Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The podcast hosts discuss the idea of taking first dates more seriously and incorporating survival skills as a way to assess compatibility. They propose the concept of a "first date combine" where potential partners are tested on various skills such as running, fixing a car, and self-defense. They also discuss the film "Jason's Lyric" and express confusion about its genre and storyline, noting that it focuses on trauma and substance abuse but also tries to incorporate a love story. They critique the film's quality and suggest that it may not hold up well in today's standards. You are now tuned into the most ignorant podcast in America, this is the Unemployment Line, I am the D.O.K. and I'm sitting here with my man, Larry P. What you got to say my man? I think we should start, I know like last year we talked about, we had a whole show talking about first dates and stuff. But I really think we need to start taking first dates a lot more seriously. And we need to start getting outside of like, you know, your regular eating, dining, chilling. And I think survival, survival skills should be first dates. Because last thing you want to do is take a girl out on a date, go eat, find that child mesh. And then, you know, a year or two later, something pop off and you realize that she can't really run fast. So first dates, take her to the track. See how fast she can run. You know what I'm saying? You got to know like certain situations that you got to put your girl in certain situations. Like if you really want this to be your girl, your future wife, whatever. Like the last thing that you want to do is realize that she can't run fast. Hey, that's a million dollar idea. It's the first date combine. Yeah. We can set that up. All we need, we can go find like one of these shut down like grocery stores or gyms or something like that. And we can set up a whole first date combine of survival skills you may need in a relationship. For example, like maybe you don't know if your man know how to change a tire. You're going to have a broken down car sitting in the middle. And, you know, let's figure it out. Can your man change your tire? These are things you might want to know when you're in a relationship. Can you put together a bookshelf? It's a stop mass shooter in Walmart. And then what does she do? Does she does she run? Somebody just slapped your girl on the butt. Does your man have hands? Yeah, exactly. You just throw him a pair of boxing gloves and see what he got. That's definitely that's definitely a good first date. Like a lot of women need to understand like what they man are capable of. Because a lot of people don't really a lot of these women really don't know if they man really got hands or not. They just know like, well, I feel like he can protect me. And then he get in the situation and you realize that your man can't fight. And then right after you put your man through that, you turn the door and you go through the next door. And then what are you in a kitchen? And you think, oh, I'm just testing him. And no, no, no. He testing you. It's just going to be ingredients, no recipe, no directions. Fix your man something to eat. Figure out what you figure out what y'all can eat today with this. I think we should do this. We should start this. We should start this up. It's first date combine. Figure out and then after the first date, after everything that they go through, you see what she working with and what he working with. Are y'all going to go on the second date? That's how the show ends. Mm hmm. Are y'all going on a second date? And he say, you know what? You know what, Larry? I think I will take on the second date. However, she has to agree to put them in separate rooms. And then you don't know. I don't know how to walk through the door. I don't know. He had a lot of like good potential. But the way that he was fighting in that in that slap box in the ring, I don't really know. What's funny is you walk in the room and you don't see him there. But he also has to record a video for you if he don't choose you. Like, yeah, man, when you was in there making them pancakes, I was looking at you like, man, I'm going to be lumpy. So and at that moment, I decided I didn't want to go into the second date. I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors. My mom always told me a woman that burned eggs could not be a woman. But how you burn eggs? Exactly. Exactly. You know, when I start, I judge people and I don't mean anything against y'all, because I know y'all y'all millennials and Gen Z y'all y'all live your life different. But I know the way I grew up and when somebody tells me they're making rice and they either pull out a rice cooker or a bag of rice that communicates to me. Maybe you don't know how to cook. Maybe you don't know how to cook. Yeah, I stay away from the rice. Like, unless it's like, you know, that rice in the bag. I could just pop in there, pop in the joint, pop in the water and boil it for like five minutes. Like rice cookers. I don't seen people mess up rice in the rice cooker. I don't seen a lot of stuff going on. How you mess up rice in the rice