MINISTERING: Pastor Gideon Akinsuyi
MINISTERING: Pastor Gideon Akinsuyi
The speaker begins by praising Jesus and celebrating an anointed choir. They encourage the audience to recognize their portion and inheritance in God's house and not to squander it. They then discuss the story of the prodigal son, emphasizing the importance of not wasting one's destiny. The speaker promotes their latest book and urges the audience to value knowledge and personal development. They then shift to discussing the Holy Spirit, emphasizing that every child of God should recognize and cooperate with the Holy Spirit in their lives. They highlight the Holy Spirit's role in helping believers fulfill their destiny and pray effectively. in the name of jesus please help me celebrate this anointed choir you are always there whenever i come here more anointing upon your life this year in the name of jesus and all of god's people in the house come on put your hands together you are in your father's house you have a portion in this house hallelujah let me tell your neighbor this is my father's house i have a portion here i have an inheritance here can i hear amen please while i was driving down here the holy ghost began to speak to me and i don't know maybe that word is for somebody before i go into the business of today this year please don't squander your inheritance let me preach it to your neighbor don't squander your inheritance and it's just done on me from the story of the prodigal son the man had two sons you remember the story in the book of luke 15 or 17 or there about praise god i will see the young boy he just said daddy is not going to die in time said daddy i know i have the portion in this house don't divide inheritance and give me my own and the father did exactly give him his own and the bible say he went on the far journey and he squandered everything then he began to eat with peace you will not waste your destiny in the name of jesus i was when he began to be in one he suddenly remembered that his father was a good a good father and there are people who are in his father's house who are not even family members who are eating because what him what was left for him was food just to eat and survive what was given to him he has wasted and he said i will return back to my father you know that story he returned hallelujah while he was coming about was it the father ran to meet him where come him celebrated him forgave him through a party hallelujah but something happened about was he said that brother was returning from the farm and he was asking what is happening what is why is your party and then the servant told him your brother returned and your father has killed a fatted calf party is going on everybody's rejoicing the guy is eating to his food then the young man woke up to his father he said father i have been faithful and obedient to you all my life not like him he went one that everything you give to him now you don't you are celebrating then the father made a statement so we need to celebrate because he was dead now he's alive he's lost and he's found but here this everything that i have here today is yours what does that mean hello what is one day inheritance is it the angel to my jail ah you know God is a large dog give us this is our delivery who need to be fired may you not live for food alone please whatever inheritance you have in your father's house guided this year help me tell your neighbor guided this year the Lord bless you Jesus put your hands together for the Lord Jesus hallelujah by the special grace of God I I am a writer I've written a good number of books that have blessed lives now this is my latest book came out last year is titled pathway to a life of villages one of the things you should do this year is to make sure you get books that bless you that will improve your life personal development anointed books reading like to this new mountain hallelujah that's the way to end your year because the secret of the game is knowledge say knowledge I stand before the congregation I have to offer them after a while they will not come anymore hallelujah so wherever you find yourself in any space you are not home you are not equipped for life after what you begin to do so you will not lose out in Jesus name this book a copy of it is now 2,000 Naira hallelujah but this morning I have just 10 copies available for just a thousand Naira if you are going to get it you have to make a commitment that you are going to read it if you are not going to read it don't buy it you just dash me money but when you read it I found people have read my books before and they now send for me ask for my account number and then now bless me hallelujah but your book far away in Germany and he said please every variety I want you to send it to me I have a family in BD they will collect it and they have a we are sending it to me that guy became part and parcel of my ministry all the way from Germany every time you send me money bless me December is this send me huge sum of money to bless me hallelujah praise the Lord just 10 copies are available with the ushers you value knowledge make sure you get a copy and the Lord will bless you in Jesus hallelujah today I'm going to be talking on the Holy Spirit and you let