed a man. Instead of learning from a man, why his sacrifice was accepted, and repeating the same, it was jealous of him to the point that he had to secretly kill him. Anybody with an unstable emotional life, mood swings every now and then, you can't find them in any stable mood. And most of the mood swings they have is negative. They are corrosive for your life. Number five, anybody that is guided by greed is corrosive. Anybody guided by greed is corrosive. Now, when you read the book of George, chapter number six, and you look at the life of Samson and Delilah. The Bible tells us that Samson fell in love with Delilah. Samson had love to offer Delilah. Are you listening to me? So Delilah had the option of receiving love from Samson. Are you following me? Then the people of the land also came to Delilah and offered her something else. They offered her money for the life of the person who offered her love. Are you listening to me? Now, if love was in Delilah towards Samson, she would have accepted the love of Samson. And the power of love would have helped her to conquer the greed of the money being offered her. Are you listening to me? Anybody with any toxic nature will always have something to counter the love you are offering. So, any relationship that love is not intertwined is corrosive. It is toxic. If I show you love, you will be able to love me back. What did I say? Are you hearing me? Only God can pour love into you and be able to use that love to love you back. But when it comes to man to man, you can't be the source. Because none of us is the actual source of God's kind of love. God is the source of His love. The love of God is poured out into our hearts. Are you listening to me? So you need a child of God and a child of God with the love of God in them. Then there can be connectivity. Because why? The love in you and in me is from God. So, when we meet to relate alone, what is in us, we connect. Are you following me? So, something had genuine love for Delilah to the point that he told his family. If it was not genuine, it would be a secret relationship. Are you listening to me? Are you following me at all? So, something had genuine love for Delilah. He told his family. I have seen somebody that I want to marry. Is that not what Samson said? But did Delilah ever tell her family? Talk to me. Is anything written like that? Did Delilah ever tell any of her friends? No. No. No. So, when somebody has came and offered her money for the soul and the life of the fellow who offered her love, she went for the money. Anybody who talks in interaction with you will sell you. Will do what? Number two, will use you. Will do what? Will use you. Will use you. So, you need to look hard for these things. It was greed that made things to equilibrate. Greed was the reason why the town of Babel was in beauty in Genesis 11. Greed was why Gehazi betrayed Elisha, betrayed his master. Greed was why the rich ruler missed out in eternal life. Greed is why Judas betrayed Jesus. Jesus who is the source of all love. Judas looked at him and collected money for his life. What Delilah did over Samson was what Judas did over Jesus. So, I like you to check the people close to you. If they are always angry because you couldn't meet up with the physical things they want from you. Are you following me? Always offended because you couldn't meet up. And you check again, they are hardly adding any value to you. You are the only one that is pouring out into them. You are not God though, you will soon dry up. And when you dry up, they look for somebody else. They look for somebody else. God said I will make for Hagar a help suitable for him. Is that not so? Is that not so? Is that not so? And God made Adam in his image and likeness. So, Adam asked what it takes to stand. But he needed somebody else so that he can stand stronger and better. Any relationship where two of you are not strong, neither of you can be stronger. Are you listening to me? I know that if I marry this, my sister, because she is so concerned, somebody who has love, I will learn from her how to love the life. You will end up draining her. If she had 60% of love before, don't forget, the fellow coming has zero. Has what? So, when you now find 60%, what will happen? You will drain the 60%. And when there is nothing more to drain, you look for somebody else. Who also has 60-70%. And move to that fellow. That's why you need to be... So, when somebody comes and is just telling you, I love you. The statement is not the real thing. Check for details in the life. Love can be confirmed. For God so loved the world that he gave. For God so loved the world that he took. No, greed takes, love gives. Are you listening to me? What does greed do? And it takes all. What's what? It takes all. A greedy man will never be satisfied with what you give the fellow. He wants what he wants. He wants what he wants. The Lord will help us in the name of Jesus. God will help us in the name of Jesus. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 5 verse 10, He who loves silver will never be satisfied with silver. No, he who loves abundance will increase. Ecclesiastes 6 verse 7, All a man's labor is for his mouth, and yet appetite is never satisfied. That's a greedy man for you. The appetite of a greedy man will never be satisfied. Will never, never be satisfied. The Lord will help us in the name of Jesus. Number six, if the person you are connected with is fake, Somebody says fake, If they are feelings, Then you are caught in a bad relationship. Delilah was never scared in her feelings towards Samson. You can read the same in George chapter 6 verse 10, verse 13 and verse 15. In verse 10, 13 and 15 of this text, Delilah accuses Samson of not being open and honest with her. Let's read George chapter 6 verse 10. Media, very quickly please. George chapter 6 verse 10. Media. Okay. And I say unto you, I am the Lord your God. George chapter 6. No, no, no, no, no. That's not where I'm going. Just give me a minute. I need to find this out. Sixteen? Is it sixteen? Okay, please let's go there. Sorry for that. George 16, verse number 10. Okay, thank you very much. Let's read together. One, two, go. And Delilah said unto Samson, Behold, thou hast mocked me and told me lies. Now tell me, I pray thee, wherewith thou mightest be bound. Go to verse 13. Verse 13. One, two, go. Let's read together. And Delilah said unto Samson, Behold, thou hast mocked me and told me lies. Tell me, wherewith thou mightest be bound. And he said unto her, Thou wickedest the seven locks of my hair. Verse 15. Verse 15. Media. And she said unto Samson, How canst thou say I love thee, when thy heart is not with me? How many times did Delilah question Samson there? Three times. Is that not so? Is that not so? She accused Samson of not being open and honest with her. When in reality, it was Delilah that wasn't open and honest with Samson. Hello? Are you following me? In verse 15, she accused Samson of not loving her. But in verse 1 of that same chapter, it was clearly said that Samson loved Delilah. But not once was it mentioned that Delilah ever loved Samson. Are you listening to me? You find between God and us, God kept telling us He loves us. Is that not so? In family too, you see parents always affirming their love to their children. Is that not so? Is that not so? Between couples who are married and truly love each other, you find love also being expressed. Is that not so? Is that not so? Is that not so? Mutua. Mutua. But in this case, it was one person that was in love. The other was not. So, Samson was the victim here. Samson was the victim. So, when you are in a toxic relationship, you are a victim. You are a victim. Somebody is beating you and is telling you he loves you. He is beating. Talk to me. He is beating the fruit of love. Huh? Somebody is using you to your heart and your pain psychologically. You are imbalanced and he is telling you, you know I love you. Uh huh. Even though he beats me, he still loves me. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. 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