cooker? You set it and forget it. Let me tell you something. I don't seen people burn rice in the rice cooker. Follow the recipe. Burn rice in the rice cooker, buddy. And it might sound like archaic and he man woman haterish. But I want you to understand that probably the greatest household expense outside of like overhead, like outside of like your rent or mortgage is probably food. You spend more money on food per month than probably anything other than the place you live and child care. If you got kids telling you, you might want to learn how to cook. It's going to save you a lot of money in the long run. Yeah. But speaking of saving money, what are we talking about this week on the unemployment line? We talk about my boy G money. He didn't. This movie did come. This movie came out after New Jack City. I don't know. This is 94. It's a terrible classic terror. Y'all probably saw the title, but it's terrible. Classics. Jason's lyric this week. Ninety four came out. I know this came out after. Let me check. That's a research. It came out at the Ministry of Society. OK, so this is so Jada had already been in a movie up to this point. Alan Payne had already been in the movie up in this point. Why am I not connected to the Wi-Fi? What is wrong with me? The Wi-Fi got to connect to the Wi-Fi. Jason's lyric is ninety four. New Jack City is. Ninety one. Yeah. So G money had been in these streets for a while. So G money been in these streets and became a slave and G money thinks he is. And I'm just going to start with my first grievance. Why does G. Why was Alan paying a sex symbol in the early 90s? This man is naked a lot in this movie for no reason. Harry naked, too. Like when him and his brother are playing basketball. First of all, let me just start here. Him and his brother playing basketball. Have you ever seen somebody get dunked on in a pickup one on one game? How low was that room? No, I mean, I'm too gay. Only like never in real life does this happen. But for what? No reason. Shirts off there several times is just he was just finding reasons to take his shirt off. And I want to know. And I don't know. It might be your aunties, your mamas. I don't know what age y'all all listen to this, but who was it that told Alan Payne he was sexy? Well, you know, back in the day, you know, that light skin, light skin was in. But the Harry, I guess they had to live with that, man. You know, the light skin was in the light skin, light skin, good hair, good old the bars looking. But he had good hair on his head. He didn't have good hair on his chest. Yeah, I know. But I'm just saying. But which we were subjected to a lot in this film as well. Yeah, I didn't want to dress like his hair, his hairy butt. But it was it was there. There was hair everywhere except his back. He didn't have hair on his back because it was all on his chest. Surprisingly, it's crazy. So for those of you who have not seen this film or have not seen it in a while, this movie is basically about from my perspective and Larry, you may disagree. I feel like this movie is about two brothers dealing with trauma, but they try to shoehorn a love story in there. It's the way I view it. Honestly, after watching the movie, I really don't know what the movie is about. I don't know what like like I really just felt like they were trying to tell so many different stories. I don't know if this is supposed to be like a classic or if it's supposed to be a black romance. Well, it feels very at this point because this movie came out 30 years ago. So at this point in my life, I feel like it feels very B.T. movie of the weekish in terms of its quality. I feel like at the time that it was released, it was more of a a bigger deal than this. If this film was made today, it would be like this. This movie would not make it past to be at this point. Like, like, like. So this is and this is the reason why I don't really understand what this movie is, is because if you look at like a movie like Menace to Society, a movie like Boys in the Hood, I feel like those movies hold up. Yeah. But what I'm saying is when you look at those movies, you know what those movies are like this. Menace to Society is a movie about, you know, a black man in the hood, ghetto life, boys in the hood, black men in the hood, ghetto life. Now, there may be a love interest in that movie where they have like, you know, where you got Cuba Gooding and his love. Was it Nia Long? Yeah. Him and Nia Long in that movie. And then you have Jada and and Kane in Menace to Society. But in Jason's lyric, it just seems like they want you to think like it's the hood. But then at the same time, it's like they go strong on the romance to like poetic justice. You know what that is. That's a love movie with some good tendencies. But Jason's lyric is like we was like we wanted to be hood and we wanted to be lovely. But this movie is about. I feel like the love story is so secondary to the entire story. This movie is about dealing with trauma and substance abuse. But the way that they try to present the substance abuse doesn't make sense because Mad Dog got shot because he was dealing with the trauma of losing his leg in the war. And