me tap your neighbor this year you need a Holy Spirit more than ever before Joel chapter 2 and verse 28 and then we look at acts of the Apostle chapter 2 verse 39 Joel chapter 2 verse 28 and then acts of the Apostle chapter 2 and verse 39 if you are in Joel chapter 2 verse 28 let's read it together let's go and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see vision somebody say all flesh say I am included among all flesh you know God introduced himself as the Lord God of all flesh so when the Bible about all flesh is talking about all of humankind amen act of the Apostle chapter 2 verse 39 act of the Apostle chapter 2 and verse 39 let's read it together let's go for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are far off even as many as the Lord our God shall call somebody say the promise is unto me is unto my children is on to those that are far off can I hear amen now what am I trying to establish here is for you to know that the Holy Spirit is not only for pastors it's not only for ministers he's for every child of God in fact if you as a child of God don't recognize the Holy Spirit and you have not allowed him to perform his function in your life I can tell you whole heart your life is underutilized you are not maximizing your life at the moment praise the Lord praise the Lord so the Holy Spirit is a person he is not a feeling he is not a thing he is a person somebody says the person there are three persons in the Godhead the father somebody said the father the song and the Holy Spirit and these three are one they operate together now the illustration I give to you to help you to pray Genesis chapter 1 you will see the three of them in the beginning hallelujah in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth now that creator is the son hallelujah and because he is the word he is what is the word and everything that God created how did he create it by the one hallelujah in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and then you see the spirit moving upon the face of the waters moving upon the face of the water and then God went to again and God the father said the son hallelujah somebody this year 2024 the father the son the Holy Ghost we perform their work in your life in the name of Jesus so what am I saying the Holy Spirit is a person but because he is a spirit we tend to think that is not a person but the truth of the scripture is that he is a person just like Jesus is a person so he has to be invisible for him to be able to be everywhere at the same time you know when Jesus was on earth it was restricted to wherever he was in Jerusalem Judea at a time amen because he was a physical Jesus hallelujah but you know the glorified Jesus the supernatural Jesus is a spirit I hope you know hallelujah so he can be everywhere and anywhere at the same time hallelujah so the Holy Spirit is a person now this is the year of the supernatural and those who see results this year must know the Holy Spirit understand his role in their life and cooperate with him so that he can do what he's supposed to do in their life let me tell your neighbor you need to know the Holy Spirit this year you need to recognize his role in your life this year and you need to cooperate with him this year can I hear amen now I want to show you quickly as fast as I can very many things I want to share by the Holy Spirit with you here how always the Holy Spirit is set to help you his primary assignment is to help you fulfill destiny that's the summary without him your life will be manual you will be running in manually praise the Lord you know there is this bicycle that is powered and sometimes you can also use the room to roll it manually hallelujah when you decide to use that thing you may be thinking you are doing exercise by time you want to go on a long journey that's when you will know it's a punishment praise the Lord but once you switch it over and you put the power on you don't discover that you put your leg there and something is wrong that's what the Holy Spirit is here to do in your life this year your life will produce results by the force of the spirit your life we produce result in the name of Jesus number one the Holy Spirit we have you to pray correctly and pray effectively Romans chapter 8 and verse 26 the Bible says we know not what we should pray for we ought to he said but the spirit is here to help our infirmities in prayer the spirit is here to have our weaknesses in prayer the spirit is have to have our inadequacies in prayer so as a child of God if you don't cooperate with the Holy Spirit you can't pray effectively you can't break or praise the Lord praise the Lord you see in the realm of the spirit the one who actually does pray in is the Holy Spirit amen somebody said the man who is teaching what do you call him is a teacher praise the Lord the man who is driving on him driver amen the man who is praying what you got is not the prayer hallelujah because the real prayer is the Holy Spirit the Bible says we we do not know what we should pray for as we ought to he said but the spirit himself make it intercession for us cronies which cannot be give us verse 27 verse 27 verse 27 he says he said and he that factored their hearts know what what is the mind of the