then he developed a drinking problem. Right. Yeah. Then Joshua is struggling with dealing with things because he also has a drinking problem. But this is my problem with this is my problem with Jason's lyric as well. At least so many open questions that just by the time you finish, like you watch the movie and you in the movie with more questions than you had before you started it. Like. You think that you in the movie, you finally think that you're going to get to a point where they explain why Josh is so crazy and in and out of jail, because at first you think, oh, he's in and out of jail because, you know, ever since he shot his father, you know, he's gone down a troubled path after that. Then you realize he wanted the one that shot his father. So then what set him off? Because the one that shot Mad Dog was Jason. And Jason was supposed to be the traumatic plot twist. Oh, what a twist. Because what they're trying to paint it to you as is Joshua shot his daddy. That's the way they try to present the whole movie. And then it turns out, oh, it was Jason who shot his daddy. So what? Joshua was so messed up. Oh, yeah. So then you think like, I was with Joshua. Did Joshua like take the rap and say, I, you know, I'm saying I'm gonna go to jail for you. But then you realize maybe they did think that. But then they realized, oh, they kids, they can't go to jail as kids. So then they like, oh, OK. So I was watching it with my old lady and I was like, I was like, no, nobody went to jail. They just shot him and Mad Dog just died. He just died. So here's my first unanswerable question. What happened after Mad Dog got shot? Did they cover this up? Did Gloria take the rap for the kids? Did they try to present it like, hey, man, it was self-defense. Like, how did nobody know? Was there no criminal investigation on how this dead man is just this dead war veteran is just right here on the floor? Gloria should at least have been questioned for negligence. Where? Exactly. Yeah. How did they just have easy access to a weapon? Yeah. And also now know how to get to it. No safety on the gun. And, you know, he just picks it up and he claims he shot him on accident. But then later in the movie, when Joshua was about to shoot Jada Pinkett, he was I don't want to have to do this again. So now you shot your daddy on purpose. Yeah. So like at the part where he did reveal that he shot his daddy, Jada Pinkett was consoling him. Talk about it's not your fault. It's not your fault. I was like, well, who's fault is it? You picked up the gun and pointed it at your daddy. I turned around. My daddy was coming towards me. I turned around and shot him. Whose fault is it? Don't tell nobody. Stop telling people that it ain't their fault when it's their fault. Like that's his fault. And his mama talk about mad dog. Nobody killed mad dog. Mad dog died in that war. No, no. Somebody killed mad dog. And it was you. And Jason did. Stop trying to console this grown man. Y'all been lying to Jason all his life telling him it's not his fault. This grown man has killed his daddy. Y'all keep trying to console him and tell him that you ain't kill your daddy. Yes, you did. You killed your daddy. What happened to my daddy? You killed him, Jason. You don't remember? I want my daddy back. Well, maybe you shouldn't have killed him, Jason. You went in there, you grabbed mama's gun, you brought it back out. Your brother was watching. You shot your daddy in front of your brother. It's you. It is you. You are the source of some of your problems. Yeah. But like I said, at the end of the day, it's never explained why Josh is so turned out because you would think it should be Jason. But Jason is working about to be assistant manager, you know, in Dallas, Texas. Mind you, this is all based in Houston, Texas. It's Houston. Yeah. But the accent makes you feel like they in they in deep, deep south Georgia or something. The way they talk, it's like who has the worst accent in this movie? You know, I didn't pay attention to it like for a very long time. Jada Pickett keeps trying to push her accent, which was very bad. But I'm just trying to get out of the ghetto. But she had like a I don't know if she had done. I don't think she had done a different world at this point. Or maybe she had, but she was trying to do her best impression of Whitley Gilbert in this movie. Alan Payne had the worst accent. I didn't even notice Alan Payne's accent like other people. I've seen that when I was doing research about the movie with so many people complaining about his accent. But it sounded like Alan Payne to me. That was the problem with his accent. He would he would talk regularly and then like every now and again when he put the accent on, he would sound like a runaway slave. And then Bokey and Woodbine, I don't even think he tried to use accent. He didn't even try. He just said, I'm gonna be crazy. He said, either y'all gonna get crazy or y'all gonna get ass. And they said, just give us crazy. So speaking of I got you, when we come back, I want to talk about the the actual good parts of this movie. I don't want to just slander the movie, the whole show, but then we'll get back to slander.