spirit because he make it intercession for the things according to the will of God you want to pray correctly you want to effectively want to pray as a result you need the Holy Spirit let me tell your neighbor you need a Holy Spirit can I hear amen and that's we have to start with this year because this is the year of the supernatural hallelujah is the supernatural so you must be able to pray this year and for you to pray and pray and get result you need the Holy Spirit that's why God's Word says in that book of Zechariah chapter 12 and verse 10 he said it will come to pass afterward that I will pour upon the house of David the spirit of prayers and of grace so there is a spirit of prayer there is a spirit of prayer when the spirit of God comes upon you he helps you to pray somebody this year 2024 I decree the Holy Ghost we have you to pray in the name of Jesus number two the Holy Spirit will help you to please God the Holy Spirit will help you to please God what does that mean without the Holy Spirit you will struggle with pleasing God and the truth is no man can please God with the energy of the flesh it's not possible you just can't please God now but when the Holy Spirit takes over in your life pleasing God becomes easy Romans chapter 8 from verse 5 to verse 10 Romans chapter 8 from verse 5 to verse 10 you know there's so much to learn about the Holy Spirit in the book of Romans chapter 8 hallelujah Romans chapter 8 from verse 5 he said for day that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but day that are after the spirit do mind the things of the spirit move on it says for to be commonly minded is dead but to be spiritually minded is life and peace because the canal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be move on so then day that are in the flesh cannot please but you are not in the flesh but you are in the spirit hallelujah it is when you are in the spirit that you can please God if so be that the spirit of God dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of yeast that's a very big statement it doesn't matter how long that person has been in the church it doesn't matter what department that person is working in if anybody doesn't have the Holy Spirit is not a child of God praise God praise God there are religious people who were born into religious settings in religious homes and who have learned how things should be done but then they don't know the Holy Spirit they don't have practical experience of the Holy Spirit they don't carry the presence of the Holy Spirit they are not children of God they may be good people because they have learned do this don't do this be kind be good if the rapture sound there's nothing to carry them they don't have the Holy Spirit if any man have not the Spirit of God what are the scriptures is people of God did you see that in that best time if any man have not the Spirit of Christ is what is none of his that how important the Holy Spirit is this year it can be coming to church it can be walking it can be giving offerings and be paying time if a man doesn't have the Holy Spirit of God he has not started the journey is part of the statistics how many Christians are in Nigeria oh they said 40 million 50 million he's just one of them but in heaven is not counted that's how serious it is praise the Lord so if you want to please God this year you need to know the Holy Spirit you need to experience the Holy Spirit you need to live the life of the Spirit number three the Holy Spirit we teach you all things and ensure you do not walk in darkness now when you receive the Holy Spirit when you are conscious of the Holy Spirit when you allow the Holy Spirit to do his work in your life what happens is that with the Holy Spirit you can know what you did not learn he will teach you all things you can know what you did not learn in school that's what the Holy Spirit does so you find yourself in certain situations and you are required to make decisions and there will be this information in your inner man you don't know how you get there and that the correct that's what the Holy Spirit is giving you praise the Lord Jesus said in John chapter 14 verse 26 he said when he comes this spirit of truth is that he will teach you all things John 14 26 number four he will impact you with supernatural wisdom supernatural wisdom so that you will always make the right decision with the Holy Spirit you can always make wise decision supernatural wisdom Genesis chapter 41 from verse 38 to verse 39 Genesis chapter 41 from verse 38 to verse 39 says a Pharaoh said unto his servant concerning Joseph can we find such a one as this a man in spirit of this after Joseph interpreted his dream to find solution to the looming the impending trouble farming that was to come yes and Pharaoh said unto Joseph as much as God has showed thee all this there is none so discreet and wise as thou art hallelujah somebody this year 2024 you will walk in wisdom your amen is not good I say you will walk in wisdom this year don't make foolish decisions you will not make decisions that will land you into trouble the Holy Ghost will guide you look at what the scripture says concerning him and Isaiah chapter 11 and verse 2 Isaiah chapter 11 and verse 2 hallelujah Isaiah chapter 11 and verse 2 the Bible say and the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him who is this pretty he said is this spirit of wisdom and understanding this year 2024 the spirit of the Lord will rest upon you and you will become wisdom for you you will become understanding for you in the name of Jesus number five the Holy Spirit will help you to be excellent in life where the Holy Spirit is allowed to operate there is no room for mediocrity in fact it does not accept the average life so when you see people who stay in church and they are okay with religiosity now they don't know the Holy Spirit when you know the Holy Spirit one of the things he will do for you is that he will introduce excellence into your life excellence you remember where we read in that text the Bible say he when I pour my spirit upon your sons and daughters he said they will professor and they will see vision hallelujah he will give them bright vision they can see ahead they can be creative hallelujah and that was what exactly he did with Daniel Daniel chapter 6 and verse 3 Daniel chapter 6 and verse 3 and so in the land of Babylon Daniel over because of this spirit of excellence then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and the princes because an excellent spirit was in him you don't get that one in the classroom praise God because when you read from the beginning they were checking his profiles every other person who went to the same school with him who are the same qualification with him who did the same job with him then suddenly they said they want to exhort him above every other person because they found something or that didn't have what was it excellent spirit somebody this year 2024 the excellent spirit of God we distinguish you and I am praying for somebody who is long overdue for a promotion in that job I declare 2024 the excellent spirit of God we distinguish you in the name of Jesus number six he will empower you to do what you are created and called to do that's the assignment of the Holy Spirit in your life he will empower you energize you equip you to do what you have been created to do he will power up your life power up your destiny look at what the scripture says in Acts of the Apostles chapter 1 and verse 8 act of the Apostles chapter 1 and verse 8 the Bible says but you will receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and to the uttermost part of the earth he has stayed with the disciples he had taught them ministry for three and a half years they said Lord shall we go now he says stay here is one thing for you to know what you have been called to do it's another thing for you to be empowered to do it is that so stick on to you I am deal with power from on high even he himself did not start until that power came act 1038 the Bible says how God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with Holy Ghost and with power that was when he went out and he began to do good and he began to heal all those that were oppressed of the devil let me pray for somebody here 2024 the Holy Ghost will launch you out somebody this year your ministry will be launched your destiny will be launched in the name of Jesus number seven am I correct have I given you six number seven he will impact you with supernatural gifts and make you a solution to your world he will impact you with spiritual gifts and you see a man of God stand like this and operating gifts of the spirit that is the work of the Holy Spirit they didn't burn him with it if you remove the Holy Spirit is empty praise the Lord praise the Lord let me show you something from scripture first Corinthians chapter 12 from verse 4 to verse 11 first Corinthians chapter 12 from verse 4 to verse 11 first Corinthians chapter 12 from verse 4 to verse 11 now we say now there are diversities of gifts but what come on speak the word of God but what same spirit diversity 10 kinds of it but the same spirit hallelujah go on let's run to this by use of administration but them Lord verse 6 he says and there are diversities of operation of operations but it is the same God which worketh all in all move on it says but the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit with all somebody by the force of the spirit this year you will profit we make again for two one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the world of knowledge by the same spirit move on to another faith by the same spirit to another the gift of healing by the same spirit to another the working of vehicle to another prophecy to earning of spirit that diver kinds of tongues to another interpretation of tongues yes he said but all these market that one and the self same spirit dividing on to every man several as he will somebody said the same so is the distributor of gifts somebody to 24 gift your units some of you you will create in the gifts of the spirit this year in the name of Jesus the number 8 he was trending you with might in your inner man efficient chapter 3 and verse 16 he was trending you with might in your inner man number 9 the Holy Spirit will defend you in the battles of life I want to make it 10 before my time is up the Holy Spirit will defend you in the battles of life Isaiah chapter 59 and verse 19 the Bible say when the enemy shall call me like a flawed he said it is the spirit of the Lord that will raise a standard against them and that's why you have to always be in the spirit and I hear a man that's what the scripture is that no weapon formed against you shall prosper is because you are putting on the anointing you are putting on the Holy Spirit I pray for somebody 2024 every arrow fire in your direction it will backfire your amen is not good or the Holy Ghost will defend you this year when the enemy rise up against you this year the Holy God against them in the name of Jesus and number 10 the Holy Spirit will make your life productive effective and supernaturally fruitful if you want your life to be fruitful this year you need a Holy Spirit you want your life to be fruitful this year you need the Holy Spirit Isaiah chapter 32 and verse 15 chapter 32 and verse 15 hallelujah thank you Jesus thanks everyone let us read it together loud and clear let's go on to the spirit be poured upon us from on high and the wilderness be what a fruitful feed and the fruitful feed be counted for a forest what does that mean when the spirit is poured upon you if your life is like a wilderness now we are nothing good is coming out the Bible is said by the activity of the spirit your life will be fruitful somebody this year supernaturally the Holy Ghost we make your life fruitful the speed of the Lord said to me that this is going to be our supernatural result is that so we have to cooperate with the Holy Spirit I don't know why you have been trying to do that I've been difficult for you this year 2024 by the help of the spirit it will be easy for you the Holy Ghost we cause you to produce results this year in the name of Jesus so what does it take for you to flow with the spirit just one thing hunger somebody's a hunger say it again say it one more time if anyone that is let him come if anyone is not asking is you know but that'll come praise God because spiritual things are very very expensive God don't give them to people who don't value them if you are hungry for the Holy Spirit and we come into you John chapter 7 from verse 37 let's rise up to our feet John chapter 7 from verse 37 the Bible say in the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying if any man task let him come on to me and drink move on he that believed on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water verse 39 but this speak he of the spirit which they that believe on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified the good news is that Jesus has been glorified can I hear amen say Jesus has been glorified he died he resurrected and he went to the throne of glory the Bible say he made this pronouncement ahead of time that if anyone is past you won't Jesus is glorified all you need is to be hungry all you need is to be thirsty as a believer and then you'll be free are there thirsty people here this morning are there hungry people here this morning are there people who want to operate with the Holy Spirit this morning now let me hear you shout a very loud hallelujah shout a very loud hallelujah everybody rise up to your feet rise up to your feet close your eyes it is those who are born again that can receive the spirit if you are not born again you cannot be filled with the spirit but if you are born again you are a believer all you need is the hunger it has to pray and then you receive so let's take the first step if you are here this morning you are not yet born again and you want the Holy Spirit and you want to give your life to Jesus it's a simple prayer just raise up your hand I will pray for your salvation and then we will now pray for the feeling you are here this morning you want to make Jesus your Lord and Savior you want to be born again can you please raise up your hand let me pray for the forgiveness of your sin so that you can be a part of this hallelujah glory be to God everybody want to get here somebody shout hallelujah shout hallelujah are you ready for the infamy now you are not asking me now are you ready for the infamy somebody just said yeah I'm not ready for ministry now it's not about ministry if we take your life to a new level when Isaac sold in that land and had 104 returns you know that man was not a preacher but that is what he had was a supernatural result because the Holy Spirit was at what he's like he heard the Holy Spirit told him don't travel like every other person everybody they are leaving just stay here do business he was he had the Holy Spirit you you had Joseph you Joseph yeah that guy was not a preacher he shook Egypt you have you that's what God is talking about everybody here to come on preachers I'm doing here holy amen are you sure you want the Holy Spirit are you sure you want the Holy Spirit up your two hands lift up your two hands you can do this in two minutes and for those who are thirsty for those who are hungry right now you'll be filled and for those of you I've been in the street for those of you who want gifts those of you want your life to move to a new level close your eyes close your eyes and express your hunger right now in just 30 seconds express your hunger express your hunger express your hunger tell the Lord Jesus Lord I am thirsty I am hungry I want a new experience